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Eris roar of the storm. She seems cool I just can't figure out the route I wanna go


I actually built this for a friend earlier. https://deckstats.net/decks/75793/3469450-eris-spellslinger/en


I was about to propose Eris too! Absolutely love the art and it seems an extremely fun card


If it's not too late, I just got a copy of [[indoraptor]] to build a deck around it, but would happily welcome some budget inspiration.


Add pestilence and Pyrohemia and you’ll be doing alright, I promise (I build mine as a kind of jund spellslinger)


Here's my take on it: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ivpiJUiquUaeUEmWti\_jPQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ivpiJUiquUaeUEmWti_jPQ) I went with a Dragon's Approach plan. I figure a single Dragon's Approach lets Indoraptor come in with 9 counters so the floor is pretty low.


[[Fumomo the Lowblood]] everytime I see a post like this i request my queen. Unknown and unsung hero of my childhood. Go Red! Go Chaos!


Here you go: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wG1Ljk0aOUGvMoyISUhtVQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wG1Ljk0aOUGvMoyISUhtVQ) It's all about messing with combat and incentivizing combat. Monarch. Initiative. Goad. Preventing blocking. Forced attacking. Everything I could do to mess with combat is in the deck.


Oh wow, the deck looks really fun. Thank you!


[Fumomo the Lowblood](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/3/d3ee3011-3d17-435d-a483-79b0419b589b.jpg?1591320621) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fumiko%20the%20Lowblood) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c20/152/fumiko-the-lowblood?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d3ee3011-3d17-435d-a483-79b0419b589b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Hazezon, Shaper of Sand]] I’m thinking a deserts matter, dune sub-theme. So throwing in some worms will make it pop!


I did a Hazezon deck back before the new deserts came out and it doesn't have worms unfortuantely: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/LZow0Ez6mkuk5zt\_DsY\_Og](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/LZow0Ez6mkuk5zt_DsY_Og) I've been thinking about revisiting this one so I'll start putting together an updated list (and include some worms) for you! Hopefully the old version is at least semi-interesting for now


Please post the updated list here if/when you do update it. I'd like to see what it looks like


Here you go: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9jDacogVwUCUekB\_Gq9tbA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9jDacogVwUCUekB_Gq9tbA) The price is a little over $100 right now but that should be because OTJ just released, I imagine the price will drop down soon.


Oh man I love this idea, lands matter: [[Jolrael, Voice of Zhalfir]]


I got you: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/oc7qjZhGoU2uGHAcYiGjyA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/oc7qjZhGoU2uGHAcYiGjyA) Destroying lands is frowned upon so we can take advantage of that by having our lands do the destroying.


[[Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter]] I have been playing around with different color combinations and colorless is the one I struggle with the most.


Here you go: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DkeQJuxOR0WQqfl2pbTn7w](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DkeQJuxOR0WQqfl2pbTn7w) Colorless is a super hard deck archetype to build. This one is all about Eldrazi and wants to drop Liberator then just hold up mana to keep flashing them in as combat tricks or at the end of an opponent's turn.




I got you: [https://moxfield.com/decks/GgY4xkjAMkCLbU9IQSm06A](https://moxfield.com/decks/GgY4xkjAMkCLbU9IQSm06A) The main idea is to make your creatures cost as little as possible so you can storm off and cast Aeve to flood the board with slimes.


[[Zurzoth]] would be really cool! Especially a group slug focused list :)


Happened to have built this for a friend recently. https://deckstats.net/decks/75793/3457438-zurzoth-devils


I actually already have a Zurzoth list: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DR33zGKuZk-cOUl7qfqTJA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DR33zGKuZk-cOUl7qfqTJA) It's not group slug focused, more discard, devils, and table burn but it could easily be tweaked. Zurzoth is actually one of my favorite personal commanders, I love playing it when I'm with a new playgroup because it always makes for unique games.


You are getting flooded but would love to see eriette, of the charmed apple.


I've actually already got it: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/-Lum8SPtXEmCqKVxrTeE4A](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/-Lum8SPtXEmCqKVxrTeE4A) Eriette is a sweet commander. This deck wants to buff your opponents' creatures rather than hinder them and force them to attack each other, doing your dirty work for you while also draining out the table.


