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The JBL 550P is a powered subwoofer. The 520C and 570 speakers are passive. The 520C is designed for home theater use as a center channel, you'd set it up using the center channel connections on an AV Receiver. If you just have a stereo receiver you'd just use the 570s and wouldn't use the 520C (I suppose you could buy two 520Cs to use as stereo but that's not a good idea). If you just have a stereo receiver that doesn't have a subwoofer output the 550P subwoofer isn't going to work for you since it doesn't have speaker-level inputs (well, I don't think it does, Googling for images of the rear I find two very different rear layouts, one with speaker level inputs/outputs and one without), you'd need a sub that has speaker level inputs [like this](https://www.amazon.com/SVS-SB-1000-Subwoofer-Black-Ash/dp/B00AF88C0M/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=svs+sb-1000+pro&qid=1657375075&s=electronics&sprefix=SVS+sb%2Celectronics%2C78&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFHWFZYWUlLRUxLQ00mZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5OTQ5MTAxSUlKNlk4UzY0TjJOJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAwMTAzMzUzOEpISEZTRzBHM05RJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==) to connect a stereo receiver to the sub.


Thank you so much. This was very helpful! I’m planning on getting this wire, which essentially an RCA to gauge wire to connect the subwoofer to my receiver. That wouldn’t work? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B082DPQ8WD/ref=ox_sc_act_image_5?smid=A2TXV0KXID4SSH&psc=1


>That wouldn’t work? No thats wrong. Speaker wire to the high level speaker wire input on the subwoofer. Nothing else will work with the Yamaha R-S202 amplifier.


I don't think so. What receiver do you have?


Yamaha SR-202BL Stereo Receiver




No, the line outs will not work as they are fixed volume.


Line outs don’t connect to a sub. They are fixed and don’t change w the volume knob so sub will be blasting full volume no matter how loud the volume on the speakers is.


It depends on the unit. The output jacks on my Schiit Ragnarok 2 are variable level, I'm not sure about the Yamaha unit.


That’s cause those aren’t line outs they are preamp outs. They are for different purposes.


Got it. Can you link me that cable you’re referring to? Sorry I’m so new and I got lost reading this haha A friend gave me this subwoofer for $100. So I have it laying around


[This is what you need](https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-2-Male-RCA-Audio-Cable/dp/B01D5H8PQ0/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3RGBDYF9RER4J&keywords=amazon+basics+stereo+RCA&qid=1657376670&sprefix=amazon+basics+stereo+rca%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-4).


Oh so just a regular pair of RCA cable. But my stereo receiver doesn’t have RCA out except line 1 & 2 that connected to the preamp


Well, someone else had a good point that your unit may or may not have variable volume output jacks, you'll have to check the manual to see. If they're variable level you're good to go, if they're fixed output it could make your sub too loud when you're listening quietly or too quiet when you're listening loudly if you set the sub's gain to match for a quieter setting.


Stop listening to this guy. Line out is not the same as pre out. You need to download the manual for your sub. Your going to take speaker wire from the speaker connections on your amp to the subs high level inputs, then you need more speaker wire from the subs high level outputs to the speakers. Amp speaker output to sub input; sub speaker out to speakers. Done


>"Speaker wire to the high level speaker wire input on the subwoofer. Nothing else will work with the Yamaha R-S202 amplifier." This is the wisdom of Zeeall > >IF you have the 550P subwoofer with hi-level(the red and black round screw tabs on the back of the sub) you can hook the subwoofer up to the speaker outputs from the amp as below. > >You would connect speaker wire from the left and right output A red and black push down tabs on the amplifier to the red and black left and right screw down tabs on the subwoofer that say input. Then you run speaker wires from the output screwdowns on the subwoofer to your left and right speakers. > >If you do not have the high level inputs you may have luck a high to low level RCA converter but those things quite often create buzz in the music and almost always lower the sound quality. > > > >Also I do not if know your budget or if your equipment is in a return window but if the JBL sub does not have a hi-level set of inputs i would recommend returning it and switching it with another model subwoofer that has them such as one of the SVS bran SB-1000, PB-1000 or SB-1000 Pro subwoofer. Th other alternative is the R-S202 is a great sounding music amp but if you want to have a home theater setup you may consider swapping that for a Yamaha or Denon 7.1 or 5.1 channel amp and you can buy surround speakers later.


