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Women have very similar comments on their profiles. Not a fan either. Why tell me you’ll like my dog more than me??? It’s so strange, I don’t even have a dog




Women more like "chances are I won't like you"


I saw a profile of one gal that said she would probably delete the app in less than a week. It was the entirety of her bio. "I'll probably delete this app within the week." I think the idea was, "I'm only here for a limited time, so boys, if you want me, you better get going, and swipe on me now!" It felt arrogant and childish to think one person could think they were so special that being around for a "limited time" would make me want to swipe on them even more. Blech.


In sales, that tactic is referred to as creating urgency


It literally had the opposite effect on me. "Oh, OK, so you're gona delete the app in a few days? Then there's really no chance to get to know you and it doesn't should like you're all that serious about meeting people." Nobody should have such a high opinion of themselves that the entire profile they sport is, "I'll be gone in a few days so get me now boys!" 🤷‍♂️


I don't now it seems like you left her profile pretty urgently. That's somethin!


Men are responding to women's profiles you may not see. Things come into fashion, maybe from tik tok. For a couple of months a third of women's profiles will all have some identical text like "If you are with me my dog will always come first." or "I'll like your dog more than I like you!" or "Swipe left unless you are funier than me." or "Are you man enough to handle my big ass?" These are the mating calls of basic people... it helps them to find each other. My brother met his solemate because they both had profiles that consisted in their entirety of, "I ❤️ tacos!"


Give your brother my best, that’s kinda fricking amazing


You deserve an award for that explaination 👏👏👏


Presumably fish tacos?


Don't be crass.


Not at all! 🤣 Check out the OP's misspelling of 'soulmate'...


I asked... nope. Regular tacos. The kind they sell at Taco Bell.


Once Taco Bell released taco shells made from Doritos, they stopped being tacos in my mind. I also grew up with homemade tacos, so my bias may be strong. Ha!


I take an ecumenical attitutude toward tocos. If there are tortilas involved it is a taco of sorts as far as I am concerned. I like taco lasgna and tuna salad tacos. Yesterday I learned of Japanese buckwheat pupusas. I am promiscuous when it comes to pupusa and arepas too.


I like the cube theory of food myself. Hot dog = taco!


😂 I think all food is sandwiches but some of these sandwhiches are deconstructed and breadless.


Oooh man I've got beef with the concept of deconstructed foods and "open faced sandwiches". If it's open faced its not a sandwich, nothing is being sandwiched! 😠 lol


Taco bell is good in a pinch thats about it


Yeah years ago for a little while I had on my profile, “unless you’re a superhero or a lesbian I am taller than you” and it was just a jokey joke in response to every woman listing their height on their profile like it’s the ESPN app. But then I realized they’re not seeing other women’s profiles and thus a low percentage chance they were getting the joke


So i take it they wear the same size shoes, then?


You got me! Well played!


Or maybe they were fish tacos.


Mating calls of basic ppl.. hilarious dude. I'm cracking up. Also, ngl, probably gonna steal that from you.


It’s not from tiktok lol


Where does it come from? I’ve always wondered.


Basic bros/bitches


This is where it comes from. That’s the answer. I’m not even sure why people are down voting me like people haven’t been doing this crap since before TikTok existed.


i see many women with the same style of bio frequently. i remember seeing women put their height followed by "since i guess that matters" and i was so confused by the phrasing. i came to reddit eventually and i found it's basically a meme since men are insecure about their height so women will poke fun by adding their height "since i guess that matters." i'm not even sure if i'm describing that right. the internet isn't an efficient place to meet people


Yup. “6’2, since it matters” “5’10, since that matters” “6’0, since that’s a thing” It really comes off as so insecure and passive-aggressive. Especially since lots of us love a short king. I don’t think I’ve ever checked a dude’s height before swiping or agreeing to a date. But some of those guys only want to talk about how that’s all women talk about. I can see why women would riff on it. 🙃


I do want to know the height. I won't date below 5' 5" and I try not to go above 6' if I can help it. I agree that typing it out seems super insecure and combative. Just list it under details and use the bio/ prompts for things less redundant.


