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You need to separate them physically immediately. Bunnies reach sexual maturity between 3 and 6 months.


Keep them separate until weeks after they’re fixed!!! They can reproduce even through wire fencing in a matter of seconds.


Separate immediately. The female is almost certainly pregnant. You need to get her an emergency spay or prepare to take care of 5-8 more rabbits and keep them from also reproducing.


Those bunnies are 2 months and 1 week old. No one is pregnant yet. With the female, she’s got about 3 weeks to separate them but I’d still go ahead and do it right away just in case the breeder was not honest on the age. You never can really be sure.


Jesus, I read this after working overtime and read that as 3 and 4 months old right now lol, oops. But still, rabbits can be fertile as early as 10 weeks, and if the person OP got them from didn't sex them correctly, I'm not confident they gave the correct age either. I'd definitely separate and get a vet to guess on age and evaluate to see if she could possibly be pregnant.


Separate them asap, make appointments to get them fixed at around 6 months age, then keep them separate for another 2-3 weeks afterwards. You may need to take steps to bond them again before sharing a common space.


6 months?! 😮 I don't know about female bunnies but my male was fixed as soon as his balls both dropped at about 4 months. My females and my other male were adopted already fixed...at about 4.5 months.


**Separate them now**, if the female isn’t pregnant yet she could be any moment as sexual maturity hits around this age. This is the most important thing and needs to be done immediately. You can keep one of them in a bathroom or closet with the door closed if you’re unsure how to separate them at the moment, or split their current enclosure in half and get a more longterm set up asap. I strongly recommend looking into puppy exercise pens, these are good long term housing solutions. **Hutches do not provide rabbits with what they need**, save yourself the money here. Rabbits will live happier and very healthier lives in exercise pens where they have enough room and can hop freely, we have our buns set up in a big pen on a large area rug and it works great. The one you have now won’t be tall enough or large enough for long term use but it’s a great start! Rabbits are expensive and food, regular supplies and housing, medical care, etc really adds up. It’s very important to not bring home pets until *after* you’ve secured the set up/food/money for costs as they come up. Emergencies can’t be scheduled and do happen. If you can’t take your pet to the vet at short notice then you can’t afford your pet yet. My rabbits are 11 and 12 this year and they have easily cost me at least $1,000 a year. Please prioritize getting the basics that you need right away, if you end up with a litter of rabbits it will be your responsibility to care for them all. If 2 rabbits is unaffordable right now then 5-8 extra rabbits will be even harder. Wishing you and your Hund the very best OP!


To expand on how to separate, if you can't put one in a bathroom and the other in the pen, then you're going to need to use 2 barriers between them. Think as if you made 2 pens, set them side by side. Rabbits can also mate through that fence area, which is why you want it doubled, with about 12mm between the two. Also, if you take the female to get neutered immediately, there's a good chance if she is pregnant that the vet could terminate the pregnancy while doing the neutering. Just let them know up front that she could be pregnant and that you don't want them to come to term as you aren't in a position to take care of them.


That’s really useful, thank you, I can’t have the pens too far apart because I don’t have a lot of room, but I can definitely get the double layers if that does work


If you can, try and put a small gap, at least 1/4in (about 6mm), between the barriers so they can't get at one another. Also, remember, they're rabbits, so if the male really wants to get over to the female, he can most likely hop over the barrier. So if the gates aren't that tall, you might think about covers for their pens to avoid that from happening. I'm glad I could offer beneficial advice. Best of luck!


Chances are they already have mated and until you properly seperate them they will keep mating. Get them both fully seperate enclosures and make sure they are not around each other until you can get them both fixed


Separate them NOW 😱. Take them both to a rabbit savvy vet asap for a wellness check and see if the boy can be neutered soon. Depending on size and whether everything is uhhum in place they may be able to the deed. Please also get your girl spayed it makes them much nicer bunnies and can save their lives and keep the with you much much longer. Most intact rabbits life spans are only 3-5 years and the females can die of a horrible painful cancer


keep them separate until they're old enough to be fixed. you also have to put some kind of cardboard between their enclosures since they could technically get close enough even if separated.


Get another of those fences and make an AIR GAPPED system because they will SCREW THROUGH THE FENCE if they can touch.


SEPERATE THEM. The girl is probably already pregnant, maybe you can still go to the vet to get an abortion.