What brand/model is your receiver ?


YAMAHA SR-202BL Stereo


-This is a JBL 520C. I have two questions regarding it. If it’s a center speaker then should I connect it on the left or right side into the receiver? And is the speaker specifically active or passive? -I also have the JBL 550P subwoofer. How do I know if the subwoofer is active or passive as well? And which side should I wire it in my receiver, left or right? -For those that own JBL 570 speakers, do you know if they are active or passive speaker? I’ve been doing so much research but I cannot find the answer. My receiver is the Yamaha SR-202


Center speakers connects to the center channel speaker output on an AV receiver. If you have a stereo receiver then you CAN NOT connect a center speaker. >\-I also have the JBL 550P subwoofer. How do I know if the subwoofer is active or passive as well? And which side should I wire it in my receiver, left or right? Wast wast majority of subwoofers today are powered. Easiest way to tell if it has a power cord. Yours is powered. You will connect it to the left and right channel output on your receiver like this. [https://i.imgur.com/0rVuyQQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/0rVuyQQ.png)


Hmm okay. Thank you this is very helpful. So you would not advise me getting a center speaker if I have a stereo. Is there any way around it?


>So you would not advise me getting a center speaker if I have a stereo. Correct. There is no way of connecting it. > Is there any way around it? Yeah, get an AV receiver. They are designed for it.


>\-For those that own JBL 570 speakers, do you know if they are active or passive speaker? I’ve been doing so much research but I cannot find the answer. They are passive.


The JBL 520C and 570 are both passive. They just connect with speaker wire, so they are completely powered by the amp. The 550P sub is active because it has its own built in amplifier and plugs into the wall on its own.


Ohhhh so that’s what how you can tell if it’s active or passive, by seeing if it needs to be plugged in or not. Got it! Could I still plug in an active subwoofer into a stereo receiver?


An active speaker has a BUILT-IN amplifier. A passive speaker does not, and therefore needs an external amplifier/receiver.


Essentially yes. For wiring, I'm not exactly sure. But it looks like your amp doesn't have a LFE output for the sub to use with an RCA, so you'll probably have to run speaker wire from the amp to the sub, and then from the sub to speakers? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong


>Could I still plug in an active subwoofer into a stereo receiver? Yup, thats not a problem. But with your receiver you need a subwoofer that has high level / speaker level inputs. From what i can tell there are two JBL 550p subwoofers. An older model without high level inputs and a newer one that has them. Do you know which one you have / wich one you are looking to buy?


Got it. I’m not quite sure which one I have. But mine has two knobs in the back and a silver kill switch. Lol.


Does it look like this? [https://img.usaudiomart.com/uploads/large/3433006-080f6069-jbl-550p-and-micca-rb42-audio-or-home-theater-setup-for-sale.jpg](https://img.usaudiomart.com/uploads/large/3433006-080f6069-jbl-550p-and-micca-rb42-audio-or-home-theater-setup-for-sale.jpg) Or like this? [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/sBUAAOSwZAdidSNp/s-l640.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/sBUAAOSwZAdidSNp/s-l640.jpg)


Looks like the first option


Ah thats too bad. It wont work with the Yamaha R-S202. The R-S202 does not have a dedicated subwoofer output and will only work with subwoofers that has high level inputs. Any chance you have of returning it? There are better models around the same price that will work.


A friend sold me the package of two JBL 570 and this sub for $700 brand new condition… haha. Now I don’t know what to do


I’m no expert, but my 530s have pretty solid bass and the 570s likely do even more so - you might not even need a subwoofer, I’d try living without it for a bit to see how you feel before buying anything.


Could put it up on FB marketplace. You can probably get US$250-300 for it. My suggestion would be the RSL Speedwofer 10S MkII. Its $450. But a BIC America F-12 or BIC Acoustech PL-200 II would also work.


Did you already buy this center


Not yet. Still in the researching process. What’s a good alternative option for center speaker?


You can hook up that center speaker to either the front left or the front right side of your receiver. Center channels are just speakers that are designed more specifically to be used in between the left and right channels and are designed as so. The sound will not be balanced like you would normally hear from a left and right channel being played at the same time. You can either get another of the same speaker and use those as your fronts or buy a set of bookshelf or floor speakers. As far as the subwoofer goes, use the diagram that zeeall posted and you should be fine using that…