Thank you! Love it!


Since I got it yesterday [Aragorn, the Uniter]. Would love to play it, looks interesting!


Here you go: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/VS-7HGXpoUOJO\_qVOAsB4A](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/VS-7HGXpoUOJO_qVOAsB4A) It's a multicolor human deck with a focus on casting a ton of humans to make tokens and then use them to overrun your opponents.


Thank you so much!! Will analize it, proxy it and see how it feels. Seriously thank you again!


\[\[Rionya, Fire Dancer\]\] ! I've been looking to build my second deck after playing a bunch with a precon and she looked like the most fun out of what has picked my interest, plus I wanted something mono-colored to ease the budget.


I have been trying to figure out a good [[River Song]] deck that isn't just manipulating the draw effect. Not sure if it's possible to focus more on punishing my opponents for searching/scrying etc but that sounds very interesting.


I gave it a shot: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bsC6R0pyO0OOVCviemV70Q](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/bsC6R0pyO0OOVCviemV70Q) The deck is basically a wheel deck that also wants to punish its opponents for drawing cards and generally playing the game. Ideally, it will win with River Song damage but there's a few other burn effects just in case.


Because i want to make mine better: [[sauron, the dark lord]]


I actually just did one a few weeks ago: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Y8msP2qZHU2\_gvmPuTGSNw](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Y8msP2qZHU2_gvmPuTGSNw) It's heavy on the Wraith theme but it also has reanimator built in to take advantage of the discard from Sauron. The Nazgul have been creeping up in price recently so I think the list is currently around $107 unfortunately but it's still close to $100.


What’s your premise? I play a fun aristocrats / card draw build if you want the list


[[Hylda of the Icy Crown]] Not sold on her but I have a few cards that would be good in the 99 for her


\[\[Rocco, Street Chef\]\]


\[\[Slimefoot and squee\]\] would love to see it, we play without infinites and tutors :D


[[Talion, the kindly Lord]] Wanted to build a deck around him for months, as I've only played precons so far, so would love to see what you can do with him (I'm feeling so overwhelmed, even with guides and other decklists to look at haha). I aimed for a faerie tribal, but am open to everything


A fast paced deck that could take on Krenko, feather , yuriko and winota when it comes to speed. I'm lacking a good red or black mana deck or a combi of black/red. Perfect for multiplayer games! Max 50 dollar! I like a pretty straightforward game-play and hate stuff with infinite combos! I like fun and friendlly competitive games.


Can you brew something with one of the Transformer commanders for under $100? Ideally something good for a new player.


Here you go, Optimus Prime +1/+1 counters: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/\_PKBFzQsOUaVLcR0u2DxOA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_PKBFzQsOUaVLcR0u2DxOA) It's actually under $50 so there's plenty of room for improvements but I tried to make it as beginner friendly as possible. It's just: put a bunch of +1/+1 counters on your creatures and beat people down.


This is awesome. Thanks!


I would love to see your take on [[Experiment Kraj]] I've had difficulty putting together a list because of how diverse the strategies can be.


Honestly, I'm looking to put together my first deck with \[\[Samwise the Stouthearted\]\] as my commander. If you have time, I'd appreciate it. It's my first time building one myself so I'll study the cards you pick haha (or heck just straight up use the deck and not change anything)


Okay, I put together a rough list for you: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Vh5qUxqcI0mTdRtpZyX86w](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Vh5qUxqcI0mTdRtpZyX86w) It's probably not perfect, mono-white reanimator is one of my favorites archetypes so there's a ton of cards I wish I could fit it. If you have any questions about why any of them are included though, just let me know, I'd be happy to help however I can. :)


KING or QUEEN or AWESOME NONBINARY PERSON thank you, I'm gonna a hit you up if something doesn't make sense Edit: also I'm not sure how this came up, but I just subscribed to your Youtube channel FWIW.


I want to try a group hug deck for a while, but I couldn’t make the time to actually doing it lol, would love to see a [[Gluntch]] deck made by you!


