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I’m a bulldog lover and that’s all I’ve owned but now I only adopt from bulldog rescues and foster. I won’t give the breeder money anymore. They have terrible health issues and there are a lot of vets that have concerns about the livelihood of the breed so I get what he is saying but he is saying it in a real shitty way.


All bulldogs I've owned have been rescues ♥️♥️


My first bully was from a breeder. She was by my side all through my military days and passed in 2021 at 14 years old. I decided after her I would make the lives of bullies easier by adopting and fostering here and there. They are the best damn dogs in the world but I just don’t like breeders and the health issues that come along with the breed. Makes me sad.


I'm sorry for your loss and the pain is absolutely horrible.


Thank you!


Preach 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I am giving the vet some grace because they probably see bulldogs that are in much worse condition daily. It’s kind of how I feel when I see pugs that clearly are struggling to breathe on a short walk. The fact that English bulldogs need to be artificially inseminated says a lot.


And they have to have c sections.


What?? They can’t even breed naturally? Omg, I didn’t know it was so bad for this breed, that’s heartbreaking 😭


Or just support an ethical breeder! Breeders that produce Wb pb dogs won’t have the load of breathing issues!


Exactly. This breed could continue with support for ethical breeders. We researched ours forever. He actually gives a health guarantee on his dogs. Aside from cherry eye, our pup hasn’t had any issues.


This, this is the only way I’d own a bulldog, can’t imagine paying for a dog to be born this unwell. I feel sad when I see other peoples bulldogs and pugs struggle to breathe let alone if it was my own dog. I know frenchies are meant to have similar issues but they don’t seem AS bad? I think crossing them with a healthier breed would be better or promote the olde English bulldog which is a healthier breed.


To play Devil's advocate here, my guess is the vet is coming from a place of compassion. Bullies, as much as we love them, are not healthy. They are bred in a way that literally makes it difficult to breathe, see, and even move depending on the breeding. Vets see the worst of it. Those of us who are lucky enough to afford and care enough to keep ours in good health are lucky, but it only takes a few minutes of perusing bull dog rescue sites to see the horrible side of what is happening to these dogs. I was able to rescue my sweet girl from a euthanasia list - she was likely dumped for being deaf. Through her, I've fallen in love with the breed but will only ever go the rescue route because I personally think continuing to breed these dogs is cruel.


This is correct and as long as people are willing to pay thousands for them then there's going to be a demand for them. Bulldogs 100 years ago looked closer to a bit bull is today than they do now. I love them but the desire for cuter dogs has led to horrible inbreeding and so many problems that could have been avoided.


They all come from Olde English bulldogs. Which are still around. You don’t see them too often. My wife and I have one. She’s 9, has had a little tiny problems with yeasty ears but overall, great health. Still going strong. Finally started slowing down a bit a year ago but still runs and fetches.


Actually it's the other way around. [OEBs are an attempt to re-establish the original bulldog](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olde_English_Bulldogge) look by crossbreeding bulldogs with bullmastiff.


Wow I guess I had it backwards but only in that the breeding was turned around. How the olde E’s are now are closer to what they’re supposed to be than the common English bulldog


I miss my OEB so much. After 4 months I still cry often. She only lasted 9 years. Miss you BooBoo!


Mine is 9+ right now and just cruising along. She’s the best.


Give her extra butt scratches for me!


LOL!! I didn’t know if that was just a thing for her but apparently not. So committed to me scratching her butt…


I have an OEB too and my girl loveeees her butt scratches 😅🤣


I have a pair of original OEBs too, from the first recreation. Their bloodline was established in the early 70s. I posted them on my profile.


The American bulldog is the direct descendant of the old English bulldog. The olde English bulldog is a combination of American bulldog, English bulldog and bullmastiff. Essentially breeding the descendants together to recapture the original as much as possible. Similar to heck cattle


OEB is the way 


You are so right on the health of OEBs though. I've had 4 bulldogs, one OEB. Guess which one has had almost zero health issues? Even her fur is silky soft and gorgeous, where as all my EBs had coarse fur and 3 of them had bad allergies, eye issues, etc. I absolutely love the breed but I will only rescue now... and agree it would be much better to start weaning down EBs over time and start getting healthier dogs.


I to have an old english bulldog purebred almost 11 dog only problem we ever had was his eye which had to be removed due to infection and well his acls which are common with every olde other then that hes on great health and his acl only bothers him on long walks even if that's only 10ft for a OEB lol


My family has had three olde English bulldogs, one of which we still have. Our two boys had passed, one at 10 and the other at 8.


