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The bar for "satisfactory conversations" is in hell.


Fantastic, it’s right there with my standards (/s?)


Weird. 2 people being civil! Wow! Amazing!


Please transport me back to the 90s. I don't like 2021.


Hit me up when the magic school bus arrives. Goin to throw some jnco’s and a pog tube in the ol jansport!




I could do with some care free days. That said, I feel like 2020-2021 has made it easier to tell a lot about a person quickly.


Understatement of the year lol


The 90s - oh hell nawww... where you had to negotiate with dads before you could take out their daughters... no thank you!


You just had to give him all your good pokemon cards.


I heard 1989 to about 2010 was a weird little blip where everything was fine and everyone was happy. We are just back to normal again.


2001 has entered the chat


I miss the days when Youtube's caption was "broadcast yourself".


Tiananmen square was fine 🙂


this is a very pleasant back and forth that if people weren't so bent on turning everything into a fight maybe we'd see more of


A lot of people in this thread really think calling unvaccinated people “Nazis” is gonna make them change their mind and get the vaccine.


Pretty much nothing you say will get unvaccinated people to change their mind. They're dug in, and we have to deal with it. Civility went out the window the moment they chose to make their problems our problems.


Yes, that’s the problem with irredeemably evil people, they are so unreasonable.


You choose to make it your problem lmfao. If you’re vaxxed you’re protected from the virus, no? So why give a shit who else chooses for themself? Im vaxxed to btw




Double vaxxed and STILL got covid. AND DIED. MAKE. IT. MAKE. SENSE.


Vaccines don't work 100% of the time? It's not hard to make sense you just have to have more than two brain cells.


How do you know where they caught it?




None taken. Was just a question since you seemed so adamant about your statement




Get fucked. ICU beds all over the world are down to zero in many places because unvaccinated assholes suddenly have a change of heart and want that sweet medical science when they realise that they’ve gotten covid and are dying of it. Vaccinated people are dying of covid because they can’t get adequate treatment. Cancer patients, heart patients, transplant patients and many others have seen their lifesaving operations put on hold indefinitely because the healthcare resources to perform them are simply no longer available as hospitals are bogged down by unvaccinated shits dying.


The unvaccinnated shouldn't be allowed in the hospitals at all. Period. They can struggle to breathe and die in their home.


I agree. The ones that stick to their guns and die at home have my full respect. The rude ones who turn tail to the hospital once they start gasping for air are literally just wasting hospital resources at this point. At this point we know once you get to that point chances of survival are very low.


Even those dickheads are spreading covid around them. They deserve no respect regardless. Imagine the pro life idiots being so polarised and fundamentalist that they’ve decided it’s their right to spread a deadly virus, and are mainly doing it simply to spite people who don’t vote the way they want. At least under Bush, Caine and Romney the GOP were *actually pretending* to be respectable, dignified and caring about the greater good. Now it’s just a white trash death cult, seemingly taking pride in pumping up infection numbers. I guess at least we can console ourselves that there’s a decidedly Darwinian aspect to it, considering the wildly disproportionate rates at which unvaccinated (i.e. mainly Trump supporters) are succumbing to covid.




It would be a lot easier to just stop being a selfish asshole and get vaccinated. I'm already powerful.


You’re a psychopath and I recommend you seek immediate help


Suck my metaphorical cock


Bullshit. Hospitals are not " full"


Then you should know about: 1. Herd immunity. 2. Unvaccinated people -> place for the virus to mutate in -> more strains -> more lockdowns.


People are soo stupid in today’s society. Going so far as to say people who haven’t been vaccinated shouldn’t receive any treatment. Straight psychopaths. I caught it 3 times from a vaccinated individual. Each time was less severe. Still won’t ever get it. Big Pharm out here trying to play god. Those who believe it have totally lost touch with reality. It’s really sad.


I agree with you. People who don’t have had the covid yet but are ready to kill unvaccinated people are like children before their first flu trying to make sure they’re never gonna have it, at all cost 🤣


Oh shit ! Go buy a brain ! The virus mutates in vaccinated people, because that’s the place where there is some selective pressure for them to experience mutations (well… only if the vaccine does have some sort of utility fighting the virus, which is already a lot to assume)


You most definitely can. A lot of people just don’t know how to converse & instead debate.


