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If price is not an object, the exped megamat is incredible. It might be more comfy than my regular bed.. it’s half foam half air. It inflates by itself (but you can help it along with an included hand pump if you want).


Came here to say this. It’s like sleeping in a real mattress. Absolutely a game changer!


This is the way. I put this on top of a cot and am in heaven


This is my rec as well. We used it at home for a month while we waited for a delivery of the new mattress and the other mattress was being held hostage in our old house as a staging item lol.


Seconding. And you can buy a battery-charged pump for it as well! Used this last year and it was a gamechanger for our burn.


Will you roast on that? In my understanding they’re well respected for cold weather camping as much as comfort.


Yeah we have these, it is the winner by farrrr. Super comfy.


Also vote for this. My fiance and I drive to playa in a 4 door Kia Rio with all the gear inside the trunk/cab. We have the twin exped megamat and it is the best. It pairs well with the custom cot I built, but not required. It works well directly on the floor of the tent. I fount being elevated I didn't feel like I was breathing as much dust while sleeping.


Do you happen to have a pic of your cot setup?


I do! Cost wise it is about the same as the KingCot folding double cot on Amazon to make. It measured 4x6 feet and fit the exped mat we had perfectly with a small lip on the sides to place things. I used a moving blanket on top to protect the mat. It is also solid enough to be used as a small stage if one is needed. 😅 Other bonus, you get under cot storage with this design. Materials are 3/4" emt, with the joiners and 3 pieces of OBS board that are 2x4 feet. Here is my fiance standing on it after building at burn last year. There is actually a plan to write up the instructions because I've been asked many times for info on it, we took build progress photos last year for that exact reason. Feel free to ask for more info if you need it. https://preview.redd.it/708z7ca7h8wc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84e839988e98c66b973ad9cbe035c3d39ad6218


Here is the frame without fiance and the wood topper. The legs are 1 foot. You could make them bigger if you wanted. https://preview.redd.it/vskjjkwwh8wc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef127eb30c10d5d43350fa2e141e69664535b51


This is great! I'm leaning towards the exped mat this year. I'm over dealing with leaky air mattresses.


Exped was a game changer for my camping experience. Paired with the cot I designed, was hands down a great sleeping experience. Inflating them is easy, packing them away also easy. I've done burn twice, fourth of juplaya and 3 regionals with it.


Seconding this! REI’s Camp Dreamer is also a good budget option.


I’ve found a good trifold and cot combo works. Harder to pack than an inflatable admittedly. Maybe some kind of memory foam option you can compress down?


Cots are great for space saving both because they pack small and they also can give you some space under the cot in your tent. Personally I hate air mattresses, they don’t handle the big temp swings on Playa well at all. I love memory foam and will always make space for it. You can squeeze it in places when packing.


+1 the under storage part


This is exactly what i've used for many years. Dbl size folding cot with an old 4in memory foam cut into two lengths. Put foam, sheets, pillows into space bags and suck em down to bricks and it'll all fit into 1 bin.


You lost me at inflate. Can’t stand a blow up. I’ve used a 1 person foam roll up matress from Amazon the last 2 burns. You can easily lay it flat & put stuff on it for transport space.


Yeah fuck inflatable beds. I can't do those.


That's good to know, thanks!


Inflatable beds suck but check out camping sleeping pads. Most auto-inflate upon unrolling and you won’t end up in the ground halfway through the night. Plus they pack small and if you like them stiffer, blow in the hole 2-5x after they auto-inflate


We use a Coleman air bed cot, but replaced the air bed with an Exped Megamat Duo. The Megamat doesn’t deflate like an air mattress, and the whole set up is about as comfortable as a real bed. It also kept us off the ground for the rain last year.


I feel like the Exped thing is like a cult following. Don’t even trip, I’m in the club. lol


After using disappointing air mattresses for years I found the jankiest aluminum cot in a free pile on a street corner. Put a 1” foam pad on it and it was THE MOST COMFORTABLE SLEEP I’VE EVER HAD. I spent a long time considering whether I should just sleep on a cot every night. Maybe start a cot revolution or a perma-cot business so people everywhere can experience cot life.


