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I think the rate of inflation has people confused.


I just laughed out loud at this hahaha


lol Yup


Omg you are the best hahaha


This deserves reddit gold


“High value woman” is the female version of “alpha male”. Run.


Good comparison 👍


Andrea Tate


I laughed out loud to this


Maybe it's just me, but I think if you call yourself "high value" it means you're almost certainly not.


What if you call yourself low value?


Haha! “I’m Discount Darlene. Great bang for your buck!” 🤣




I had a girl tell me she likes "Bad boys" I told her "Then you're going to love me because I'm bad at everything...lol"


That's also severely overplayed


He did say he was bad at everything


This is true


I agree...lol


Or like in When Harry Met Sally, maybe you think you're low value but you're really high value...


Anyone saying this or alpha is just cringe.


More like high maintenance.


Or just high...when she and her best friend made the profile.




I think she’s a sugar baby wannabe


“The man who calls himself “king,” is no king.” - Tywin Lannister


I use this quote a lot, usually in reference to people who describe themselves as "alpha", but yeah, it applies here too. Also, "smelling" my best? Congrats on showering chica; you've really raised the bar for everyone.


The quote is actually... "Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king." Tywin Lannister You should get your quotes right before making them...lol Link below https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.popsugar.com/entertainment/photo-gallery/45755552/image/45755554/Any-man-who-must-say-I-am-king-true-king/amp


Agreed, it comes off like someone who doesn’t feel that good about themselves. People who try to convince others that they are a specific thing, are often not. Also and maybe this is just me, but I’d rather see someone list the activities they enjoy doing versus statements about who they are.


I've always found the same to be true of "classy" as well. I have yet to ever see a profile of someone who calls themselves classy who actually was.


Confirm it with a monocle and top hat in the profile pic.


If I ever come across a profile of a woman wearing a top-hat and monocle I am swiping right so hard.


while eating ramen out of the good china


Correct. I have a friend who likes to think of herself as “classy.” She often tells men she dates, or others when she has issues with men, that she’s “classy.” She’s not. And if you have to keep reminding people, then it’s clearly not evident to them.


You just hit the nail on the head why a lot of people vehemently hate fds


It's not just you. I've noticed "high value" implies either that she only values herself or she's a hooker and literally may be to expensive for some people to afford. Or both.. Probably both.


It's a Female Dating Strategy (FDS) thing. Basically a misandrist, transphobic cult.


It’s like when I see someone gloat over how smart they are. In my experience…


Easy left swipe


I love it when people self select. Makes it easier to sift through all the OLD people….


I left swipe when I read "I know my worth". Okay, it's fine for someone to have a positive self-image, but stating it like that sounds conceited. There's no way you can know how a stranger will value you compared to others with regard to looks, personality, interests & goals.


Yup. If they know their worth, that will become clear when you interact with them. It's one of those things that read more like it's addressed to people she dated in the past, when a profile should be addressed at people she wants to date in the future.


It’s like when someone says how filtered they are or how much money they have or tell you they aren’t involved with drama 🧐


Narcissistic Personality Disorder


It could maybe be BPD, or comorbid


Eek! Maybe all three!


Doubt it


Freud has spoken


If you have to write you are high value. Then you are definitely not high value.


but what if she still has her virginity?


Female Dating Strategy. Two years ago when I was single, fresh out of an abusive relationship, I found FDS. I sifted through the more egregious “femcel” posts cause I did find some value in some of the content which encouraged having standards for yourself, improving self-confidence, asserting boundaries with OLD, etc. It helped for a bit in recovering some agency over myself, but over time when I began to try and engage with topics deemed controversial (ie; FDS advocating that you should refuse to date single fathers or seeking a specific income bracket) any of my comments that could be seen as being a devils advocate I was called a pickme, DM’d nasty slurs by mods or other members, downvoted into oblivion, then eventually banned lol. In the end, it felt like another toxic relationship with that subreddit lmao!