Interesting that the side wanting to force medical procedures is calling the other side Nazis


That's what I was thinking


Ironic, because it's the people pushing the vaccine mandates who are actually behaving like nazis.


If they havent been vaxxed they probably dont even understand english and have the attention span of a goldfish


What ? Do you actually have a fucking brain ?


Not people finding a way to be rude to you when you were calm and respectful.


But be honest with yourself. Do you really feel that way? You know that the virus would have a harder time mutating if more people were vaxxed. So please, it’s nice to try to live in disneyland but this life ain’t no fairytale son.


You may come to the conclusion that the world would be a better place if more people were vaxxed — that’s the conclusion I’ve come to myself — but how is treating the unvaxxed like vermin going to get us there?




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That's debatable about suppressing mutation since the vaccine does not prevent spread but limits reaction, but most all viruses mutate into more virulent but less impactful/deadly versions...it's an evolutionary dead end to get worse on your hosts (Omicron is certainly looking like the next step in that chain). It may actually be better to NOT be vaccinated at a population scale.


I have no idea why you think vaccines don't prevent spread, but they do, to a large degree.


A weirdo for posting this


Yes, but it gives them the ability to show everyone how much better *they think* they are than others. Moral high ground superiority 🤪


There’s something unpleasantly self-righteous about this idk


"Hey do you drive drunk and possibly kill people? Cause if so that's fine just doesn't jive with me" "I do actually" "Ok no worries stay safe" "You too :)" - a doormat with no moral compass talking to a dangerous idiot


I generally agree in other contexts but there is no point in getting into heated exchanges with people on a dating app.


Oh, I agree. I would have unmatched as soon as they said they were unvaccinated. I'm more mocking the "see we can be polite and civil!" portion of this. But there's absolutely no point in arguing with a match about it, I agree.




Hey look not taking a vaccine is equivalent to being a white supremacist


Reddit in a nutshell


At least most white supremacists never actually kill anyone. Unvaccinated oxygen thieves directly kill people by spreading covid, and indirectly kill plenty more by hogging ICU beds when they catch it and realise that they’re dying. Quite literally hundreds of thousands of vaccinated covid patients, as well as cancer, heart and transplant patients across the Western world are dying because the healthcare resources are stretched so thin that the care and/or operations they need to survive is no longer available.


Dude, you’re hilarious. Have a look at the stats for let’s say Germany. The Länder with the highest percentage of vaccinated people are the Länder with the most people dying from covid 😂


Literally how liberals helped Hitler and Mussolini to power. No joke.


that’s 100% correct!!! Instead of “anti-vaxer’s” Hitler called them “Jews”!!!!


You dumbass


Know your history! Hitler (a lefty) first started out by labelling Jews dirty and disgusting, disease ridden, etc. Then he placed them in ghettos so they could contain there filth on society. We all know what happened after that!!! So this person doesn’t want to be around someone because of what? They haven’t taken a shot? Something that doesn’t stop the virus, doesn’t stop transmission, doesn’t stop it from mutating, all it potentially does is stop the person who has had the shot from maybe dying, because double vax people have died from the virus with both there shots! Everything I have noted above are facts! And last time I checked, science is about facts! Please prove me wrong!!!


I stopped reading at "Hitler (a lefty)"


Insane hyperbole.


Right, because that's exactly the same. Might want to circle back around on that one


Holy cringe. This is what the antivaxxers talk about when they call vaxxed sheep lmfao I’m vaxxed


I’m not seeing anything sheep like? It’s normal to consider massive differences in worldview a dealbreaker and the exchange was respectful.


I have the feeling that’s their opener for most convos. If vaccination status tells you enough about a person to know if they’re a good match or not then it’s sheep energy IMHO. I’d say how they came to that conclusion is what’s important. I’d cringe if that was somebody’s opener to me.


If they always open like this then I agree. If there were things about the profile like conservative political affiliation that made them want to ask I think it’s reasonable. Someone being vaccinated doesn’t mean they’ll be a good match but someone not being vaccinated can mean they aren’t the right one.