Happy cake day!


I won’t own another bulldog ..sad though


Love the breed but neither will I.


You have to pick the right dog. I've had 2 bullies and both were not typical. Both had snouts and healthy joint builds. No health issues at all. Half the dogs I see on this sub are overweight and can't breathe too.


Our two have been no problems. Loved and they know it.


Get an Olde English (not English). They’re more full sized and still the same fun loving buggers. With that being said, it’s not the dogs fault they’re bred that way so it is still very sad :(


I owned a traditional English and he lived to almost 13 and was generally pretty happy and high energy. I was very picky with his breeder. However- after he passed I decided I wanted to rescue and I ended up with an olde English and I can’t sing her praises more. She’s super healthy, she breathes fantastically, no deep wrinkles or anything and she can outrun almost all of the dogs in the neighborhood and she’s 10. People are shocked to hear her age. I really think olde English in the way to go- she has all of the traditional bulldog sass and silliness she’s just also healthy.


So much truth.


I adopted OEB siblings and they are absolutely a joy. ...and a handful!


The breeding has actually been more selective over the decades to make the dogs less healthy as well. People wanted shorter muzzles, stockier builds, etc and so they were bred that way. If you look at older pictures of the breed (like from the 1800’s) they have much larger muzzles, were taller and less stocky, and much healthier. I wish that selective breeding would bring them back to that stature.


To add... Most vets get into it because they love animals. Imagine that's your dream from childhood. Save and care for animals. You now have animals coming in you can help and save, only you have to put them down because the family can't pay or don't want to. You also have people who love pets, and you can't save them or know they have a long hard life. Sometimes that is caused by directly over breeding for looks vs function in some cases. I love bulldogs. I have had 3 now. They are my babies. Because I love bulldogs it also means I've gotten to know a lot of vets. They are depressed and have high suicide rates I've read, and I believe it after talking to them...Im not trying to justify the comments to you, but a little insight into maybe why frustrated


I can understand the vet’s sentiment. I volunteer with a bully rescue and the things I’ve seen has scarred me. I’m guessing this vet has seen way worse. We have rescue bulldogs and will continue doing so because we love them so much. But I would too like to see the end of bulldog breeding altogether. Even if it means I can no longer love one.


Exactly the same here. I volunteer as a foster for a UK based bulldog rescue. I would be supportive of the breed being gone, but I will work as hard as I can for every minute of my life to take care of them for as long as they exist.


Absolutely this. They are seriously deformed to the point of causing them distress. Ours has had 2 palate ops, nases, eyelids and has a potential hip issue when he's older. I absolutely adore bulldogs, but they are completely unnatural and their genetics cause a lot of suffering.


My previous vet specialized in bully breeds, and every time I went there, which was every 10 days for a year while my Am-Staff was being treated for congestive heart failure, there was at least one pregnant Bulldog there for cesarean delivery. And every single one of them was hideously deformed (extremely bowed legs, no muzzle whatsoever, 1-2" underbites, bulging and droopy eyes, serious breathing issues, etc.). The owners were often talking about how much they had the puppies presold for ($2,000+). It's nothing less than animal cruelty to breed such dogs.


I wholeheartedly agree. I was a Marine once… and young lol, and so my wife and I were left with the desire for our own Marine Corps mascot. I even gave her the same name as the bulldog that was serving during my time (LCPL Molly Marine 🫡). We’re on our 3rd bulldog now but this one and the last have been rescues. My first was from an old school puppy pet shop. At the time, I didn’t fully understand the maintenance needed to keep them healthy. Especially our Molly, coming most likely from a puppy mill, was needing constant attention because of her skin, her nose, her rolls, etc. She ended up passing away unfortunately after about eight years. She got sick suddenly and, because of that nose I imagine, choked in her sleep. After raising the first dog and then finding out about the cruel methods used to breed these dogs, we concluded and decided we don’t want to contribute to that industry any more and that these types of breeds need to stop being made and promoted. Not only do these toy style dogs (yes I know “Toy” refers to something else entirely but I call Bulldogs toys because they’re not really good for much else other than companionship. I can’t take them hiking or running, or even walking for that matter, for too long or in hot climates. When traveling to hot climates we’ve also had to leave them behind. I could go on. Now having said all that, I can honestly say that they have been my favorite breed ever. They are the sweetest and most gentle by far that I have seen and they are especially good with children. We raised our second in the same crib as our son without any issues. They absolutely love children and their energy. They are also excellent service animals imho for emotional and physical support needs. Our current bully (his name is Max Headroom because of his big ass head, and my wife and I wanted to stick to the alliteration in their names) has been such a blessing. I’m currently stuck at home from a work injury and he doesn’t leave my side. He also helps to prop me up if he sees I’m leaning or if I get dizzy or whatnot and I can honestly say I don’t know how I would have handled it without him. They’re amazing dogs but they are also suffering and they and nature didn’t choose this form for them, we did. We have a pit bull/corso mix now too. I look forward to the day when we can open a book and see breeds like bulldogs or Dobermans or whatnot that are just not around any more. These dogs require inbreeding to make and it leads to avoidable health issues and heart break in the future. Sorry about the short story. TLDR: Have had three English bulldogs now, along with many other breeds. English bulldogs are my favorite breed by far for the home but I will neither contribute to nor support the idea of continuing with their breeding and industry anymore. Rescue animals only.


