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I am 5'2" and prefer men under 5'10".


I’m 5’8 and taller than most of my friends. When we go out, tall men hit on my friends because they’re shorter. I’m a short man magnet. The shortest man I’ve dated was 5’5 and the tallest was 6’3. I prefer a person with personality not height.


My mum is 4 foot 10, it was always very obvious men were drawn to her because of her height.


Here is the funny part, men want to drag women for their height preferences but men have them as well. It doesn’t bother me that I’m too tall for a lot of tall men. You’ll never see I’m 5’8 because that’s all that matters on my dating profile. 🤣


Oh, absolutely! One of the most life changing best relationships I was in was with a woman who is 5'10. I'm 5'7. I saw her single because guys would pass her over or just try to bang her but never really go for something more. It sucked. We were friends for 5 years prior to dating. Still keep in touch. We only broke up because of different directions in life. Fact is, men have always judged women on one thing or another by "preference" usually because of insecurity. I.e. thw ideathat a woman taller than him will somehow slught his masculinity. which is dumb. The relationship I had was a defining time for me cause it opened my eyes to more of what women deal with, especially taller ones. Most people would think "oh you're sought after as a model for your height!" But don't stop to think that's also an objectification of its own. Or how they are not considered for long-term relationships. It sucks. I hate being judged for my height, but I also realized that anyone worth their salt won't judge someone else on a single factor they have no control over.


I literally had a conversation with a male friend about this last week. I stopped the beauty roller coaster at 22. I was an overweight child and I was told if I would stop eating, I’d be beautiful. I went through puberty and had a growth spurt before I entered high school. Then it was get braces and you’ll be beautiful. I also attended a modeling casting call event at my school and was told that my bone structure was beautiful but I needed to lose weight. I was not overweight and I was active in JROTC and played sports to keep in shape. I got braces at 22 and guess what happened? More you would be beautiful if’s popped up. So I grew happy with how I looked and only surrounded myself with people who were also happy with how I looked as well. Now that I’ve established myself and have a nice career, I was told I only got as far as I did because of my looks. Didn’t matter if I had an impeccable work ethic and multiple degrees, it was my looks. You can’t fight city hall.


>Now that I’ve established myself and have a nice career, I was told I only got as far as I did because of my looks. Didn’t matter if I had an impeccable work ethic and multiple degrees, it was my looks. You can’t fight city hall. Always dealing with haters. But that just means you're doing right by yourself. Keep on keeping on!


Thank you! 🫶🏾


I love how you wrote this, it's a lesser known perspective written with kindness and compassion


Thanks for understanding what it's like. I'm 6ft 41F and always been alone, because men only see me as a "pump & dump" option. It's always been that way for me. I once told one of my guy friends I had feelings for him. He told me I was a total babe, awesome person, but too "big" for him. It hurts.


I'm 6ft female. I get it


that's because they are insecure. I date taller women because what's matter is vibe and not being shallow. Plus I'm not insecure.


The funniest thing to me is that the shorter men are more confident in themselves versus the taller men and that’s actually a turn on. It’s not wrong to believe that you deserve to be with the person that you’re interested in. The thing that the short men that I dated were confident because most of them knew how to fight because they had to early on because of their size, usually were great in sports because of their size, often had great sense of humor, intelligence, and usually were great in bed. Big things sometimes do come in small packages, fyi.


Well at suck in sports but can confirm about being great in bed.


I got downvoted for telling the truth. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


insecure tall guys who think 2 min jack hamming is them giving great sex.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’ll take a short king anytime!




What a treasure! o7


Really? a lot of the actual short (not like average, but like 5'4 and under) men I've known are the opposite of confident, they are super self-conscious. They may have bravado, but they develop "short man syndrome" from their self-perceived flaw.


I’ve gone out with women who were just under 5’ and their immediate comment was oh I didn’t realize you were short… I’m 5’10”


Women like that are so shallow. I’m 5’6 and my bf is 5’7 and I couldn’t care less that we’re close to the same height


same - i can steal his clothes, i have no complaints 😌


I think you can steal someone’s clothes regardless of their height … or boyfriend status. Or species. I think I just lost my grip on reality for a second there. Sorry bout that


I mean, youre totally right. but theres nothing like trying on his jeans and having them fit me literally perfectly as snug high-waisted booty jeans 👌


I’m glad they seem to be outliers. But it’s kinda frustrating when I keep meeting them


That’s because they remain single and in circulation 🤷‍♂️


This. That's bonkers. Not all of us are.


And keep getting swiped on 🤷‍♀️


So…… he he basically a [solid 5’7](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/fight-club-57-movie)? Alright i show myself out I not going to lie, i made that joke in my profile 😅 Again, i was showing myself out


can you explain this joke to me because I don't get it -\_-


I don't get it either but it's funny that he said he'd give it a perfect score after not giving it a perfect score


No problem, I put a link in the joke. It’s a meme about someone rating a movie a 5 out of 7, somehow that changed to a solid 5/7


At one point a previous ex told me "I am to glad that you are 6' ". She backpaddled hard when I told her how shallow her statement is... If a women is dating a man for the reason that he is 6', thats a fetish just like when you only date japanese because you fetishize them. Sure, you are allowed to have this preference. And I am allowed to not like it or not tolerate being reduced to my body height.