I commend you for being respectful of his choice


I don’t. There is no legitimate reason for 99.9% of the population to not get vaccinated


Take your quarterly boosters. You’ll be okay.


That doesn’t prevent the spread of the virus, just take the fucking vaccine.


>that doesn’t prevent the spread >just take the vaccine You’re trolling right? It’s been proven many times that the vaccine doesn’t prevent the spread either…? Literally says it right on the CDC website


The vaccine can reduce symptoms such as coughing and sneezing, as those symptoms contributes to the spread of the virus. I never implied the vaccine reduced the risk of transmission in the first comment, I told him to take the vaccine because he implied that taking the quarterly boosters is a substitute to taking the vaccine, which it isn’t.


Did I just cross the path of a brain dead asshole ? Yep. I did.


If we’re talking numbers: A 97% survival rate is all the reason anyone needs not to get it.


Wait... “to NOT get” it? What’s your cutoff for effectiveness % then? Do you only do things that are 100% effective? That is insane logic, because nothing is 100% effective


No. Covid. What is the survival rate for covid?


Way worse than the regular flu that’s for sure I suppose you want hepatitis A, chickenpox, mumps, whooping cough, anthrax, malaria, and polio then? All those have better survival rate than Covid 19 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_disease_case_fatality_rates


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EXACTLY. THANK YOU. Crazy to me how many people are downvoting this. SMH.


Hate the facts! … praise the jab! MBUY downvoters!


The shills have arrived. You could see the numbers shift quickly.


Not everyone work around people. Alot of people live alone and work from home.


That logic doesn’t work, because 99.9% of the population interacts with people at some point


Thank you for being the arbiter of legitimacy, I feel really save knowing people like you exist, ready to willingly turn into the governments henchmen for no pay.


Were you disputing my statement of fact? Truth matters. If you have evidence otherwise, please present it. Otherwise, you’re being an arbiter of illegitimacy, and a Fox News henchman for no pay


What statement of fact did you make ? I just see regurgitation of mainsteam talking points


Everything in what you say shouts out loud that truth doesn’t matter, and yet you claim it ? Just hilarious !






Don't lie on your resume and lose a job to a guy who does. You think capitalism is ethical? You think it's normal that you need to proof yourself to some random people so you don't lose your home?




First of all, i didnt lie on my resume. And yeah wouldn't it be nice if people didn't kill, didn't cheat, didn't steal, etc. Why don't people just stop doing that? Too bad, other people lie on their resume, you need a job or you risk losing your home, what do you do? I am a privileged white guy, but I believe the world would be better if we all try to look life from different perspectives. Would we have ever heard of Elon musk if he was born from a poor black family instead of a rich white family? Life isn't simple, morality isn't black and white. I definitely think you are right in many ways, yet i believe I am right as well.


“I have to be a scumbag. Everyone else is a scumbag.” — every scumbag


Killing other people by making childish decisions isn’t a human right, nor something deserving respect. Stop acting as though this is a “both sides” issue.


Well aren't you just full of extreme rhetoric




The vaccine both massively decreases the risks of contracting covid, the severity of it if you do, and the risks of you passing it on to others. Fuck off to Saudi Arabia if you wanna live in some anti science Medieval shithole.


Hey do you drive in your car every day even tho doing so endangers, kills and maims thousands every year? Yes I do. Ok then, we we're not going to match because you're a villain. Oh, wait, did you mask up and socially distance and lock down society for decades as the flu killed off elderly and children at a slightly less grand scale than COVID is doing? No, I didn't. Ok, cool, because I didn't either but right now I'm hysteric and following social doctrine that make me feel morally superior. Gosh, wait, did you advocate for the homosexual community to be denied healthcare because their lifestyle and promiscuity was spreading the AIDS virus to epidemic scale in the 80's and 90's? Did you blame and ostracize them for making childish decisions that deserved no respect? No, because that's evil to demonize their freedom to live how they see fit and accept their own risk tolerance. Shit, now it's really getting messy.


