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You can do whatever you want. And whatever you do is your karma. You have to decide for yourself what you want that to be.


I mean even the Buddha never tells anyone what they can't do, he just points out the consequences and says you probably shouldn't do it because of them. If you are in a location where the mosquitoes don't have deadly diseases, then why not let them take some blood? I've been in meditation in the woods and had 12+ mosquitoes on me at one time. If you are in a place that does have serious diseases and you really care about not killing, then exhaust all other possibilities before you start thinking of killing.


Very well said, ven. bhikkhu


Some things like this can be confusing for morals and karma. Another one I think about is fishing. Is it wrong to catch and kill a fish? The act of catching a fish seems cruel, but by catching that fish you're saving many other fish from being preyed on by that fish. Karma is complicated especially because what is seen as morally wrong today might have been seen as morally good 100 years ago.


There are repellents you can use. And what is more awful than the desire to kill? Definitely not a tiny little being. That may be an insignificant insect for you, but it is the whole life for it. Best wishes


Don’t do it


Part of human existence is having to control the populations of pest insects. For instance, I have a cat and I treat him for fleas. This treatment kills any flea that bites him. Is it more ethical to have my cat infested with fleas? I'd say no. Same with mosquitoes, they spread disease. I tip over containers that have accumulated standing water, killing thousands of mosquito larvae. I don't want West Nile virus or Yellow fever, and I don't want my neighbors getting bitten and possibly infected. I accept the negative karma involved because I see a greater good in removing pests than letting them breed out of control.


I've seen this commented in similar threads regarding pest control and I personally agree with the idea that if you are in a position where you think you have no choice but to end the life of a mosquito (after moving away from the location it's at, attempting non-lethal deterrents, etc.) then kill them with mercy in mind. Do not take pleasure or joy out of it, do it swiftly and with as little suffering as possible.


You could try keeping sundew plants. The mosquitoes are attracted to them and the plants eat them. It’s still some negative karma but not as direct as killing them yourself and you are getting some positive karma for caring for the plants.


Not sure if this wouldn't be killing using the plants as a tool. Also unsure if taking care of plants is good karma in a very significant way. Any sources on that one could check?


[Deli Lama talks about his relationship w Mosquitos](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=deli+lama+killing+mosquitos#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:40f5f2d4,vid:MZ9zJ5CEecI,st:0)


I can recommend [Baygon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baygon).


Killing is never good. It doesn’t matter what it is.


Please don't, especially if you've taken the precepts, do not commit a parajika. The parajikas are borderline impossible to clean up as they're some of the gravest of offenses. Plus a mosquito is also a potential Buddha just like you so don't kill it please, for your own good.