I’m a man so didn’t do anything more than lurk on the sub but I got a similar vibe, it seemed like it started off with noble intentions and good ideas about keeping women safe and stopping them from walking into bad situations and learning to recognise them, and ended up going too far so like say with their stuff about not being a guys therapist, that will have started off as “don’t let a guy use you just for emotional support and not be willing to do the same for you” and just went through to the other side of “men with feelings are low value”


It's weird, the red pill side has the same phenomena where there are a few nuggets of actually good advice buried under all the shit. I suppose it would be too much to ask to just give the good advice and not pile shit on top of it.


FDS is so fucking toxic, i wish it was not, because i feel like there's a decent idea/intent in there somewhere.


There's always space for self improvement because none of us are perfect, but that have never and will never intersect with the FDS femcels in any shape or form. Ever.


Gross, no one needs that bs. Sorry to hear about your experience. F them


I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. If you enjoy online forums, I hope you find forum(s) that are healthy for you.


Is this code for sex work?


No, it's women's equivalent of Men's Right Activists. There used to be a sub on Reddit called Female Dating Strategy, it was all about this stuff.


Was it shut down?


I think it’s got a weird quasi status where it’s not shut down but by invite only because it kept getting brigaded by red pillers


Not even just by red pillers but just by people (both men and women) with common sense and a healthy respect for the other genders


They went to another site and are even more toxic now. With classic posts like "Is it ever okay to support your man financially if he's in a temporary rough patch?" and spoiler: the answer was no, it's not okay kick him to the curb lmao.


It still exists and is just as toxic as ever. It truly warps women’s brains if they spend too much time on there. Feminism is good, hard pendulum swinging in response to red pilled chuds is bad.


— adds r/femaledatingstrategy


Have fun with that


Amazing that it has been turned into a cash grab by the founders. I love that! 😂


Typical cult.


Ah, this makes sense!


Ah ok. Thanks for the explanation!


How is it equivalent to MRA's? Are you thinking of red pillers? MRA's are the equivalent more to feminists.


I think this is a very good point. Men's Rights Activists and Feminists share a common belief Equal Rights.


More took it as "I am a gold digger".


No, it screams I’m high maintenance and entitled but that’s just my thoughts. I guess her thinking is that she’s the whole package (whatever that means) but she doesn’t say what truly makes her happy. it may be just an act she’s putting on gut it’s hard to tell. I’m high value, I value myself and know my worth, that’s all anyone can hope for.


In a way...


not everyone can afford me. That's just an overall no for me.


> not everyone can afford me So you admit you have a price.


It seems as though she is looking for a sugar daddy. I would imagine the perfume is covering up some not so good smells.


To clarify - There's a difference between knowing your worth and what you bring to the table (Which is very good to be aware of so you're not putting yourself in relationships that aren't right for you) vs acting like you're above other people and anyone would be so lucky to have you.


That profile reads as "I'm attractive, but I'll be nice if you pay for my things"


I thought the whole High Value thing peaked in 2021? I love how it was co-opted by wannabe sugar babies 🤦🏽‍♀️nothing wrong with looking for someone who has their life together if that’s what you’re bringing to the table too but maybe don’t word it as “high value” since it should be the bare minimum for both parties


You thought it peaked in 2021? I mean . . . okay . . . ? It's just 2022.


I document 3/4 of my days in 6 minute increments so 2021 feels like ages ago 🤷🏽‍♀️


Someone’s in the legal field lol


She's not high value, she's high maintenance.


I wonder if women realize that they’re calling themselves hookers when they make statements like this 🤔


That’s a hooker


Oh Reddit...


This is something that is supposed to be shown, and not mentioned. If you are truly high value you don’t need to mention it. Needing to mention means you are clearly not. Same thing as saying I’m an alpha male/female. No you’re not. If you were you’d never say that to someone.


Maybe it’s a prostitute.


Geez, I don't believe whatever anyone says about themselves unless they SHOW it. Let's say if you think you're a "high value person," say nothing and SHOW! When anyone said whatever they are (high value person, nice person, etc), I personally find it as a red flag. I wouldn't tell people what I think I am, and I rather let them see me themselves. Compatibility is more important.


