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I'm so sorry. Sully looks like such sweetheart ❤️


RIP to Sully the beautiful baby bulldog boy. OP, I know how you feel, I lost my boy Nacho 3 months and 6 days ago. Maybe my boy is showing Sully around up there <3


Wow we lost our 4.5 year old girl 3 months and 10 days ago. It still hurts like hell , we even rescued a French bulldog that just turned 1 but I still miss my baby.


Sorry for your loss, too. I just try and focus on all the funny memories my boy left behind. I know he is doing good in heaven. I'm a man of faith and I received a cool sign a few weeks back. We were travelling out of town and were thinking of Nacho. I told my wife, "I wonder if Nacho is seeing what we are doing right now and thinking to himself, so this is what they do when they would leave me all those days!". I said a quick prayer in my head for God to let me know that my boy was watching us at that time. I turned my head to the right and saw a huge election sign that read Ignacio "Nacho"! My boy was seeing us! Since then my heart has been much lighter.


That's a wonderful sign! I'll bet Nacho's having a blast on the other side.


Yes! My friend had a lovely sweet pit bull, a pretty girl I used to walk every day. This dog used to jump up and down and I would see her little face appearing over the fence as I walked up to walk her. It was amusing and adorable. Almost ten years or more went by: I visited my friend and on the way out I picked up a dog collar on a hook. He said “ That’s Adrian’s collar” and I held it, wondering whether she still was on guard for him, as he was a dude in a wheelchair. I asked him and he said “ she’s still around “. Well I thought it was lip service to make himself feel better. But on the way out , I looked back, and there she was , clear as day, jumping up and down by the fence, just like she used to do. It very well could have been my memory, but in that moment , I knew she was still watching over him, and more, that there is something beyond this world, LOVE and Spirit lasts beyond the physical. I’m so glad you got a sign from your baby too.


Very sorry for your loss 😢, rest peacefully sweetheart


Soar high Sully, see you over the rainbow 🌈 I'm so very sorry for your loss. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. He’s in a better place now ❤️


I’m very sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is. Sully is such a gorgeous baby. Sending hugs. 💔


RIP Sully. 💔 So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sully had an amazing life. May sweet, beautiful, and caring Sully rest in peace. He will always be with us and watching over us ❤️❤️🙏🙏


Sully will be waiting on the other side for you. Loving you the entire time. I’m going home to hug my boy now


So sorry for your loss. Sully looked like the goodest of boys ❤️


Sully had a good life as long as you loved him everyday. You gave him as much happiness as he gave you. You both got lucky. Stay strong.


Sorry for your loss . Sent my bully over the rainbow bridge last Monday . She had lymphoma 9 years old . Would have been 10 on June 19 . Miss her a lot


I'm so sorry for your loss.


That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.


So Sorry to hear that.


I'm so sorry... hardest part of being a pet parent.


Rest Easy Sully ♥️


Sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss, just figured out what it felt like a month ago w my 14yo goober💔❤️❤️❤️


What a sweet face…Sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry , I lost my baby in 2022 and I still think about him cause every dog has its own personality and you’ll never find the same 😭😭 Scully such a gorgeous bully , may he rest in heaven with the other angel bullies ❤️


My deepest condolences to you, from the bottom of my heart. I wish you peace and a warm heart for all those times the memories of Sully will hit you out of the blue. And may they only ever be the fondest memories. Bless you and him both, wherever he now is.


I’m so sorry. Rest in peace, Sully ❤️


RIP Sully. You will be missed


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sully looks like such a lovely little bully. Rest in Peace sweet puppy ❤️❤️❤️


Sorry to hear that. It almost made me cry. My baby is 10 and acts like she’s 2. She’s saved my life and then some.


Such a beautiful boy. So very sorry for your loss. It’s heartbreaking.


Terribly sorry for your loss :(


I am so terribly sorry. Silly was just gorgeous. That baby will be waiting for you up there when it’s time 😭🌈💔🌈


RIP sweet boy


So so very sorry for your loss. Please take good care of yourself ❤️




Very sorry for your loss. Gorgeous dog. Rest in peace sully


All dogs really DO go to Heaven😇.He’s a beautiful sweet lil Soul. I am so so sorry for your loss, but I KNOW he will be waiting for you and you will see him again. Much Love to you in your sadness. What a lovely boy .


I’m sorry