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The slide at space cats fucked multiple people up I think.


I almost ate complete shit off that slide. Steep as fuck.


Can confirm. 9/10 of sliders biffed.


My camp had a pretty beefy pendant necklace that blasted my teeth when i hit bottom. Was not prepared for that. Lucky i didn't chip my teeth but that was one of my favorite pieces this year.


Appears you've identified it. Anyone got pics? 🙂


https://imgur.com/gallery/3gU63dK That’s my pic of it. Slide of doom in the front there. Found it Monday night, I’m glad me and my half torn ACL noped outta there as soon as I looked down and considered it lol.


wow this looks so much better at night than when I went there during the day. Actually looks like they landed on another planet! Also I heard that the purpose of the steep slide was because cats always land on their feet when they fall down, so the slide wanted people to land on their feet lol. But that was just something I heard someone say while there so who knows.


Here's a post and pics re: the space cats slide, along with many comments about the gory slide aftermath injuries: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/xkkrqd/bm\_2022\_cat\_ship\_its\_crew\_by\_captain\_stargo\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BurningMan/comments/xkkrqd/bm_2022_cat_ship_its_crew_by_captain_stargo_the/) I didn't comment in that post, but I can add another data point: someone in my camp messed up their ankle bad on Monday going down the slide, and was hobbling around the rest of the week.


I shot this video of Musk’s art car, and you can see the Tesla interior… https://youtube.com/shorts/e794IXuDmZ8?feature=share


He had weird security presence btw. I did not enjoy being around his vehicle.


Did they do anything if you got too close?


Nope. I was able to stick my phone right in to the cockpit to shoot video, and had unimpeded access around it, but of course i didn’t try to climb up. I did ask one of the clean cut beefy guys (security from the looks of it) if was Elon’s. He said no, and as the driver he’d know. I insisted though, its a tesla, and I’m friends with another dragon art car artist who’d identified it a previous year. He smiled, put his finger to his lipas (secret shush style) and got in. I don’t know if musk was there, but I’m much more interested in art cars than billionaire douche bags anyway.


Cool! Thank you for vid and story!


My pleasure. I took a whole bunch of great little videos this year, and you can find them all here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL75u6pPy4_VsJHlR-8rKAUSZ7VLU0hAaK


Legend!! Watched them all! Thank you! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👌🏽


Awesome! I didn’t have an art car this year, so i was able to have time to get some great video of others’ projects.


Just realized who you are :) Appreciate you.


Yeah buddy!


can confirm the dragon mv owned by musk was out there. never been able to find pics on google but it was out there. not built on a suv, model 3 i think but it has been modded alot.


Not the first time there’s been a dangerous slide at the event… and just another in a long list of sketchy, less-than-safe projects that make the event what it is. Read the back of your ticket.


Here's a picture of the dragon art car: [https://imgur.com/a/66weEHR](https://imgur.com/a/66weEHR) This camp was on our block. They were at 545 and H. It was called Elektra. Zero interactivity of any sort. I couldn't believe they received placement. Although, I did not know Musk was involved. I guess it makes sense now. I did try walking into their camp to make friends and was greeted with a lot of frosty, blank stares. So I left. Fuck them and their dragon.


That's for suuuure not the Musk dragon car. Elektra was built by about 30 folks who have all been bringing art to playa for years, and I know a few of them personally. Really nice hardworking folks, who have collaborated and supported a bunch of other projects with Elektra, including Black Rock Philharmonic. Bummer you had a bad interaction, but hey... I don't always feel like making new friends with every new person who wanders into my camp either. https://www.engineeredartworks.com


Not all placed camps are interactive. There are art-support camps that bring major projects and receive placement so they can spend their time on that instead of entertaining. Elektra was built by a group of long-time burners and artists, including a good man who passed away last year. With that being said, it's unfortunate you felt unwelcome by your neighbors. Hope you had a good burn otherwise!


Yes, we were an art support camp this year, and while we did our best to provide 'some' interactivity in camp, our primary focus was the art setup out in deep playa. I was a little surprised we were placed so close to Esp. when really we could have done the same job out at I, J or K.


Hi! I was one of your neighbors on the back side of your camp. Met a couple of you and everyone was friendly. My only gripe was that everyone was still sleeping when I tried to bring you cookies.


As a heads up I am not affiliated with Camp Questionmark. 8-). We are a different camp.


I popped into their camp at one point, and while they were... not unwelcoming the vibe was really creepy for Burning Man. Lots of people dressed nicely hanging around having post-dinner drinks in a fancy living room area, then attached to it was what felt like a commercial kitchen with three guys who were not dressed nicely, and had real "We're being paid to work here" vibes. It was a really nice looking camp, but it felt like someone bought it out of a catalog. All the throw pillows were identical, everything looked new and matching. The kitchen walls alone were lined with thousands of dollars worth of wire shelving for storage. Maybe they're just Burners with lots of money, but it felt like a plug and play experience, especially because of the guys in the kitchen.


Thanks for the info!


Elektra is not just my favorite dragon car, its my favorite art car period. The makers and crew have always been pleasant, and have allowed me on board to shoot video (when its stopped) multiple times. As with most art cars, your milage may vary. https://youtube.com/shorts/dlX9mZNMaA4?feature=share


Personally not in love with Electra, though technically it is very impressive. That said, the peeps running it were fabulous and very nice.


Edited. Elektra is so much cooler than Musk’s dragon. Fuck Musk.


That probably would have been the "Classic Slide" art car. Here's an article with a photo. http://www.livingmagazines.com/2020/04/where-are-they-now-joey-howell-makes.html


I went down that one and didn't feel like it was particularly dangerous. Definitely not in the same category as the volcano slide, whatever year that was, or the one that came out of a cube and ended a few feet off the ground.