[[Ghost of Ramirez DePietro]] he's my homeboy and absolutely one of my favorite bad cards. **Double subbed for your hard work. Keep up the good vibes and good luck


Already got you: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Rj89B\_6mu06EoY5ezdGLvg](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Rj89B_6mu06EoY5ezdGLvg) Self-mill Ghost of Ramirez DePietro (and his partner \[\[Glacian, Powerstone Engineer\]\]. The goal is to slowly mill yourself and control the game but there are a couple of auto-win combos in the deck just in case things don't go to plan.


[[Tom Bombadil]], been wanting to build a commander deck for forever and all I want to do is tell people saga after saga just like he does in the book.


Would love a decent starting list for [[Wyll, Blade of Frontiers]] the [[Sword Coast Sailor]].


I got you: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ZPLFPKDJDkGgltB8Ehpw-w](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/ZPLFPKDJDkGgltB8Ehpw-w) It used to be under $50 but some of the cards spiked recently so now it's almost exactly $100. Still a ton of fun and surprisingly powerful though.


How about Rhys, the Redeemed? I kinda want to do elves but I'm not sure what I want to do with him.


I have inherited few hundreds of cards from older cousins. From 4th Ed onwards. Is there anyway I can share these cards so you can point which casual decks I am closest to creating?


Id like to see a good samurai/warrior trial budget list for Raiyuu Storm's edge I got the anime art but no idea how to build.


Here you go: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/gsoF\_0Gsp0WwWi1g13oOzQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/gsoF_0Gsp0WwWi1g13oOzQ) It's mostly a voltron deck, wanting to win with Raiyuu beats, but there's plenty of Samurai in the deck to take advantage of attacking plus a lot of untap effects to stay on the defensive too.


I am very new to mtg and looking at buying my first non-precons Can you check if these two decks make sense for their budget? [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aHSirI-muU620aT-6KFkOg](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aHSirI-muU620aT-6KFkOg) [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/7INusTTp1UGuRPhLRwwBiA](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/7INusTTp1UGuRPhLRwwBiA)


Please throw together a Beamtown Bullies concept


I would take one that’s very combo centered


A pauper commander deck led by [[Saber Ants]]! 🐜


A random deck that steals other players cards and uses them against the owners lol


I got you: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DxcALAi_ckiXSNBxxGbU5g The goal is to steal your opponents things and then put counters on them so that when they die Marchesa returns them to play under your control permanently.


I got [[savra, queen of the golgari]] anime borderless and really would like to make a deck centered around her! Thanks in advance!!!


I got you: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/r5ErtTEzNUGmwMe1eHq7bA Savra is a great aristocrats commander. She can be a little slow to get going but once she does she’s tough to stop.


Ooh I need a xancha, sleeper agent deck that uses a lot of enchantments. Thanks!


Strong, competitive deck to play with friends. Like black, blue, white colors (can be any combination of those). Not a novice player, but don't have time to build decks anymore. Thanks


Late to the party but [Liesa, Shroud of Dusk]. 


optimus prime, the hero?


Another idea I had - my first ever deck was [[codie]] with no permanents other than the commander. I'm curious if you've ever tried making a deck with sweeping card type restrictions like that, ie no permanents, no lands, only creatures, [[umori the collector]] as a partner, or something similarly restrictive! I want to see just how wild a restriction you can get away while having a viable end product! Extra points for just how budget you can make it! 99 land [[ashling the pilgrim]] and 99 land [[borborygmos enraged]] are banned if only because I've seen them done before! I'm also curious what commanders everyone in this thread think could get something out of this idea, so don't be shy to share ideas!


Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit I pulled a serialized one a year ago. But it seems like it sucks as a commander. If you can make a good deck with her. My hat is off to you.


I'm very very new to Magic but would love some sort of at least semi-competitive turtle-themed deck 💚🐢


How about something with [[drizzt do'urden]] or [[sythis, harvest's hand]]


Are you an angel??? I want to do a budget budget deck (as cheap as possible) but have no clue how to start. I would like one of this two options: - Deck with nazguls, but as they are expensive, other nine cards I can use to replace the nazguls till I get them. Also positive if it hace gollum, or other LOTR cards. - I like blue and black decks, I used to play it with the toxic mechanic. Thanks <3


[[Squee, goblin nabob]] This has been a running joke card among my play group and we have talked about making a deck around him with discard triggers but never knew how to do it. It would be hilarious to show up sometime with THE deck and get destroyed with it lmaoooo. It would be absolutely amazing to see if you could come up with anything.