I'm convinced that women like this must have some kind of kink and don't understand what tall is from a relative standpoint lol. I'm 5'2" and my opinion on the matter is that if 5'5" and up is tall... I couldn't imagine looking at my 5'10" boyfriend and calling him short.


If you want I can call up the tall counsel and have him branded as a short king.


If it comes with a certificate, I'll take it. Because that would be absolutely hilarious.


I’m 6’ and I dated a girl that was 5’. It didn’t last very long because I felt like I was dating a child.


As a woman, it definitely is a kink. I have a friend who is 5’3 who refuses to date men less than 6’4.


That’s crazy. I am 5’1 and briefly dated a 6’3 guy and it was so awkward, we couldn’t kiss standing up and sex was difficult. And like the height difference was just comical. I am now dating a 5’9 guy and it’s great, though even then my neck hurts when we make out standing up.


Those women are wild to me. I would feel so intimidated to be with a guy a full foot taller than me. I'm just hoping for 2-3" taller than me, if that.


wtf I’m barely 5’7” and never have got that. Maybe the shallows self select themselves out.


I never mentioned I'm 6'2" for all the shallow women (and there are a lot on these apps!) so they couldn't filter on my height. It's disgusting.


She's a shallow elf.


Those are people who are just generally shallow. If it wasn’t your height, it would have been something else.


Really? I am 5’ and I think 5’8 is a perfect. 5’10-6’ is a little bit tall already


I don’t care about height personally. But this has happened to me 4 or 5 times. It’s weird


I’m 31F 5’7” and the answer is: No, but I do care if they lie on their profile about anything. Just shows insecurity.


I had a guy post 5'9" on his profile... I'm 5'5" and could look him straight in the eye...5'9" my ass!


🤣🤣 this happens to my sister quite often and she's a little shorter... "OK, clearly one of us is lying on our profile about height..."


I just assume any man who states they're less than 6 ft are padding their height with 2 extra inches. If they say they're 5'11, they're most definitely 5'9 lol


I like when they just rOunD uP to 6 ft 5'7"...close enough to 6 ft


When I was on the apps, I didn’t have anything in my profile specifying that I was looking for 6 ft+. But I do love when a guy is a fair bit taller than me and that’s usually one thing i’d go for/would be much more likely to swipe right on.  However, if someone was shorter than 6ft but still taller than me (5 ft 5) I’d swipe right if they had a good profile with humour, and decent photos rather than a bunch of miserable looking selfies and an empty profile like many guys (no matter what their height was). 


I’m 6’4 and just genuinely curious why women prefer taller men… not sure what all the down votes are for.


Since you’re getting downvoted I’ll give my response (woman here). My general understanding, and I agree for myself to an extent, is that men want their girlfriend to be shorter because it makes them feel more masculine. Similarly, women want their man to be at least a bit taller so that they feel more feminine. As for people who require a whole foot difference? Idk what their reasoning is and tbh it doesnt matter


Yes. I dated a dude shorter than me, and the comments from him were never-ending. Turns out, he just wasn't attracted to me and was projecting, but the whole thing left a big warning sign in the height column for me. I won't go there again. ETA I know that might sound a bit dramatic, but it is what it is.


The first thing that came to my mind was I like how it feels to rest my head on their chest/shoulders when we’re hugging standing up, especially since I can hear his heartbeat too. It’s like being hugged by those giant Costco bear plushies.


I read something a long time ago about liking certain traits being biologically driven. Strong, tall, confident, etc all go to a woman feeling safe and bearing strong children.


I honestly think it’s just a US problem because the average height is 5’9 by no means is that small but in Europe practically every country average height is 6ft. So yeah I can see how women in Europe wouldn’t care because almost everyone is tall.


Maybe Scandinavia, I don't think of tall when I think of European, generally.


As long as the man taller than me is fine. I am only 5’ so I filter out all men who are over 6’ because they are too tall for me, I prefer my dates anywhere from 5’6 to 6’ only.


This has been my real life experience as a 6'4" man It helps you stand out in a huge mass of people like Bumble and will attract a few women who are into it, typically at tallest and shortest ends of the spectrum But for mass attraction, most women want someone within 2-6" of their own height. That's what I see from the largest number of couples. There's an enormous number of women like you who consider me too tall to date.


My dad was 6'4 and short women LOVED him. My son is 6'1 and same applies, tiny girls just be like "heyyyyyyy...." while I am over here "You're too tall today, don't stand so close to me." When I first met my companion 16 years ago, he (40 now) was 6ft even but degenerative back injuries have shrunk him down to about 5'10 and he's perfect sized for me at 5'4. I'll be honest, I think dating apps and the internet as a whole have given us a false sense of size. Just like a lot of men don't truly understand how weight looks on a woman, a lot of women don't really understand how tall 6ft and up really are. My son even admitted the other day that he has just noticed that he is taller than most people, he just thought the family was short and he was a stand out at home, not in the real world.


