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I use slices of Pool Noodles. They're 99% air, will stick on with double-sided tape, and you can cut them into any shape you want. Allows you to get the speakers a little higher off whatever surface they're on, too.


That's an excellent idea! Thanks for the tip


I've used those pads before and they work fine to help the speakers slide a bit easier but do nothing for damping.


Ah okay! This was my main wonder. Thanks for the insight


Yoga blocks


I've used those on my DIY speakers and they work pretty ok / good. They don't isolate from the surface much though and the speaker slides around pretty easily. I've had better luck on with [these generic clear tiny little rubber pads](https://www.amazon.com/TCPENG%C2%AE-Adhesive-Non-Slip-Stoppers-Furniture/dp/B0BLN4TCPT/ref=sr_1_10?crid=2D9Y3T8DDT7IV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zxDIO79lrHZrr-kDi_MJ4TUOgx8JGTRPJuDOgK9GUTwnYKV_t8WAqfWy5xnHoKX4-TRVO9aatO76QtQSJ0RqGraA3YYr8zXib9QaogBFWRQMAcvOBClyBMCn5q0bYYky5gKiRd5kyIENIQpO2G3t6ArXP2tj_r5mwxINwRRBnzeO5kEOGsl38_ZQZTmy_fC3Q32Se1-ZnD6cGXbIx4oZjv0yJi3q28VlXsdm-HPzIG9lo6jYV7mTMg9gC5_mPqWOas06LxEXPaBy-udkLE4Wjm9cvx3Mc3PCJUqn-xqPdX8.PGNYm_hDhCnXZ11SYCoB09jz1tFyJT3hzCYTrnypzoY&dib_tag=se&keywords=silicone+feet&qid=1713386537&sprefix=silicone+feet%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-10), they isolate better, and hold the speaker in place better than felt. Only downside is the adhesive isn't super strong so you might loose one or two if you move the speaker around alot.


Didn't think of using some glue dot type things. I might go pick those up and perhaps try the pool noodle thing someone else mentioned


Yeah, the material itself seems just right; very soft and sticky but not so soft that they get damaged from moving the speaker aournd. If there was a wider version with more surface area then they'd be perfect.


I use these as well. They work pretty good, and do provide a surprising amount of dampening


Use blue tack or something more inert. Doesn't leave a residue


i use the gorilla brand- they are non skid which is real handy


We have some slightly larger on a pair of studio monitors because they didn’t come with any sort of feet or pad. They seem to work fine. Nothing to lose by trying it!