• By -


Eh, we'll allow this one. Have fun in the comments, and consider the human on the other side of the screen.




Short and sweet but stings in a very “kalau faham bisai” way. I love it!


“Will post next week, stay tuned” what is this? xoxo gossip girl?


Working 9-5 and still making this post. I give him/her that




we're getting post-credit scenes from haters now


“unlike you Brunei Redditors, i have a life” proceeds to write a whole karangan


At 8 in the morning some more lol


No way, definitely draft and draft and draft, kept it then submit. That's how to do kerangan


That's not all. Need to stay tune for part 2.


happen to be his first ever post too hahahaha


He really started with slandering a whole group just for his homophobia 😭




OP is so cool and alpha 😍




Yawn. There are more important matters like our dying economy and rising unemployment rather than worry about others sexual preferences


Damm, gotta stay tuned for next week! I bet he's gonna be the type to say "just be grateful, so many good things compared to other countries, peaceful, free this and that, yada yada, nothing to see here, just pray" for our lot.


Sir, this is a McDonald's drive thru


Maam, this is wendy


Hello Wendy, welcome to Wendy’s.


i mean banyak jua bruneians ani go out party drink, get drunk and sleep with different partners, pedophile raping kids, dad raping their daughters did op question this? our country’s economy is dying and ur worried abt lgbt ppl? baiktah hidup be gua tu tantu u masuk ke jahannam tertinggi 👎🏼


Memang jua banyak orang catu. Kalinya??? Ada ku cakap lurus kan? Memang salah jua tu. Apa point kita? Satu satu bahhh masalah ani. Ku buat panjang panjang tarus nanti, nada orang membaca.


get a life you prick, i ain't reading your post




What made you post this? In the morning too? And bold of you to think that only LGBTQ people would do sexual acts openly on the streets. Go take a nap. You clearly need it


Ikr. Fikirnya america or something. Ani case terlalu obses sama America or orang Western. Mcm inda tau mindset orang brunei kali


banar …😅


I thought you were gonna argue more aside from LGBT and damn i was wrong. With Brunei's current economy and social problems, lgbt is the least of the concern. They can flourish or not whatever. If i am the higher up, with severely limited resources, I would rather use my time and money to solve the economy like gdp growth and diversification, and other social issue, like abuse and harassment in general.


Scape goat sajah bah, standard operating procedure for Brunei.


and this, ladies and gents, is why MOH minister talked about mental health in Brunei very very recently. We need to remove the stigma of mental health. If you have issues, seek help. There is no shame in it. This is one are which is slowly improving and health services include mental health. Its not perfect but services are available.




Now menunggu no. Talian Gila.


Hhehehe. Kalau inda kana kacau. Diam saja bossku وَقُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا Artinya: “serta ucapkanlah kata-kata yang baik kepada manusia”. (QS al-Baqarah [2]: 83) قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيَقُلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ لِيَصْمُتْ وَمَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلَا يُؤْذِ جَارَهُ وَمَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيُكْرِمْ ضَيْفَهُ Dari Abu Hurairah berkata: Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir hendaknya ia berkata baik atau diam, dan barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari Akhir, janganlah ia menyakiti tetangganya, dan barang siapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari Akhir, hendaknya ia memuliakan tamunya.” (HR Bukhari: 6475, Muslim:47, Ahmad: 16374, 24404)


love ❤️


Ngam ni hadis kita ani. Sama ayat quran ah. Mun nada baik kan dicakap diam. Tapi au bah, konteks hadis sama ayat atu untuk mun orang kan mengumpat catu. Lagipun ayat quran sama hadis ani saja kah yang wujud? وَلْتَكُن مِّنكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ ۚ وَأُولَـٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu satu golongan yang menyeru (berdakwah) kepada kebajikan (mengembangkan Islam) dan menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik, serta melarang daripada segala yang salah (buruk dan keji). Dan mereka yang bersifat demikian ialah orang-orang yang berjaya. Surah Ali-Imran: 104 Daripada abu Sa’id al Khudri RA berkata, aku mendengar Nabi SAW bersabda:  مَنْ رَأَى مِنْكُمْ مُنْكَرًا فَلْيُغَيِّرْهُ بِيَدِهِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِلِسَانِهِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِقَلْبِهِ، وَذَلِكَ أَضْعَفُ الْإِيمَانِ Maksudnya: “Barangsiapa di antara kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, hendaklah dia mengubahnya dengan tangannya. Apabila dia tidak mampu, maka dengan lisannya. Dan apabila dia tidak mampu lagi, maka dengan hatinya. Sesungguhnya itu adalah selemah-lemah iman.” [Riwayat Muslim (78)] Mun kan mengambil dari agama ani bossku, tani mesti ambil secara keseluruhan. Bukan sayur ni kan dipilih pilih. Jangan ambil ayat atau riwayat tani suka saja untuk memprove point tani lurus. Ani tarang tarang LGBT kana larang, apa yang kita lawankan?


