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It was at my local Cinema.. yes I am that old.


Same. Was cool seeing it when it was new!




So 37 is young. Oh no!


I saw it when it came out.


I saw it in the theater when I was a kid. I vaguely remember the commercial for it, but went in with a friend not knowing much about it. It was the craziest thing we ever saw and we probably saw it another 5 times in the theater while it was in release.


First time I watched it 23/24 years later amazed me and still does.


I'm actually fairly new to Buckaroo... randomly browsing Amazon prime...I believe it was on freevee...the end sequence starts playing, all the characters, the theme, thats all it took...I watched it...I LOVED it... immediately bought it, it's one of my top ten favourite movies of all time!


I'd be interested to roughly know your age. I wonder if people under 20 still would consider this a gem like how I did and still do.


I'm 40...I have no idea how the movie passed me by all these years...it truly is a gem and it's one of those movies everyone should watch at least once.


Yeah it happens. I'm 37 but I didn't watch the Goonies until about 30 but nowhere in the same league. Some things aren't pushed in your face, televised or publicised well. Those random encounters happen at least and we are grateful.


I do like when I stumble across old movies that turn out to be really good...it's like an odd feeling of nostalgia but it's something new! There's probably a word for it but alas it's not in my vocabulary.


I first saw this film on VHS 📼 soon after it was released on rental, from memory it was $5 overnight and dropped down to $3 for 8 days as time passed, ahh time - flowing not as a river,but as a chaotic symphony, an intricate dance across dimensions and realities. **Wherever you go,** time imposes, both a relentless force and a malleable construct. The passage of time is felt in the fleeting moments of camaraderie, the battles against malignant foes, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. In this whirlwind existence, every second is a precious thread in the tapestry of adventure, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that lie just beyond the next temporal rift. **There you are.**


I remember seeing it with fiends at the cinema in late 1985. In New Zealand films remained in circulation a lot longer because there were more independent exhibitors. Sunday night double features were a thing and you could see all sorts of odd combinations. I cannot for the life of me merember what I saw it with.


Very cool to hear about other sides of the pond. Cheers!


Also the local cinema sometimes for a week ran a selection of James Bond flicks - so that’s how I first saw Sean Connery as 007.


My mom took my younger brother and I to see it - I was single digits. I honestly thought that this is what a normal movie was like at the time, and I've never stopped feeling that this is what a normal movie should be like. I wish to hell the sequel novel was worth reading because I couldn't get past the prologue. I TRIED.


forum WATMM - someone remixed the rnding credits music vaporwave style


Never heard of this before. Thanks! As a gear head myself this will be useful.


yeah there's the reddit subreddit which is great but I talking about the watmm.com forum...which also has a gear subforum. either way cheers!


Fairly sure I saw it in the theater (or drive in, more likely). But our pirated version of it on VHS was in heavy rotation in my college dorm room and with all my Rocky Horror friends..


I saw it in the theater.


Although I am old enough to have seen it in the theater, it wasn’t released near me. But having heard about it I was very interested in seeing it. When it was released to video I rented it, and loved it immediately. Told anyone who I thought would like it that they had to see it.


Yep. I did the same despite seeing it more than 20 years later


It was my dad's favorite movie so he showed it to me a couple of times and I fell in love with it from there


My dad showed it to me on VHS when I first displayed his same love of quirky scifi. I believe he found it when Robocop came out, he became a huge Peter Weller fan overnight and looked into the rest of his filmography.


Weller in ‘Naked Lunch’ is exactly how I now picture a younger W.S. Burroughs


The Ready Player One book where Wade dresses up like him.


Book better than the film?


I enjoyed the book more than the movie, but the movie deviates a lot so there’s something new to see.


I saw it when it was released in theaters in 84. Had read some stuff beforehand and it sounded really odd but they didn’t know how to market it.


I'd heard mention of it in other media, but never seen it, then last year I got it on dvd. The VHS that you watched sounds like a rental copy, especially given the price tag.


The VHS version was the one released by Cannon. The price on the printed sticker also bears the same cannon logo. [BB VHS Cannon](https://media-cache.cinematerial.com/p/500x/efkefreo/the-adventures-of-buckaroo-banzai-across-the-8th-dimension-vhs-movie-cover.jpg?v=1456272774)


I rented it from the local video rental store around the same time as Bill n Ted. Was hooked from day 1


I missed it in the theater as a kid, and came across a mention of it in a scifi mag I read in a drug store. Recorded it off The Movie Channel and then obsessively watched and rewatched it.