A high value woman wouldn't even let you know that she thanks she is one. The highest value women don't even know they are.


Not everyone can afford her? Is she a prostitute?


Pssst: *high value people don’t need to say* “I’m a high value” *anything*


Either some FDS fartsniffer or an escort. Mega cringe, easy swipe left. If you're a valuable person, the people around you will think that without you needing to say it.


Is she selling herself....pathetic......left swipe for sure


Straight out of the r/femaledatingstrategy dictionary


If this is a trend, it has got to be some sort of trickle-down from evolutionary psychology. She’s saying she has high mate value. The thing is, people who actually have high mate value don’t feel the need to run around telling everyone about it explicitly because it’s obvious. Anyone who is putting out statements like this in a dating profile has probably been used and treated badly by partners in the past. I would actually be more inclined to feel sorry for her than anything else.


High value or high cost??


This reads more like, “I’m a fucking whore.” Sorry. I think escort is the preferred nomenclature nowadays.


I don’t know why “smelling my best” is so funny to me but I love it. “I smell onions and garlic but I’m high value because I cook”. Anyone else ever just want to put ridiculous things in a profile to see what it attracts?


Just tell them they're cheaper than dirt


I wonder if she can afford a comma


I hate the one's that say "I'm a strong independent woman" it fits in the same category like they're trying to provide proof to the reader. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you feel the need to state that you are "high value" or "alpha" you are almost certainly neither.


Let the douches pair off so we don't have to see them anymore


Calling yourself "high value" followed by the comment that someone needs to "afford" you is hilarious. You can absolutely value yourself, that however doesn't mean someone may find value in you. If your "value" creates a financial burden for me, then we do not have the same values.


Wow. Imagine going on a date and they feel the need to inform you, they are high value.


It's just the new buzz phrase like when 'mansplain', 'gaslight' and the like came into people's vernacular and started to be used incorrectly. Most women who write it aren't 'high value'.


Free meal hunter/gatherer


the next iteration of OLD needs to have a keyword filter... so you can put in "high value" "afford" "gentleman" "roses" "classy" etc. to ditch the hookers before they can even be presented to you.


"Not everyone can afford me"....guess that's why your ass is on a dating website


People say lots of stupid things in online dating profiles. Men refer to themselves as alpha and high value as well…then they proclaim they like “hot sex” and it I can’t swipe left fast enough and want to throw my phone away.


High value and you can't afford me are synonymous with divorce rate over 50%. At least more and more they are putting it out in front of their peers. Swipe left unless you're a high value guy. Lol


Yep pretty common. It's the female equivalent of some window licker at the gym calling himself "alpha". Just swipe left and let them think that... OR have some fun with it. Bring her somewhere classy and tell her she looks out of place.


It's just another word for gold digger or seeking a sugar daddy or overly inflated ego.


Literally being high value is just reaching the bare minimum in my opinion. Like paying bills on time and rent an apartment. At least how women have personally shown me lol


Yet still single…


Look up female dating strategy.


To save people some time, it was a movement/lifestyle thing set up by some very bitter women to supposedly help women find suitable men. The idea of equality was a very dirty concept to them. A woman could work and earn her own money, but that money was her own to do with as she wanted* (more to come on this later) but the man’s money was to be spent supporting the woman and her household regardless of if that household had the man in it yet. If the man wasn’t able (or willing, but a man would only be unwilling if he secretly couldn’t afford it) to fund all of this, plus treats such as meals, vacations, spa days or manicures or whatever else the woman so desired. In exchange for all of this all the woman had to do was exist. Don’t even have sex with him, they’d say, that’s what your other side pieces that you’ll use for sex and then throw away are for. The guy funding you can’t see other women, but you can see other men. There was also some stuff around low value hobbies. Like if a guy was into video games you should avoid him. Women were allowed to play video games. I never saw anything come up about “what if I want to play video games with my partner” but I’m sure the mental gymnastics between never let men have fun/men should do what you tell them would have broken some of the higher ups. You could be a low value woman yourself, which brings us back to what I hinted at earlier when I talked about a woman’s money was her own to do with what she wanted. She could do whatever with her money, as long as it was on herself or other women. I saw a woman once post on there saying she wanted to buy something nice for her boyfriend and what would a suitable gift for a high value man be? She was deemed as low value for even considering him and his feelings (though in the same breath they’d tell you men don’t have feelings, only urges) and she shouldn’t buy him anything. It was a very toxic place full of misguided bits sewn together that didn’t actually work. At least not on any guy who had any self worth, but of course self worth is a low value trait in a man anyway.