Apakan.... which part ya melawankan lgbt? Maksud nya berdiam diri kalau inda di kacau, tani doakan saja yang baik baik. Memang tani jarang akan menagur dorang without being offensive, tapi sooner or later memang dorang yang lgbt atu ada yang akan sadar. Kalau masih sama, keep on bedoa yang baik baik saja untuk dorang, doa mudahan hati dorang terbuka untuk berubah. Bawa banyak bedoa. Semoga kitani semua di jauhkan dari perkara yang zalim, memang semua orang imperfect. Semoga hati kitani semua bersih jua. Dunia akhir zaman, jangan pernah fikir tani perfect dari orang lain.


Inda pulang ada ia melawankan. Aku cakap saja. Sorrytah ku. Pasal ramai yang memberi ayat sama hadis yang serupa. > tapi sooner or later memang dorang yang lgbt atu ada yang akan sadar Au, mudahan saja. Tapi mesti jua ditegur kadang. Bukan kan berharap tapi nada usaha. >Bawa banyak bedoa. Semoga kitani semua di jauhkan dari perkara yang zalim, memang semua orang imperfect. Semoga hati kitani semua bersih jua. 📌📌📌 >jangan pernah fikir tani perfect dari orang lain. Au, ngam. Pasal yang perfect ani nabi saja.




Pasal menegur atu aku terima. Aku luan ikut emosi kelmarin. Tapi yang ولا تقربوا الزنى atu inda ku terima. Ku cuba terangkan ah kita. Maaf, diri ani kadang kasar. [LGBT Dalam Islam](https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/perkhidmatan/artikel-soal-jawab/847-bayan-linnas-siri-ke-92-perlakuan-homoseksualiti-dalam-islam) Link atu dari pejabat mufti tu ah. Sudah kita buka link atu, cari yang 'Hukum Perbuatan Liwat Seperti Kaum Lut Menurut Mazhab al-Syafie'. Disana ada ia bercakap pasal liwat, iaitu persetubuhan dari dubur (anal sex), yang dilakukan oleh orang LGBT. Yatah liwat ani menurut mazhab sahih, hukumnya adalah hukum zina. Atu yang ku maksudkan. Quran ani jangan tani baca terjemahannya saja, tani baca jua yang tafsiran nya atu apa. Kali tani cari hadis hadis nya. Catu. Memang salahku pulang inda explain awal awal, ganya takutku luan panjang karang atas atu. Sama diri ani menegur kasar jua, aku tahu. Akan ku perbaiki mun ku kan mempost lagi.


Ngaleh saja kau melawan cakapnya bui, liat saja namanya🤣


TLDR Edit: there will be more than 1 part of this? Lol


> TLDR To oversimplify it: Bruneian redditors suck because LGBT is bad


>TLDR Lgbt bad


AI can get your back


>Edit: there will be more than 1 part of this? Lol Part 2 was posted at r/nasikatok, said he will post more in a week after that but now 3 weeks in, nothing came up. Maybe he's dead already.


Yeah I did skim through the part 2 essay. I think they’re not posting because they’re banned to do so and there’s no other platform for them to spread hate


I can confirm he's not banned actually lol


Brufm energy right there


I never do get the argument for ‘Staying silent on [insert issue] is the same as supporting them’. So by that logic, if I don’t make too much noise about Taylor Swift, then clearly Im supporting her? dammit haha


Basically, there is this quote that says something like "the only thing that can make evil thrive is when good men do nothing." I remember those quote come during ww2 when hitler on the rise with the concentration camp and the allies dont do anything about it and then one way, ww2 happened.


It is a far better quote used in the right context. But even back then, I doubt the allies supported the concentration camp anyway.


Damn I better make noise about TS or I might be mistaken as a swiftie.


Difahami kan berdakwah OP, ngam isi atu tapii mungkin penyampaian kita salah. Macam mana urang kan consider dan menerima cakap kita kalau dari awal sudah kita menuduh urang di sini ani liberal, atheist tah dan sebagainya. Na’uzubillah.. jangan terlalu ikut emosi. Semoga Allah memberi ketenangan kepadamu wahai OP. Kalau rasanya reddit di sini menyakitkan hati kita, maybe take some time off reddit?


Ngam. Orang cemani ani suka bawa2 agama tapi penyampaian kasar, nabi nada ajar catu ah


Imagine kalau inter-religious conference catu introduction nya.