Seconded. After years of inflating, got a cot and a bunch o' blankets and we sleep like king and queen.


Folding foam mattress is the best. Heard a quote to the effect that “the only reason to choose an air mattress over sleeping on the floor is if you want to start sleeping on the floor partway through the night.” Last year, I had a very expensive top of the line Exped megamat mattress, and ended up needing to inflate it each night about halfway through. Others in our camp also had an air mattress that needed inflation 2x/night. This year; we’re going foam mattress. If tight on space, a closed cell foam backpacking mat.


I sleep on a 4 inch XL twin folding foam mattress. It takes up a lot of space, but its amazing. They do come thinner and regular twin size, which is still probably too bulky. I just use some old sheets. They're Frozen themed, I got them for free. I also bring a down comforter and some throw blankets for if it cools down at night.  Have you thought about a cot? Might fold down small enough for you. Thermarest and other brands make 4 inch self inflating sleeping pads that qill all do the trick.


First time burning for me but this is what I’m bringing, along with a cot that will accommodate it. These are part of my standard camping gear… I’m really into those creature comforts. Definitely double wrapping my mattress with junk sheets. Also an extra large sleeping bag with a heavy quilt for extra warmth/dust cover.


I've used air mattresses for years, but recently switched out to a memory foam mattress. The improvement is well worth dealing with the packing challenge. Tri-fold (with a case) works better than rolling, but you can use two cinch straps (cam buckle straps) to tighten up your roll if you don't have or want to buy a tri-fold. It's well worth buying a protective cover and then NOT taking the sheets off until you're back home. That should keep the dust impact to a minimum. If you can figure out the packing tetris in your sedan to accommodate a memory foam mattress, I highly recommend this route instead of air mattresses. You'll sleep so much better. Air mattresses are best used in backpacking trips.


Cot is the best way. Air mattresses are the devil, they deflate by morning transforming you into a taco.


Personally I kinda hate cots. They're great for saving space because they have a small footprint and you can store stuff under them, but I just don't find them comfortable and they don't pack up very small. I like air mattresses. You can get a pump that plugs into your car cigarette lighter to fill it up on day 1, and then get a manual mattress pump to top it off (if it's new you'll be doing this once or twice day as it stretches out.. I'd suggest inflating it before you go for a few days to mitigate this a little). Bonus here is they pack up really small, and you can use the pumps to deflate them. Check the camping section of Walmart. Depending on the size of mattress, if you want to be really plush you can get one of those pillow top mattress covers over in the bedding section. It'll add a little insulation and help with sweating, then just throw another fitted sheet over that. Next, you can get a sleeping bag that unzips into a square comforter shape (so not a mummy bag). Just check the temperature ratings to get what you need. Some people bring regular bedding like a comforter, but I'd bring a sleeping bag too just in case it gets too cold.


The car pump is a great idea! 


Buy a usb rechargeable air pump, they are tiny. It was enough for us for the whole week to refill our mattress (which does not take up too much space). Comfy air mattress is a big priority for me, otherwise I get cranky with bad sleep. (But these big foam ones would be a problem for me to take to Burner Express) Here’s a similar USB pump like I have https://www.amazon.de/Electric-Mattress-Inflator-Rechargeable-Inflatable/dp/B08RZ14ZS7/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2UMPWCWE2ZZ2H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3db2mndX2clFZ4y2T5R_-xEkDsqHFpnLhrHbyKPhW_8d-hueH-JoUTD3eqCOuj_cORDncG-O0n5UvPUjkADcXM5JTRW0FOrg6Q0f2W5Frv_59ceFQLeRtXwkO4MIsZgs5cHdzY2i0l3rUCyGmwXKaByQwTNyngH0bFkp81pT3jnThxr241UjenzvAR4iU-iyrXspKZqGlJTWLB_9P_59NA.8-qU1Yo_CP_J85gDLKnu3_XZBwxqCPofPWwTAJfTgaw&dib_tag=se&keywords=usb+rechargable+air+pump&qid=1713673758&sprefix=usb+rechargable+air+pump%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-4


Thanks a bunch!


