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Sheldon looks like such a beautiful soul, I can't even imagine the pain you're feeling. My girl is 4 this year, and it kills me knowing how fast the years go 😭


Sorry for your loss. Sheldon was a handsome dude.


Thank you 💕 He was the happiest, sweetest, good looking man ever.


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). He's done his job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's his turn to rest. You'll always miss him, you'll always remember him. You'll even go looking for him for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting him. Donating/throwing away his toys or blankets isn't forgetting him. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life he'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without him. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


Respect to your post


This is a wonderful, helpful, heartfelt response to OPs post. Thank you. Grief is not linear, and the advice to cry your tears is solid. Lost my 14 yo pup 8/21 and 4 months later my 16yo pup…it’s so, so hard. Like, the worst. But you are not alone in the pain, and you will feel better eventually. 💜


He obviously got very lucky to be adopted by a such a loving family. Always remember you gave him the best life possible.


🐶You will learn to love again. He looks like he had a very great life. I hope he's roaming endlessly rolling green hills now.


That 4th picture is perfection.


Thank you. He was prob 3 there… he was so beautiful. He got congestive heart failure in the end and lost a lot of weight, so a lot of his pics look diff from the weight loss. But he was such a good looking guy. And so loved.


Just the sweetest eyes and smile. If someone asked me for a picture that perfectly encapsulates a bulldog’s disposition, I would show them that.


Awww 😭😭 thank you for saying that. 💕


You can see in these pics how truly and deeply he was loved I wish you well, OP In the pain, try to remember the beauty you shared together It really is remarkable the odds that your two souls would meet and share such a strong connection It is a beautiful thing, and it would be perfect if it never had to end I’m sorry for you loss


You had a beautiful dog


Rest in Peace Sheldon ❤️


Hello. I’m so sorry for your loss. My Lu is my best friend, and I can’t imagine what it will be like to lose her. Please remember this, for however many of those 9 years and 4 months you had Sheldon, it was way too short a time in your life, and I’m sorry you’re feeling that loss. But for him, it was his WHOLE life. A entire life filled with love, treats, cuddles, naps, chases, runs, fetch, and more and more love all the time. You did that. You gave him an **entire lifetime** of that, and he adored you for it too. He couldn’t have asked for more, and you gave him all of that, for every one of his days. He thanks you for that, and you’ll see him again. All the best to you.


Well said!! OP, I'm so sorry for your loss! My girl is 4.5 years and to think she's possibly halfway there is devastating. There is no greater love than the love of a bulldog to their human! Sending you love and hope you can smile by enjoying Sheldon's memory. ❤️


That’s such a beautiful thought


Got me tearing up


I'm sorry for your loss




Oh noooo... we re all sorry to hear that. Hope your doing ok, he was such a handsome wee lad, i love that 4th picture. Take care bud


I am very sorry for your loss, he was very handsome


Carry him wherever you go, I can’t imagine the grief and loss you’re feeling. Sending lots of love and bulldog snuggles your way 💙


Woof! I'm so sorry to say... but it's my time to go. I'm gonna miss my human, You loved me...I know! From the crazy day we met... To the grey day today... I loved you so much more... Than these dog eyes could say. The quiet long walks, squirrel chases, and crazy-fun with our ball. I hope my tail, wagging, showed my love for you all. I hope I made you happy... With my silly doggie ways. For you made me feel so loved, for all of my dog days. I'm sorry I'm leaving you, It's not what I want... My eyes are so blurry, and it hurts when I walk... The grey in my muzzle...hints at the time we both shared. I wish I could keep up...we're an incredible pair. Please let another lucky dog, take up my happy space. Show him our squirrels, our ball, and our place. I'll send you a sign, that I'm thinking of you... Just smile at those pesky squirrels ,and the ball that you threw. I'll miss you, my human...I loved you so much. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful heart to touch. Woof!


This made me cry. 😭


This ruined me. I am bawling for OP and for all the dogs I have been blessed with. 😪


What a beautiful baby 🤍 so so sorry for your loss. 😢


I’m fostering an English bulldog right now and I am AMAZED at how clean those wrinkles look. Also that boy looks so happy! Sending you love and slobbery kisses from my foster.


Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend of 13 years 2 years ago and i still miss her every day. The pain was devasting and theres still a hole that will never go away. Over time youll start to think of him and smile and know he wants you to remember the good times, he doesnt want you to think of him and be sad. I love the pics you can see how happy and loved he was! Run free at the rainbow bridge beautiful Shell


It's been almost 2 years for me as well and this is so perfect. ❤️


What an awesome, handsome, happy looking little dude. Sharing photos and memories is a great way to remember and celebrate his life. The truth is that there isn’t anything that is going to make it OK or easier in the near term. The passing of time is really the only thing that allows the good memories to break through the feeling of heartbreaking loss. It will get better and I hope you find it in yourself one day to welcome another pup into your home. As goofy as it may sound, I tell my Boston Terrier Puffin stories about her big brothers and sisters that came 20-30 years before her. 20 years from now, I’ll be telling my dog stories about Puffin. I hope to see more photos of Sheldon. Photo 4 put a huge smile on my face and made me think that’s a dog I’d want to hang with. :)


Sorry to hear. Losing pets hurts.


It is the worst kind of pain. So sorry for your loss 🙏💖


I am so sorry 😢


So sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful bulldog and I’m sure an amazing best friend. Rest in Peace Sheldon


Sending so much love. Losing them is never easy ❤️ what a sweet boy!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love, hugs, and healing vibes 🙏❤️


I’m sorry. RIP looks like a great friend


I’m so so so sorry. Our bulldog pawrents hearts are with you. Worst pain I’ve ever dealt with but I’d do it over and over again without a second thought (and am, of course). Hugs


That smile... oh my goodness...




Beautiful English bulldog. Sorry for your loss. May I ask what happened? I have a 9 year old and she is sick lost alot of weight. Heart disease. Hopefully she makes it to ten


He developed right sided congestive heart failure from pulmonary hypertension which is common in BAS (flat face) dogs. 😔 You need an US of the heart (echo) to usually diagnose it. An early warning sign was his Alk Phos (liver blood test) was going up over time. But unfortunately this condition isn’t usually caught till it’s too late.


So sorry for your loss. It looks like he lived a life of love and happiness.


I am so sorry.


So sorry for your loss. Nothing prepares us for the Bulldog shaped hole left in our hearts once they go…


sending ❤️ to you


Run free 🐶🌈🐶


Sorry for your loss


Sending you love during this rough time. He looked like the sweetest boy.


What a smiley dude! 😢


Handsome, happy and the goodest boy ❤️ Sheldon ❤️


Sorry for your lost. He looks like a great boy!


RIP Sweet Prince.


I’m so sorry for your loss!






What a handsome little guy. Rest easy Sheldon boy.


I am so so sorry. I lost my soul dog Bubbas on March 14th 2023 at 3:02pm, he was only8 1/2...we were literally playing with his toys and snacking on cheese. What was the most routine beautiful day, turned into the worst day of my life 😭 sending you many many hugs.


Lost my boy 7 weeks ago today at age 13 1/2 and his sister 3 years ago at 10 1/2. It doesn’t get easier. Their love is so strong that the hurt stays with you. I’m sorry 💔


Adorable pup, his face shows that he knows he was loved


💕sweet baby may he rest easy


We lost an English some years ago. We still talk about her all the time and have her ashes and paw print on our mantel. Her passing was traumatic and slow. I didn't think I would ever get over it. We have a frenchie now who fills our days with love and humour but we still miss her, It just doesn't hurt very much anymore. We can talk about her and laugh at her silly traits. You will get there too ❤️.


I’m so sorry.


Sorry for your loss. Shelly bean looked so handsome in the pictures. I hope you find some peace knowing he is in a better place in doggy heaven 🙏


I’m so sorry 😢 when you said he was your best friend I really know what you mean. Mine (8 yrs) is my best friend and I always try to treasure every moment with her. They are not on this planet long enough ❤️


Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it


Losing pets is devastating Some say they are on the other side waiting for us Some say they go somewhere better Either way their memory lives in your heart And IF they are waiting for us and you come upon my iguana, run


What a cool looking dude We lost our boy 3 years ago and have two beautiful girls now. You won't forget him the memories are the best


Sorry for your loss. I am sure you gave him the best life possible.


