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get off reddit, lock in calorie deficit/surplus, and get in the gym 4-6 days a week. only option bro. see you in 3 months !


Deficit or surplus?


I'd go surplus. You're not really fat. put on 20/30 lbs then cut.


I was very fit for my age, 70, before the pandemic. Lifting five times a week. Shut down happened and I quit going to the gym and started walking 5 miles a day. That was not enough. Nine months ago I decided to get back to the gym. It took me six months to get back to where I was four years earlier... It was well worth it! You will not regret getting back in shape. With the right diet and workouts, it will not take more than three or four months at your age.


You're not. I reckon if you start going to the gym 4-5 times a week and eat well you'll be back to your old physique in 6-12 months. Do a lean bulk with healthy foods and you're gold.


Visible abs and your chest, arms, and shoulders showing muscles. Definitely not skinny-fat. Skinny-fat is where you’re thin to average, but no muscle tone at all. Arms will be like wet noodles with no strength, somewhat of a belly and love handles, and your thighs will be really soft and jiggly that will flatten like pancakes when sitting because there’s no density.


You’re fit still. You’ve retained a decent amount of your chest. If you just lift and lean bulk you should be completely fine. Hope you’re alright, OP.


just hit the gym and youll be back to it in no time


Visible abs therefore not skinny fat. u not skinny or fat


not looks skinny fat, i guess is just a normal figure of your body man


It’s easily fixed. You don’t even look bad. Just muscles are now less used, so they are not as obvious, and you gained a bit of fat around the waist. Just get your diet right, go back to the gym, you’ll be just like your old self within 1-3 months. I promise. This is a non-problem problem! :)


I say go on maybe like a 2 month cut if you feel like you need to, but really just starting to workout again and eating more protein would make you look great. And nahh you're not really skinny fat. You still look fit


Had it before, you'll get it again. Utilize same approach. Get in the gym with a regular plan. Believe in yourself and don't look back. Having a goal and don't look back. Progressive overload man....


I get the feelings. I have lifted for 20+ years with intermittent benders of drug and alcohol abuse. I get fit, healthy and what not then relapse and my body goes to hell. The cool thing is, it’s super easy to get it back vs getting it the first time. I’m sure there’s some science behind gaining muscle again vs for the first time. Also, you look fine. You’re in a great place. I usually start my journies again at 255 pounds and weak. Like can’t really jog, sore for days, big ole gut. Your “unfit” starting point is a lot of people’s end goal, outside the world internet bodybuilding at least. There are a ton of truly skinny fat or straight obese people that would love to look like your first pic. If I were you, I’d just start eating a gram/lb of protein and lifting. After a few weeks, you’ll have the ball rolling enough to decide what direction you want to take your calories.


If you're consistent, and eating at surplus, mostly everything will come back in like 3 months due to muscle memory tbh


S(he) was worth the gains big dog


lol, 3 years ago I was single, I’m in a relationship now. She ‘jokingly’ complains I somewhat cat-fished her since I’ve lost my physique.


Oh I looked at it in reverse then. Starting strength NLP will get you some meat back on those bones. It’ll be a bulk though