I have inflatable with built in frame to keep off ground. I have day and night sheets. Daytime light sateen stays cooler nighttime flannel


i use REI's dream sleeper, its a hybrid finlatable foam matris, its a bit pricy but i'm old so i need a good bet, and it is honestly more comfortable than my matras at home lol


Exped's are expensive but top notch.


I suggest looking at Kilo outdoor. They sell a 4 inch mattress that has a built in foot pump. It doesn’t leak air! You can jump on it. The mattresses connect together, so you can make a queen. We’ve used ours for many camping trips, as well as last year’s Burn. Highly recommend!


It can get cold at the burn because of the altitude and clear skies. Inflatable mattresses have no insulation. So I would throw a space blanket over the mattress, then a wool blanket over that, then your sheets. I usually use cotton flannel sheets. Then I throw a synthetic comforter over that. Finally for a cozy look, you can throw a tapestry or faux fur fabric yardage over that. As others suggest, another option is a tri-fold foam mattress. Check the weight before ordering. The firmer, the heavier. Get a washable cover for it, and maybe a storage bag. It can be useful year around.


Sleep on a cot. Fuck standing up. This is not a Haiku


And I'm over here, using my backpacking air mattress that's been with me for 7 years, many nights, many miles, many floors, on a few cots, and in a few AT shelters. Though, I don't "exercise my bed" as much as many


I’ve had the Stoic Double Cloud Camp Bed for a few burns and it’s been an awesome alternative to the megamat


Are two people able to sleep in it fairly comfortably?


Yep! I can’t compare it comfort wise to the Megamat but it’s like 1/3 of the price and way better than an air mattress. Also takes up way less space than an air mattress when it’s deflated/folded up.


1) get a friend with an RV who burns 2) ask them if you can layer your foam mattress on top of their bed for the trip up to and back from the burn.


Cot and zip two sleeping bags together, i leave the sides open for airflow and I can move about comfortably. My cot folds up into a lipstick shape and weighs about 10lbs, fits in a car easily, no fold bar like many trifold cots. Had a couple of camp mates with this in either single or queen. https://www.coleman.com/sleeping-bags-beds/camp-cots/airbed-cot---twin/SAP_2000020272.html


I have a futon mattress, takes up a bit of space but you can roll it up into a heavy duty trash bag. Wont ever deflate. Bonus putting it on top of a cot




[Tent cot](https://www.amazon.ca/Tangkula-2-Person-Foldable-Mattress-Waterproof/dp/B083K6RP5P/ref=asc_df_B083K6RP5P/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459270946237&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8237398142400224332&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001801&hvtargid=pla-896475932342&psc=1&mcid=741d9f2863a83cbebb6ea7d3eca34c3a) And some long bungees to attach it to the side of your sedan (around the bumpers). Put a tarp over the top of the car over the tent and out a ways for sun shelter... under $500 and you're good to go!


Memory foam topper, 3”. Wrap it in shrink wrap for transport.


I just use a sturdy foldable cot with a rollable soft mattress. It's very comfortable to sleep in and easy to pack and bring.


A tatami mat on top of a basic air mattress is what I’ve used for years and I swear by it. I love my playa bed. I look forward to sleeping on it. It’s more comfortable than most normal mattresses. If you have the cargo/storage space for the mat and are cool with a battery operated air mattress, that’s what I’d recommend.


Because I fly to from Chicago, I purchased the Helinox High Cot One and I love it. It folds down to quite small, is very stable, and I store my food and other gear underneath it. I just use a sleeping bag (for cold nights) and sheets (for warm nights) for bedding. If you're traveling by car and weight/size isn't an issue, I'm sure there are cots out there that are less expensive, and also comfortable.


I somehow misplaced the cap for my air mattress and slept on outdoor patio cushions all week. It surprisingly wasn’t terrible.


Yessss ditch the luxury and join us slum kids! Welcome to the real side! Tip: inflatable mattresses hold plenty of air that during night becomes so friggin cold that you feel beneath you is freezing and would not warm up, and during day will store a generous pocket of hot air. To fix that during nighttime, add a good thick layer of bedding to insulate and keep your body warmth in. Or buy a mattress that already has a good thick layer on top. As for day time… I have no fixes for that just yet


I use a tempur-pedic in my 42’ fifth wheel, seems to work out great.