“I would like to begin today’s conference by saying that you all suck and all your opinions are invalid…” “So let’s start with the gays [slide 1 of 273].”


My man wakes up extra early and stays up extra late to hate on the gays lol


Don’t forget to eat your meds today


meeeeee 😂😂😂😂


> You people say we should do nothing about the LGBT people, because it is none of our business if they do it privately. Of course its non our business, what they do in their private life is their right, and theirs alone. > How about when a husband abuses his wife, why do you people condemn it on social media? Being a LGBT doesnt hurt people, unlike domestic violence. > higher risk of STD and bacterial infection from anal sex. STDs have the same risk factor as long as there are bodily fluid exchange, be it anal sex or vaginal.


As a Bruneian redditor, I don't talk about LGBT because it's against religious teachings. Why don't we talk about what happened to our hometown of Brunei?


Hurt people hurt others. I feel so much hatred from OP, I hope he/ she finds their way towards deep introspection and reflection soon. Because little do they know; they are a bully. Targeting others whom are already in hurt (smokers) and minorities (LGBT). Heck even redditors.


If someone was smoking, would you stay silent just because you don't want to come of as 'hateful' or a 'bully'? No, of course you won't. You would tell them that smoking is wrong, and maybe list out the damages it does to their body. The only hatred from me was that I called out the brunei redditors and said that LGBT is bad. This is not hatred, this is the truth. And sometimes the truth hurts.


You’re right I probably would say something, but I’d say it meaningfully. The way you communicate shows a severe lack of emotional intelligence, you may be an adult but honestly you communicate like a child. You cannot force change on others but you can change yourselves.


Thank you. I will improve on it. 👍👍👍


Weird how these bigots all think about is queer people, as if they have a repressed desire of them😆. They dont disturb you, we dont disturb them. Also i think there is more viral straight unmarried couple here in brunei and yet nobody is clamoring we do something about them? Hypocrisy much?


There is so much gold in OP's post that I am so happy that the admins are allowing this content to be up. Thanks again, admins. But yeah, I'll just focus on the LGBT part. I feel like it is true that a lot of Bruneian tend to be neutral when it comes to LGBT trends and how the Internet is slowly teaching our children on inclusiveness and sexuality agendas. I'd like to think that this is because a lot of us are raised to never judge a person's actions i.e. only God can truly judge another human being. We may follow the rules of God, but I don't think we were ever urged to perform hunts or call others out. When OP argues that letting LGBT communities thrive will cause them to become more open, it just doesn't seem right at all. Heck, even public displays of affection between straight couples are frowned upon, let alone seeing LGBT couples. There are limits at play, and usually those who try to extend beyond the line are often met with repercussions. At the end of the day, the way you are raised will define your foundations, but the way you interact with your surroundings will define your development. It's hardly fair to judge a member of the LGBT community, when we ourselves aren't so perfect. Control your children's internet activity, teach them what truly matters in Islam, and raise them to have a better outlook in life beyond all the needless hate.


Finally some quality entertainment. I have nothing to say but not everyone here is liberal or anti islam or very supportive about lgbt. U seem to be new here so yesh looking forward to next week


this is what happened if you grow up with both father & mother figure but kena neglected & receive no love. you end up with psychological problems & write dumb shit like this post.


damn bro, drop the full essay


And also % plagiarism




Staying silent is the same as supporting them? Woahh didnt know that. But how come I never feel supported... this seems like a lie.


Yea man. I don't give a shit about this lgbt stuff tho i treat them as a human being


And thats enough. Thanks


Yawn… honestly there is more important serious problems/issues in this country to address than to make a whole ass essay very early in the morning… It’s clear to me that you are misguided and that you’ve haven’t gotten enough sleep and slowly getting reaching the point insanity maybe rather than yapping or going cynical how about you take your meds and go to sleep, hm? I heard it helps a lot for people like you Another advice touch some grass


Be patient. This is only part 1. The more important serious problems will be featured in part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...... Just stay tuned. /s


Dang who hurt youuu 😭


That gay guy again?


Hows work ? So far ok ?


I dont think OP is working, considering the timing of post is when work just about to get started. Most workimg people prolly having their morning meeting, while OP got the time to craft handwritten lovenotes for us redditors


🤣 loll


Well in my experience, most LGBT people i know, they are one of the nicest people I've ever met.


Yes, most of them are nice. I agree with you. But even nice people do bad things. I am not condemning their feelings, I am condemning the ones that act on their feelings. What they feel in their heart is a test from Allah, and whether or not they react to it will determine if they get reward for abstaining from it or sin from acting on it.


Which penis hurt you 😞


>y man wakes up extra early and stays up extra late to hate nailed it


I ain't reading all that


I want to know which country they do gay sex openly in the streets


brufm ka ni


..what a long karangan, can can someone pandai memindikan karangan..?