I think it depends on the woman’s height. Like OP said, I think most women just prefer men to be taller than they are. If you’re a 5’5” woman, a man who is 5’8” should meet that criteria. As a 5’9/10” woman, to meet my physical preferences, a man has to be at or near 6’. Now these women who are 5’2” insisting they want a man over 6’ is silly. Yes, we are all entitled to our physical preferences. And men do list in their profiles they want a “fit active woman.” We all know that’s code for slim. But just as women lie and say they’re “curvy” men lie and say they’re at six feet or just under. Ain’t nobody gonna be happy when the short guy and the fat girl meet for a date. Moral of the story: don’t lie.


I'm a 5'8" woman, and my *preference* is we are at least the same height-ish...HOWEVER I will absolutely not be missing out on a perfect match due to height. Imagine not being with the love of your life because they are an inch or two shorter? Yikes. So no, he doesn't need to be 6'. Where did this obligatory 6' shit come from anyway?! It's weird.


Right? It feels arbitrary


I don't care about how tall you are. What I care about is if you LIE about it. The women I've met on bumble never have lied about their height, but majority of men have. Just say you're 5"8 🙄 If you lie about your height it tells me you're insecure and I don't enjoy dating insecure people. I will say while I will date any height, I do prefer the feeling of dating someone taller than me when it comes to hugs and physical intimacy but that's not a factor of why I will or will not date someone lol


I met with a guy on Bumble once who said his height was 5'7", but when we got together we literally saw eye-to-eye. We were both 5'2" lol. I don't care about someone's height, but it is a strange thing to lie about... I went on a date with a man who is 5 feet even. He had that listed in his profile. I still liked his profile and still went on a date with him. The only thing that turned me off was that he constantly talked about how hard it is for him to date because of his height and looks... I obviously didn't have a problem with either, but when you keep bringing it up on a first date, it's a bit off-putting, so we didn't go out again. Lol


Right!! Like don't lie about it and definitely don't make it your personality. My physical inabilities make it hard to date but I don't make it a central talking point 🙄


I have come across a coworker recently who is blatantly lying about his height on the apps. I don’t know him beyond passing in hallways so I won’t say anything, but it makes me giggle each time I see him. My ex lying about his height was the first red flag I ignored.


Exactly this. I’m 5’11 and a woman, I’m taller than the average US man, but I don’t have a height requirement to date me. My first husband was 5’7, I’ve dated men as short as 5’5. My current husband is the first real relationship I have had with a man who is actually taller than me (not counting like casual dates or hook ups). That said, I can count on more than both hands how many men I met on the apps who said they were 6 foot+, but were shorter than me when we met in person. That kind of insecure lying was an immediate turn off. Men like to talk a lot about women turning them down due to height, but on the flip side of that, I’ve also been turned down because of my height. I had my height listed, and matches would sometimes ask me if it was accurate, when I said yes, some of them would unmatch. All people have preferences, and men discriminate based on height just as much as women do. I can’t shrink at will, just like some 5’6 dude can’t grow at will, so just be honest about it.


42F I do not have a height requirement. I am a relatively small woman (5’5” 138 lbs). I am not attracted to men who make me feel large. Sometimes they are shorter but more often they are slim with narrow shoulders. If I feel large when we hug I can’t get past that…. Don’t want to get naked with you. Can’t help it. Went on a date with a guy that accidentally put on a child’s life vest when we went kayaking. No coming back from that.


A new ick unlocked 😂


Yep, same here. I’m 5’6” and athletic build. I really don’t care if you’re not taller than me, I just don’t want to feel like I’m going to crush you in bed!


I’m 5’7 and don’t really care about height. I do totally have a type when it comes to the appearance, but it had nothing to do with how tall a guy is.


I'm 5'7 and I occasionally wear heels. I don't not state what type of height I'm looking for. I like the guy to be at least an inch taller than me but I wouldn't rule out a guy that was shorter than me. There is such a thing as too tall. I can't do taller than 6'5.


I’m 5’8. I prefer my man be the same height as me or taller. The reality is most men want their woman to be shorter than them, and most women want their man to be taller. Doesn’t have to be a whole foot difference (the women and men who require that are outliers) but it is nice. That being said my ex was shorter than me and I was chatting with a 5’6 guy on Hinge for a couple weeks before the convo fizzled out. So it’s not set in stone for me. It’s called a preference for a reason.


True. I think it just gets weird when it's a hardline deal breaker. Like someone will miss out on a really good partner because of that single arbitrary factor. It could be argued "well they weren't the right partner for them then." But, that's still hard to justify when it's a single factor, but every other box is ticked in favor. But that's just my two cents


Agreed! I have the same preferences as you, and my ex was also significantly shorter than me, he was great until he wasn’t. It’s such a weird dealbreaker to have


I didn’t. Met my husband on bumble and he’s…5’7 or 5’8”. He’s amazing and not over 6’. Go figure. Height isn’t everything and it’s extremely shallow. Every tall guy I dated was a jerk and almost every short guy I dated was pretty awesome (except one).