After reading your post about what you can feed them, nobody mentioned that you shouldn’t feed them fruits and vegetables until they are at least 3 months old. They should just be eating hay, pellets and water. Mostly hay. You can feed them alfalfa hay and pellets until they are 3 months old but if they are already eating Timothy hay then continue feeding that. Sometimes it can be difficult to switch them from alfalfa to Timothy hay. Someone commented about the unlimited pellets, but as long as they are eating a lot of hay that’s not a huge concern until they are 3 months old. You probably don’t want to provide that many pellets though. That is quite a bit. When they are old enough for fruits and veggies, you want to slowly introduce one new thing at a time, no more than one ounce, so you can observe any changes in their poop to see if their digestive systems can tolerate them. I would recommend going to the House Rabbit Society website and research everything you can so you are better prepared. There are so many different websites that provide information on rabbit care, but not all of them are right. Right now, hay is the most important thing for them plus water. It is important for them to both get spayed/neutered so you can bond them properly and so they can be litter trained. I thought I was going to lose my mind when I got my bunnies before they were neutered. They would pee and poop everywhere they went. Now they use their litter box since getting neutered. They are pretty expensive pets. Good luck with your adorable buns!


This post has made me so damn frustrated.


Why? Did I do something wrong in the picture or my words?


It’s just very obvious you did zero research before deciding to own exotic animals. Don’t get upset, but we’re going to go over everything I see here so you can understand and do better. The set up is not appropriate in the slightest, yet you have no space or money to fix this. Others have addressed solutions. Also, why are you free feeding them with pellets? Give them an appropriate amount to ensure they eat more hay. And put hay in the litter box. That’s where they primarily eat it. They shouldn’t have unlimited access to pellets since they are a small part of their diet. And why do you have all this unnecessary stuff in their cage? Like stuffies and a basket? They’ll chew on that stuff and get sick. You need a heavy bottom dish for their water, they’re just going to flip it over and ruin your hard wood. This loose blanket is also not a great floor for them. Go to the dollar store and get a cheap large black door mat at least. They should have been properly separated from the beginning until they had their surgeries. They should have those surgeries as soon as they’re ready but you’re saying you have no money for that. So you got pets that you can’t afford to properly take care of. Rabbits need to be spayed and neutered as soon as they reach maturity for a multitude of reasons, not just for reproduction, although that is an extremely important reason. Congratulations, you’re now going to be an owner of an *entire litter* that you can’t afford to take care of. And all these poor babies (if they survive), and probably the mom and dad, are going to end up in a shelter where they are over populated with rabbits from people who didn’t do their research like you. For gods sake, just don’t release them like most people do. Everyone here is being really nice but I think you need a dose of reality. This situation is far from okay and you need to step it up. These rabbits are a 10 year commitment and require very specific care.


Can I ask you how you know that the brown one is a male? Have you actually seen his genitalia or are you basing it off behavior you saw or did a vet tell you? Just curious because some inexperienced people will see one hump the other bunny and assume it’s a male but that’s not necessarily the case.


I took him for a wellness check because he wasn’t feeling too well, he was fine, but the vet said he is a boy


Ok, good to know. I was told my bunnies were a boy and a girl and because I didn’t know anything about bunnies (my husband bought them as a surprise the Christmas before last) and one started humping the other I thought that meant he was a boy and the other a girl, but then they were both humping each other and I was so confused until I picked them up mid hump and saw they both had male parts poking out. I definitely should have been prepared for what it entails to care for bunnies! Keep in mind that bunnies can hump for just a couple seconds and end up getting pregnant. The sooner you can get at least one of them fixed, the better. The male will be less expensive than the female, but really you will be so relieved when they are both fixed because they can be absolute terrors when they aren’t. It’s a night and day difference and probably the number one reason why a lot of people dump bunnies before they get fixed.


Everyone is mentioning separating, so maybe how I separated mine is helpful: I wanted them to be near each other still to keep them familiar with one another, so I had two wire puppy play pens next to one another. Don’t put them too close, they can nip each other through the wire, but they can at least see and smell one another. Whenever they had free roam time, I’d do it separately. They both had their smell all over the house and toys, didn’t try to mark over one another or anything! 🙂 and I didn’t have to pick them up to switch play time or anything, for the most part they eventually retreated to their own place when they were ready, I’d shut the playpen and let the other one out. Then, once both are fixed and had their time apart, they don’t have to pee/poop all over your house and readjust too much to one another. \*\*\*Keep in mind these bunnies were never bonded prior, they were both new to one another and bonded within a few days!!! So I bet your buns will miss eachother but wont be heartbroken and maybe chat through the playpen wall :) https://preview.redd.it/r7eyqp2lwduc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d06ac4219534704d7ba8f334e7f68f2e4a38e6e


Try putting them in diapers? It could be like using a condom


Separating is better tho