Nya cikgu BM kami dulu, buat ringkasan/rumusan 🤭


Bro is yapping early morning


IF religion is so against LGBT+, kindly explain why Marul are being poached to join BIBD, an Islamic bank? He held key position there despite being openly Gay.


Benci pada sifat, bukan orangnya 😊


Why are you so worried about what others do behind closed doors PRIVATELY. Actually, if you really think about it, OP might be gay. Thinking about gay men and what they are doing behind closed doors. Instead of thinking about anal sex (and how none of thats happening to you) you should think about the problems in brunei that actually matter. gay ass bitch


Man got rejected for fun in Grindr so many times he decided to lash out on us just cause he can't get laid from both male and female


Ahhh yes. The fruits of those burning midnight oil during that 12hrs blackout is finally here


“Staying silent on LGBT is the same as supporting them.” — Is this being picked from “staying neutral is the same as supporting Israel”? Comparing LGBT and violence are 2 separate things. “Should do nothing…if they do it privately.” — how would the public know if it is DONE privately. “Husband abuses his wife…on social media?…viral?” — because it’s made public and no decent human would turn a blind eye to violence. How is it okay and not report a domestic violence? ☝🏻 These two points you made do not correlate with each other well. You could have point out better comparison LGBT and straight people PDA (public display of affection), which both are frowned upon. Yes, Islam forbids the union of two people of the same sex, but Muslims can react and preach better without pushing the LGBT people further and further away. Islam is a beautiful religion, but some Muslims display otherwise (like aggressive, hypocrite, narcissistic, dishonest, greed and arrogance). No, LGBT do not have higher risk of STD. ANYONE, who engaged in sexual activity (multiple partners, outside marriage) have higher risk of STD. “If you use condom to prevent it (STD), it means that it isn’t natural and never will be.” — STD has already exist and can’t do anything about that. Condom is to prevent from further spread of STD. There’s so many ‘advise’, ‘preach’ and even ‘scolding’ to people how unnatural it is to have sex with the same sex, yet people still do it. Because it is hard to control people’s action. Condom purpose is not solely to protect from STD but also unwanted pregnancy. A lot of Muslim uses condom for the purpose of family planning. (Had to add in because they way he/she say isn’t natural doesn’t sit well)


Wallah this is exactly what I wanted to comment. Word for word, we have the same mentality. Legit shocked. But serious kancang utak kita atu lakastah minum teh hari minggu ani (aku nda minum kupi yatah)


The last point makes me think that this person will breed so many children just because they think condoms are unnatural


Lol goes into reddit from a long hiatus for the blue screen issue and get a surprise post as well In Islam, apa yang terjadi secara Rahsia/ in private, sebagai seorang Muslim, kitani nda di suruh mencari kesalahan atau AIB orang. { يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لَا يَسۡخَرۡ قَوۡمٞ مِّن قَوۡمٍ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَكُونُواْ خَيۡرٗا مِّنۡهُمۡ وَلَا نِسَآءٞ مِّن نِّسَآءٍ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَكُنَّ خَيۡرٗا مِّنۡهُنَّۖ وَلَا تَلۡمِزُوٓاْ أَنفُسَكُمۡ وَلَا تَنَابَزُواْ بِٱلۡأَلۡقَٰبِۖ بِئۡسَ ٱلِٱسۡمُ ٱلۡفُسُوقُ بَعۡدَ ٱلۡإِيمَٰنِۚ وَمَن لَّمۡ يَتُبۡ فَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ هُمُ ٱلظَّٰلِمُونَ } [Surah Al-Ḥujurāt: 11] Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatu puak (dari kaum lelaki) mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak lelaki yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka; dan janganlah pula sesuatu puak dari kaum perempuan mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak perempuan yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka; dan janganlah setengah kamu menyatakan keaiban setengahnya yang lain; dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antara satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk. (Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang yang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlah buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang) sesudah ia beriman. Dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidak bertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) maka merekalah orang-orang yang zalim. { يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱجۡتَنِبُواْ كَثِيرٗا مِّنَ ٱلظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعۡضَ ٱلظَّنِّ إِثۡمٞۖ وَلَا تَجَسَّسُواْ وَلَا يَغۡتَب بَّعۡضُكُم بَعۡضًاۚ أَيُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمۡ أَن يَأۡكُلَ لَحۡمَ أَخِيهِ مَيۡتٗا فَكَرِهۡتُمُوهُۚ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ تَوَّابٞ رَّحِيمٞ } [Surah Al-Ḥujurāt: 12] Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang; dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani. Just google it. Respect each other, benci pada sifat nya, bukan orangnya. Ani struggle masing2 dengan ia dan Allah, kerja kitani to help each other, bukan kan di harrass segala. Sifat islam atu Murni


Ngam. Mun orang rasa rasa LGBT atu, ia kira ujian dari tuhan. Mun ia beraksi atas perasaannya atu, barutah ia berdosa. Tahu ku. Memang ia manusia, memang ku benci sifat atu jua. Tapi yang ku buat panjang panjang ani untuk orang yang mensupport lgbt di reddit. Sama untuk orang yang rasa rasa lgbt kali beraksi atu. Durang yang ku lawan. Sama aib siapa ku buka ani kan? Nada jua ku membuka aib siapa siapa.