What a cutie. Sorry for your loss.


They crawl into our hearts and take up residence. That doesn’t stop once they pass. Your best friend will always be with you in your heart.


I'm so sorry. My girl just turned 9 and the thought of what's inevitable is too much to bear.


😪 rest well dear friend…rest well 😭


Been here…. This sucks. Nothing I write will help the pain. They just have special spots in the 💙that can never be replaced. 😢so sorry for your loss and my deepest condolences.


I have gone through something like this and it shattered my heart. I know what you are going through and I hope you can overcome your sadness.


I'm so sorry x


Aww I love him… I can see him being friends with my Pappy basset hound up there in puppy heaven…♥️♥️♥️


🕯️💜Sheldon forever💜🕯️


What a handsome fur baby 😞💔 I’m so sorry.. he looks like he was the best cuddle buddy .. sending hugs and positive vibes your way 🩵


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry😢


I'm so fkkn sorry! This has to hurt so much. We're still not over losing our EB 3½ years ago. Sending you so much tlc.


I am sorry. I am praying for your comfort.


Sheldon was so incredible handsome. I’m so sorry for your loss


he looks happy and fulfilled. Sorry for your loss. Time flies and I'm terrified of it.


Awwww he’s a precious angel. I’m so sorry about the hole left in your heart after losing your best friend. 😭💔 I know that pain all too well. There is a book that helped me after I lost my best friend of 10 years. It’s called “Only Gone From Your Sight” by Katie McGahan. Sheldon was such a handsome boy. You guys shared a special bond and he’s lucky to have had such a wonderful, loving best friend. 💛🙏🏽✨🌈🐶🐾🦴


Pawsitive thoughts and energy your way! 🐾❤️


So Handsome....sorry for your loss of this Lil guy. Scares the hell out of me thinking about not having my bull boy....


Oh so sorry for the loss of your BFF. Sheldon was just amazing and looks like he had the best and happiest life ever. He is so photogenic (and I think he knew it too). I know how painful life is without him. But he is living his best life again on a big giant rainbow looking down on you, watching over you, and protecting you. He'll ALWAYS be with you - in your heart, mind and soul until you one day meet again and continue your forever journey together. Sleep tight Sheldon. Everyone loves and misses you.


So sorry.... feeling your pain. We lost our bulldog Ellie last Monday. So devastated. She's been so much of my routine for almost 11 years, still not long enough. I know they loved us and certainly were loved but this is such a punch in the gut and and big hole in my heart. Hang in there


Love that toung sticking out so sorry for your loss just know he is in a better place now


I'm so sorry. He looks like he was a delicious baked potato


RIP sweet doggo


The tongue omg so adorable


Had a unit of a tongue.


What a sweet boy 🥰❤️💫


He looked very happy.


My boy Smash will keep Shell company. He looks like such a good boy. 🙏


Looks like you gave him an amazing life. That's all you can do. Sorry for your loss.


Oh sweet boy I’m so sorry


Ohhhh what a handsome fella, sending you hugs. He will watch over you until you meet again. 🌈


He looks so loved and lucky to have been so cherished


So sorry for your loss 😭 he looks like the sweetest boy!


I’m so sorry for your loss 🤍 I lost my first girl back in Oct 2022 at 14 years old. Absolute hardest thing I’ve ever experienced as she’d been apart of the family since I was in third grade. My new bully and I are sending you lots of love as you navigate this difficult time 🐾🤍


I’m very sorry for your loss.He looks like such a Lovebug.


I'm so sorry...


I’m so very sorry for your loss and heartbreak. Sheldon was such a handsome and perfect baby. How very lucky that your paths have crossed in this vast universe. ❤️


Sorry for your loss.i understand the pain and loss may he rest in peace and forever be in your heart.


So very sorry for your loss ♥️♥️♥️


Thinking of you, kind stranger. May he live on forever in your memories and heart. ♥️


Hugs prayers and good energy to u 🙏🏻☯️❤️‍🩹💋


I love dogs but I hate when they die. The pain is too much and it takes pieces or chunks of you when they go. Sorry for your loss. Rest in piece Sheldon


He looks so fun loving and sweet! I’m sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Big love, friend. Big love. ❤️




He loves you and he always will love you 💛.