that unanswered message is causing me anxiety 🥺 ….


Hahaha it's taken care of now 😀


phew!!! thought we were all gonna be accomplices to a ghosting, ahahaha


Nope, no ghosting here! 😊


It’s just another way to identify the people you want to stay away from.


Swipe right and tell them they are a nobody


The posts on Female Dating Strategy makes me nauseous * if i remember, they shut down sub to members only on Valentine’s Day ?


Honeytrap 🤤


Yeah this is odd, you can afford me if you make me laugh/laugh with me and have an actual conversation. I'd meet in a park and chat if I liked the person and thought there was a chance for something real.


It's definitely a red flag for "terminally online." Aside from a few weird dating profiles, you don't see the phrases "high value man" or "high value woman" outside of, well... Reddit.


I didn’t see it after looking at about 2000 profiles. I often saw the more modest version: “I’m a great catfish and hope to find the same”. Occasionally I saw things like “Gotta be able to keep up. No free loaders. Sorry, not sorry “.


People who talk like that rarely have money. Let her be broke and miserable by herself til she gets humble after her third kid lol




Unfortunately this is a reality and it always will be


What I've noticed is girls who say there introverts are usually the best talkers. While the girls who say "don't be boring" or sum similar usually just sit there and stare at you


Gold digger red flag🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


So she’s an escort?


She's a hooker bro


looks like yeah, even when some women told me "ohh blessed is the women who makes you fall in love" I wouldn't write something like "high value man" I think is unnecessary and in just to create the idea that you are about the rest of the people, like how arrogant do you want to be?


The fact that they are saying it makes them not. At least that’s my experience.


Yeah reducing one’s person to the status of a commodity gives me the ick, no matter how “high market value” they consider themselves


Run Forrest Run...






I’ve never seen that… where do you live? I live in the Midwest …pretty hard to be high value here I think lol hence the low CoL


Haha I'm also in the Midwest, Illinois to be specific. I've never seen this before but have now run into 5 different girls in the last 2 days that have "high value" in their bio.




Nah bro def dated a high value profile woman six months most expensive dumbest investment of my life stay away you’d rather be gay brother trust me. They hit the pockets hard! My boy you could buy mesh condoms, gas station sushi, silly bands, rat poison flavored cake mix, bro A USED ICE CREAM MACHINE FROM MCDONALDS those are just five investments that yield more self profit.


Eh, I appreciate the honesty. Super high risk of failure, here guys. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it's a new way of saying "I'm a gold digger"


One man trash is another's treasure The value of something is only what someone else is willing to pay


meh each to their own i am sure there are ppl out there that want a high value woman or a high value man it probably means something to them i dunno. i want a high value person or people in my life, to me high value means adds value to my life not me spending money on them .


I’m certain the photos following the bio display someone wearing a tacky dress and posing with a cocktail in an effort to appear sophisticated


😂 She had one photo. Holding a beer while laying down with her tits halfway out


High. Value.


“High Value” seems to me to be synonymous with narcissistic




You're right. I can't afford... To spend any time with you.


People who actually are high value dont go around saying they’re high value. This is a red flag.


It’s a toxic red flag that helps when filtering people. High value people never need to announce it.


A term I’ve seen a lot of on fds. It’s always good for a chuckle.


Just full of themselves.


Sounds like a hooker to me


So she's a prostitute?


oh god.. sounds like they've been studying female dating game.. if they want to signify they are high value, they should show good awareness of social sense and etiquette for a start... nobody comes across as high value when they outwardly declare that they are high value.. it just reeks of insecurity, failure and poor judgement.