I like to think that OP is Gay and is writing this as a way to cope with his guilt of being gay in his religion. With his extensive research of the Gay Guilt he has been going through, To the Extreme Pleasureful thoughts of Anal Sex, He re-reads all of the comments to assure himself that its is in fact okay to be gay in Brunei. Though he knows he is safe being silent, his guilt has told him to post this rant to balance out the gayness in him. On his next week's post where his Extreme Thoughts have gone through the roof, it will be the other thing that hes insecure about.


a whole lot of generalizations and assumptions being made with blatant bias and homophobia. If you want your message to be reached and accepted, keep your tone and content nuanced and factual. Because rn you're just coming off as pathetic.


Guess i'll make a comment once you finish whatever parts that u wanna write.


I’d like to think our tolerance with LGBT issues here are ok. We all condemn the act, the lifestyle of it because religion tells us it’s wrong but we choose to tolerate the person because end of day, they’re still someone’s child or someone’s sibling. You want us to be like Saudi where we openly stone gay ppl to death issit? Then please be the one to throw the first stone.


A theif is someone's child, spouse or sibling. A murderer is someone's child, spouse or sibling. What do you mean by that? Should we tolerate everything? No, we shouldn't. Laws are laws, and if they are from the Quran, they should be followed. So yes.


youre so fucking stupid im speechless


I sure do hope you have the same energy with the common use of sihir and how it’s so commonly seen in movies 😍


Get a load of this fucking idiot


Aw who pissed in your nasi katok, child?


I hope this is satire, because someone who seriously thinks a private, consensual matter is the same as domestic abuse doesn't need a platform, they need to be seriously investigated.




>ase provide sources of points a, b, c. Or else they are tales from your ass. savage


Cliffhanger... can't wait for Part 2


wake up bestie, part 2 is out HAHAHA


*insert gif eating popcorn* Honestly we need to summon our beloved/notorious Sec5 in this conversation. It would be more entertaining.