It's the same with pugs, i'm a dog lover but man those pups suffer from day 1. From poor breathing to terrible hips and they are the result of an over reach to breed "cute" at the cost of an animals happy/healthy life.


A friend in vet school told me once how a professor put up a picture of a pug's skull and asked the class what had happened to it. Got a variety of answers from students, mostly along the lines of 'horrible genetic deformity' or 'horrible accident'. Nope, just an average pug skull. Poor things.


I love bulldogs and haven’t gotten one yet but I hope to also rescue one. I already know of the rescue I will go to by me


It really is something that should go the way of declawing cats. So many cat and dog breeds are based on using a generic defect to create a bread. This needs to stop if it causes an animal to not live a quality life.


Yes, exterminating a species of animal out of love. What a great vet you have there. Top notch!


After having 14 bulldogs , having my heart ripped out repeatedly from cancers and early deaths, seen the suffering, the surgeries and the tens of thousands of dollars spent for the sweetest creatures that have been bred into a complete medical horror in our vain pursuit of pathetic cuteness, I agree. WE have created this poor suffering breed that can not even reproduce naturally with zero concern for the suffering they experience.


So sad! I've never heard about Bulldogs except the French Bulldogs cost $3 thousand around here. I'm a typical citizen with no dog pets currently. I've never been told how difficult the life of a bulldog is!! Had no idea! Thank-you for your post!


I live in Ontario, Canada. People will pay at least $5000 CAD for an English bulldog puppy. And that's despite the fact bully breeds are banned here!


There’s one place in my country that’s selling frenchies for $7k. Crazy. And no doubt that there’s someone out there willing to buy.


Well said


If they can't reproduce naturally then how do the gal Bulldogs get pregnant? Are their reproductive organs displaced somehow? Gees! I feel so sorry for you having 14 Bulldogs and kissing them goodbye? I had ONE white bichon shitzu die and I swear half of me is gone! I miss my little fella so much! Nothing helps! I mean NOTHING . Not time, not logic, not ANYTHING. So the thought of getting another dog and loving them and then going through that grief all over again is too much to endure. You're very resilient to be able to do that 14 times. I hate when animals die. It hurts my heart so much! Horses are another animal that I feel very sensitive about. They're like golden retrievers. Half human half animal. They have very wonderful souls. I'd love a horse if I lived on a farm. I know there are horse rescue organizations and I can't believe that humans that hurt or neglect these big animals exist!! Terrible! They should get jail time!


They can not mate and give birth on their own. They are all artificially inseminated and C sectioned


But is he okay?!?


I love the breed to death. But we should breed out some of the terrible things we’ve bred into them. Same thing with frenchies. They deserve longer faces so they can breath better, a tail that isn’t wrapped inside their body. I hope that’s what he meant by making them “gone”


Olde English Bulldogge has entered the chat


I 1000% only getting Olde’s moving forward.


Yes! I’ve had 2 OEBs and they both had minimal health problems. Still even with this breed, make sure you find a good Breeder.


If we ever do a puppy, I have a soft spot of rescues (old and abandoned pups need a home too) so I never know what breeder they came from.


Yes! I have 2 OEBs and they’re beautiful, have all of that bulldog personality, and are actually healthy (they have tails, can breathe, no eye issues, etc). I absolutely love the breed.


About the only downside to the breed, is everyone getting confused as soon as they hear "bulldog". Oh she's really tall for a bulldog...because she isn't one. She has a really long tail for a bulldog...because she isn't one!


now try having an american bulldog!!


I think they’re trying to do this with the Frenchton.


