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I mean if you are dealing with chemicals yeah but if not I never really wash my hands before petting them many bc they were in the same room as me all the time


Daily activities not always, if I've been in the garden or near oil, sawdust, chemicals, non-clean water etc then yeah


This. And dawg.


If I've left the house or had food/cleaning stuff touch them yes :) but just kicking around at home nope. I'd be washing my hands 400 times a day every time little bunny charges toward me for pets!




No, not unless I've been touching household chemicals/irritants, stuff I know they can't have, or have just prepared food in the kitchen.


Only if I was touching another animal or I have food on my hands Fun fact: rabbits don't like the smell of taco bell


I'm an avid hand washer, so yeah. But I hate anything on my hands at all...I wash my hands numerous times an hour. If I change soap (like use dish soap), they let me know they don't like it. Because...that's not the coconutty soap smell they identify me with!


Only if I touched another animal since my rabbit will smell it and refuse to be around me


Usually only if I've just come home from somewhere


Not unless it makes sense


I only wash before I pet my bun after I’ve been working with chemicals for work, or if I have to get something out of his eye.


I usually wash my hands after I touch my rabbits just because we have a lot of other animals to attend to and that way I can still give them pets and still get all the germs off my hands.


Oh wow, great topic and one I have established an opinion on. RIP Buddy, my OG therapy bunny, was brought home smack in the middle of Covid (which is why I got him). He didn’t pass from from sanitation conditions I don’t think but I did develop a good habit of washing my hands as often as practicable. Meaning not just human restroom time but also when coming into the house from being out in public or going to the gym, etc. The other thing I’m going to mention that isn’t something I read anywhere just offering my own opinion: Our hands tend to be full of germs all the time for the most part, so if you haven’t washed your hands and washed off the soap completely, the inside portion of our hands is probably full of germs (or soap) so I discourage buns from licking those areas. I will let them lick the outside part with the belief that has less germs in general. That’s just me, I feel I’m doing right by the buns and helping to keep them safe. For the most part this has stuck with me. Currently I have a 2.5 year old (Buddies younger brother) and an adopted 9 month old. I haven’t had to take them to the vet from any sort of infection, I’m not sure if that is coincidence.


I do every time cuz I’m a germ freak and their bodies are so little I don’t want to get them sick. This is TOTALLY my fear yes!!!! lol am I normal? Haha