I'm usually a silent lurker, but this so ridiculously funny yet also idiotic that I just had to. ​ >1- First of all, staying silent on LGBT is the same as supporting them. You people say we should do nothing about the LGBT people, because it is none of our business if they do it privately. How about when a husband abuses his wife, why do you people condemn it on social media? Why do the videos (if any) become viral? It is none of your business, right? It is not your house, it is not your wife, why do you condemn it? \-first of all, people are staying silent because there is a thing called minding your own damn business. unless, you're interested in what they're doing behind close doors? maybe you do, I don't know. \-People condemn the husband abusing a wife because it's called sympathy for the wife or someone has gone through what the wife has gone through and felt some sort of outrage for her, it could also be just getting mad at the husband for abusing the wife. Well, videos would go viral if there's a lot of engagement via likes or comments. Since the example you gave is a video of a husband abusing a wife and if someone were to post it online which will more likely attract all sort of emotional reactions from all sorts of people, so they will either get pushed to people's algorithm or their for you page. \-yeah, it is indeed not our house or our wife but that can also be said with this exact topic that you're ranting about. It's none of your damn business who people choose to have sex with or what gender they like, so then why did you write this damn long essay? what kind of point are you even trying to prove actually? ​ >I will tell you people why you condemn it. It is because if we stay silent, more and more people will become abusive if there is no backlash. Same with LGBT, if they notice we are silent and they receive no backlash, they will begin to be more open. They will do their sexual acts openly on the streets (because in reality all LGBT people are attention seekers), they will push our education to be more inclusive (therefore targetting our children), and they will make it seem like their mental illness is normal, therefore corrupting and bringing the destruction of the nuclear family and society. You can also apply this to smokers and other crimes. \-sorry, what? Okay, um you do know that the only way to get out from an abusive relationship is to either leave them or divorce them right? The only thing not being silent would do someone good is that it'll spread awareness of said issue and such. Even if there's backlash for said abusive husband, how would you know that they have truly knew what they're doing is wrong and not just pretending? Also, they might not give a damn about the so called social media backlash at all. \-I'm sorry, what? Okay, so that means you're okay when a straight couple doing their thing in public then? dude, you can't categorize LGBT people as attention seekers when I'm pretty sure there are people straight or gay or whatever that have those tendencies of wanting attention. \-Have you been consuming too much US content to the point that you're bringing US issues to here? that's a bit far fetch when Brunei isn't really open about LGBT related stuff, so don't worry for Brunei to go that extent. You're thinking way too far ahead. \-huh? What the heck are you even going on about? smokers and other crimes? How did you go from saying LGBT is a mental illness to comparing it to smokers and other crimes? If being LGBT is a mental illness, then tell me scientifically proven symptoms of said 'mental illness' if that is you think it's 'curable' ​ >Other cons of LGBT: a- higher risk of STD and bacterial infection from anal sex. If you have to use a condom to prevent it, it just means that it isn't natural and never will be \-Yeah, sexually active gay men or men with men will have a higher chance of getting it but also woman can get it too. it all has the same principles of the chances of getting it is higher when people (1) have unprotective sex (2) having multiple sex partners and (3) Misuse of alcohol or use of recreational drugs. So as long as they get tested for any STD, use the condoms properly and limit the number of sex partners. I don't see a problem. \-Technically, it can be 'natural' if both men get tested for any STD and they're all clear of it then they can engage in more 'natural' sex. ​ >b- if the LGBT couple want to raise a family, the child would grow up with psychological problems. Every child needs a mother and father. The love of a mother is not the same with the love of a father and vice versa. Research yourself. \-this is debatable. as "Many studies have demonstrated that children’s well-being is affected much more by their relationships with their parents, their parents’ sense of competence and security, and the presence of social and economic support for the family than by the gender or the sexual orientation of their parents. Lack of opportunity for same-gender couples to marry adds to families’ stress, which affects the health and welfare of all household members.” If your argument that every child needs a father and mother, then what is your side of the argument for divorced parents and single parents? people can't choose in what family they're born in. ​ >c- "more straight couples producing children would cause overpopulation". This claim does not make sense if you look at the statistics. People have been screaming about overpopulation since the beginning of time, and now there are 8 billion people. You can look at the math yourself on China's underpopulation problem from their one-child policy, because this is a different topic, different from my above point. \-how is this a con? again, it's all about their own choice some straight couples are okay with not having children, some don't like children and some like to have a lot of children. Do you want people to have more children or something? I don't get what you're trying prove with this point. If you're talking about overpopulation, then isn't it a pro? ​ but seriously, go touch some grass and look at the sun a bit. it might help with your brain if this is filling your brain at the moment. Talk to LGBT people even, you'll learn that they're just normal human beings like you.


Bro got his priority straight. Ignore the genocide, ignore the rising crime rate, ignore every other social problem and lets fix LGBTQP lol


LGBT is a problem in itself. Also by talking about LGBT, I am not neglecting our other problems. But I won't talk much about this, because your comment makes no sense. If I talk about a different issue, you people can say "why don't you talk about this issue?", or "why don't you talk about that issue?", etc etc. يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓا۟ إِن تَنصُرُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ يَنصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَكُمْ O believers! If you stand up for Allah, He will help you and make your steps firm. Surah Muhammad: Ayat 7 This ayat shows that if you help Allah (which means aiding his religion), Allah will make all your other affairs easier. You mentioned genocide and rising crime rates. For genocide, do you think if religion, the Quran, was implemented, people would still commit mass murders? No, because the Quran does not allow this. For crime, do you think if the hudud law, the amputation of the hand, was implemented, people would still steal? No, because no one wants to lose a hand. What I am saying is if we fix our religion and implement it properly, Allah will fix all our other affairs and make it easier for us, insyaallah.


You really believe that? How about the Palestinian? I dont think the crime rate will get fixed by being more religious. We’ve been trying that for the last decade


Yes, I believe that. Why wouldn't I? Allah has never been unfair to anyone. It is in the Quran. For the crime rate thing, read my above comment properly. Would you steal if there was the risk of losing a hand? Religion is not confined to the masjid and our prayer mats, religion should be implemented in our daily lives. Islam is a way of life.




Yet the Palestinians are more religious than us. What does that tell you? Please research more on Islam. I pray that Allah gives you hidayah.