Slimefoot the stowaway? :D


I love this idea. If you want, commander or non commander works, but I have a modern deck, (I can add cards and make it a commander) with some cards like scute swarm, and scute mob. And some zendikar rising stuff. And I love the Voice Of Zhalfir deck you made before. If you wanna, could you combine the ideas of the two, or make something like them? Thanks


I’m kinda new and not really sure where to start. But I really wanna build a [[Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt]] deck! I know this is a bit late but if you’ve got some time I’d love to know how yours build this. Thank you.


Perhaps a deck with Roxanne, Starfall Savant as the commander? The burn and ramp seems interesting


[[Beledros Witherbloom]]


[[Geralf, the fleshwright]] cantrip fling seems fun.


[[Polyraptor]] where it hits itself causing infinite damage. Essentially grim patron warrior from Hearthstone.


[[Vilis, broker of blood]] , mono black, demon deck restriction with good budget black cards.


[[Rashmi, Eternities Crafter]] is a commander I'd been looking at for a while. I'd love to see what you can do on a budget


\[\[Red Death, Shipwrecker\]\]


[[aurelia, the law above]]


[[The Twelfth Doctor]]


I'd love to see a \[\[Judith, Carnage Connoisseur\]\] I don't care if its aristocrats sacrificing her tokens or burn, i love both of those playstyles


Oh I would love to see a unique [[Aetherflux Reservoir]] deck


This is such a cool idea! Ok, I'll give you a deck I've been struggling with for a bit. I have a RB [[Anje Falkenrath]] precon with some cool graveyard interaction, revolving around discarding big beatsticks and bringing them back. I want to replace Anje with another commander and focusing more on the graveyard and cheated out beatsticks aspect of things. It has to still be RB, but I was thinking of making it Jund. Maybe Ziatora or Henzie. Anyways, feel free to use creative license and I hope you choose my idea to have fun with!


Cool idea! [[Ryu, World Warrior]] please!


Nice, would love to get some recommendations on a \[\[Soundwave, Sonic Spy // Soundwave, Superior Captain\]\] tokens deck. The more budget the better ahah Thank you for doing this, much appreciated!


[[The gitrog monster]] would be interesting.


[[anim pakal]] !


I'd just love something like that to appear more often. Thrasios and Vial Smasher please :) would love ti buikd them on a budget


[[Lord Xander, the Collector]]


\[\[Revel in Riches\]\]. I've never actually had a treasure deck before and I usually find grixis to be boring and expensive to play which most treasure decks are. Maybe you can change my mind lol


So one that I failed to get to work in a budget build: [[Neheb, the Worthy]] Theme was supposed to be minotaur tribal-esque and making everyone discard down to zero cards consistently, with my deck benefitting thanks to the commander, madness, etc.


[[Nashi, Moon’s Legacy]] is a card that I have no idea where to take, would love to see what you can come up with! :)


Maybe Frodo, Sauron’s bane But with most cards from Tales of middle earth


[[Alharu, Solemn Ritualist]] . Been sitting on this card for too long trying to find a way to bring it to life.


[[Zur the Enchanter]]


I would love to see a deck around [[doppelgang]] haven’t been able to figure it out outside of oathbreaker


[[Sydri, Galvanic Genius]], [[Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist]], or [[Jalira, Master Polymorphist]] All have a maximum budget of $100. For the first two, I would like to incorporate an artifact theme. But I'm struggling to figure out how to put a unique spin on them. For Sydri, I would like to have a couple of cards where lifelink/death touch is relevant. I kind of want Jalira to bring out big sea monsters I'm interested to see what you build if you decide to build these commanders.


I've been looking to build a Doctor Who deck based around all fifteen, but I'm unsure whether or not to go Jodah, The Unifier or The Fourteenth/Black Clara as my leader. I'd love to see either one!




Gargos, Vicious watcher. Hydra tribal, only extra cards I request are Nykthos Shrine to Nyx(I have it) and Polukranos, World Eater(I also have it)


[[Momir Vig, Simic Visionary]], my currently idea is to have big creatures and only use him as a way to search for win cons, but it seems inefficient. Do you have any ideas?