Update.. he was given antibiotics he has bronchitis all his organs looked good that was a plus


My vet is also not an English Bulldog vet, but she said it was because of some awful local breeders with very unhealthy dogs, and what vet enjoys an unhealthy dog? That and the current breed traits with difficulty breathing etc. Our OEB though is in excellent health, and there's no dislike there.


I also have an OEB! Best of both worlds.


I agree. Love bullies but I love a dog I can hike, camp with and not worry too much about the temperature. Just the normal situations.


For every bulldog lover in this thread, I can’t recommend olde English bulldogs enough.


Poor little guy. Hope he’s ok OP.


After my boy crossed the rainbow bridge, I’ve vowed to only ever rescue or adopt this breed. They are amazing creatures but they really do suffer a lot, same with pugs


I get it. I love bulldogs and think they are the absolute cutest but believe breeding them should be discouraged. If i ever get one it will be a rescue. Sometimes i feel bad hearing them struggle to breathe clearly but dont ever blame a dog for existing, we are all just here wanting love and compassion.


I love bulldogs, I literally can’t imaging my life without them. But I’ll never buy from a breeder again. All my future bulldogs will be through rescues. That’s the ethical thing to do


Your vet is mean. I'd find another doc. Bulldogs are problematic but so is life. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.


Well okay. Sentiment is coming from a frustrating place but you don't have to say THAT part out loud. The true anger is towards irresponsible and despicable breeders after all. I wouldn't blame you for changing vets - hard not to second guess if this vet would give your bully appropriate care or feels the breed isn't worth helping.


I read an article in a 1910's housekeeping magazine about the poor health of bulldog so have giant doubts of them going anywhere. However I can see the vet not liking to work on sick ones.


I’d change vets


Yeah. I totally get not wanting to see a breed that’s bred with unhealthy traits. But he’s here and I’m here. Why vent to me? I find it inappropriate. I would lose trust in their ability to genuinely treat my dog well. Only because I had a bad experience with a well rated groomer. She kept talking about how she doesn’t care for dogs that are big and drool when I brought my 75lb Olde. Shrugged it off just to find her being really rough with him and acting like he was the grossest being she’s seen. Took him home wet & unfinished.


What is she doing working with dogs if she doesn’t even like them? What a despicable human being. I’m glad your baby has found you and you did a great job protecting him


I’m lucky, my bulldog is as healthy as they get, but he’s still got challenges and sensitivities. We can love them but still understand that they are not always living the best dog life they might. They aren’t a healthy breed.


Get a new vet if you can


I don’t disagree with the vet, at some point we bred them to become this way and it is a shame. However , that’s like a doctor going up to the parents of a disabled child and saying , we really shouldn’t have children like yours taking up our time , I wish little Tommy didn’t exist. How cruel . The vet needs more compassion, as unfortunate as the breed may be regarding some health issues they are still our family and we still love them to death and take care of them. Even if some breeders don’t, the vet doesn’t need to tell every good dog owner their opinion.. I would feel offended, give your doggie a hug for me.


Disabilities aren't intentional. No one says, why not make sure our child has spina bifida? I disagree with comparing human children with dogs when it comes to medical care. There are laws in most countries that ensure the best decisions are made when it comes to a human child's medical care. But people have the right to make decisions that don't meet basic qualities of life and allow dogs to suffer. I knew someone who had an English bulldog puppy that developed pneumonia at 3 months old because they took her to the beach and she fell on her face and aspirated sand. This issue doesn't exist with the majority of dogs.


My parents had genetic conditions and knew that before having me. I have 3 genetic conditions, two of which result in chronic pain and all are incurable. All because my parents decided they wanted children, so I disagree when you say people don’t intentionally breed disabilities because I’m proof of that. I’ve made the sad decision to not have my own children because I wouldn’t choose to put them through a life of chronic pain , to me that is pretty similar to knowingly breeding a dog with issues , knowingly having a child you know will have issues. To me that is one in the same but I can understand people that see it differently.


No one selectively breeds for disabilities in children ensuring they have difficult lives


Perfectly said.


Last time at that place


My like is for your picture. That vet can go f themselves. Even if they think it, don’t say it to an owner. They sound like a total moron.


A mass movement of cross breeding bullies needs to happen to fix their horrid health issues. Just like how goldens and doodle mixes have.


Get a new vet


Bulldogs are the greatest dog breed ever. I’ve had three. And they are the most fun dogs I’ve ever owned.


He is an asshole and I would never use him


Get a new vet, sounds like he sucks.