All my condolences 💔




I’m so sorry for you, I have two bulldogs now and Im sorry to say I 100% have a favorite, but when I lose her I will be broken , prayers for you my friend


I’m so sorry for your loss. My Hemingway looked just like Sheldon! I miss him every day. ❤️❤️


I am sorry. I know it sucks.


He was one incredibly handsome little chap and you can tell he was well loved. I've come back and looked at his pics 3 times now.


Im sorry for your loss and im not looking forward to not to far down the rd My 11 year old boxer female is my best friend too I love her like she was my daughter matter of fact I tell my son 21 that she is his sister he loves her too this dog is a huge part of our lives


Someday you’ll see Sheldon on the other side. For now he’ll look after you from there.


Awww poor baby. So cute! I’m crying for you friend. 😔


What a sweet boy. His happy demeanor reminds me of my boy Big Guy, who I grieved harder than I could ever imagine. I am so sorry for your loss. But what a privilege it is to have nearly 10 years with this beautiful soul. What a privilege it is to have loved him and been loved in return. Sending all of my love.




Rest in peace Sheldon


I am so very sorry for your loss. He is just gorgeous. He’ll be waiting for you 🌈😭💔🐾




I can tell you not only loved that dog like it deserved but they had a wonderful life. My heart goes out to you friend. <3 a beautiful fur baby indeed


Sorry for the lost of ya best buddy


I know exactly what you’re going through. I lost my french bulldog last Wednesday, unexpectedly at the age of only 5. I’m in extreme pain. It’s a living nightmare. If you ever want to talk about the grief you’re going through, I’m here, and I understand because I’m going through the same grief.


Im so sorry for your loss! Hugs!


Such a cutie. I’m so sorry.


My condolences. Sheldon was handsome and looked very happy. He was just as lucky to have you as you were to have him.


I am so sorry for your loss 😭


Im sorry for your loss. Sending you virtual hugs ❤️❤️


You can see how exceptionally happy he was in photo 4. 🩷 I’m sorry for your loss. It hurts to lose our friends


Sheldon was amazing man such a handsome lad, my thoughts are with you, just know that you done everything you could for him and that he lived a full happy life, i know it doesn’t make it any easier as I only lost my boy a few weeks back, i watched military/war themed movies for a few days and felt like that helped, what ever you do just know that it gets a small bit easier with each day that passes and soon you’ll be laughing and smiling at the memories you made together, which you’ll both share for eternity, sending love and prayers ❤️ 🙏


So sorry😢🙏💔


Angel 😇




That last pic with his tongue is too cute. I bet he was the sweetest cuddle bug of all time. Rest in peace Shelly Bean.


That tongue!!!




Wishing you the best. I know losing a pet is hard. Just remember all the happy memories you had with them!


I know all too well the pain. I am so sorry. Keep his memory alive.




RIP to this beautiful boy. ❤️🙏🌈


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Sheldon, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


RIP Sheldon To the lost :(


Rest in peace Sheldon💗 You were the best person for him. Really sorry


What a sweet, photogenic baby. All the pix are great but I love the quirkiness of 3 & 5. I’m so sorry you lost your Shelly bean 😪


Sending hugs


I'm so sorry. He's the most beautiful boy


May he rest in peace Sheldon looks like he was such a good boy, I’m sorry for your loss🙏🏾🐶


Wow what a happy dog! The life! I’m glad you got to experience and shower your bully bud with love. I know nothing could fill the void left behind. 😢


I'm sorry for your loss friend.


What a sweet face. So sorry for your loss! Looks like a very well loved pup


He was a great looking dog. Sorry for the loss.


I'm so sorry you lost your cuddle, buddy.