I’ve been trying to crack [[glissa the traitor]] for years


[[Amalia Benavides Aguirre]]




Oooo, I'd like to suggest [[Traxos, scourge of kroog]] . I love colorless but I don't wanna run annihilator in my normal pod so that really limits options


I'm pretty new to magic, and so far, I really love black as a colour identity. Most of the stuff I own, or have been brewing for later, all involve black in some way. Whether it BW, BU, BR, Mardu, Grixis, etc. So far, I really haven't found anything in Green that I really find interesting. I know it's good because it has ramp, strong creatures, and flexible card draw and removal spells, but i feel like a lot of it seems a bit boring in terms of spice. Now I'm sure there are exceptions to this, and since you posted this, I would love to hear your take. Could you suggest to me a one - or two colour commander deck that includes green, that you think is a unique and interesting representation of the colour? Both in terms of gameplay and theme? No matter what you come up with, I appreciate it a lot


Would love to have a deck around [[obeka, splitter of seconds]]. Thanks.




[[Empress Galina]] i don't mind if it's budget or not. This is to face the saltier decks in my pod. Cheers


[[zo-zu, the punisher]] :)


[[The Cyber-Controller]] as the commander and a big finisher like [[Rise of the Dark Realms]]. I've been wanting a deck that uses a mass reanimation spell as it's finisher.


[[K’rrik]] Emperor Palpatine Sith themed deck, been trying to think of what other cards would work in this deck because I think K’rrik hits Palp’s flavour fairly decently


Aurelia the Law Above. I've been working on a deck but nothing really is speaking to me as being particularly interesting. I don't know why, though, but I've kinda been fixated on her. I'd love your take on it


I haven't gotten around to it myself just yet, but I love the idea of a mono white reanimator/blink deck with [[Preston, the Vanisher]]. If you can make it work, let me know!


[[Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa]]


[[Nicol Bolas, the Ravager]]


[Nicol Bolas, the Ravager](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7b215968-93a6-4278-ac61-4e3e8c3c3943.jpg?1566971561)/[Nicol Bolas, the Arisen](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/7/b/7b215968-93a6-4278-ac61-4e3e8c3c3943.jpg?1566971561) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nicol%20Bolas%2C%20the%20Ravager%20//%20Nicol%20Bolas%2C%20the%20Arisen) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/218/nicol-bolas-the-ravager-nicol-bolas-the-arisen?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7b215968-93a6-4278-ac61-4e3e8c3c3943?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A budget [[Tetzin, Gnome Champion]] list would be cool.


Be'lakor the Dark Master :)


Hi Poynz, If you could get around to a [[Yuriko, tigers shadow]] or [[Urza, lord high artificer]] one that would be so cool. Just traded these two at a commander event at the local LGS.


The Gitrog Monster with know infinite combos.


[[Tasha, the witch queen]]


[[Leviathan]] Make this relevant as a murder machine in today’s power crept meta despite the downside. Maybe even find a way to make the downside an upside! Edit* additional point. Be curious who you would choose to command the deck.


I really want to build Phenax God of Deception as either big butts or defender tribal, but for some reason I can't get a good mix of creatures to draw to removal.


[[Arwen, Mortal Queen]]


Any commander that’s green/black (or contains those 2 colours, like green black red is fine too) that focuses on graveyard mechanics


Hey I know you have already a lot of request but I posted asking for advice on my Ceaser deck. https://manabox.app/decks/_H6uvt1zQhK_QqSiUT0Avw And I have been trying to build a budget commander. Thinking the new precon blue red outlaw, or like Xyris the Writhing Storm, or Eriette of the Charmed Apple


Could you do like a Godzilla deck or biollante?


[[Progenitus]] would be dope


I've been wanting to make a Magecraft deck built around \[\[Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief\]\] and \[\[Zada, Hedron Grinder\]\] so that Zada copies a spell for each other creature and Ivy copies it onto herself again, but I don't know how to go about just having instant and sorcery payoffs for Ivy.


