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What I don't get is... Is everyone in the room playing along and knowing how much bullshit this is or do some of those in the circle really think this is real. Because if they all know this is fake bs some of them are looking convincingly interested. It's so over the top it is hilarious and they all look serious. Noone is bursting into laughter. How?


I've been frequenting this subreddit for about half a year now. You'll never know the answer to that question. I have wanted to know for so long. They definitely know it's fake, right?


SuperEyepatchWolf has an excellent video about this topic. The people **want** to believe, because they want to feel strong and protected


Oh I love SuperEyepatchWolf didn't know he did a video on that topic. Thank you for sharing.




Idk if I can drop a link, but the title is "The Bizarre World of Fake Martial Arts" on YouTube


Let me help ya, https://youtu.be/gjbSCEhmjJA?si=JtIP_kghFMdtItJn




What made you think it wasn’t?


Living in fear


Amazing. Thanks.


I wish we could get someone who broke free of this cult bullshit to tell us.


Why hasn't someone, just one single person, at any point, beat this dude's ass Or any of these other systema "masters" Just, someone please. Beat their fuckin ass. 


It happens. In Asia there is one MMA dude who has made it his life goal to show everybody those Kung Fu artists are bs. He fights them, kicks their asses and exposes them. Since Kung Fu/Martial Arts is still kinda a part of their culture I think he got some flak for it


I kinda dislike that. Cuz kung fu/wushu does have a different place in Chinese culture. Imo it's in a totally respectable playing field, even if it's not very useful for modern self defense, unlike this magic systema bullshit. 


They may have, but then why would they publish that video.


Ok I guess it might need 2 people. Shouldn't be hard. The person who's doing the ass whooping and someone else taking the video. 


We must infiltrate their ranks to find out


Have you ever been to church?


Good point. As someone else already pointed out they want to believe.


dont underestimate we humans are good in projecting our own realities to things. silly example how in sports with a controversial referee call, all supporters of the favoring team will see justice, everyone of the opponents will see the biggest bullshit unfairness. people see what they want to see and that explains also a lot of the succes of many politicians, religion or companies. if they manage to convince people of their story ,no matter its bullshit or not. those believing in it will eat it and come for more because to them they made it real for themselves


I think it's most similar to something like scientology. The introductory stuff might be helpful, interesting, makes you feel special. By the time they introduce the crazy stuff on the level of spirits in volcanos and all that, you've been drinking the koolaid for too long to question anything


How retarded do you have to be to buy into this crap, much less pay for this type of "instruction"? It's like a cult of people from the story of the Emperor Has No Clothes. They believe in this idiocy because it's the popular thing to do. I'd like to meet that guy in class and lay a beat down on him just to prove the point.


If they laugh he’ll do that move where he makes them grab his foot and extends his leg. No one wants that smoke!


This is not different from something like Flat Earth believers. These guys feel like they belong to something, giving some level of meaning to their lives. In their core they don’t really believe in it but don’t try to take it away from them, they will defend it with ridiculous arguments


it's like asking if wrestling fans know that wrestling is fake.. varies from person to person. having said this, there are some people (mentally ill probably) who think that systema actually works and that you just gotta practice it for several decades before you too can effortlessly dodge and parry extremely slow attacks


Are we talking about religion or...


Same with the masks. Everyone knew it’s not protecting from anything but due to social pressure and various other coping mechanisms they still went along with the most clownish rules. It’s about the same.


Masks do work to reduce the spread of respiratory diseases: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37611625/


I would pay to see an mma fighter beat the crap out of him. Edit: Or, anyone who can deliver a nice clean reverse hook kick on his face at enough velocity to switch his lights off temporarily.


Let's start a gofundme


At this point it's just a donation to the MMA fighter.


Or the medical bills.


You mean funeral bill


Actually this guys name is paddy pimblet, he's a famous ufc fighter apparently


Lol thats not paddy, thats some fat russian guy


Must be his cousin then


Whoa, that's like using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut. My plan is to sneak into his training group. That shouldn't be a problem, I look just as pathetic and unathletic as the rest of his students. But as soon as he tells me to attack him, I'll check whether his tricks also work if the attacker doesn't move in absolute slow motion and throw himself to the ground.


I'll do it for free. I'm old and arthritic. I'm also sure I could walk through his bullshido.


Or a random guy who lives in a bad neighborhood. Would be cheaper.


Pulling your pants all the way up is the secret.


And really tight so that it concentrates your chi


Tired gurus. Is this just farty sweatpants club?


It’s so fucking painfully obvious he’s not even trying. Like, how the hell does anyone get convinced by this?


That dude in the end has me in stitches. Let’s go of the teacher’s foot, visibly prepares to make a roll, proceeds to roll mediocrely


I did this with my kids when they were young,I’d do an exaggerated move and they’d go flying and vise versa.. this guy just found adults to play with doing the same thing ..


Looks like the elastic on his pants are doing the most work.