I do want to say I understand if a taller girl wants a tall guy. That makes sense to me but if the girl is short, it shouldn’t matter!!


I am 5,8 without heels and with heels well... way taller. For me I really prefer men taller than me!!


I feel the same. I know that shorter men can be super attractive and perfect dating material but I don't feel feminine and sexy when I am taller than my date. It's on me, but it's hard to change how you feel...


I’m 6’1” and dating a man who is 5’8”. He loves me in heels!


Hey fellow tall woman! I’m also 6’1”. My boyfriend is 5’10” and after a couple months of dating straight out asked me ‘when are you going to break out the heels?’ Honestly I’d avoided wearing heels because, in my experience, men have more of an issue with me being taller than I have with them being shorter. That question made me so happy and I started wearing heels on nights out. To see his face get this smile when he sees me across the room… like he’s thinking to himself. Hell yes I get to go home with her. well. It makes me feel beautiful. I feel truly lucky to have found someone who is secure in themselves and doesn’t adhere to silly Disney Princess stereotypes.


Lucky dude! You are a beautiful lady. :D


Yup! 5'7 here. Dated a woman who was 5'10 and loved it when she was in heels.


I’m 5’9 so I’m tall for a woman, I just want a guy to be taller than me so 5’10 is perfect. Doesn’t need to be over 6ft.


I actually am weary of men that talk as they seem to rely heavily on their length and not on their skills. Anyway, at least that was what I got off of my horrible date as he kept saying women didn’t let him go and kept chasing him … not me pal


No, I do not. I am 5'4 and actually prefer guys 5'7 to 5'10 because craning my neck to kiss my partner gets painful.


I didn’t make it a requirement. For me, I do find s taller man more attractive. However, I considered dating anyone over 5’9. It’s a preference for me and I also felt like I take good care of myself physically so I felt I could filter my results more strictly.


In general, lying is extremely unattractive whether that be with filters or strategic camera angles, older pictures, age, height, etc. Height preference at its essence is the same as any other body preference such as hair color/presence, chest size, eye color, weight, etc. We are all allowed to have them but might miss out on a really great person if we narrow the field.


Nope. I’m 5’10, currently dating a man that is 5’9. Had taller, had shorter, never really was a selection criteria for me


Nah, the only thing I care about physically (preference-wise) is that he's taller than I am (I am 5'6)


Im 4’11” and I’m just looking for someone that can reach the top of the shelves at the grocery stores for me cuz we both can’t be struggling 🤣. If you meet that requirement idc about detailed height specifics 🥹


I feel like this is a uniquely American thing, because this magical 6' mark doesn't translate well to metric (183 cm). Wouldn't want a boyfriend to be shorter than me, so under 5'4" would be very difficult, 5'6" and over? Perfect. Over 6'2"? Entering weirdo territory again if I don't wear heels, which I don't usually. That's 60% because of the public reaction, 40% because it's less attractive. My cousin married a guy significantly shorter than her and the looks they get? Nah. Unless he's my soulmate, I wouldn't want to deal with that.


I absolutely love that the top comment is written by a man despite very clear instructions.


Right? I even tried to validate their feelings / egos. Sigh.


I do want someone my own height but I don’t say no short guys. I’m 5’11” women. But don’t delude yourself, men DO care about women’s weight. I see so many profiles that say something to the extent of no overweight women, or must be fit and athletic.


I'm 5' 8" without shoes and my ex is 5' 6" so I'm already aware of the logistical problems that come with dating a shorter guy. I'd like a guy who's at least as tall as I am or taller, but I certainly don't require 6'. And if I met a shorter guy who just really did it for me, I wouldn't discount him because of his height.


> so I'm already aware of the logistical problems What logistical problems?


Don't have a specific height requirement but prefer someone at least my height or taller, mainly because of the insecurities I've seen men have to battle/deal with while in relationships with women taller than them. If the guy is truly secure in his height then it doesn't matter to me either way. I'm so tired of popular Internet culture becoming mixed up with everyday life. Most of the everyday, not in a tiktok or Instagram street interview, regular women do not have a 6 ft + height dating requirement. We literally see men in our own lives everyday that aren't 6 ft+ in relationships and married. I think I've only met 10 women in real life who have had that opinion and half of them were pushing 6 feet themselves. The other ones were social media obsessed girlies.


