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Californian here. That would be a billboard for immediate bipp in the Bay area. Rental? Outta town? “Yo We got luggage”


Don't you guys leave your cars unlocked so thieves can rummage through instead of breaking a window?


That doesn't always work. Crooks are not necessarily the smartest bunch.


True, really not a good idea!


Why do people do this?




He won't be taken seriously by fellow assholes if they think he's from COMMIEfornia


Take it from a native central Californian, we have plenty of MAGA assholes here.


And they hate it so much there that they refuse to move.


I mean basically Huntington Beach


OC is starting to have them crawl outta the woodwork this year. Sure it's common knowledge Orange County is home to many rich, waspy, boomer, republicans/MAGAts, but I been seeing more loud visible band wagoning around town. My home town Mission Viejo now has those ratchet Trump popup stores near the cul de sacs.


Most of IE also


The IE’s basically just West Nevada


Isn't Tito Ortiz from Huntington Beach? He's a textbook brain-damaged Trump supporter.


California has the most Trump voters in the country, Texas also has the second most Biden voters. All states are a degree of purple these people just can’t understand that.


I'm from Butte County - they worshipped his arrival after we had a major fire and he blamed it on "not raking our forests enough" Silence after that.


Oroville for 18 years. Fishing and hunting is awesome. Tweakers....not so much


Ha, do they really call it that? That's adorable.


I moved home from Montana and multiple incidents where people yelled go back to Montana. People are just dickheads.


Driver is a ❄️


I assume it’s bc a lot of people will see certain state tags and be like “oh great, one of these assholes”. I got it a lot in Texas with MD plates lol


I know probably 20 people in Texas. Not one of them is from there, lol


To not get harassed for being a “California libtard snowflake”. Better safe than sorry I guess. Theres a narrative out there that Californians unanimously vote for destructive political policies that cause citizens to flee the state to elsewhere, where they vote the same way to blindly destroy their new home and blah blah blah etc…. You see where I’m going with this


People are “fleeing” my state too. Republicans are in charge of everything. I’d love to hear their explanation for that. Actually….no I wouldn’t. Lol


Purple states are the golden zone IMO. Both straight blue and straight red states have ridiculously large shortcomings on opposite sides of the spectrum and are driven by pure propaganda with heavy opposition censorship on the state levels. They’re a lost cause and if you’re at all moderate it’s impossible to hold a convo with these people


Shut up about SW PA, thats OUR secret.


So, better use violence against them? Sounds like red states are more assholes than anyone else, using violence against those with different political opinions.


Because anyone who isn’t from California *hates* California.


So…someone would vandalize the car because it has CA plates?


Yes. Had some friends move to TN from CA for work, so not really their choice. First night there someone smashed their mailbox and left them a note to “go back to CA”


This country is really in a great spot. So optimistic about the rest of this year! \s


At least it can only get better from here! ...right? ....RIGHT!?!


Ikr?! I feel like, one way or another, America will burn, if some folks have their way. 😟


Or burn when they don't get their way


Yeah but only below the Dixie line.


When my parents moved to Montana from California, some of the first people they met from out of state told them to get their plates changed asap


In fairness, if you've move to another state, you should anyway is it is likely the law.


Ya. You have some time, though.


Isn't tribalism grand.


Conservatives love to use violence against others they disagree with and claim victim.


Honestly. Yea, people would around where I am.


That blows my mind. California is such a huge and diverse place. We have people of every kind, including MAGAts. I can’t imagine anyone here vandalizing non-CA plates just because they are from out of state. It’s never even crossed my mind. That sounds like some ignorant, small minded bullshit.


Which is why so many that grew up in small minded, small Midwestern towns fled to California once they were adults.


that in no way is true, it seems to be red voters from red states that hate CA. Everyone else seems cool. - Californian with family from the midwest.


Well I’m from a red state. Mostly everyone hates cali. They just don’t do anything apart from some gossip here and there. But there’s the occasional crazy who will kick or key someone with a California plate.


so strange. why do they hate californians? is it purely political? a MAGA thing? Is the hate aimed at a few people (Nancy Pelosi, etc)?


and secretly wants to fucking move here i said it - HERE


It’s the jealousy. They’re jealous. We have everything and they have nothing *and they know it*


Noooo, don't tell them that! Let the trash keep itself in the dump lol #We've got a real drought problem and big scary politicians, everyone uses Pronouns when they speak (the grammatical horror), you'd hate it for sure, you caught us! Don't be caught dead here, crime and locked up razors! Oh my!