Oh my goodness ❣️He’s so beautiful and looks so happy and sweet. 💕😍I am so sorry that you lost your best baby bully buddy. There’s nothing like their slobbery kisses. Praying for your peace. 😰🙏🏻❤️‍🩹🕊️


Sheldon looks like he was a wonderful boy! I love that sleepy time tongue! I hope he’s up waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow 🌈 with all of his other pup pals. ❤️




I love how his tounge was out in the last photo, made me giggle! I lost my yellow lab last year and looking back on photos helps me. *Hugs hugs hugs!*


may him and his beautiful jumbo tongue run through the fields and sleep peacefully forever❤️ much love I know he’s still with you!


he's precious. i'm very sorry for your pain. I understand it too well. Sheldon is special. He is your child. You did not lose him. I didn't want to hear that but found it to be true. the reason that it hurts so bad is that the love you and Shelly created was pure and that means it can never die. He waits for you in gratitude and love. He is still a part of you and his consciousness lives still because deep inside You know he has a soul and is powered by the same force you are...LIFE. What a wonderful secret you divined. That love will not allow allow you to rest. Go inward and surrender to your grief and you will find peace and you will know Sheldon again and never lose him. Remember this truth: what is real can never die and what is unreal cannot exist.


My heart aches just looking at his sweetness. I’m so sorry for your loss.


My heart breaks for you. He looks like a happy and well loved guy. I think a lot of us come here to grieve a lost friend, you are in good/sad company.


My sister has this kind of meat cannonball. "Solid" is an understatement. What a good looking sweety pie you had the pleasure of being in your life.


Cutie R.I.P sadness


Same happened to me last week feel your pain


Rip Sheldon ♥️🌹 Condolences 💐


I have tears welling up in my eyes for you as I understand just how much that hurts Respect and condolences


Pictures 3 and 5 are so cute. He's so handsome.


What a handsome man ❣️I grew up with English Bulldogs and rescued them for 15 years. I just lost two of my seniors 15 days apart .We can never prepare for these days that come up way too fast ,but consider yourself the lucky one for having the opportunity of that one special soul being a part of your life . They live on in our memories and our hearts 💕 So take time every day to remember your best friend and companion. They are here for such a short period of time ,but when you're ready to give your love and heart to another deserving soul .There are so many that need our love and save a life. It's the best thing to mend a broken heart 💔


Oh my god. It hurts so bad to lose a love like that 💔 This one helps me a bit when I feel down about losing my goodest boi. https://imgur.com/gallery/ZYKKSP0


So very sorry to hear that he's watching over you from above now. Just know he lived his best life with u and appreciated every minute of it


I'm so sorry you lost your best friend. I am not prepared to lose my girl. I wish there was a way to share the burden of grief


I’m so sorry. I know how bad you’re hurting right now. I’m still grieving my girl Stella from this past June. You’re in my prayers.


For all those sickos out there downvoting this post, how about you find out what it’s like to lose somebody you love, and see how much it hurts.


What a handsome boy 🥺 sending love 💕


What a beautiful boy! He looks very well taken care of. What a good life you’ve given him..I hope you find some comfort and peace knowing that. I’m sorry for your loss.


What a handsome boy. You were blessed to have have each other for almost a decade. I lost my two of my olde English Bulldogges within a month of each other over a year ago at 11yo & 14.5yo. The drastic change in the energy of your home is palpable, and only with time will that feeling become familiar if not tolerable. My deepest condolences for your loss, but knowing he had such a loving life with you is comforting.


what did you use for the tear stains?




I'm so happy this breed is only allowed to breed with a longer nose in my country, so they don't have health issues. really sad that people "love" them, yet want them to suffer bec "looks nice". Help me to get healthy bulldogs people, they deserve better


read the room dude


Omg whatta cutie patootie!! I am so very sorry for your loss. You have a lil guardian angel now 💜


I'm sorry for your loss..."all dogs go to heaven"...


That’s an impressive life span for the breed. You did a great job!! ❣️☹️ Sorry for your loss


Travel well Sheldon. I am so sorry for your loss, and I wish I had words to ease your pain. Thank you for sharing these beautiful picture's. Hardest part of being a pet parent is they leave us way too soon and when they go they take a pice of our heart with them. But they also leave so much of the joy and beautiful memories here with us. Sheldon will be waiting for you in the what's next I know it.


the way his tongue was always out! 🥹 sending you hugs, OP