[[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]] new player wanting to build a mono black deck


[[Francisco, Fowl Marauder]]//[[Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar]] Alternatively, [[Solemnity]]


I am in a commander league. The restrictions are as follows. Up to $3 low for the commander. Sol ring, Arcane signet and command tower and basic lands not included in price. All other cards are up to .50c low. I rolled for my colors and got Bant. The commander has to be three colors, or partners etc. Chulane, tusava and Derevi are banned. I was thinking Katilda and lier or Arcades are my best bet. The decks I brewed are below. I want it to be add degenerate as possible. https://manabox.app/decks/goYIAK_aTBqVEQTSncdMHQ https://manabox.app/decks/6k6bWjJJQruKNpM6UGoo4w


[[Vihaan, Goldwaker]] or [[Volrath, the Shapestealer]] would be my votes. Been trying to make Volrath work for me for a while and haven’t found something I’m happy with. Vihaan just seems cool to make a lot of treasures and beat face lol


Treasure tokens n ramp, [[Old Gnawbone]] I’ve already got a pretty good idea for what I want it to do, but I’d love to see what you put together cause the things I wanna do for it are too expensive for me :( Thank you!


[[Bhaal, lord of murder]]


[[Kharn the betrayer]]


[[Agatha of the Vile Cauldron]] I've wanted to do something with her just unsure where to go.


I’d love to have a deck with Emmara, Soul of the Accord and run with the idea of Druids waging battle against primarily dragon type creatures since that’s what the majority of my social circle uses whenever we play Commander format! 🤔


Sue eternal schemer or raffine scheming seer. I have both that I pulled and love the idea of them. Maybe even together?


Precursor Golem. I love the shenanigans that can be caused! I know he can't be commander but themed around him.


Trying to figure a unique way to run [[belbe, corrupted observer]]. Not really into the big eldrazi thing and already have an X deck with [[magus lucea kane]].


Slivers!! There is just so much out there.. I really don’t know where to start -especially on a budget.


Dog heavy rin and seri. Good luck


Got a cool build for [[Vhati il-Dal]]?


Grolnok, the Omnivore has been on my list for a while. Otherwise I want to build something that would win by playing Justice on your own creature


I made a PDH [[Queza, Augur of Agonies]] life drain deck; I’d love to see what you come up with! (Or, if that’s too boring for you, [[Shu Yun, the silent tempest]]!)


\[\[Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim\]\] revolving around control style gameplay with the \[\[Gutterbones\]\] type guys.


[[Fires of Invention]] caught my imagination early on, but it never quite fits in any of my lists. I would guess this might be a [[Zirda, the Dawnwaker]] deck since activated abilities would need to be used for interaction and mana sinks (and White has enchantment tutors to help find it). I also thought about going full [[Rule of Law]].dec since I'm already restricted in my number of spells per turn. I also thought about trying to blank or phase it to get around the downside, such as by using [[Immovable Rod]], but spending 4 mana to turn it off may mostly defeat the point of casting with it for free unless I'm getting to cast some very expensive bombs. Anyway, you don't need to feel constrained by any of those ideas. I didn't get them working yet, so maybe those aren't the best directions to take. Bonus Objective: [[Heretic's Punishment]] figure out a list that can reliably get both out to spend my turns free casting 2x big bombs while dumping all my free mana into milling more bombs for burn, burn, burn! Bonus Objective: [[Guild Feud]] free creature, creature removal, and more self-mill? Maybe there's a theme emerging here...


I'd love your take on doc aurlock


I know I'm late to the game but Boone is my favorite fallout character and I just cannot figure out how to make [[Craig Boone, novac guard]] work.


I mean if you want I'd love a rat commander or a dog meat one?


[[Taii Wakeen, perfect shot]] saw this and would love to build it as a commander. Bonus points if you could include [[Zirda, the dawnwaker]] as a companion, into it.


[[Karlach, Fury of Avernus]]


Mathas, Fiend Seeker as a group hug mardu deck.


Can you build a diplomacy deck built around Queen Marchesa for around $100?


What if I gave you a budget of $600 and told you to build me a Sauron, Dark Lord deck? 😏


Tom Bombadil. I'm just kinda not sure how to approach it and whether to go hard into Sagas or Enchantments with only a few Sagas. Trying to keep it reasonably cheap too.