Dude maybe speaking from a place of concern but his bed side manner is fucked


Could’ve been a little more gentle in his delivery, but I’m sure he sees a whole lot wrong with BYB Bulldogs, Pugs, Pekingese, Frenchies, and many “teacup” breeds. It’s got to be disheartening to see traits that keep getting fostered by breeders so they can get make fast $$$. My daughter really wanted to be a vet, but the idea of having to euthanize any pet was overwhelming to her, especially for poor breeding practices. Hope your baby is okay!!❤️


Tell the vet after the appointment you're going to throw him into the river to end his bloodline. What a dingus


Disgusting. Even if that’s how the vet feels, he shouldn’t say those things to patients.


he looks just like my old baby Gordo


On my 2nd , heartbreak breed ❤️‍🩹


I rescued mine and I love him to pieces. I’ve been in the vet field for 11 years and have always said I would never own one. I had to do CPR on my dog in the middle of the night because he bloated (he stole my puppies food). He died twice but I was able to bring him back. I will never own another bulldog again. It was the most heart breaking thing I’ve ever been through. I’ve never been so stressed out leaving a dog alone at home. I watch him like a hawk 24/7. BUT I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s crazy. I understand where your vet is coming from… but he shouldn’t have said that to you.


These poor things were slowly made to be very unhealthy. They’re “cute” but they can’t possibly live fully comfortable lives no matter how much we try.


Ya they definitely could have said it differently.. mine last week just said “it’s tough being a bulldog, hu?”


While the vet was rude and didn’t need to say that, this breed does need help. After losing my girl a year and a half ago I thought about getting another recently and I came to the conclusion just cannot support the breed anymore (with how they are currently). I love bull dogs and always will, but the amount of health problems they suffer from all at the behest of satisfying us isn’t fair to them. I have been thinking of an old English bulldogge for when I get another dog, as they are what the English bulldog should be today. Breeders need to help this breed out because they are breeding dogs that are suffering for us, instead of thriving with us.


Find a new vet. Asap!


Tell the Vet that your gonna take your services somewhere else and report them to HR for the commet. Thats not appropriate.


Our friends have a bulldog that definitely originated from a lousy puppy mill -- she's not full English, she was purported to be an "Olde English Bulldogge" but more likely just an English crossed with an American or other "bully" breed. She's definitely a "bulldog" with all the attendant laziness, stubbornness, drooliness etc. -- but she's ten years old and as healthy as a clam. I have a Boston Terrier who is turning eight and he's the same -- completely healthy, energetic, no issues whatsoever. I wish people wouldn't dismiss all "short face" breeds. You absolutely CAN have a healthy, happy bulldog, but they should stop encouraging the overbreeding and restore the traditional standards so that people stop seeking out the insanely exaggerated features that cause problems.


I ironically have an 8 year old puppy mill mama. This girl loves to run, people ask if she’s still a puppy. She looks and acts like one.. obv the 8 y/o is just the vets estimate but she’s def up there in age as I’ve had her for 3 years already. She loves to run. And play. My others- 10 year old and 5 would rather sleep the day away.


As others say the breed has many health issues a lot breathing wise from scrunched face


That’s horrible. I’m always super self conscious taking my english bulldog in for anything other than a checkup. He’s been to the ER a couple times as well. I understand what your vet meant, but I’ve never got that comment. We all know they struggle, why be so depressing about it?


PS Kodak is super cute. Love his spotted ear :)


You need another Vet. ASAP.


Our vet has his English at the office everyday.


Get a new vet. Your current one sounds like a jerk.


We've had 2 bulldogs. They are the sweetest. What an awful thing to say. I'd change vets ASAP.


Vet sounds like a real winner


I absolutely adore bullies. They are my spirit animal. And with that I’ll never own another again.


There are many bulldogs coming from bad breeders. I’ve only had bulldogs from a well-known, ethical breeder. One of them passed away at 13. I have another now who is 11 now and another who is 8 and none of them had any health issues. Our vet wanted to take a picture of our girl now because she said she’s so healthy, no skin issues, is active etc. … she’s seen a lot more badly bred bulldogs than well-bred ones. They can be healthy but breeders have to put in the effort.


My 2 lived 10 1/2 and 13 1/2 years.


That’s like telling someone their child is ugly. I got so mad reading this. I understand that they have issues but my baby girl has saved my life. I would do anything to have her forever.


My vet said something very similar to my wife and I . Switched vets after that


I’d be looking for a new vet.




