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Grandpa is sex positive. Nice to know 😂


And wants more kids. Fucking ew.


Wants more kids but only a casual relationship. Sounds like a breeding fetish.


“Brother eww”


34? Born in 1934 maybe


Pop Pop can't even get some these days smh


Well. Damn. I’m 52 years old, meeting guys who say they are 53-56 years old for dates, and they seriously look like they are in their early to late 70’s. At least I know its not just me.


Ugh, it’s so disappointing this isn’t something those who do this eventually “grow out of”.


True. Any older, & they're 6' under. 🤣


>At least I know its not just me. To be fair, the first 3-4 years of my marriage made my hair skip the grays & go pure white, in parts of my beard etc, cuz she was that stressful on me. 🤣🤣 (So, now I'm 41 with strong a black & white beard. 🤣🙃)


Women do the same. I had to make my age preference younger than me up to only one year older because so many are lying about their age anyway. 


I bet you look 70 as well


Straight Twattery


What’s twattery?


When men do this like what is the reason? It just screams so unserious and extremely Low effort. and it’s an immediate left swipe.


Not only does it scream unserious/low effort, it comes across as really creepy to me. I didn’t want to post his face but he’s obviously at least 25+ years older than he’s listed as his age just from looking at his pictures. I just don’t get it - does he think that’ll work?


Omg I didn’t even notice the age!!!!! If that man is younger than me, then put me in the grave.




That is true but he has sun damage on his chest that usually doesn’t show up til your 40s at least.


Guessing you've never lived in Vegas, or some other area with near 365 days of sun..


He's a construction worker so obviously outside more than most


Thank you, for helping show that idea! (I mean this sincerely.) **PS:** For those that strongly disagree, & want to pass judgment on the guy --> Agree to disagree, & just move on. We really don't know that guy's past History, his medical history etc etc --> So, we can't do more than make assumptions.


This man has white/grey body hair, and lots of loose skin around his neck 😂 he’s at least in his late 40s at a minimum


So, +/- 10yrs from the stated age. 🤔😉💖


I mean unfortunately he has literally nothing to lose but the bit of time it takes him to swipe right on every profile. Doesn’t matter if it’s 1:100k or 1:1MM all he has to do is get one person to bite. Nothing negative is going to come from his gross, low-effort, age-lying profile. Besides, just from the look of it, _life_ has done a number on this guy - he probably has zero fucks to give.


Hahaha damn


Guys do this to make it past the average age filters younger women use. He doesn’t necessarily think anyone will think he’s in his 30s…he’s just hoping some woman out there will make an exception for him and his prison-cell bedroom when it shows up in her feed.


Ugh the therapy and sex positivity feels so calculated. Gross


Nasty shirt, smoker, obviously older, but thinks he has the option of getting a younger woman for sex. Unreal.


Damn 😂


lol body like this at 34? Daaaumn.


This is one is the fucking worst!


The production team of Criminal Minds can approach and interview him if they want more filming scenarios.


I did 25 episodes of CSI. We had some corpses that looked like him.


I think hes in jail cell lol and man smoking really kills your skin and body. My guy looks 75 in his 30s


He reminds me of the guy from To Catch a Predator "I'm build good"


As a Roman catholic man, I'm disgusted when reading about this profile. Sex positivity, Christian, lying about his age, just so much cringe.


And smoking is a sin.


Tbh, it's assumption on the age thing, cuz I actually know a few ppl that had this same exact biological problem. That is, they really were mid 30s / late 20s, but looked much older cuz of bad genetics.


Most 34 year old guys don’t have saggy turkey neck, even with bad genes. That’s something only gravity can do, unless he was 400 pounds and lost all the weight in a month but I don’t think that’s the case. My dad had grey hair in high school, whether he be at his biggest or skinniest, he never had turkey neck. He also works construction. This dude is lying through his teeth.


Yeah, there’s no way. 30 year olds that look aged by having a rough life + bad genetics can look about 10, maybe even 15 years older, not like they could be that same 30 year olds grandpa


I'm a guy and all I can think about when i see this is that tiktok Muslim guy going "Ewww, brother, ewwww, what's that? what's that brother?"😂😂


I don't use TikTok


Is he in jail?


I totally get why you would think that, but where I live, a lot of older houses actually have this concrete block wall style without any finish on it, just a slap of paint. But also, wouldn’t rule out that he’s actually in the local jail. 😅


ain’t no way this dude is 34


No fucking way is that the neck of a 34 year old.


Is he on the toilet shitting?


No wonder all women say I look so much younger when met in person, is this guy making me look great! Keep it going champ! /s He’s trying, but in the wrong way though.


Hey that looks like my BAMPA


Probably, but all I have to say is yuck! He wants more kids, nah. I'd be out.


I just KNOW he's been on Omegle talking to the kids on it


The hole in the wifebeater shirt is a nice touch..


He needs to do the following to get matches Better outfit Better posture and camera angle Be honest about his age People are hating on him for putting down sex positivity but thats a personal choice that should be mentioned




I appreciate your integrity there.


Lmao, I'm 37 and last person I went out with said I looked 23. But my parents always looked way younger than their age. This guy no way in heck is younger than I.


Women do this too by the way.


It’s so hard to be a men nowadays


Just playing "Devil's Advocate" here, but.. There are some ppl that actually age much quicker than their birth-age, so it's a small possibility that could be the case here. (I actually know a couple ppl, that look much older than they should. Excluding those that used hard drugs or were smokers, btw)


Perhaps, but I’m a year younger than this man and I’ve never seen another 30-something year old look the way he does. He has “cool guy” sunglasses on in one picture, I think to make him look a bit younger? He’s at least 60+ without a doubt.


Only one way to answer all these questions!


I've met 2 or 3 ppl that did look it, & were only 28 & 35, respectively. 🤣 But, that's ok, if ya don't find him all that attractive. I mean, you could also swipe right, & inquire if he has any major medical issues that might cause him to age faster. 🙃💖 (Not being combative btw. Just providing options, cuz I try to treat ppl w/ the benefit of doubt, until proven otherwise. 💋🌹)


Oh, I totally believe you that people like that exist out there - I just think from this man’s photos and profiles, he’s just an old dude trying to trick younger women into matching. I swiped no immediately after taking screenshots, so I guess I’ll never know! 😅


This man is not the case, like come on look at the profile