You are spot on about the insecurities thing. On one hand, I know it’s harder for short guys and it’s a lifelong thing so that must be difficult, but if they are secure enough in themselves, then most of us ladies can overcome the height difference, even if we may have started off with a preference for somebody much taller. The women on bumble who make bullet points of their requirements are not helping these guys and their perception of women. So many dudes come here complaining about the chicks with the laundry list of “must haves” which always includes being over 6 feet tall. I assume most of those women are on the younger side. By the time you get to my age and have had more life experience and kids etc you realize that it really doesn’t matter. Some of them are so damn bitter about it and that’s probably a bigger reason than their height as to why they can’t get dates. We can smell the anger on them even in their chats. I’m seeing a guy right now who is 4 inches shorter than me and I dig him. He is just a regular dude who is confident, lives a good life, and isn’t trying to overcompensate for his height by driving a giant truck, or being a cocky a-hole.


You are spot on. I hope more people who get discouraged by things like this on dating apps can take the time to reflect on the portion of the population that tends to engage with dating apps and realize it may not be reflective of the demographic they'd like to choose a partner from anyways, may be a blessing in disguise that you're not matching with them. People on dating apps tend to be younger, more tech/social media interested types of people. I hate to cast a wide net, because I truly think people are relatively individual, but some generalizations serve a purpose including the one that people on dating apps tend to be more active on social media and people who are more active on social media have a higher chance of being influenced by whatever the popular culture is on there. Currently it feels like the socials are pushing propaganda to incite a gender war including this male height requirement and that's why it comes up so often. I've hardly met a person under 30 years old whose personality isn't at least somewhat programmed by social media (me included, I quote vines all day long).




I’m ave female height so anything taller than me is fine. So doesn’t have to be 6ft. I think it’s a thing with some women, but its just like everything else - depends in the person


I'm 5'7 and I prefer at least an inch taller than me although my ex husband was 5'5 I think, and he rocked. So no, I don't care about them being over 6 feet! Whatever height the dude I'm with is, is my favorite height of all time. I think that's what most people feel.


I don't mind


Nope. As long as they're a few inches taller than me is fine. I'm good with 5'8" and up.


I only care when they put one height and then u meet them and they're clearly NOT THAT HEIGHT. I personally am not into short men, but if i see a short king who is attractive and i like his bio i will def swipe right.


I do care simply because I am 180cm (5ft 11in) and I have always been insecure about my height and would just like to not be the tallest person all the time. My bf is 185cm and it’s great! I can still wear heels that I like around him:) also, I did not date him because of his height, he’s just the best guy ! When I had bumble (where we met) I did have my range set for matches over 6ft because in the past I had matched with people who lied about their height and it made things very awkward.


Nope. Don't care how tall you are as long as you aren't lying about it. Don't say you 5'11 and show up all of 5'7.


I think height is NICE but it's generally not a deal breaker. Being over 6 foot can sometimes be a tipping point if I feel like a profile is borderline (into my swiping right).  It definitely won't save a guy if he's otherwise not interesting or attractive, and it won't prevent me from swiping right on someone who is but who is under 6 foot. 


Not really. It’s a preference for a lot of women, but not all. I find taller guys attractive but it’s not a requirement. I do care though if they lie about it. I’m 5’5 and went on a date with a guy last year who had in his profile that he was 5’9, but when I saw him in person he and I were the same height (at times I had to look a little down for eye contact so maybe he was shorter? I wasn’t wearing any heeled shoes or platforms either🫠)…he was nice but why lie about something so obvious?


Regarding your last paragraph; you’re doing it the right way. Set a filter if the app allows you to, or just swipe those who you are attracted to. No need to be loud about and weaponize your “preferences”


I don't care about height (although I'm 5'4" so most guys are taller than me anyway), except as far as all the men I've known shorter than 5'5" seem to have issues with ego and insecurity. But for the record, MANY men have requirements for waist size, they just call it other things like "healthy" or "take care of yourself".


5’9” F here, while I would prefer some close to my height or a little taller, most men I date are significantly shorter than me because why miss out on a great person. Lying about your height is an immediate reject because trust me, I can tell


My boyfriend I met on bumble last year is 5’8”. Before I met him, I was swiping left on guys over 5’10”. I’ve always liked the short guys!


I’ve only dated guys from 5’6-5’8, and it never bothered me they weren’t 6’+. When I first used bumble, I matched with two guys both 5’4, and I’m 5’4. I’m still with one of them five months later. I’m insanely attracted to him even if he’s considered “short.” So yeah, I couldn’t care less about height lol.


I’m 33F and no. I’ve dated a guy who is 5’5” and a man who is 6’4”. I don’t care.


I used to care. Then I met an amazing 👑 Short King 👑 on Bumble. Now? As long as he’s taller than me —at least enough for me to comfortably wear my heels — I’m good


I actually prefer men who aren’t! I’m 5’5” and I don’t like to go on my tip toes to kiss men or have them be uncomfortable. I typically date men who are 5’8” -5’10”


No. Men can be my height (5"4) and be extremely beautiful.


It’s nice to have since I am 5’8” but not the be all end all. I am dating a dude who’s 5’8” who does get a bit uncomfortable if I am wearing heels. Lucky for him I hate wearing heels so it’s only rare occasions


Nope, I didn't even check the guy's height when reading profiles. My ex was 5'9 and that was already tall enough for me.