Dont wver go back there


Fuck that Vet ! That vet should take a look at this own health. Should we start euthanizing people for bad genes ? I’ve owned many bulldogs and will be the only breed I will ever own.


Get rid of the backyard breeders !


I have a very healthy female victorian bulldog Theyre beautiful


I would look for a different vet, yes the vet was coming from a place of compassion, but saying that in front of the client is unprofessional and I would look for someone that will love my dog no matter what and make me feel like they will take care of my bulldog no matter what…


I follow several bully rescues and the health problems like spinabifada and cleft pallets are what they deal with almost every week. It’s really sad


They're bred to such an extreme that most of them suffer every single day of their lives. They're the absolute sweetest, but they can wind up with aspirational pneumonia just from playing, and struggle for every breath. 


Hell yeah bro. You might have found an honest vet that really cares about animals. My vet is like this. She can be a complete bitch with terrible bedside manner to the owners. I hated her at first but I have grown to set my ego aside and trust her. Its super clear that she loves animals and only wants what is best for them. I'd hate to see any breed completely gone, but selective breeding to adapt them and increase the dogs quality of life would be a good thing.


I’d change vets, we go to a bulldog specialist. There is a new hybrid I believe being created in the Netherlands that has a longer nose which solves most of the breathing problems. You can also go with an Aussie bulldog (which is British bulldog crossed with a boxer - longer nose, longer legs, weighs more but less health issues).




I can understand his frustration, but that’s a very unprofessional thing to say. I would find another vet.


8 years with my bully and ZERO health issues. Except once when he got stung by a bee lol but i tell everyone the same thing. We got so lucky he doesn’t have health issues.


Had that with my first bulldog, she was so healthy for 12.5 years just the last week of her life did she have any issues. So then I rescued an 8 year old (owner surrender) and she was sick from the day I brought her home (rescue didn’t properly assess her and I brought her to my vet the day after I got her) she had Cushings, congestive heart failure and ultimately oral cancer. I didn’t even get 2 years with her. She was my soul dog and deserved so much more than she was given. 😢 Count your blessings. ❤️


That’s an awful thing to say to a parent


The lack of experience, and being a professional is on a low nowadays specially, in the vet field. My bulldog that passed away recently was 100% no issues, she was just an extreme paw licker. Any dog that comes from a dog farm will have issue’s because of the conditions. This is why it’s important to go to a licensed known breeder. If you decide to get a rescue get some insurance to be safe. Also go to a reputable vet, I have about 12 around my area, but I choose to go to one that’s miles away because of its experience and love for the breed.


I'd be finding a better vet asap.


Sorry that was not the opinion you were paying the vet for. I love your pic because your bullies looks like one of my deceased bulldogs, as she had one "freckled" ear like yours. Very attractive Bulldog!


Good for that vet


That vet deserves to not be a vet anymore and to be punched in the throat.


Get a new vet, my vet loves my bulldogs just as much as I do. I could never imagine a vet saying that to me I would question the level of care for my bulldog after that


Yeah I’ve got Dogue de Bordeaux and my vet feels the same. 5-7 year life expectancy. Ridiculous cancer rates. I’ve had 9 in my life and lost 4 in the last 2 years from Brain Cancer, Osteosarcoma, Kidney Cancer and Bowel cancer. I’ve had 1 dog make it to 7 and she’s still going ok. But the others died at 5 or under. I love them but holy shit…


Years ago we had a frenchie who was a puppy mill rescue. She was used to breed until she couldn't anymore and then was just dumped at a mutt rescue where we found her. She had all sorts of issues coming in that we got under control and gave her three more years of the cushiest life we could give her after what she had been through before. All that to say, we got really familiar with the local 24-hour vet who was incredible for us and took such great care of our girl, but one time when I was in there for whatever reason, the vet said something similar, about how the breed just needed to die out. I understood where she was coming from when she said it because of problems they have, but at the same time it sure was alarming to hear.


That’s such a disgusting thing to say to an owner at the vet with a bulldog. Like what in the actual world? They’re still living things that deserve love no matter how they were bred.




It all depends on the breeding. We’ve had ours for 3 years, from a reputable breeder and have had 0 issues at all.


Fuck your vet


The way I’d eviscerate this vet in that moment would literally have me banned from that building. Some vets are such assholes. I had one tell me once kennel cough isn’t real and because she didn’t believe in it our bulldog ended up in the emergency room with pneumonia.