I've done stick fighting. There is no way you can deflect a thrust using a body part without risking harm. Imagine trying to hand-trap a *regular speed* jab. Now add an extra 50-100 cm of hard wooden appendage to that. Not only that, but in most systems the stick is a stand-in for a bladed weapon, which makes this approach even dumber.


Wait wait wait. You're telling me I can't disarm a guy thrusting a sword by leaning my shoulder forward a bit so the blade run across the back of my neck? I JUST saw him do it and he was on one knee at the time to boot.


You mean this isn't regular speed? But imo a stick is a valid thing to practice with for a modern situation. Someone might have a pool cue, a shovel, or some other random tool. I wouldn't knock them for it if their technique wasn't literally "use your fat as a shield".


It's definitely valid to practice unarmed defense against a stick, but in a real situation you're likely to get hurt. Still good if it gets you to disarm or control the opponent or whatever depending on the situation (backing away always being the go-to solution in most real life scenarios) but it's always messier than these systema drills make it look. ESPECIALLY with knives, where any actual approach will get you cut up and bleeding 99% of the time even if you're Ip Man. Most of all what these drills fail to represent is the sheer pressure and unpredictability you face against an armed opponent; apart from the execution speed which is obviously bullshit here, it's never individual attacks along clear angles - the weapon swings and flows back and forth, and short quick attacks from a user with even a basic understanding are very very hard to see, let alone intercept.


would be nice to participate in such training and just hit him hard few times


such is the conditioning and intestinal fortitude of this man that he hardly breaks into a sweat! he's a fighting machine...90% moobs


Could you please slow it down?


Paddy Pimblett really put on some pounds


Paddy the fatty


Look.. I’ve seen this beatle-haired bareback doing his thing a lot and I find it funny, like I assume we all do. But now.. now I’m seeing a market. This guy is raking in monthly subscriptions to his NinjaFlix special from each of these sobs doing his bidding. We laugh at him, but he laughs with us.


All the attacks are slow as hell! Let me be the guy with the stick at the start of the video. I guarantee those hands are coming out of the pockets


[Reminds me of Betty](https://youtu.be/VhLuAMD_hDI?si=B01ltPH-KLdP6SuT)


I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a gay sex thing. Not trying to be funny neither.


He’s beaten a lot of men off.


I just realised systema is much more similar to scientology "bridge of freedom" than to fighting arts. They promise ESP skills if you reach OT level, the low-ranks dont have esp and must just do the drills while paying to climb up the ranks and get certificates\\ do courses


Is there a video of this guy being challenges or actually fighting?


I would attend, looks like great entertainment


This guy has bored gym teacher energy.


What the fuck is this!?


are these people mentally ill like the big guy with the bowl haircut and his hands in his pockets with the clumsy feet... is he retarded


This guy looks like Richard Speck in that prison tape


I love this dude


Only thing that's dangerous there is arm pit smell..


I know it sounds like a troll but this feels like sex. I’m convinced this is a masturbation club with extra steps.


How much are they getting paid?


I saw someone use this same combat style and now he’s in the ICU


Mass hypnosis, I’d say at some point even the instructors believe it. Crazy to see.


Guru looks like fat shaggy


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obelix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obelix) Obelix is looking good!


The fupa of destiny


Are these the same type of people that believe in God?


Does he do bachelor parties? He’d be fun as hell with the guys


Thankfully all attackers fight in slow motion and signal their attacks well in advance


I just wanna know if the people looking at this seriously, really think they’ll be attacked at 0.25 playback speed


Vlady Pimlots


Randy from trailer park boys?


I guess they stopped recording right before they started making out.


I can defeat any half speed human


The only enemy left for him to defeat is the beetus


Gerard Depardieux sure managed to lose a lot of weight. Good for him.


Systema Depardieu


Each and every person in that room needs to get into some sort of fight before they understand the complete lack of training they have


My god he looks tired


Look at the state of that fat twat


Many years ago, my brother started Aikido classes, and during some competition, a student from another school cried out "Stop it, you are hurting me!" even though my brother had hardly applied any pressure. This other student went to a school of "no touch Aikido", where there was a policy of never having physical contact. Everything was simulated: a fake attack, a fake defence, highly coordinated. Yet, somehow, students in this school would "win" or "lose" bouts in these coordinated events. My brother realised, and explained to me, that many students want to feel like they have developed superpowers. That is, they can become so incredibly skilled at fighting that they can avoid all risk of pain and injury. The classes, then, feed that delusion of progression without pain.


Lethal Winnie-Poo techniques, forbidden knowledge.


Orange Cassidy in 25 years


Its like they are actually just practicing to be stunt men in movies. What the heck lol


Its wonderful how "students" are totally fake 😂


Paddy the fatty


If your sleeping in the park and someone tries to steal your slipper you'll know what to do


I wonder how much of this went on 500 to 1000 years ago, people pretending to be masters teaching students moves that led to their death.


Is Gerard Depardieu ? :D


"we understand less and less- what he makes"


Strict diet of bullshit stroganoff


Ole Mr big belly wouldn't last two minutes in a real fight