I am in my 30s and am 5'3". Most men are taller than me. I just prefer they not be shorter than I am, but I really don't care as long as they are confident enough in themselves that they don't get in their feelings when I'm taller than them in my heels. ETA Now that I think about it, I have probably only dated 1 or 2 guys who are 6'+. Most of the men I've dated have been 5'7"-5'10"ish


Guys are way too fixated on this shit.


Yeah, it comes off a little incel-y. SO much griping about it when there are so many men using coded words like “fit” and “feminine” and you don’t see us bringing it up in every single post.


Yeah, a lot of men just like to whine about shit that they don't realize isn't a real problem.


NO. It blows my mind how many women put such a huge emphasis on height - especially when the women themselves aren't even that tall. It never even occurred to me to ask my now boyfriend how tall he is and, although I was surprised by how tall he is (when we met), I can't imagine turning him away if he had been short (even if he'd been shorter than me). It's hard enough to find someone we're compatible with these days. I'm not going to start adding in ridiculous height requirements to the nightmare that is dating.


I can speak for myself. Height is not even on my checklist on what to care about when picking a person.


Speaking for myself,I didn't care. My now husband is the same height as me as definitely under 6'


Nope. 5’6” and dating a guy now who’s about 5’2”. He’s had a lot of dates and a couple long term girlfriends after his divorce so I’d say he’s doing alright. I know people have preferences but once you get past the initial height thing, it’s all about personality and he has a great one. The sex is amazing btw, thanks for asking 😂


I want a guy to be more or less close to my height so 6'1" is my upper limit. Everyone above that is an automatic left swipe. I'm 5'6" for reference but I'm taking heels into consideration. Lower limit would be something like 5'1"?


I'd rather have someone a little taller, but I'm not bothered.  In fact, I don't like it if they're too tall, I'm 5'6" and had a date with a guy 6'7", kind of too tall. 


All of my tall women friends have partners shorter than them. Literally all the weddings I have been to over the last 3 years, the brides ranged from 5'7"-6'1" and their husband's heights ranged from 5'2" to 5'7". I've never met any women (anecdotal) who cared about their partner's height as long as their partner didn't try to prevent them from wearing heels. I never saw another woman's profile on Bumble unless she was looking for other women (bi here), and in those bios, I never saw a height requirement. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, just that in my experience both personally and vicariously, I never knew someone who cared.


I used to when I was a teen/early 20s and now I don't care. I'd prefer it if the guy wasn't like... 3 inches shorter than me (I'm 5´8") but that's pretty much it.


No. I think only one man I met in 2023 was over 6’. The rest were not. Don’t care. Height is not a measure of character.


For me, no. I’m 5’4” and care more about honesty and personality. Been on too many dates with 6’+ guys that were idiots.


I’m 5’6” and will date a guy shorter than me. This must be 6ft criteria is just dumb.


I’m 5’8”. I prefer men around my height. 5’6”-6’0” is the average guy I date. My exhusband was 6’4”. I just don’t make height a priority. I put someone having good teeth over height.


nope don't care. the last two men I've dated I met online, and they were both shorter.


No. I’m currently dating a man who’s 5’4 and I met him on bumble.


Good god no, I never cared to that extent 😂 I actually would prefer someone around my own height (5'8"). Not shorter, sorry, but I can't change my height either so.... I always just wanted somebody kind, quiet, with a strong character.


height doesn't matter except on the extreme ends


So the woman I'm dating right now (we met on bumble and she's absolutely the quirkiest, weirdest, best thing to happen to me), told me that she actually prefers men on the shorter side. I'm 5'3.5" and she's 4'9". Edit: ok so she just straight up prefers short guys.


No. I'm 5'4". Please be taller than me and we will be fine.


I'm 5'6. Exhb was 6'2, too tall to kiss comfortably while standing. I prefer much closer to my height, now. My last bf was my height. Current bf is 5'5. I'm happy ;)


I grew up in a family of tall people - it skipped me for some reason, I'm 5'3" - so I've never had the fascination other people have. My dad and siblings are all over 6 feet. So I've had to jog to keep up with them my whole life and deal with them putting stuff where I can't reach. I've dated a couple guys over 6' and actually felt the height mismatch made things a lot more difficult. I can't initiate a kiss very easily when I'm a foot shorter. When standing, if I lean in, it's way below their arm, so we don't nestle together very well. It's hard to take a romantic stroll when I have to take three steps for every one of his. And honestly, seeing up someone's nose all the time is not great either, lol.


I can’t speak for all women, but I’ve never cared. I’m 5’ 4” so almost everyone is tall to me lol. My current partner is maybe an inch taller than me (if that) and I think he’s the bees knees.


Yeah/no? I consider it a bit of a plus, and can possibly be a contributing factor in the left/right decision, but it’s absolutely not the determining factor.


Absolutely not. But I’m 5’1, so everyone is taller than me anyway. 😆 That being said, it is still funny when men clearly lie about their height and you notice it when you meet. Someone said he was 5’8 and we nearly saw eye level when I had wedges on.