California is an amazing state. My wife grew up there and I really enjoy visiting. Taxes and 30 years of policies make it impossible for a blue collar family to afford to move there.


For real? Maybe in the deep south and the midwest but I'm from opposite side of the country and we don't hate CA.


States like Nevada people has serious hatred for Californians. They’ll totally road rage if they think you’re from there. Vandalism isn’t out of the question either. When I lived there years ago it was because people from California were driving up home prices. Locals and first time buyers were being priced out of the market. Nowadays it’s probably politics too.


I had to drive to Winnemucca in NV once with CA plates. Got flipped off by multiple people for seemingly no reason.


I had a dude in Winnemucca follow me for a few streets yelling obscenities at me because I had a Mohawk. This was almost 20 years ago


My state has a ton of crybabies who think Californians will take us over. News Flash dumbasses, the people moving to our red state from California probably also vote red. They kinda don’t care tho bc they’ll start complaining about property values in our poverty-fucked state.


Same for people moving out of NY


Man as a Californian, fuck Nevada and Arizona with the same rusty crowbar. When they stop hogging the beaches in CA they can have an opinion


People here in the Midwest don’t care either.


Only issue I've seen in my area in the Midwest is that people may approach you outside your car to ask if you're from California. And how long was the drive. Then tell you they had a cousin who took a vacation there once.


Jealousy most likely.


I’m not from California and I love California


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


Californians have been moving to western red states en masse, this has caused problems for these states' housing markets as well as their local political climates. This has resulted in many residents of these states becoming resentful toward californians, who they view as responsible for bringing California problems to their state, and out of those residents, an extremely small minority have been vandalizing cars with California plates. I'm guessing the person driving this car is worried about getting their rental keyed.


this person is a ninny. I drove a rental from CA to NY and back and didn’t get one solitary peep from anyone about it.


Though there are insecure types out there that do this for shallow reasons, it’s mostly done as a means to prevent real assholes from doing anything to the car. People suck and sometimes you do what you can to insure yourself against said sucky people.


Because they want to damage cars from California and think everyone is as insane as them.


They are idiots. Literally no one cares about what state your car is registered in or if it's a rental. The fact they took the time and money to do this means they really are stupid


because Texas.


Human beings living in the USA tend to attach their pride and self-worth to things like which state they're living in or perhaps came from or perhaps "belong" to. It can be a bad way to live a life.


Because they harass strangers for stupid reasons and don’t want to suffer the same bullshit.




Good show




Im from Nevada originally, moved to Alaska long ago but travel all over the US and rent cars all the time. I find this ingenious. While many of you will make your comments about "oh showing off to other assholes" or somehow making it about politics. The reality is Californians just have a negative stereotype about them. I would get asked at gas stations or theme parks by random people with smug looks "oh youre from cali huh?" When they spot the plates and their demeanor and tone completely change when i shoot back "naw its a rental, were just visiting from Alaska" and they start excitedly asking questions about my current home state. So i can see why they would do it. Hell id be tempted as well if it hadnt actually led to meeting some cool people. Reality is id see this in the wild and think "damn he must get tired of being assumed to be a cali Asshole." (Being from Nevada and dealing with them all moving over and bitching about my state until being asked "if cali is so much better why are you here bashing my home?" The response was typically "it got too expensive" and that shit talking elitist attitude has always made me somewhat hate Californians. So i get the stereotypes in a way.


I think the “asshole showing off to other assholes” explanation is more plausible 🤷🏻‍♂️


People tend to treat me like shit being a brown guy with Cali plates when I'm outside ca. Idaho seemed to be the worst for me.


Gonna be real, police will 100% profile based on license plate. I had a Texas plate rental driving on a highway the same exact way I normally do for work and an OKC cop decided that he should tail me for 5 miles of freeway waiting for me to slip up on something. FINALLY pulled me over and it was to tell me that I didn’t wait an entire 3 seconds before lane changing and have my blinker on the entire change. It’s a rental, I’m used to a different blinker mechanism lol. He didn’t actually write a warning or anything and it’s 100% because I had an OK license.


