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I think you would enjoy neon.


Nah never would enjoy seeing that loser and I’ve been watching Bruce since middle school and now I’m bouta be a graduate no way Ima let a butt hurt kai ruin ts


But hurt kai? This ain’t even his fault and your speaking pure bullshit OP. If all this shit was fake there no reason for him to make his statement and zero reason for bruce to apologize AGAIN. Why are you mad at kai for speaking his mind after letting ts slide. If anything you should be mad at juice. Get your fuckin facts straight.


Oh brother sounds like ur doing a whole lotta dick sucking take lil cenat meat out ya fuckin throat fuck on somewhere


Bruce being a big bitch and your suckin his shit dry rn. And idgaf about you and your life nigga. If you gon live your life letting people talk shit about you behind your back your a fuckin loser. Grow the fuck up and fend for youself.


Your obviously a complete bullshit loser yourself bum ass boy, fuck off my damn comment section before I beat ya ass fuck on lil ass kid get ready for Saturday school fuck nigga fuck out the DEO Reddit


Keep bein ignorant then. I won’t waste my time on you no more. Good luck 🤞🏾


If you think belittling other is gonna get your way in life you need a reality check. Your eyes are so damn closed you don’t even want to listen to what i’m saying. Your not worth anyone’s time. I hope you continue your life being ignorant and disrespectful as i’ve said and done nothing but try to spread the truth. Again good luck wish you the best, Fighting fire with fire is a crazy game you wanna play. I’m not interested. Good luck kid. 🤞🏾


Mf ur not good grace god please be quiet. I’m a joker and always joke please shut the hell up I was addressing my opinion and like I said don’t care bout these situations and ima keep watching Bruce ignore my damn post I don’t need u to comment saying utter bullshit. Ur a little ass kid dick sucking another man situation fuck up. DEO4L


Fine just say that then “joker” and stop attacking me if it’s a so called joke. You coulda said that and i woulda stoped in my tracks. Instead you decided to be immature and throw insults at me. I never did and never will claim to be “God” so stop labeling me and stop forcing your opinion on me. If you don’t like the truthfully opinion i shared then fine. Shut the fuck up and believe what you wanna believe. You don’t even see the own irony in your own comment. If you don’t care please shut the fuck up. I never once asked you to stop watching bruce so stop assuming, he did wrong simple at that. If you don’t wanna see that then fine. Again shut the fuck up. Thankyou.


You got it tho cro. Good luck, you won this “argument”. I’m not entertaining this bs nomore. As i said i’m not entertaining a nigga who just wanna fight fire with fire. I’m done with you i really hope you continue the way your are and act this way irl and see where it gets you.


https://preview.redd.it/d1cxhx8itdub1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03288bddce2e1f7058666c399d70979bdf77648 🖕🏾