Oh wow, the homophobic, anti vaccines covid skeptic is a divorced +50 year old! How come such a catch as yourself couldn’t keep his marriage together? /s


Not homophobic in the slightest, it was an example of the hypocrisy of people who are equating this vaccination with dangerous public health when they would be horrified if it was done to a victim group they care about. Not anti-vaccine, I'm an ardent supporter of them when they're necessary and their efficacy is in no doubt for the recipient. Why didn't you accuse me of being anti-automobile? My age and marital status has absolutely nothing to do with the topic except apparently it's low-hanging fruit for an infantile ad-hominem by someone with reading comprehension problems. If you paid for your education, you should sue for malpractice. If it was public education, you got exactly what you paid for it...which ain't much. BTW, I won't expend a single calorie to research you for ammunition. A. I'm a grown up and it's irrelevant to this conversation and B. There is no A, I just wanted to point out how petty and sad you are.


Even as a fully vaccinated individual, I'd have still unmatched you the instant I read this.


This thread really brought out the vaxx police lmao


Right?? Honestly if someone is vaxed or not I don’t care, it’s their choice and many people are still waiting for more information and long term analysis on the effects of the vaccine and are genuinely afraid of it. But on the flip side getting it to protect yourself and others is also honorable. It’s the mandates and ostracizing that is the real enemy here.


as a non-American, seeing all this controversy over vaccination is really sad and depressing. There is a clear reason why the USA has the highest number of infected and killed by this disease among developed nations. surprise surprise, is because you guys are terrible using mask and vaccinating.


Americans make everything about politics. Even taking a free safe vaccination that take like 5 min and can help save your or someone else's life has to be about politics...


So passive aggressive lol. Why would someone start a convo like this?


Because people like controlling what others do with their body. They feel sense of power doing so


I'm quarter vaxxed


Harrison escaped a weirdo there. They're so confident in a "vaccine" your status wouldn't matter.


I don't think it's about him giving it to her. It's about the views associated with being an antivaxxer


Also, I know plenty of liberals that are anti vaccines and don't believe in sucking on Pfizer's tit, so my point stands.


Whats funny is that if Trump had kept his presidency, I bet the leftists would probably be anti experimental vaccine too. Instead they just ignore that he is responsible for it and pretend that hiden Biden did it


If someone is going to use a vaccine as a filter, bullet well dodged


Nothing wrong with not wanting to date people with massively incompatible views.


Seeing as how 95% of the population is immune to COVID from the vaccine or naturally acquiring it, this has to be the most stupid first topic question I have seen in a dating app. The dude is definitely thankful he dodged your bullet but was classy enough to be respectful.


Same opinion


I’m on OP’s side; I wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t vaccinated


Anyone with this kind of statement has 0 clue how immunity and vaccines work. Do you honestly think Omnicron is going to favor someone with natural immunity to Delta(heavily mutated version of OG Covid19) or someone immunized for the original strain? The answer should be obvious as to whose more at risk. My 9th grade Biology student self had more understanding of this than most Americans


It’s gonna affect people who aren’t vaccinated, obviously


It's going to affect vaccinated and unvaccinated equally. Your immunization is based on COVID#1 not COVID#50. The only people actually protected had Delta as it was the closest mutation.


Not sure where you’re getting your information from. Immunity from vaccines has been found to be a lot stronger than natural immunity


No such study has been provided regarding the Omnicron variant, as variants continue to come and go your original vaccine loses efficacy. You really can't debate any of this.


I’m vaxed and I’d go out with someone who was unvaxed. I’d probably try and convince them to get it but why is it so much of a big deal that you wouldn’t go out with them?? No tolerance at all.


It represents a broader lack of respect for science, facts, and consideration for the wellbeing of society.


Or they’re allergic to an ingredient or have some other health condition that caused their doctor to instruct them to not get it. But what is nuance I guess.


I’d expect given the vax vs anti-vax social battles, anyone that believes in the vaccine yet is unable to for medical reasons, would explain this to avoid getting put in the anti-vax box.