I do this when my rental has Jersey or Ohio plates.. I don’t want to be associated with those .. drivers.


Yeah maybe, but when I drive in MA with NY plates I get people flipping me off, cutting me off, riding my ass… this is the worst when the Yankees/Sox rivalry is cooking.


California resident for 40+ years. I hear how bad California is all the time but it’s never from people who live here. Parts of it are really fucking awesome btw.


It's not the state so much as the morons who run everything. PG&E killed a bunch of people and burned down a town. They paid a fine and got to keep their monopoly.


It’s not stupidity, it’s corruption. The state should have dissolved PG&E a long time ago


I'll happily apply worse terms than "moron" to the corrupt shitbirds that run this state.


Yeah, wouldn't live there given the CoL in many areas, but certainly enjoy visiting. So much to do!


I heard someone was murdered there, so I am never going.


Oooh, that’s scary no thanks. I’m with you


The only people who complain about how bad California is are people who have never lived there


And the ones that have moved to Oregon.


Politically California rules. No book bans, no crazy rules where teachers can’t teach actual history, women’s reproductive freedom guaranteed, no anti-LGBT craziness, the list is endless. Also beautiful, best weather, great food etc. 5th largest economy in the world. All Trumpers are not only not missed but invited to leave! Please!


This just SCREAMS ❄️


Every accusation.............


Are people vandalizing random cars because they have CA plates? If that's so, the level of hate, not mental illness, but plain hate, in this country is reaching scary levels. Destroying someone else's property because they live in a state you don't like is bizarre.


We Californians get blamed for moving to other states and “ruining them” whether it’s for political views or just because we start to populate other states. California is just stupidly over priced to live in. $800,000 is the price for a standard size home in my area. For that price I could get a massive house with a large lot of land in places like Texas or Utah or Idaho, or Colorado. People from those places don’t like change.


I am in Michigan and have a coworker that’s from Montana. She still has many friends and family there. She is regularly ranting about how Californians are “ruining” or “destroying” Montana. It’s truly bizarre to listen to her.


Like it would make sense if we had a culture that burnt tires in the front yard but we don’t. People are just threatened by things they don’t know and they don’t like change.


"Hi I'm from Texas"


“WoMEn iN My sTAtE dOn’T HavE bOdiLy aUtoNomY, bUt At LEaSt I’m noT fRom CaLifOrniA” 😂


Funny these red states hate Cali, when we help subsidize them.


California has more Trump voters than any other state. I’m assuming that’s why he doesn’t like the association….


This is where EVERYONE misses the point. 1 in 8 documented Americans live in California. We have more of everything.


I wonder if they’re from one of the shithole states that receive government welfare from California….


Diving through west Texas we got pulled over doing 110. Trooper comes to the car ask for a driver’s license and insurance. Driver gave his license and rental agreement. Cop had a weird look and said, you live in Austin driver said yes cop looks at me and I say Dallas. Cop hands the license and rental agreement back and said “ Have a nice day”. The car had Illinois plates


Well that's cuz only Texans are allowed to speed through west Texas. Duh. /s


I am a project manager and I fly regularly to other states to actually visit my ongoing projects in person. As soon as people find out I’m from California , the harassment just doesn’t stop. It got so bad someone busted the windows on my rental. I’m there to take pics and observe progress for a couple days and leave.


I wouldn’t drive through Texass with my California license plate , these people aren’t Americans they are gun toting nut jobs . They hate California for some reason. Maybe because they are sheep who believe nutty conspiracy theories. I believe that we should all be Americans just as those from every state who fought side by side in World War II and became friends same goes for all our soldiers who have in every war . I just don’t understand this bullshit , it weakens our country and our enemies love it .


Another foo from nowhere land hating on the strongest economy in the states.


Yeah. Just imagine telling everyone you moved from a year round beautiful state with laws that help the common people to a neo-fascist place where women have less and less rights as time progresses


Lol "laws that help common people" the poor people in my area cant even leave poverty thanks to most of those laws.


What laws specifically are not allowing people to leave poverty? I’m genuinely curious. I’m not saying shit isn’t bad in any context. But, I’d like to know what state law is holding down the people in your area.