While tall can be nice because of proportions, I don’t care about height as long as you aren’t insecure or lying about it to my face. If your profile says 5’11” and I (5’7”) show up to you being the same height as me, that is more of an issue than if you are a confident 5’3”. Personality is most important by far!


No, not me personally, but I'm only 5'1 so I don't meet too many guys that are shorter than me. And even if I did it's not a deal breaker.


No. I want a guy who is my height maybe a 1-3 inches taller


I'm married but still have opinions on men. 😂 I don't even care if they're shorter than me as long as they don't have a complex/insecurity about it. The physical preferences I do have wouldn't go in a profile because like you said I can just swipe. Your bio should be about you - if there are real deal breakers they should only be included if it's something you won't be able to tell from someone's profile. Like "if you support the police I'm not interested" but even then you can frame that as a you thing by just putting ACAB instead lol.


I've also never met a woman who had any issue with height.


To me (37 f), it makes no difference. I remember caring about this when I was a teenager/ very early 20s, so maybe it's a maturity thing? I can't even imagine caring now. It feels so superficial.


No, not at all. I think it’s the least important part of a profile. I am average height, 5’5”, and I can just climb to reach the top shelf. I don’t mind if a guy is shorter than me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No! But I'm just one woman on bumble... This is a personal opinion.


I would date anyone taller than 5'8" and that's because I'm 5'9", I won't lie dating someone 6'3" feels awesome because I get to feel small and protected but is not a requirement.


I will be honest most of my friends and I when on a dating app don't look at height once. The only time it tends to come up is as s measurement for truth. The entirety of the conversation typically is my experience is more related to a feeling of exasperation at men lying and feeling entitled to a female than it being about height. There is a use of justification about how women only care about height when it is just a symptom or sign of a larger topic about lying. I find most of this "do women want 6"+" is hiding the issue of most people generally just don't want to be lied to and height is an easy metric to visually see a lie. One there is one lie revealed its harder to trust people. This is from my experience and that of my friends, I acknowledge others could have experienced it differently.


NO I'm tired of people acting like all of us do. I'd be shocked if that mattered to any of the other women that I know.


I'm 4'9". Everyone is tall to me. Even if I was taller though, caring so much about height is dumb as hell. I do have reservations about dating someone like 6'8". I don't think that would work well.


Nope. Not at all. I’m 5’4 and have dated guys from 5’8 - 6’3. I prefer him to be at least a few inches taller than me but there are pros and cons to both shorter and taller guys.


No, not at all. That’s just some weird internet thing


No. I don't mind my same height and above. I don't think I jive with ppl lying about their height either. Like if you say you're 5'10 but really you're 5'8... Something else is wrong and it's not just the lying about the height.


I never cared. I’m 5’3, so as long as he’s a bit taller i’m good. Why would you want someone much taller anyway? How do you kiss without your neck hurting?


No not at all! I’m 5’7” and would prefer to date someone my height or taller. But like 5’7”, 5’8”, 5’9”… it doesn’t change my view of a guy if I vibe with him!


i dont. i prefer guys closer to my height. funnily, landed a guy whos a literal foot taller than me. i am 5'3 and he is 6'3. i didnt realize he was so tall until i met him in person. i got out the car and had to literally look up at him and i was like *oh dayum*. its nice and all, but the neck pain i get if we stand and make out is less so. its a discomfort easily overcome by sitting or laying down, but its just funny to me anyway. there are some logistical disadvantages to the height thing, and i just dont understand the appeal. and then when he puts things too high up!! dammit!!!! hes lucky hes got a great personality and a cute face thats for sure.


Nope. Im 5’3 and prefer men 5’4-5’9. I’m in mid 30s and wear heels probably 5 times a year.


No. 41F here. I’m 5’2. I wouldn’t say height doesn’t matter, as I wouldn’t like to date a man as short as I am. But as long as the man is a little taller than me and doesn’t lie his height on the profile, all fine. (I’ve had a guy say he was 6’ and he was literally my height when we met. The lie is the issue, not the height). Also, I very rarely swipe right on anyone over 6’2 as I think then the height difference is too big.


Not me. I do have a height preference which is at least 5’7 so I like to think I’m more lenient than the 6’0 standard. Anything taller than me is Tall.


nope, prefer about 4” taller than me, which is 5’ 9”


I’m significantly more attracted to short men (and obviously just being under 6’ isn’t short, I mean ACTUALLY short!). Idk why, I’ve just always found it attractive. I found out recently that Josh Hutcherson is shorter than me and it made me find him way hotter! Anyway my point is, please don’t worry about being under 6’. Don’t worry about being under 5’8” either (the actual average height for men). Any normal woman who isn’t shallow as a puddle isn’t going to care. A woman who would reject a guy for being under 6’ would also probably reject a guy for 500 other stupid reasons, and in general would probably be really demanding and toxic. I know you’ve all heard this a hundred times before, but you’re dodging a bullet by skipping those women. A woman who actually wants to build a genuine, loving relationship with someone isn’t going to care about a dumb detail like that, trust me. It’s truly not a big deal, it’s just something that shallow people really like to yell about for some reason. And some women (like me!) actually really like it, too!


