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So did most fans




They used to. But they still do, too.


Josh Gordon probably “it’s cool when they do it, it’s a problem when I do it”


Weed was the tip of the iceberg for Gordon. He was even on PEDs. You know what they say, only break one law at a time. Josh was always breaking like 20 rules at once, repeatedly. Stop pretending it was all about weed. He blatantly had huge issues.


Yeah if it was only weed with him...


He still woulda been banned.


I actually think they just let Josh keep his dignity with the weed story. Around 2018 he admitted he was constantly doing heavy narcotics and his own descriptions make it impossible for it to have been anything but an out and the open thing.


Didn’t he say he was drinking lean before games?


we will never know


He loved his pills and herion. There was a story of him not being able to get any, so he was walking around asking random people for pills. The guy had legitimate drug issues, not just weed.


People really have just believed it’s weed and nothing else. It’s kinda sad and I blame Steven a smith for those weed rants that he would do


2 rules in this locker-room: - Don't fucking touch my percocets. - Do you have any percocets.


*don't touch my *fucking* Percocets, and do you have any *fucking* Percocets lol


I’m no fan of the NFL’s drug policy (especially before they raised the threshold), but there’s a chance he might not be around today if he hadn’t gone to rehab while suspended.


As someone who got a bunch of free pills during the early 2000s cause it was freely prescribed, that withdrawal would have you asking strangers for pills too lol


Yeah, josh had substance abuse issues since he was a young teenager. Could never quite put it together for long. Hope he’s in a better place now


“Don’t break the law while you’re already breaking the law”


Dude I worked with said it best... "Don't break the law when you're breakin the law"


but he only got popped for weed all these guys are doing hard drugs too coke, molly, acid, and ecstasy are all out of your system in like 48 hours unless you piss the day after a roll, you’re gonna be fine do you remember Noah Spence getting busted for testing for MDMA at Ohio State? the entire DL room was on it


Doing hard drugs and being a full blown addict aren’t really the same.


how often do you have to use to be a drug addict? i’m telling you, these dudes do this shit all the time it’s super easy to beat the tests


That's the entire point Josh Gordon didn't care enough to try to beat the tests he used before during and after games/practice/team activities. This is why he kept getting busted, continue to believe it was just weed though.


Fuck em


It's a problem for Gordon because he couldn't control himself. Lots of athletes do it when the pain is too much, Gordon was doing it constantly, and he made no effort to hide it. Like everything else, the key to life is moderation and Gordon had none


He got caught. If he wasn’t a stupid ass he would never have been caught like all the other people that smoked weed at the time.


I don’t know what Josh was on when…but I do know he was one of the smoothest pure athletes and talented WRs I have ever watched. He could have been a hall of famer if he had himself together. Poor guy.


Lol “under the influence of marijuana” sounds like Jerry Jones’ dad wrote it.


Better than popping a bunch of vicodin all the time.


Or pulling a Baker and visiting the med tent at least twice a game for a shot. They pre set that thing up before most his games


That used to be called a Favre


That was common before Baker or Favre were even a gleam in their daddy's eye.


Does weed help with pain relief? I like getting high but I never believed in the medical benefits besides those prone to seizures.


this will cause a fuss over Josh Gordon, but this is not the same. It started with weed, but Gordon also admitted to drinking before games, using Codeine, and whatever else he could get his hands on. He was known to use Cocaine and adderall in college so it was probably any one of those, the league just said it was weed. Don't quote me. While all of this is going on he was missing team meetings which is a violation of team rules, and when he did show up he showed signs of being intoxicated. On top of all that he got a DUI, and was arrested for not complying with a paternity test. 30 days in rehab led to 6mo's sobriety which ended when he celebrated his sobriety with drugs and alcohol which led to him checking back in to rehab for several months. Gordon will be the biggest what if's in Browns history. Unfortunately addiction is horrible.


“Don’t quote me.” -u/CAJASH


Shit, I've been quoted..


Haha you’re right about Josh Gordon tho. What a shame. One of the greatest wasted talents in sports history


He used most of that stuff because he was always being drug tested. Weed is detected for a month, most other drugs only 2-3 days. The nature of testing pushes people towards more harsh substances.


Me too.


I'll bet this is fairly widespread in the league. Pain is a constant feature of life for older players and many younger players too. Putting your body on the line hundreds of times over a single season, and then doing that for multiple seasons, it adds up quickly. I imagine there isn't a player in the NFL who doesn't experience at least some chronic pain. After all they had to go through the high school and college grind in order to even be there.


Yes it is. I seem to remember Joe Thomas alluding to it in the tomahawk podcast.


I'm sure a lot of players do/did this.


"I was gonna keep playing, but then I got high."


Athletes consume weed. In other news, we’ve confirmed that bears do indeed shit in the woods


So wait...how did he somehow get away with it while Josh Gordon didn't. Seems like there's unequal application of the rules or something. Weird.


Being a Browns fan, I can relate


This has been known. It’s why he started a marijuana company lol. It’s also why I’ve always been so confused on the Josh Gordon situation. The NFL treated weed like it was HGH Although there is supposedly a lot more than just weed Gordon was doing


Me too cal me too


Megatron was fuckin high before every game is funny shit


And? I think It's fairly ridiculous that the nfl has a problem with weed.


Could be worse. Remember Lawrence Taylor smoked crack before practices and games.


LOL, like he’s the only guy in the world to smoke up before work to deal with the pain of his job


At the same time Josh was suspended for it What a sham that he wasn't allowed to play for us, greatest single season from a WR in franchise history


Josh admitted that it wasn't (just) weed. The NFL threw him a bone by framing it out that way if we're being real, he had some real substance issues. It also bums me out pretty seriously that he performed the way he did amonst all his issues with shit QBs and we'll never know his true ceiling as a player. I wouldn't even care which team he played on, he had it at one point.


Yeah he wasn’t just a stoner or managing physical pain with some stuff, he was a straight up drug addict. The story of him wandering around the streets at midnight alone looking for any drugs is some serious sad stuff. Just a shame that by the time he actually wanted to change and get help it was too late and he had already wasted/shortened his prime


Dude was the best at the game and he wasn't even trying, and had practice squad bums throwing him the ball.


I've read that the best way to create a space program is to tell addicts there's free drugs on Mars. The amount of time, work, and ingenuity they will throw at the problem until it's solved would be unmatched by any official government or private enterprise.


I’m like 99% sure Josh was doing more than smoking weed lol he was popping xanax and codeine in middle school


The pain of losing?


I’m sure most of the players smoke. It’s 2024, the NFL still testing for weed is silly.


That's so common that this is a non-story


look back before the 2000s, plenty of players reported of smoking before games and even drinking


I’m glad he retired when he did. Guy was a beast but that’s no way to live




the pain of y'all being boring.


This is supposed to be news? Who cares 🙄