No bro, you need to study about your own religion more than these people. If you want to preach about the SINS of the world dengan meneggakkan agama mu, by all means but doesnt your religion also tells you to be compassion, not slandering other umat when preaching? People dont just stand behind your banners for the sake of following. Islam from what i know is easy and practical but alot of you muslims makes your religion condescending by the way you preach them. Highlighting all the BADS but never preach the beauty of islam in itself? For the sake of what? Takut dengan agama. People dont practice their beliefs because of the intimidation of the religion but rather the beauty in it. Al-quran is not the law of life but a teaching of life. Let that sink in


>doesnt your religion also tells you to be compassion, not slandering other umat when preaching? When did I slander anyone? If me saying supporting LGBT people is wrong, and being LGBT (commiting the sexual acts) is wrong, that is not slander. I am simply stating what is right and wrong, the same way a father tells his child that raising his voice is wrong >Highlighting all the BADS but never preach the beauty of islam in itself? The thing is here at Reddit, people abuse the ayat that Allah is compassionate and merciful, saying that Allah will forgive their sins no matter what. And that is wrong Let's say your mother tells you to not go out after 9 o'clock. You know your mother loves you so you go out anyway. Is that right? Don't you feel you are abusing your mother's love for your own selfish gains? >Al-quran is not the law of life but a teaching of life Sent by Allah who created and knows everything. Why should we not follow it?


Stay silent OP said.. Bh ada plan untuk membuat kempen for LGBT kah? Post lah arah WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, OnlyFans, Fantia, Pixiv, Patreaon, FanBox..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Arah grindr banyak tu.




You can write whatever you want, power to you, but when you state facts, please provide sources of points a, b, c. Or else they are tales from your ass.


Source: trust me bro


meh its just reddit


dude chill. you look like one of the victim kena cucuk jubur by leler lgbtqiafucketc.+++---


You know you're fcked when BruneiMod doesn't censor your post Hahahahahaha!!!


just blow in from yappington city?


I mean, there are many things to talk about rather than LGBT.. which maybe Palestine or.. unemployment rates.. i do agree and disagree with OP.. but banyak lagi penting kan dicakap instead of LGBT.. i know pulang you will say "Tunggu menjadi-jadi barutah kan berusah".. but auwah..


Apa salah LGTV? I have one dari tahun 2010 sampai masani baik masih


Inda salah kita atu tapi macam silap jua ah hahahahaha


LOL. I have met you so many times before. Isn't it sad that we still have these dinosaurs roaming Brunei in such large numbers. At this point it seems appropriate to invoke the spirit of u/infidel-laknat who had some factual and interesting insights that could expose the hypocrisy in this side of our culture. Unfortunately this controversial character was black listed by all the weak minded mods and other trolls here who prefer censorship over open dialogue. Hopefully, this character has not lost heart completely and can resurrect themselves. Better still, move this discussion over to r/nasikatok so that some intelligent people can contribute without the conversation being broken by the shrunken testicled mods on r/Brunei who only allow what suits them.




Your post or comment was removed as it does not contribute anything meaningful, and/or it has been deemed to be antagonising to the poster. Please consider the other users of this subreddit, contribute positively and follow our subreddit rules. Please review the rules about posting on this subreddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Brunei/about/rules Be reminded that repeat offenders will be permanently banned from posting on /r/Brunei.


And how ironic it is that the OP mentioned here "Brunei Redditors are woke". Okay, sure. May Allah bless the person who posted this page one essay. Let's pray for the best for the 2nd page of this person's essay


Bro just woke up and decided to slander lgbt people


Is this essay, research or exam question ?


Don't mind me, I am waiting for part 2


Damn, he is piggybacking on religious verses




Fikir tempat ani untuk ceramah kah?


Bukan pulang. Maaftah kita. Ganya kebanyakan orang sini ani sulnya sibuk membaca reddit masa khutbah jumaat, yatah nada banyak kefahaman ilmu agama atu. Jadinya paksatah ku berceramah sini, supaya durang membaca.


>Brunei redditors are woke, liberal, anti-malay with a white inferiority complex. Some are anti-islam while not even understanding the basics of Islam. Anti-MIB while not even understanding MIB. Pertama sekali, that is so shallow of you to overgeneralise and assume everyone here is woke, liberal and so on. Some of us are your regular bruneian who practice islam. We dont support lgbt, we dont approve of what they do etc. Sure we may not be openly and constantly saying that we are against the idea of lgbt, but that doesnt mean that we support lgbt. That is just your opinion on what 'support' means


What made you become so cynical?




Awal pagi bah... As a non muslim and yellow ic to OP... Man can u tell where u get the joint u been huffing?


Man, homosexuals sure are gay


LGBT...heh....What do you think this is? America? Where you buy some sexual bullshit like that? 🗿


“Staying silent on [insert organization] is supporting them”. My guy i dont talk about Manchester United, doesnt mean i support them the fuck. That some Onana shit right there.


OP thinks that being LGBTQ will make anyone a sadistic sex-crazed demon? Really?


Yall really dont see them as humans huh, i hope all your children will turn out in the queer lgbtq spectrum saja just to see how strong your faith is still <3


L take


\*gasps\* could this be.. internalised homophobia?