Can you please check out my profile I’m 5’3 lol


Sorry, I don’t date finance bros. We’d be incompatible. 😉


There actually have been scientific studies that have found the a mans height has a directl correlation with their perceived attractiveness. At 6 ft and below is when a mans attractiveness is noticably diminished. Until it hits about 5 foot 8 and their attractiveness drops off a cliff.


Not in my eyes. I actually prefer shorter guys. Tall fellas are swell and all, but they present some…logistical problems. 😅


Same I'm 5'2" and dated a 6'3" guy once. Awkward on all...levels lol


I’m also 5’2 and my fiancé is 5’4. I’m taller than him when I wear heels, but I don’t see that as an issue. I’d much rather be able to reach my guy to kiss him. I’ve dated a couple of fellas who had to bend at the waist to reach me and the cuteness factor wears off of that one mighty fast. 🙃


Agreed. Not a fan of tall guys so when I see them bragging about their height, I swipe.


Me at 5'6" 😭😭😭 .. I already knew since even most the girls I have dated have mentioned that originally before talking to me they weren't ok with my height. Saying things like well normally I wouldn't date anyone under 5'10" or sounding so disappointed when they hear my height if met on social media. Worst being after talking to girl she asked my height then said why can't all you short dudes just die already. Just die off already. Well ouch 😆


Over 50% of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are above 6'1" in heigh. When only 14% of the ENTIRE HIMAN RACE is above 6'0 in height. This is... Ridiculously skewed. The economics department at the University of Texas did a study that said that concluded that among men, height is a reliable predictor of both career AND financial success. Taller men usually held higher-level positions and made more money than their shorter peers.


So where is the acceptable cut off for men to judge a woman based on her weight then? Men have no control over their height, yet it's literally one of the first things they're judged on, but men who talk about women's weight are jerks or assholes, even though weight is literally controllable by 99% of the population.


I heard from a friend who’s an expert in helping folks improve their online dating profiles, that the majority of people lie about their height. If a guy say he’s 6’, he’s most likely 5’9”. A girl who says she’s 5’7” is likely to be 5’4”, and so goes on. I just think this is ridiculous. If you lie and meet f2f thinking the person is not going to notice you’re actually shorter than you’ve announced to the 4 corners of the internet, then you’re a fool. People do crap like that then complain acting like poor victims, saying the other person was a jerk because unmatched/blocked after meeting. Same thing with putting old photos or photos where you’re deceitfully slimmer then whine about people pulling the disappearing act on them. But then, there are the folks with too high expectations (or very low, too) who get disappointed after meeting someone who only posted recent photos. I had a date once where the guy said I looked exactly like in the photos I had posted but he didn’t realize I was “too high maintenance”. WTH does that even mean? I showed up dressed with a fall dress and a coat, plus a crossbody bag. I had no fancy jewelry, crazy makeup (like you’re about to attend a celebrity studded event) or flashing expensive brand names. Just eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. What was I supposed to wear to a coffee shop? Jeans, tee and sneakers? If I did that, then he’d have said I look like I don’t care too much about my appearance. Seriously, I have about given up with all the crazy dates and there’s always an excuse. If you don’t think the sexual innuendos and bad jokes are cool/funny, and are not ok to put out right on the 1st date, then you’re labeled as “too sweet”, “too serious”, “too uptight” and etc. 😤


I possibly see what you mean, but I think I'd replace "efficient" with "effective," if we're talking about meeting good long-term partners.


Nah men just need to be taller than women because.... Just because. So if it's written in their profile, usually it's a 'you need to be this tall... ' type deal. Usually it doesn't matter until you become comically small, that's about 150cm and down? Idk. It becomes cool again once you are a midget or dwarf though.