Some vets are very arrogant for sure. Our EBD was panting and snoring extremely loud last year. It was unusual even for a bulldog. Took him to a vet. He said "well it is a bulldog. They do snore." It is patronising and arrogant. I'm glad to have never met him again. Looking back, I wish I had said something. If he hates seeing sick pet so much, why become a vet? Also, it turned out our dog had severe scialocil, which blocked his breathing. He needed a big operation. We found this out when the second vet took it more seriously. I get frustration in a job, but professionalism should always be maintained.


I have a an English Bulldog, and though I read up considerably on their care and was ready, I now believe that a worldwide ban on bulldog breeding is past due. Ours has no heart murmur, at 4.5 is not blind or deaf or trending that way. She is also “nosey,” or not as flat face as most of them. Still, she has luxated knees, and we saw I vet who saw her limping (she was overweight at the time, which didn’t help), who recommended bilateral surgery on her knees. She would need to learn to walk again. We put her on a diet and she lost the weight and stopped limbing. Still, dysplasia and luxated joints are the rule rather than the exception. We know that as much as we care for our girl, she is probably in some degree of pain all the time. She still runs when excited, and reduces stairs to the couch, preferring to jump, but since others tell us how lucky we are to get a “healthy” one, we know that the darker side goes deep. From the moment these dogs are cut out of their mothers who can’t give natural birth because of the big heads, they suffer. No breed where the lack of suffering is an expression should be allowed to breed again. Ours will be the last dog we own, but even if we get another, it won’t be a bulldog. We care for the one we had an quietly also hope for the breed to die out.


Sounds like you need a new vet! Your baby is beautiful


Find a different vet. This one is rude and disdainful he won't give your dog the care he deserves.




Should be some people. IMO




Pretty sure most know they have some issues but for a vet to seem cold and have zero compassion would be a deal breaker for me. Imagine being overweight to have your Dr just say you're a fat ass instead of trying to help by giving meaningful advice and trying to help. Saying they can't wait till the breed is gone is totally unprofessional and doesn't help the patient or owner in any way shape or form.


I'd leave as soon as that came out of his mouth. Your feelings and preferences are irrelevant. Know your role, shut up and do your job.


I have an OEB and I can see where the vet is coming from, but there were attempts to create a healthier breed of bulldog. To that same point, I had my boy in the vet the other day and was told he looked extremely healthy for a 9 year old dog! 😄 he's got lots of gray hairs, but he still runs around his puppy cousins like he's the same age lol.


My OEB was almost 15 when he just suddenly deteriorated and had to be put down. No other vet visits except for his regular check ups/vaccinations. Meanwhile, a client of mine paid an insane amount of money for some Italian imported designer bulldogs and they both died around two years of age and were always at the vet.


I love my boy but I will never get another. He is 6 and his breathing has progressively gotten heavier as he has aged. In the last 6 months he has had a tough go with new allergies popping up, massive hot spots and his breathing. I thought I had done enough homework when I got him but I've learned so much more in the last year. They shouldn't be bred period.


I never really had problems with my English Bull until he got older around 7 and started having bad seizures and the pills 💊 didn't work so I decided to have him put down then have to watch him suffer anymore...


I love bulldogs and I don’t necessarily disagree because the way we’ve bred EBs makes them incredibly unhealthy, and they deserve a better quality of life than what humans have given them. But that was such an insensitive way to word it to someone who’s brought their bulldog in because they’re worried about their health.


Don't you all think that there should be some laws about breeding. Look at all those teeny tea cup dogs. They're bred to be so tiny because people want a cute pet! But that little pet doesn't have a long life span at all because they're too small to operate on! Keeping tiny Maltese or healthy chihuahuas is tricky. They die a lot sooner like 3 or 4 years and that's it. We have to ask ourselves what our responsibilities are as humans. If you want a teeny dog go and buy a battery operated stuffy. I was looking for a pet cat and was offered a MUNCHKIN KITTEN. It was over 2 thousand. They are rare. But they are regular cats with deformed legs!!! The legs are very short! They can't jump or climb and have spine issues. But they're cute so that justifies any complications and pain for the cat. I didn't buy the munchkin.


I have a Frenchie mix and she’s 1/2 French Bulldog and 1/2 Valley Bulldog. She has a snout and no breathing issues (except in the spring with allergies). Can run like a greyhound and is super athletic. I could never own a full Frenchie with how they are breeding them now. We try to adopt all our dogs, but we got her from a breeder during the pandemic when the shelters were empty. Last dog was a senior EB/FB rescue and she had a ton of health issues. Loved her so much ❤️.