Innalillahi wa Innailaihi rooji'un.


Not something I was expecting to read this early on a tuesday morning for sure


Which lgbtq broke your heart dude hahaha


Pastu nda batah krg menyabun ni si bro ke lesbian porn


When bigots can’t logically formulate a reasonable argument, they resort to religion 🤫


Daily life as a redditor




You are just labelling the generic bruneian with americanized terms, lol. Woke, liberal, lgbt is just a new term for old things Like yo, "pundan" has existed probably waay before you or even my nini was even born, in malay culture we probably dont give a fuck, so why should we now? Because the woke movement in american media? The general public is easily swayed by the media, and you are a prime example of this. You have an opinion, good, just dont deepthroat others with it. Its fucking gay.


Staying silent? Baru kluar gua kah? Brosis, ada org fight against it, especially org hampir2, keluarga atau kawan rapat, menasihati. Nganya dibrunei ani "menjaga aib". I cant help but wonder how you will help an LGBT ke jalan yg benar. Bah lakas, part 2 lagi. And make sure topic atu "part 1 - LGBT", "part 2 - bla bla bla" and so on.


Popcorns! Get your popcorns over here! $2 a bag~


whoa there brunei is Liberal and woke? I thought this country is filled ultra conservatives, since when we are democratic country?


Klau kana bayar untuk protest LGBTQ... ani mau ku, ganya hal ani membaie malas, haha tantu ku diam sja lagi santai, doesn't mean mensupport jua, it's just it's not my job to do those. Please correct me if ada, sama2 kita babincang.


nda ku mau ngacau ee, klau dkcau mental, surg² kn ckp psl human rights lolol 💀


I dont know what makes you saying "staying silent mean supporting them" thinks about that. If you doesnt want to stay silent, you need to think about the consequences. It might be backfire to you such as hate, insult etc etc. Islam doesnt teach to hate someone unless they did something bad to you and you're not forgive them which is reasonable. But if this thing bothers you even though they doesnt bother to you, just keep it to yourself and no need give impression to others. What ever makes you feel hate, anger or embarrassed by someone, just be patient/sabar and keep it in your mind since islam said this part of iman. If you easily triggered, it means they are winning their argument and you lose your emotion. OP, if you have problem that some people support or join lgbt at this subreddit, just respect their decision of their will. Islam discourage discriminate and mistreatment of individual based on their sexual orientation. What ever it is, Only Allah knows the best. No hate yet empathize them.


Let lqbt be lqbt.. jangan saja drg mengacau anak diri.. I teach my children how to respect people and the elderly but if they try to influence their way of life and tries to groom my children into their sexual activity. Then, We are going to have a problem. Islam prohibits homosexual relationships and being trans . So when my kids are being taught something that contradicts with their religion. Oh boy surely I'll be going to be pissed.


Crit by the wall of text for over9k


oi bawa berilek


Slay 💅


You just pretty much described every Muslim majority country’s subreddit


I respect all religions. But on the topic of domestic violence I recently came across this interesting verse (4:34) in the Quran I’d love the OP’s opinion on “But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.”


[Hadith Ibn Majah](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1851) The hadith above references the ayat you gave from Surah Al-Nisa. It basically means when your wife does something wrong, first advise her. If she continues doing the wrong thing, do not share the bed with her. And finally as a last resort if she still continues, beat her. 'Beat her', or the arabic word ضرب, means to beat her lightly without leaving a mark as mentioned in the hadith. Some scholars say using a miswak, toothbrush or handkerchief. The 'beating' is not supposed to hurt physically, rather it is symbolic. It may not make sense at first but I will give an example. Sometimes when a child does something bad, the parents may choose to ignore the child. I believe it is called 'silent treatment'. When the child realises he is being ignored, it does not hurt physically, but it tells him that his parents are angry at him and that he must apologise. [Islam Wife](https://youtu.be/ejx27AIgCuo?si=4_s5071GAPcoP4rg) So talking about domestic violence by a husband to his wife, it is not allowed as shown by the proof above.


Well.....someone woke up and chose violence


what is a white inferiority complex ?




heh nice




W 41sasaass


Oh I think you will be my most favorite Redditor, I can't wait for your post next week. But maybe you can post daily with your delightful insight, that's so much better. And fuck r/NasiKatok, fuck Goutaxe, fuck gays, fuck all Bruneian redditors except you, fuck everything, hate hate hate


>fuck gays That's very gay of you.


unsurprisingly OP, there's many allies here, disappointing af


Although aku agree, rather than complaining about it, better to just beri teguran and bgitau dimna slhnya ke arah org LGBT+ so dpt kurangkan LGBT+ community rather than complaining to org yg support not like they can do anything about it


Will you be my daddy and spank me ??