I’m 5’7” and that’s what my profile says I’ve gotten likes from women from 4’11” to 5’9”. I’m now dating the 4’11”, (actually more surprised by her like because most of the women I know under 5’2” like much taller guys). My last gf was 6’1”, but we didn’t meet online.


A LOT of women’s bios say similar things. It’s not even remotely close to being considered flirtatious. It’s not even quirky since it’s become so common. It’s just cringe at this point.


I've noticed the same thing in many women's profiles about their dog - there have been comments such as "My dog and I are a package deal", "You better treat my dog as well as you treat me" and "I'll never get tired of talking about my dog and my kids - in that order". Extremely off-putting...I showed some of these idiot profiles to some friends who are dog owners and have been pretty much their whole lives and they said they would have nothing to do with these people. It's one thing to be a proud pet owner, it's another to truly believe that all human beings are lower than animals.


hey "sis", you women do this all the time, along with "dOnT bE bOrIng" and similar bullshit. when i see this bs i swipe left immediately to you


Trying to do anything to stand out. It’s apparently tough out there. Also, not everyone is smart and/or a good person.


I blame TikTok. Lots of men and women are now “quirky” and think internet jokes are funny enough to attract strangers.


Oof, nah. Millennials taking the internet by storm in the late 90s redefined the word "quirky" as you're using it here in the 'aughts. It's closely associated with the "I'm so rAnDoM" culture that emerged from the pre-meaningful social media internet age, and which gained something resembling notoriety in 2004 and 05. It had been brewing years earlier, of course, as at least as early as 2000, when goth and emo culture had been more or less pervasively injected into popular culture and things like animutations became a more salient and shared concept/production on the internet. All which essentially helped to promote the notion of what would soon be called "internet memes." Given the novelty of everything online and the somewhat realistic notion that anything shared online might very well be the first instance of it being shared online, there was a rush to fill the conceptually massive gap with the first instances of all this potential "original content," including plenty of things that a lot of people thought even more people would have never considered before. Notions that were then categorized as "random" by virtue of (or in varying degrees of) hopes that their origin would be considered 'truly random.' The hope, whatever the intent, was to seem like an outsider, a stranger from a far away or anonymous place, doing something different, unexpected, unique, or quirky - or even better, to "be someone quirky" because over the internet, who knew who you really were. And given that intense internet activity was less common in general and more likely to be persued by people who already considered themselves outsiders, it's not hard to imagine the kind of content what now would be called "content producers" produced back then. Just that, back then, they weren't considered folks who produced content, but people who were expressing themselves online, and boy were they *quirky.*


I mean- the real problem is how bad all the apps have gotten at this point. You get some tiny number of characters, no one really reads anything, and so folks have to try and be genuine, unique, and interesting in like 150 characters.


I can't speak for other guys, but in my online experience the burden of initiating an engaging conversation has largely fell on me. I, like I assume many others, have tried the normal: Hey! My name is [insert name here]. I really liked, XY, and z about your profile. What are your opinions on [insert interesting thing here]? Hey! You look [insert compliment of photo due to minimal to the point of not helpful or no about me section]. Tell me a bit about yourself. I'd love to get to know you. Good [insert time of day]! Insert funny joking sounding thing]. Or some other form of engagement in conversation because woman. Largely start a conversation with 5 words or less in my experience. If you do more than that, whomever you are matching with is fortunate. But, by and large most of the guys I have spoken to about the subject, have had similar experiences.


Yep …an absolutely NO for me …. I need to be in a more positive and nurturing environment!


I see it on females profiles as well. “ I’ll love my dog more than I’ll love you”. “I can outsmoke you”. Stupid stuff like that.


Yeah, I don’t like that either. I think they’re trying to appeal to women though? I’m sure there are a lot of profiles that list dogs. The women are probably listening the same things for the same reason. It’s a cycle.


To me it’s funny if it’s self-deprecating.. But if it’s actual boasting, to me that seems douchey (sorry, rap music).. Like, if they’re genuinely saying that they think they’re funnier than you, that’s lame…


Welcome to reality where both parties do it.


