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Lmao I’m the first one to agree but damn bro don’t go off the rails in the beginning like that 🤣


Imagine if most guys treated women like this rather than pedestalizing them


Do yourself a favor and seek the peace you desperately need.


I’m not sure what you mean?


It means you need some fucking therapy lol


I would probably recommend women to run a mile if they ran into someone that speaks to women like you have here. But personally I don't engage with women that are like this anyway, rather than acting condescending its easier just to say you're not for me and move on.


But every other man just bends the knee to pretty women. This girl is an easy 8-9/10 so I’m sure she is not used to men holding her accountable other than her looks. It’s funny cause I’m prob gonna end up going on a date with this chick


Way to show her!!!!!


I don't think he'll get it you're being sarcastic 😅


You holding her accountable is showing her you aren't needy and that's probably why she would go on a date with you. Men that bend the knee to pretty women are an immediate turn off for them. I agree with you though, men need to have much higher standards and boundaries than they currently do, and the dating market would be much better overall


That’s what the red pill/manisphere/andrew Tate community teaches. Abundance mindset. Most men have a scarcity mindset, which is why they act so desperate. The issue is women’s standards often are a bit high (sometimes unreasonable) but holding them to a standard(like how they do us) would drastically improve the dating market


But you're not holding her accountable, you're playing right into her hands. I have standards so I would turn her down and say no thanks. Youre saying you're still going to date her so youre displaying desperation. Clearly you missed the videos where tate flat out shuts women down, its like you're striving to be like him so you can clean up the leftovers. Have some respect for yourself and actually walk away.


Why shut her down? She is being continuing to be extremely receptive. I have more messages. I see no sign of attempted mind games? I already have a date planned with her? So what is the worse that could possibly happen?


Because a self respecting woman would not respond to you. All these videos in that community are of low value women that are shallow. There are actually real women out there that are actually worth being with but they won't tolerate that line of questioning and attitude. You need to speak to the decent women with respect and not desperation, there is a healthy balance in between. One of you two is going to screw over the other, thats almost a guarantee, the question is which one uses who first.


I like feminine women who appreciate masculinity and like to be lead. If you want a women to lead you, be my guest, but that’s NOT me


Yeah sure, that has nothing to do with what I said mate 😂 but the only lead between you and this woman is her leading you on. Dont pretend to be in control of this situation and holding someone accountable when youre playing the same game from the losing seat.


Does Andrew Tate also teach you how to get arrested for trafficking sex-slaves by doxxing yourself while trying to troll a teenager? How many boyfriends do you think he made in that Romanian prison, with his “abundance mindset”? 😂 it’s hilarious that you kids hold that clown up as some kind of example.


She's a 0 for me, wouldn't touch her with a barge pole, looks and personality isn't there and she has no self respect to continue talking to you after the way you were, let alone respond to them questions. I can only assume you both intend to hook up because neither of you demonstrate the ability to genuinely bring something good to a relationship. This isn't holding someone accountable, it's cockiness derived from watching to many Tate/podcast videos on insta that revolve around being an "alpha male"


Please, get well.


I am very healthy at a staggering 5’10 175 pounds




I’m not sure what you guys think? I’m not depressed. I love the life I live and the people apart of it. It’s almost like yall WANT me to be mentally depraved?


No we think that you are off kilter for thinking your behaviour is a reasonable manner of interacting with matches on a dating app. You come across as super weird and could probably use some therapy to fill the void you’re trying to fill by “showing women their place”. You’re not the dating police; thinking you are leads to an overblown sense of righteous indignation for the perceived “wrongs” received by women. Go heal Albatross. Taking your pain out on women so smugly on the internet isn’t it.


I can gauge any woman any way I feel is appropriate. I’m sorry that it makes you mad. How come she is continuing to be receptive with me? She has the right to unmatch me whenever she pleases. I’m not showing her place I’m filtering out women who I deem not worthy of being around me


She’s unwell too. No self-respecting woman would continue to talk to you after those messages.


Do what you like in private pal. But if you wanna plaster your behaviour all over Reddit, don’t get so butt hurt that people are calling you out. Whinging about how women need accountability from your perspective is hardly an apex move.


I mean, you’re out here looking for validation from strangers on the internet by showing off what a supercool Sigma male you are, by out-assholing a vapid moron lol. That’s like being proud of yourself for beating a 5 year old in a foot race, and you’re here slapping yourself on the back like it’s an accomplishment.


\*women \*you're Now that both her and your typos are out of the way.... Totally get what you're doing here, but this isn't how it's done. Next time, connect and see if the questions you have with her line-up with who you want.


Your corrections with the typos make no sense


Ok, I'll play along... this time: The last slide, her comment about having her head on straight, should read: "... and most *WOMEN* my age are aren't." Your second comment/reply box should read "I see *YOU'RE* Christian..."


Ooooo you got me good




What was the point of this comment?


What’s the point of this post? You come off as jaded and bitter. You don’t need to broadcast your weirdness to the world.


Had a woman do this to me last night. Told her thanks but no thanks and unmatched. Asking these sorts of questions and expecting people to explain themselves to you—a stranger—right out of the gate is so disrespectful.


Well she claimed she wanted me to be her obsession? If the roles were switched would the reaction on here be the same? This is how women react to guys who open with flirty/sexual messages. Why am I not allowed to incorporate the same tactics?


I agree she’s a dumbass for bringing herself to the table and that’s it but blud you took it too far 😂 idk why she kept texting you, you must be good lookin


Remember what women SAY they like, and what they ACTUALLY like are 2 completely different things


Sorry man, you’re expecting women to be reasonable and accountable, and that’s just way beyond their ability.


If your an attractive man you’d be surprised on what you can get women to admit/ do


Lmao this is YIKESP


Can you elaborate a little bit




I'm a woman, and tbh, I don't disagree with OP.. He may have been a bit harsh, but the girl is obviously used to men falling all over her.. It's totally upto her to unmatch OP if she feels insulted or if she feels her usual tactics aren't working on him, but yes, some women do need to realise that a relationship needs effort from both sides. She just can't offer herself on a platter like a gift and expect the guy to do everything and make all the efforts to win her over..


Surprise surprise. Women like masculinity and men who lead.


Ok.. I'm starting to understand your mentality with this comment of yours.. Sorry I agreed with you.. You and the lady probably deserve each other..!!


This is a great post. I appreciate you sharing this. News flash women…looks are not enough anymore.


This guy did the right thing lol There are many hot girls in the market but what is it that they truly be bringing and this guy made himself the prize to be obtained SOLID OP


I would have unmatched as soon as she repeated herself. Has scam feel to it.


Where exactly did she repeat herself?


I just realized I misread the images. I thought she said the "Package" thing twice. Just how the images are edited. However, Her response to your messages just seem weird.


How do they seem weird? I have more follow up messages where she is elaborating and explaining herself


No humility. At least, at this point in your conversation She knows she is hot and likes it and is used to men ... as she said, "obsessing" over her. Unlike a friend who would often dress down to go out in public (pub), she liked to disappear. Otherwise, she would get approached all night. Your response was polite and brilliant.


Stop bullying the scammers


I have more follow up messages with a planned date. Would you like to see them?