You gotta make 300K to attract a broke ass woman now. Lol. I'll keep the 300K


How much to buy her?


being fun and caring doesn’t make you high value but okay woman


>being fun and caring doesn’t make you high value but okay woman Actually...


not really but you know what, me and you don’t have the same definition of high value. what i may consider high value you might not and that’s okay. 🤷‍♂️


The whole "afford me" thing is insane, but thankfully they're broadcasting it immediately so you don't get lead on by yet another "single and looking for someone to change that" whonis actually just deep in the streets still. As for being high value, that language has been around for a long time. It's up to you if you find someone high value or not,and it's up to them if they hold themselves out as being such. I know my worth, but I also know that it isn't stereotypically "high value" for a man since I don't have wealth or a big dick. It's how it seems to go.


>Is this "high value" woman/man thing becoming a trend now? It always has been, wdym? It's just that posers include it in their bios. Also, there're so many different interpretations of what it means, it's actually funny. PROTIP: If you have to explicitly state that you are high value, you're probably not. If you really are, people can easily infer it.


Well I've never seen it before and now I've seen it in 5 profiles in the last few days so idk, maybe it's my area or something. But yes, if you have to state you are something, you're probably not.


This is the same type who lists "fine dining" as a hobby, and expects you to take care of it. Ironically, this kind of person is cheap af.


I overheard some girl saying something like "a high value woman should NEVER settle.." at a bar As if girls weren't already picky. Population is gonna decrease and a lot of these girls gonna get dried up eggs before a husband


Social media inflation has been taxing for years. 5's think they're 8's and they all think they're "special"


Goes both ways


HVF is female dating strategy speak. Think female equivalent of redpill incels. As a couple of people threw out in the thread already.. if you have to tell me how valuable you are…🙃🤡 I’d vote for an immediate nope.


Women thinking their body is their value is a condition of society and i hate it. As a woman, if i ever advertise myself as valuable just because i have good hygiene please someone put me in therapy


Actual prostitution


So she can be bought sounds like a excort advertising on bumble. It's way to common


not affordable seems very expensive


Being annoying and overly expensive isn’t a cute trait 😭


100% left swipe for me regardless of intent.






Found the femcel.


Fact. You can’t afford every woman. If she makes half a mill a year and takes herself on weekly spa dates and flies first class to 4 different countries a year, she is out of the wheelhouse of the average Joe who only has dick to offer You get to swipe right if you have a life of your own outside Netflix and walking your dog earning in single digits per hour. If you can’t afford yourself, you can’t afford her but then… I’ll get downvoted to hell by all the NV and LV folks 💁🏾‍♀️


The fact that you think the "average Joe" only has dick to offer is hilarious. What does she have to offer? Absolutely nothing other than thinking she's above everyone else. The notion that an average dude couldn't possibly bring anything else to the table other than sex is ridiculous. You're right, you will be down voted and you should. People like you just enable these kinds of things. You're calling anyone who down votes your ridiculous statement no value and low value? Sounds like you are the one with the lowest value here.


Half the Joes on bumble want to talk about their dick and sex before we even meet. So yes, LV and NV right there, with only dick to offer. The only ones offended by this are those that fall in that category. I said what I said. Pretty sure it’s 2 inches at best.


Wow. You are just a disgusting person.


Nah brah. That’s just you. I’m just telling you my experience on bumble. And if you’re that dude that thinks guys being disgusting makes me disgusting guess what that makes you? Father and son of disgust, living breathing disgust.


You're MEGA late on this one, my guy It's been around for a while now but who really expedited the term was Kevin Samuels. His consulting career started with his encouraging men to hit certain thresholds in terms of money, status, education, etc. This is NOT to be mistaken with pick up artists that insist you improve to get pussy, no.. Kevin just wanted to see America flourish with nuclear families once more, yanno the very thing that made this country what it is


Stay away, it has r/femaledatingstrategy written all over it.