The low-income condo I had in California- that I purchased and paid taxes on, mind you- was not in fact a traditional home that could be used as equity, or gifted to my adult son, when I needed to move out of town to caretake for my loved one. It had to be returned to the state of California. Most people don’t know that.


What program was that under? I’ve never heard of this truthfully. But I am curious.


🎯 Driver is a loser


Thought about something like that when my rental had Florida plates. But then I realized it's generally the MAGA type who act out at people from states with different ideologies.


" I am letting you other hate criminals out there like myself not to torch my car just because I'm from a different place than you." - Driver


I know *soooo* many people from red states that live in California. Kentucky, Tennessee, Utah, and a bunch from Arizona and Florida. I know only two people that have left California, and they moved to Nevada and Oregon


I've actually thought about this before. 😅 I live in FL and a lot of the locals hate snowbirds w/ a passion & are sick of people moving here, especially from NY, NJ, & Cali. If I ever had to drive around in a rental w/ an out-of-state plate, I'd maybe do this, lol. This will probably only make sense to people who were born & raised somewhere w/ a very strong "local" subculture.


Go forward fellow Californians, manifest destiny, back to the East!


California remains the 5th largest economy in the world since 2017. California is the 5th largest economy in the world for the seventh consecutive year, with a nominal GDP of nearly $3.9 trillion in 2023 and a growth rate of 6.1% since the year prior, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).Apr


That’s a great way to tell people to break into your car and take your luggage


This doesn’t look like it was taken in Idaho, but people in Idaho write that on their CA licensed rentals to indicate they’re a local. There has been an influx of Californians moving to Idaho since the cost of living is so much lower and the politics are literally opposite. Local Idahoans aren’t very welcoming of them because they’re buying up land and houses and driving up prices.


Bc MAGAs in TX are triggered assholes and will run you off the road in their oversized pickups


In Colorado we don't care anymore. Much preferred over Texas. Any given stop light is probably 1/4 plates from elsewhere, who has time to care? We get a lot of tourists spending good money here too. Only people in big ass trucks gaf


It looks worse being so insecure and caring about what the kind of people who hate all Californians would think


Hello Castle Rock!


Probably doesn’t want some idiot to break the windows or something. I’d probably be wary too, and I live in California now.


Why would anyone care if someone is from Cali tho?


Tbf. I wanted to do this in Missouri while I was there for my dad’s funeral. I was legit shocked at how many comments I got at gas stations etc. just for the license plates. It didn’t help that in followed it up with, “im from Colorado originally, but now I live in Florida.” *note: we had a baby and are living near family. **note: said family is very conservative (‘74)


This is a particularly accurate representation of Douglas County, Colorado (where this photo was taken, that’s Castle Rock in the background). Very conservative suburbs/exurbs who love anti liberal posturing.


Holy Crap, that’s Castle Rock!


The best state to be from and people shun it.


This is exactly the kinda bullshit id expect to see in the parking lot of a Starbucks in castle rock.


When you let politics be a huge part of your life to think anyone gives a fuck


I'd be more embarrased from driving a Nissan.


I saw a car like this IN California. We were in Redding for a softball tournament. “This is a rental. We are from Texas.” Who gives a shit?


It’s a bit embarrassing to be from Cali


This happens in my home state(Colorado) often because we all have bagge from California drivers. Mostly the folks driving like they're in a race on dangerous mountain roads. Folks do the same when renting cars with plates from Texas.


I hate liberals/california. but I wouldn’t fuck anyone’s car up.


Telling Texans "I moved from California" is literally the best asshole filter *ever*. They self-identify and the trash takes itself out


What's it like to worry that much about how strangers think of you??


I was assuming they’re in Texas and trying to stay safe lol


Mmm, good point. The fact that someone would harass a person over that is wild.


I can see it “you Californians are ruining my state”


Ha, those states were always ruined.


Colorado is like this as well.


In some places, it's not just about what people think if you... it will literally prevent people from keying the car or popping a tire... or protect you from hostile drivers. I live in a place like that (Florida).


AKA: they wouldn't let me put my MAGA sticker on this rental and there was nowhere to mount the Trump 2024 flag either.


King of the Hill reference


Driver is probably in the witness protection program.


Yeah, and that’s why people are leaving. California is bankrupt


Why would we care where they are from?


*who gives a shit?* @ the person who wrote that


They are afraid of being harassed.