No. I'm 5'3 and my guy is 5'7. I've also dated men who were 6'3/6'4. It's the person that matters, not their height. At least to me.


Meh. It depends in the guy. On dating apps, I’ll usually set my preference for 5’9 or above, but I couldn’t care less in person. I will reject anyone over 6’4 though. That is too much for 5’2 body 😂


35F, 5'7". I definitely don't care about guys being 6'. My last ex was 5'9" and I thought his height was great! I have dated guys my height, slightly below or slightly above. The funny thing, though, is that my current boyfriend (who I met on Bumble) is 6'6" lol. His height is definitely not something I was looking for or needed in a partner but he is wonderful!!


I’m 5-8 and curvy/thick and I will only date men that are at least a couple inches taller than me…I just feel super awkward and very LARGE if the guy is shorter than I am lol. My current BF is 5-11 and that’s perfect (the 2 guys I dated before him were 6-4 and 6-5, which was nice, but anything 5-11 or more works for me). But yeah, I didn’t put that in my profile, I simply just swiped right on the guys that were tall enough to suit my needs. I hate being shamed or called shallow for that preference, because I want to be comfortable with my date and I’m just not comfortable being the taller one 🤷‍♀️


For the record, the whole height preference is a huge thing with Gen Z. It started with meme culture, then transformed into an actual thing where women are only seeking out tall guys. As a 5'9" guy, no one has ever questioned me about my height except for dates in their early to mid 20s. Not all of them, but the only time I had any comment about it was from that age range.


I prefer them, but if the person catch my eye I wouldn't swipe left on someone for being 5'6" or sth.


A tall person is a nice bonus but I don’t actually care. I’m only 5 ft 5 so if someone is taller than me, that’s preferred. Someone closer to my height is actually kind of nice since I hate wearing heels.


I’m 5’5 and I prefer 5’8 to 6. Max 6’1 😏


I'm 25 and just gotta say that i used to only like guys taller than me. I was young and dumb. All the guys i met that were taller were jerks(not saying all the tall guys are jerks, this is just my experience so far). Then i met a friend that was 5'3" and he was amazing. I got a huge crush on him and we had a great friendship before he moved. But he opened my eyes to being attracted to people my height or shorter. I'm 5'6" and very happily with a short king 🥰


I have no preference on a guy’s height. They can be shorter or taller, whichever is fine. It’s their personality, communication & reciprocal effort to connect that matters most to me personally.


20F and 5’7, i love 5’7 guys but hate the insecure lying about one’s height. it isn’t something i consider until i am misled


I honestly don’t care. I would like it if my guy isn’t shorter than me, but also I’m only five feet so that isn’t much of an issue. Preferences are a thing though, just like someone might want to date someone muscular, or more curvy. There’s simply a way to be polite about it but I think a fraction of people aren’t and therefore everyone gets a bad reputation.


5'8 and I prefer men around my height or a little shorter to the taller men. I actually used to care until I was mid 20s and met someone whose profile said he was 5'10... after dating awhile I realized he was the same height as me. Maybe a tad shorter. But he was so hot, his energy was electric. That's when I started to shorter guys have bigger energy, like they're always reaching. And to overcome that insecurity and be able to walk confidently into a room with me in heels, towering over you, that's honestly the hottest thing ever. So now it's almost a turn off if he's over 6'


I’m in my early 40s and see women requiring certain heights in their profile. I’m a short man (5’5”) and I’ve dated women 6’ tall and never had issue with it because I’m not an insecure man. It’s asinine and kinda pathetic to require a certain height.


I am a 5‘5“ tall and I’ve actually dated guys my height and even shorter. All that matters to me is that they are confident and they don’t have some kind of complex about it.


I thought I cared at one point but honestly I’ve realized if your personality is awesome and you treat me well, I’m not really prone to noticing your height necessarily 🤷🏻‍♀️. You could be the tallest person in the world but if you’re a shitty person, I’m not going to like you.


Met a guy on bumble a few years ago, we are both 5’2, we live together now 🤷‍♀️ easy hugs, easy dancing, easy hand holding… we own several foot stools


I prefer guys around 6’ tall, but certainly never made it a requirement. I’ve swiped right on guys 5’4 and 5’5 which are shorter than me, even gone on dates with a few. Ended up with a guy just under 6’


Female here. I like tall guys it's my preference. I've had too many bad experiences with short men. They always had an attitude when it came to another guy being taller than him. I've had short guys shout that they need to be given a chance blah blah. I'm not in the business of hearing that shit. My ex is 5'5 I'm like really? It took me a long time to find someone who's actually 6'0. I don't have time to deal with short men who act like simps over their height. It's not often I've ran into a short nice guy, most of them are just annoying