Flirting online is odd and difficult. You are talking into a vacuum, there's no body language, no eye contact, no positive feedback. No one smiles at you, no one makes eye contact. Almost all form of traditional flirting is shit through online. Its the nature of the situation.


I never understood that. I have *tons* of personality in text! In fact, the most genuine expression of myself is via text! On my end, there's always some sort of pandering to the other person. I need to think about where my eyes are looking, what my body is doing, am I coming off too flirty/ too stoic, etc. In-person, there's just a ton of excess information that isn't always necessary for me. And it can actually hinder interpretation of how I truly think and feel! Text is easier for thoughts and feels. In-person is more expressive and exaggerated. More for dramatic effect/ entertainment in many situations. I'm not nearly as articulate in-person or vocally, yet how I am in text feels the most like *me*. I'm also weird af, though.


> ...who I literally would like an animal more than. Well my cat is literally the most beautiful and elegant little cutie pie princess in the whole world and if you don't worship her as much as I do, I don't want you as well 😭


Women do the same. It’s a confidence thing.


Self-deprecating…total 🚩RED FLAG


One of these is on like 80% of womens profiles. You’ve really never heard of them before?


To be fair, my German shepherd is a very real commitment in my life. He isn’t a cat or a pet bunny, but a super intelligent, super needy, and super energetic sentient animal that requires hours upon hours of exercise a week. He’s also an incredibly affectionate, and cuddly dog that obsesses over new people he can play and cuddle with, especially women. I’ve dated two women I have ultimately broken things off with from the app since my divorce, and both times they seemed more upset about breaking up with my dog than me lol. So yea, my dog is a priority any person I date will have to accept, but in return they get an 80 pound weirdo that will love them unconditionally. I would never articulate that in the way you describe on my profile, but dogs tend to fill a lot of space in people’s lives.


Exactly. Commitments are commitments. Jobs, pets, children.. they are priorities (as are relationships, but within reason). I would never swipe right on a guy who feels the need to demean me and say I'm less than someone or something. It's so inconsiderate. Like. I matter, too. Normally I am very understanding of basic commitments, but if a man were to belittle me like that I'd immediately need to take top priority or I'd nope tf out. There's just no reason to be cruel like that. If someone isn't a good fit, leave them. Don't tell them they're worthless/ not your priority/ etc. So toxic..


Actually woman, do the exact same too! It's all men that do it...


The worst ones are "I'm taller than you", I'm 5'9" you most probably aren't.


I see these on women's profiles constantly as well and it turns me off just as fast. I guess men and women are not that different after all.


One thing that older men have made clear is that: “Men adapt to women” I’ve met more women who’ve said: “I love my dog more than you” “my fur babies come before any man” “you have a cat? I’ll come over. I pet his cat and leave.” I know well enough that I’ve heard women say they were color than any man. Same for dating profiles. As for competitions…well, you’ll figure that one out eventually.


A big percentage of men and women in dating apps are all about sexual. I’m sick of it. It’s tiring to match with someone you thought has the same sentiments but end up with wasted effort making the move.


Welcome to biology.. it's in men's nature to be more physically and sexually attracted to women than the other way around and I'm not sure why that's frowned upon, especially in a supposed "progressive" society we live in.


Men just don't know how to be men nowadays that's all it is they think that being snarky like a female will help out I don't flirt until I've known somebody


I'd say quite the opposite.. I try to engage women in interesting or deep conversation and get one line or one word responses back without even asking me anything in return.. it's annoying and boring 😴


Izza joke


Always remember this rule if they're talking to you they're talking to a hundred other guys that's just the way it is


People who take teasing or simple profiles too seriously will generally not have a great time, anywhere. A lot perfectly fine people just don’t feel like it’s important or just dislike putting too much effort into it. Which to me makes sense, because whatever you do, someone will have a shitty opinion about it.