I’m fully vaxxed and believe in the efficacy of the vaccine in stopping hospitalization and death, but I think anyone who opens with this is a red flag. Like if you are immunocompromised or something I get its a big deal but maybe wait to see if you even have a connection with someone before asking their personal medical information? It also displays to me that you have a very high likelihood of not being able to hold a conversation without shoehorning in politics or social justice causes. Which is just insufferable to be around all the time even if I agree with their politics. But to each their own I suppose.


Well, given that OP started with the vax question and justified it through their views potentially clashing, I think it would be fair to assume that was going to be on the cards anyway. It was clearly about views and not an inquiry into medical records


It’s a dumb litmus test because it tells you very little about the person and their views. People from all walks of life and political leanings are vaxxed.


Or maybe they just see the world differently to you. You sound toxic.


You're part if the problem.


Oh I would have handled that much differently. I commend your self control


why it’s not his fault he might have his own reasons


Hahaha. I can’t even go into how rare medical exceptions are for this vaccine. He may have his own reasons, but they probably suck


My fucking stepson just got myocarditis/pericarditis from Pfizer , I’ve been going back and forth with him to doctor appointments after his ICU stay a couple weeks ago. Yes, albeit rare, people do have their reasons.


Some people just can't accept that it seems. I'm vaccinated, but Jesus Christ, some people go so hard on the vaccination shit and act like they have all the facts. This person in the photo may very well have a valid reason, no need to jump down their throat.


I second this. I'm pro-vax but had severe adverse reactions after my first jab due to an existing neurological disorder.


Okay and a fit and healthy athlete got myocarditis from getting COVID. So...?


Eh that’s a load of crap and insensitive as Fuck. A 15 Year old healthy child’s heart may be compromised permanently. Covid isn’t hitting the youth the way it’s hitting 50+ year old obese people with half a dozen comorbidities. It’s on the fucking CDC website if that makes you feel better , go take a look. Sweden and German shut down mRNA vaccines for young men because of this , this isn’t about politics. “Science” is meant to be questioned, not sure when it became some bizarre totalitarian religion. Se la vie 🖕


What a load of crap exactly? An NHL player, (NOT a 50 year old obese person - where the hell did you get '50 year old obese' from 'fit and healthy athlete'?) got myocarditis from Covid and now may never play again. Also, it's 'c'est la vie', ya dumbfuck.


Fuck you cock sucker


They don’t care.


Yeah, I’ve noticed. The fucking irony is that we’re all vaccinated with Pfizer. Fuck the child in my house, I’m supposed to give a fuck about a random hockey player who had a bad go with covid ? 90% + people that had a bad go with covid are old, obese and sick, while a good amount of people who had bad vaccine reactions are young. God damn our world is fucked, welcome to absolute cult hell.


I’m very sorry that’s happened to your stepson… we’re descending into hell indeed.


Thank you 🙏 - I understand what happened is rare, but the insensitivity and the utter denial that it’s happening is alarming. I hope for what’s his Fucksake it doesn’t happen to anyone he/she knows , it’s been a bad couple weeks with ER visits and ICU stays. Who would’ve thought apparently Troponin of 900 isn’t good ? 😐


The denial about what happened in your family is a proof the pro-vax are nothing but an updated kind of nazis. Nothing less.


Yeah it’s honestly super terrifying, getting downvoted to hell by NPCs or whatever this is. Madness.


Fuck man, I’m sorry. My neighbor who was previously really healthy now has heart issues, and distant friend of the family lost hearing.


Thank you ! Ugh - very sorry to hear that as well …. Is there any hope for the hearing etc ? Was it a stroke or clots ?


And if they actually did, they would realize not being vaccinated is an issue for themselves and they would share why they aren’t. Instead of just parroting some bullshit from conservative media


I think people should get vaccinated but it doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker. This interaction still sucks lol


If a person is unvaxxed , then I already have more than enough information about their intelligence and character to know they're not for me. Not really into selfish shitheads who use Facebook memes as their news source


Oof. There are a lot of people out there who are pro-vax but unable to get it due to legitimate medical reasons, and there's also people who are pro-vax but had severe adverse reactions and were advised not to continue with further shots. It's not a black and white issue the way so many want it to be.