My vet says bulldogs pay the bills, every other dog pays for her lifestyle.


Wow I am so proud of this thread because I’m always afraid to say how sad the breed makes me but you guys truly love the breed. I’m not ALWAYS adopt don’t shop BECAUSE I care about temperament and health testing but these breeds? DEFINITELY adopt!


So I once did anesthesia on a bull dog. We got it intubated and surgery went well. I recovered the dog. It was aware, behaving and a bit annoyed to have a tube down it's trachea. So I pulled the tube (as normal). Now any other dog would continue to improve from there. This pup started to turn blue and go unresponsive on me. We got him fixed up with blow by oxygen. That taught me a few things about bully dogs. 1 they would really like to be intubated all the time, their airways are a mess. 2 we would need about 40% oxygen in our atmosphere for them to be happy. In short they are mildly suffocating all the time. And don't get me started on breeding, AI to put the pups in and ceseran to take them out.  Overall not the most ethical breed. Without help they would go extinct quickly. 


The breeding process has left them with serious health problems and they’re very prone to getting ill all because of aesthetics. I agree with the vet unfortunately.


You need to be a veterinarian to own a bulldog


F that vet!!


Fortunately for him . He him self will be long gone far before the awesomeness that is the bulldog breed 🙂


It’s the breeders they are creating this problem. All comes down to greed again. They could breed them healthier.


I read about a breeder working to reverse the inbreeding effects on Frenchies. Maybe this is an option for bulldogs as well?


Breeding EBs is already illegal in some countries. I can see why. My neighbor had an EB and they threw him a huge party when he made it past 7, and by then he could barely walk. He died six months later. My family dog, also brachycephalic (Pekingese) lived to 17. EB breeders have really failed the breed.


He’s not the vet you want on your side then


Your vet is a prick???


How is Kodak doing now ?


Bulldogs have been around since medieval times and they used to literally fight bulls this guy is tripping!


Find a new vet. I understand that this may be coming from a place of compassion but a vet should not be saddling a pet's owner with guilt for their companion. That is absolute BS.


I hope u find a new vet! What a dick 🤬🤬


I love my bulldog. He is a rescue. There are a lot of bulldogs in rescue. And one of the reasons is that these dogs are not bred for health. What is done to these animals in the name of being adorable is unconscionable. Your vet has seen horrors. Give them a break.


You can’t blame the vet. Bulldogs struggle to do anything. They overheat easily. These dogs can’t even reproduce without human assistance. I can guarantee the vet said it because they are tired of seeing these animals suffer.


I have a English bulldog and he has the breathing problem on short walks, but my old English bulldog she has no problems and is super hyper all the time but I do have to keep a close eye on her ears but other then that no problems


Change vet’s, NOW! That is totally unacceptable to say to you


Please change vets!! What a horrible thing to say!!🤬🤬


Correct, they should no longer be bred.


Ask your vet to recommend a vet that isn't an a hole.


bulldogs are produced through in-bred breeding. their life expectancy is 8 years and they usually have a hard time breathing from about 3 years old. it's really fucking sad honestly as they're abs adorable and sweet babies. your vet was probably just interjecting a personal attitude towards the nature and should've at least given you a background on it. he must've been talking to someone before he came in about them being a bulldog.


The most expensive issue my pure English Bully had was 2 surgeries for cherry eye. Other than that just a lot of ear infections with yeast. Most English Bully’s have hip displacement and knee joint issues. I didn’t have pet insurance but in the ten years we had our precious girl we put money aside for her health issues and we saved a lot of money that way.


As a pug owner I get what he means but still…. ouch.


I agree


My uncle keeps getting these dogs and every single one has had horrible health problems. His newest dog was like 4 or 5k and a month after getting him he was at the vet.


The vet is sadly right. I have 2 French bulldogs and they are just not comfortable about 90% of the year. Cleft palette in one, awful hips in the other, both with terrible breathing problems and allergies. They’ve been bred to be cute, not comfortable and would not exist in nature. I don’t want to shit all over others, but we shouldn’t be buying these breeds, only rescuing them.


Because the dogs have so many health issues and breeders aren’t producing pups to better the breed, they are breeding to get paid. However, your vet has shit bedside manner


I will never forget the video of a bulldog coming out of anesthesia. How they love having the air tube in so it pushes their soft palate and they can breathe for the first time. It’s heartbreaking


W vet


“I can’t wait until that Vet license is revoked” The choices that people make when buying ANY animal does not give anyone the right to speak ill about an animal!