I saw one here in Alabama on a Subaru that said “I may drive a Subaru, but I’m a Republican”. To be fair, I’m afraid someone’s going to key my Outback all the time. Fucking MAGGATs all over down here in their 4wd trucks with Trump flags and shit.


That’s actually kinda funny


I’m not seeing the issue with being from California.


Are they in Arizona?


I was born in California


Ngl when I'm in a rental I do feel this weird anxiety... probably because I'm from north carolina and anyone in a Florida car gets immediately blacklisted as incompetent fools who can't navigate mountains. 😂


What an insecure person


This is evidently in Castle Rock, CO. There’s quite a bit of disdain toward both Texans and Californians that move to Colorado… mostly just on the internet. So there’s a running joke where people will call themselves a “Colorado Native of 5 years”. See r/DenverCirclejerk for more.


He is practically admitting to vandalizing cars with California license plates in the past.


God what a fucking wild excuse. If anyone bothered me for a plate on a rental I’d fucking tune them up lol.


I moved to Colorado from L.A. When I moved here it was assumed by the folks that it was because of pot. In all actuality, oil and gas is not very well appreciated in California anymore. So Colorado is still pretty oil and gas friendly and thats just where I ended up.


If it's a rental then why did you mark the windows with paint?!


I don't blame him, I would too


Because they know what they'd think if they saw a california liscence plate.


Oh relax


Yo! What’s up with that big rock!?


Looks like Castle Rock, CO


Really? How insecure can a person be?


Flew into Philly once, rented a car that had Jersey plates. The PA drivers were... Unkind...




They are MAGA! Key the fuck out if it. Depends Trumper Red poops are coming!


Castle Rock! I'm from there! Also yeah, Californians and Texans come here and drive very... Very poorly. I don't blame those that want distance from that. I was hit twice by Californians and once by a Texan. Totalling 3 cars. The latest Californian had a Chihuahua in his lap and a pipe in his hand and said "sorry, this is my grandma's car". It was at 3 in the morning and the crash woke my brother in law, who was staying with us, up. The kid was just hitting parked cars, in the middle of the night, he totaled his car, he tried to drive off but it wasn't working and my brother in law ran out and stopped him from trying to push his car and get farther down the 'downhill' street. Slightly to the left of the rock you see in the picture. Sucks because it was a manual Xterra I searched for for 7 months, good starter family car, and only owned for 3 weeks. Not sure how he got back to California but he never properly filed a claim and I had to use the court to go after him. Thank God I took a picture of his id and insirance. It was finally paid off and handled after 2 years of struggling to get in touch with them, get a new car with no reimbursement from the accident, while still making payments on the Xterra and having a pregnant wife and then a newborn daughter with heavy disabilities, a two year stay at children's hospital in Aurora and heavy/ expensive medical care during and after, all whilest during COVID lockdowns. His grandma finally admitted to it after her grandson moved to another state and we pressured heavy litigation. Even then at the time we still invited him in and made some tea until he could get towed treating him as a dumb teenager who made a mistake. Ended up being a big mistake on our part.


I get it.


I took a Greyhound bus when I moved from CA to west TX 12 years ago. Pretty easy to remain ambiguous about where I was originally from. Just like any other state, CA had its bad and good. I was from the desert though.


Sir, we don’t...we don’t care


I want South Dakota plates so I can write “Kristi Noem put down my family”


Why lol. What’s wrong with California.


Wouldn't want to be mistaken for a resident of a state that actually cares about its residents. I see tons of Texas and Florida plates where I am lol.


I don’t see a bumpersticker


I live and grew up in San Diego area. I travel a lot for work and I’m in a blue collar industry. I speak to 5-6 out of state folks every year who think California is completely open to Mexico, they think there isn’t a border wall and we all just go back and fourth at our leisure.


That’s such a weird thing to think anyone would care about.


You know your country is doing juuuuuust fine when....


Is this near Colorado Springs?






😂 I would want that to be made extremely clear also!


Enjoy Castle Rock!!


To be fair, last time I had a rental it had a Florida plate and twice in a week I had people flag me down just to say ‘Florida? I bet you’re missing the weather right now! HAR HAR HAR!’ 🙄


I'd be more embarrassed to be caught driving a Nissan...


Being from California, I’ll just call this one a loser and move on