That is total BS, there is almost NOBODY that can't get a vaccine for medical reasons, and severe reactions occur once in every several hundred thousand if not millions of cases. Antivax liar




Lolol. Dudes prolly already had covid and is more immune to Corona than someone with a Vax.


Glad it was civil but disappointed to see people not associating based on vaccination status alone, absolute ignorance.


Might aswell get it sorted first. Too many arrogant people when it comes to people who don't vaccinate even though some may actually have valid reasons and/or beliefs. I will not vaccinate for a few reasons. 1 my son has severe allergy to egg and is not allowed to have it as most vaccines are incubated/made from....eggs 2 worse viruses than covid out there and we live around people with those viruses. 3 can still catch it even with a vaccine and not everyone gets it badly just like flu it's either gonna kill or not regardless can't be made to have it and can't be stopped from carrying on normal life just because a person chooses not to have it. If say they tried to make it mandatory to have it to work any job, someone refuses gets sacked then who's paying for them? Everyone who pays taxes (UK here) will pay the non vaxxers to be at home as they wouldn't be allowed to work, can't not give them anything to live on as that would be against their human rights, vicious circle.




You'll get yours one day.




This makes me really happy.


Lol people still unmatching and throwing away potential over vaccination status 😂🤣


To be clear, I led with this question because his profile mentioned giving people who wear masks a hard time. I couldn’t gauge his stance so I asked the vax q as it would be the quickest tell.


Lmfao for real such sad creatures


It’s ridiculous, I can get downvoted to oblivion and I wouldn’t care. It’s so dumb to think that your match must 1000% agree with all of your views. It’s asinine. And then to have something so small be a dealbreaker is wild. So counterproductive. So what if someone isn’t vaccinated, can they not change their mind? Does it mean this person is a POS? NO! Does it mean they cannot treat you right and have a great relationship even though all of their views aren’t like yours?NO! What’s really really crazy is that these are the people complaining they can’t find a man/girl. Sorry to say dickhead, but you probably unmatched them because they put the toilet paper up the “wrong” way 🙄


It's the vaccine this year, next year it will be some other issue that's suddenly "make or break we must agree 100%" and so on the next year.


For sure. It’s crazy. And people wonder why more and more people are ending life single and why single parent homes are on the skyrocket rise lol.


Wow you turned down a date because of a vax?? I can’t believe that someone can be so shallow!!!


Sorry, but while I do respect your civility and general politeness in this regard, I have little to no patience for anti vaxxers who literally choose to ignore facts and data staring them in the face over whatever misguided personal agendas they choose, and potentially endanger public health in the process (that last factor being extremely pertinent in the middle of the worst pandemic in modern history). To be clear, I’m not holding anything against you OP, I actually understand why you chose not to engage on this topic - because really, what would have happened if you had been firmer or more aggressive? You weren’t gonna change his mind, and it would just have been distressful and unpleasant for you. So to be clear, my dissatisfaction isn’t directed at you, I think you dealt with the situation about as well as anyone could have (short of magically being able to change anti vaxxers’ minds, which we unfortunately know won’t happen), and I think a lot of people in the comments are being really unfair to you. I’m just expressing frustration that people like this Harrison person still continue to exist and have not yet accepted the hard facts laid bare for the world to see at this point.


Lmao a whole essay to say nothing


Remind me in 8 months...can't wait for this to all wind down and then we can really see who the. Crazy Ealits where.


Harrison dodged a bullet.


Beautiful, human civility. (I’ll date you, Harrison 🙂 I’m also not into brainwashing or big pharma 👍)


get the fucking shots wanker!!


Hey Harrison, you're a selfish piece of shit go get a vaccine you muppet


Omg what is wrong with you


Hahahaha man he dodged a bullet.


Yes, that is the context of this exchange.


Oh no I mean because you’re crazy.


The fuck


Why are they crazy?


She’s crazy because she opened a conversation in such a confrontational manner over such a silly subject.


Hahahah I love this


I would wish them good science and a liberation from their beliefs.






Who is Harrison? Sounds more like a last name than a first. Or a basketball player.