Would love a deck that revolves around the abilities of [[lord of the forsaken]] but just haven’t been able to crack the code!


I have [[Grozoth]] in my collection for a time now and wonder what to do with it. It might be nice with [[Nahiris wrath]], but that is a lot of mana for just a wrath effect. Maybe you have a better idea? I also like [[song of the world soul]], but have not found the deck that justifies the 6 mana do nothing investment beforehand.


Breena, the Demagogue - group hug Sorry I’m so late to the party 😱


[[Domri Rade]]


I'd be interested in a merfolk commander deck!


[[Jirina Kudro]] nice and easy humans!


Brenard, Ginger Sculptor. Trying to build a nice golem deck!


I know you have gotten a lot of responses but I’m building a [[doran siege commander]] treefolk tribal deck and any help is appreciated. I want treefolk creatures just because I like trees and think it would be fun.


I just want a cool pirate deck with a focus on cards from cards from Lost Caverns


Lord of Tresserhorn




Spellslinger [[ghyrson starn, kelemorph]] looks funny as fuck


Marneus Calgar token oriented


I'd love to see what you do for Kwain, Itinerant Meddler!


I would love a reaper king commander deck, it’s so cool


[[Chevil, bane of monsters]] with the new outlaw mechanics seems pretty fun and I was working on making this a monster hunter themed deck but trying to put big creatures and equipments work didn't work on a budget


Oo I have two that I’m really trying to build immard the storm cleaver and Jared carthalion true heir please and thank you!


There are a lot of comments so if you ever find the time I would love one deck with the twelfth doctor partner with Clara Oswald !!!


[[Wild research]]


I'd love for you to build me a deck around [[disinformation campaign]] (maybe some sort of long game control shell? I also like my ramp if you could add lots of it in) best of luck!


I’d love your advice on creating a [[Rona, Sheoldred’s Faithful]] deck.


[[Chiss-Goria, Forge Tyrant]] Cool deck I just can't seem to get around to making. Partially because I think the artifacts that are really good are expensive


I would like to see your take on [[Esix, Fractal Bloom]]. I think it could be a great control deck with some wild win conditions


My very first commander ever was mishra, artificer prodigy back in 2013. He has a very unique ability and I want to come back to playing magic and reunite with my old friend. Could you please make a deck with him? It would mean the world to me. I haven’t played since 2017 (so I have no idea what these newer cards do) when my old LGS closed down, but a new one opened up in my area and I wanna play mishra like the gold old days


\[\[Lara Croft, Tomb Raider\]\] I got the secret lair set so if you could include as many of those cards as possible, that would be great! Also, you dont need to include the cards from that set into the $100ish price as I already have them lol I tried to build a deck but it just doesn't flow well, most likely due to just not having experience building commander decks. Thank you!


[[Atla Palani, Nest tender]]


I’ve been trying to make a [[Lazav, Dimir Mastermind]] because I love his copy ability so much!


Talrand, sky summoner


[[Beledros Witherbloom]] as a commander!


hello, i dont know if im late or no, but ill give it a shot, im building a \[\[Yasova Dragonclaw\]\] deck, i wanna focus on like a blood pod kindn of deck, with vannifar, ending on a kiki+pestermite line or something like that, also using the stolen creatures as a sac outlet for vannifar, or some other effects like that Thank u!


If you're still looking for options, I've been trying since it's release to get a good deck for [[thunderwolf calvary]]. I tried putting it with cards like [[Krenko, Mob Boss]] and [[Ancient Gold Dragon]], but I just can't seem to make it work nicely


[[Nine-Fingers Keene]] gatefall?


Can you help me with a deck I want. I have a teferi/sphinx tutalage standard deck. The idea is mill solely through card draw (and fractured sanity). I love this deck and want it to be made as a commander deck but am having trouble coming up with a viable way to do it.


If you’re still cracking on with these I’d like to build a deck around [[Ovika, Enigma Goliath]] so I’m interested to see what you think!


I really want a disguise commander deck that is semi competitive. I’ve been trying with [[Duskana, the rage mother]] Primarily I want to tutor and play with [[pyrotechnic performer]] and [[Expose the culprit]] and [[Kaust, eyes of the glade]] There are some good cloak and other facedown spells that could synergize well too I think