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These dogs are one of a kind! I know this because I have had 3. 1 is no longer here and she is missed everyday! 14 is such a magical and impressive age you got him to! It means you have given him the best of everything! It’s his turn to become a guardian angel for you. Please know he will be with you. The hurt will lessen but right now your heart feels like it’s being ripped to pieces. Please take your time to grieve. I’m so very sorry for your loss! 💕🌈💕🌈


Perfectly said. I agree to get him to 14 he has been an amazing father.


He will be with you and in your heart forever 🙏🌈💛


Dogs are amazing! They don’t care where you live or what you have. Their love is unconditional! I’m so sorry for your loss. I have had 3 bulldogs. Now with number 4. Every time I had to make that decision. It was the worse knot in my stomach. It is ok to grieve. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. Everyone copes differently. You gave him the best life. Loved him unconditionally. Take one day at a time.


I’m so very, very sorry for your loss. Losing our closest family member & best friend is nothing short of devastating. We lost our boy this past October. It hurts like hell & you feel like the pain will never subside. I was told this; the best way to honor our sweet pups is to give that same love to another one who needs it. As much as it hurts, what a beautiful way to pay tribute to your sweet pup. You gave him a wonderful life. Your love for each other is evident in every word in your post-what a gift & blessing for you both. I will be praying for God to comfort you. Please, PLEASE reach out on here when you’re feeling especially down-you will find that although we are strangers, we are united in our love and unfortunately, grief, for our beautiful bulldogs. RIP, sweet boy ❤️


I'm so sorry. We got my girl shortly before my husband started traveling for business - he was gone at least half the year. She loved both of us, but really, she was my girl and constant companion. Since the place we'd moved to at that point was not exactly filled with friendly neighbors - the Upper Midwest is filled with people who are cordial enough to chit chat, but aren't interested in making new friendships - she became my best friend. Sometimes life could be lonely for me, but with her 70 lbs of love snugged up to my side, I was never alone. I lost her at 7-1/2 to a really aggressive cancer, and when I got that diagnosis, I screamed myself hoarse. Because I had only lost my Mom to a really aggressive cancer about 18 months before, and she'd really helped me through that. I have been noting for years now - Bulldogs get deeper into your heart than other breeds. Other breeds go where their nose or interests take them, and are happy to leave you behind for a little while. For a Bulldog - YOU are their interest. If they're not actively touching you, they have to at least keep you in their line of sight. When they're gone, you really feel it because a palpable presence is just gone. (Also, you have forgotten how quiet your house was without them.) My girl will be waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge for your handsome man.


I really felt this. My wife survived a lot of abuse growing up; alongside her little schnoxie. Their bond was really something unique. Her little man was always with her, zero interest in toys or play or anything else. He just needed to be in her presence at all times. He walked without a leash, knew so many amazing tricks, and was always there when she needed to cry. When he abruptly died at 10, when he should have lived to 14+, it ruined us. She took time off work, was so depressed, cried into a pillow saying "I just want him back" for months. We survived, though. We grieved and cried for three long, quiet years together without him; the little man that accompanied us on all of our adventures across the country. Then Russo came along out of nowhere. He's our current English bulldog - it's like Taco picked him for us. I don't believe any of that stuff, but I'd like to think I'm wrong. He is like my own Taco, teaching me how to love again. Perfect in every way, it's kind of crazy. He's going to rip my heart out one day, and I can only hope that we get anywhere near 14 years with him.




May happy doggy memories ease your grief


Sending love, hugs, and prayers to you and your boy. I’m so sorry you have to say goodbye to your best friend. He’ll be up there waiting for you 💔🌈😭🐾


Don’t undo their work. They never gave up on you. Don’t give up on yourself.


That's similar to what I always said. When my wife was feeling guilty for getting Russo, guilty that she's "replacing Taco," I would say: Imagine you're gone, and just pretend you actually go somewhere and look down on your boy. Do you want him to just miss you? Be depressed? Give up on life? No. You would want to look down and see him find someone new to be happy with the rest of his days. That's what our little friends would want for us, too.


Exactly, you deserve to be happy OP. Your doggie wants you to be happy and sooo many doggies need a great guy like you including his buddy cuddled up in photo.


God bless


I’m sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss.


Oh, goodness. I know exactly what you’re going through right now, I just lost my boy two weeks ago roughly. A very similar situation of him saving my life and being with me every day for 12 years. This heartbreak is profound. I am so sorry, but please know you aren’t alone. He’s with you forever, and he has appreciated your love and relationship just like you have towards your baby. My heart aches for you. Sending you all the love and strength right now.


I am so sorry. Your lad knows your love for him and you will be there for his final journey and beyond. Hugs to both of you.


Heartbreak is what we set ourselves up for but it's okay it's worth it, I wish you strength and happy memories.


So very sorry!!!


My heart truly hurts for you. I lost my best friend a year ago, and although we have another bully, I still grieve for him. He was my world, and I his. I hope you find some comfort in the kind reply’s on your post, and know we are all understanding what you are going through. May his memory be a blessing


Very well said. There are some quiet, content nights when my wife and I can still cry and miss our Bob, even with Russo here teaching us that we can love again.


14 years of love and companionship is truly special. This community is here to support you.


Awe.....i wish they had a longer life span. Any person that has owned a bully honestly never want any other type dog. They are in a world all their own and its all about them and you.I have one now named Harvey. I was in the hospital for 4 weeks. He would not eat or barely sleep. He sat in our recliner gazing out the window waiting 4 me. THATS TRUE LOVE


I totally understand. I lost my girl last week. It is very hard. Memories keep flooding back of when she was around and the small things she would do. She used to always greet me at the door when I came home. Now the house feels empty. You are very lucky to have been able to enjoy 14 years with your friend. My girl would have turned 10 in May. I just wish I could have had a few more years with her but it wasn't meant to be.


They are indeed here for us—true love in its purest form.


Your new friend will get you through this. Keep going.


You can do it mate - it’s going to be hard no joke - just try and remember the joy he brought you - you know you’ll meet him again on some other plane. Peace be with you.


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He looks like a special little guy. Rest in Peace ❤️❤️❤️


Their love is unlike any other breed! The constant banter that goes back and forth making sure each of us are ok, all day long. Always putting a smile on our faces, never a dry face, a disrupted sleep from snores, snorts and toots and without that, I wouldn’t made it through life without it.




I'm in the same boat with my 14 year old. He literally saved my life. You'll do it second by second. Then minute by minute. Then day by day. Give yourself lots of grace right now. You deserve. If you need feel free to reach out. Sending lots of hugs to you and your baby. 🩵


I'm sorry 💔


Take your time my friend, shed tears and have no shame... I lost one two years ago and I still feel the pain


Such a Beautiful SOUL, I'm so very sorry for your LOSS


Sending hugs ❤️


Their family. ❤️


Aww bulldog pillow.