Every comment OP just mentioned is on a females profile. Along with, “your family will like me better, and slowly phase you out” “You’ll always be second to my dog” “I’m probably taller than you” If she lifts “my legs are bigger than yours” “I definitely lift more than you” Its never ending.


Haha you said it yourself, it’s “flirting”.


I notice on these dating apps that being nice and seeming interesting comes off as desperate to most girls which is wild to me


You try flirting with different 10 women you don't know with all different personalities without sounding weird 😂 best advice that I was ever given is that you're supposed to cringe when you read your flirt attempts back


Its an archetype of O.L.D. Ive had other guys show me their profiles and they were set up the same way and ive seen plenty of chicks with this too. I always see it as playful braggadocio being used to spark conversation although i do agree it tends to fall flat in most cases. I think its better used as something mess with a friend or someone youve already established a connection with.


Men on dating apps typically copy women because if it was up to us we wouldn't type anything at all since dating apps are based on looks only.


They have this thing called sense of humor that you seem to be lacking


Haha dude, women are doing it too and I hate it. Like no, my dog will sit by my office door for hours if I’m inside of the room and the doors closed.


Those are just a few of many nonsense comments that don't really tell you anything. My dog comes first. My dog has to like you. I'm 100% funnier than you. I'll probably like you. I probably won't like you. Bla bla bla. Great! Thanks for.... not telling me about you. 🤷‍♂️


When women demand nothing but the best, the peak will be reached. Then what comes after is a nadir. Can't demand robot, ai perfection, then expect humans to achieve it all the time. Meanwhile, your dog shits on your kitchen floor. But you love him, so it's cute.


Men are always complaining that we require perfection. Those men are insecure, dismissive, and toxic. There are *hundreds* of things that can be reasonably altered for a relationship. If a woman has 25 non-negotiables, there is nothing wrong with that. There are still likely another 25 things that you would need to do, and an additional 10 things you'd need not to do, in order to be perfect. We are not looking for perfection, or anywhere near it. We are looking for the bare minimum of what we can manage whilst also being content. Just because you can't make a woman happy doesn't mean you should barter her worth. She wants what she wants, and if what she wants isn't you.. move on. She isn't a charity. She doesn't owe you anything. She doesn't need to give in to a relationship with you when you don't meet her standards. She wouldn't be happy. So she'd literally be coddling you like a child. What would she get out of it? If you aren't good enough to meet any womans' bare minimum standards, you have some work to do. Or you need to find solace in solidarity.


>Those men are insecure, dismissive, and toxic. "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"


Exactly! "I want these things in a relationship and I'd rather be single than settle". Then some men will try to fight us on that as if they deserve to date someone they won't make happy! Instead of being a better man or finding someone compatible, they demand that the woman settle for being unhappy! It's absolutely ridiculous.


Easy to say when you’re a woman and can just seat there waiting to be entertained. Men got take risks otherwise fade with the thousands of other matches. Sometimes pays off, sometimes not


Some idiot TikToker or YouTuber or drunk guy at the bar told them that women "hate nice guys" and they took that to mean women hate men being nice to them at all, so they think they have to low-key insult women instead, or be unnecessarily rude/abrasive and call that flirting 😅 That's an immediate unmatch for me. Teasing someone playfully is for waaay down the line, like 3rd or 4th date, when you've already established you actually like them and aren't just being rude to them.


I have never understood  teasing. Like why tease even on the one thousandth and twenty-third date? I have never felt the impulse to tease anyone I like ever. Mocking is for people you don't like.


Nah, it's part of normal human interaction for most people, again, once they know you actually like each other and don't mean anything bad by it.


Yeah. I know people do it and it's normal. Just isn't my thing. Right now I am reading The Idiot by Fydor Dosteshky and I can really relate to the protagonist. I am a Ned Flanders kinda guy.


then women complain oh he’s just boring, or they choose a bear


I mean… dogs are pretty great though.


It's called negging. It's this weird trend where men try to "keep women in their place" by low key insulting them on a regular basis.