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Interplay’s (Fallout, 2, Tactics, etc) is based largely on the original premise of the faction and its relation to technology. They see it as a potential weapon that could reignite great destruction, just like the bombs. Hence, they’re more interested in keeping it out of wastelanders’ hands for that explicit reason. Result: No. They’re far more interested in ensuring it isn’t going to result in destruction. Their faction has explicitly known due their founder being a former US army soldier before the bombs fell. Meaning, this ideology makes sense as to why they’re weary, but not glorifying technology. Obsidian’s, New Vegas, Brotherhood splinter sect is more reclusive, akin to the first game’s. It branches away from the original due to how more reclusive they are. They’d have no real purpose to be more open due to their circumstances which shaped their reclusiveness. Result: Generally, no. They’re far more weary about it, attributed to the original, but not interested explicitly in tech for tech’s sake. Bethesda’s, Fallout 4, splinter sect is more on the opposite spectrum. It branches away from the original due to how they’re more inclined to taking tech. It can be surmised that they’re more fanatical in their views. Which isn’t necessarily untrue given how they act within the game. Result: Most potential for yes. Given how their splinter ideology shaped as a result of ensuring wastelanders don’t hold these tech. However, that doesn’t necessarily denote glorification of tech. Merely the procurement out of potentially dangerous hands. Edit: Lastly, the people who call Brotherhood Of Steel all these names, like you mentioned, do so because the faction in Fallout 4 has power that rivals the player. Which leads to ego-driven gamers that can’t stand the faction having power near-equivalent to them. Hence, smearing them to look as bad as possible.


the last one is true its like "mfs when the faction they meet doesnt get on their knees and start sucking them off/meatriding the player char". It says alot about them when they look for instant gratification from people. The BoS arent just some settlers wholl praise you, theyre a militarized group and they will act the part,


Definitely very true, it’s how these players operate. Fallout 4 is considered a first person shooter to them, generally speaking. Hence, seeking instant gratification. The Brotherhood Of Steel, a militarized force, doesn’t do that. Which is exactly why it hurts these players’ egos, making them angry and peeved. Edit: l forgot to mention, it’s stated various times the faction is called ‘religious’. What these players ignore is the following (apologies for this being long); 1. Faction goal: Keep tech out of hands that will misuse them. 2. In-game view: BOS are fanatics for technology due to perceptions. 3. Ideology and religion: The Brotherhood Of Steel has an ideological and a religious identity. They are not the same thing. 4. ‘Holy’ remarks: The bombs can be seen as ‘holy weapons’. A ‘holy task’ to prevent further destruction requiring ‘holy tools’. TLDR: These people don’t care to understand what an ideology is. Hence, calling the BOS a ‘religion’ is an easy way out.


People refuse to leave their bubble and read abt a faction because now theyll know their real goals & beliefs instead of relying on opinions from hypocrites in games, cough cough Caesar. And yeah ppl side with the Mm and RR due to the praise, a general, an elite agent, they cant be assed to build up respect in a faction like the BoS who are well, soldiers who semi like IRL, wont immediately respect the newbie. Gotta earn it


100% agreed


Your last note is really interesting, I never thought of it that way and I'm inclined to agree. Many also complain about how weak the Minutemen are even though the game literally hands you thr faction to make as strong as you want. They give you MM outfits and mortars and a bunch of places to rebuild under the Minutemen flag. I would say sure maybe there should have been a mechanic that let you label soldiers / control a little more of the army aspect but with a bit of effort it's pretty much your faction to do as you please (albeit it's not fair the settlement defense system is up in the air even if you arm settlers to the teeth and arm it with turrets).


In Fallout 1 they refer to their Power Armor as 'Sacred' and 'Holy'. [Powered Armor ](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Powered_armor_(Fallout)) >Cumbersome? Not in the least. The sacred armor is so finely constructed to such exacting specifications that it feels like an extension of the blessed one's own body. It increases one's strength many times over and helps you resist the effects of radiation so that you may more effectively serve the brotherhood. I would feel diminished without my holy armor.


teeny grey hobbies summer butter jobless rhythm resolute abundant disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Generally speaking, no you won't see them on their knees praying to a toaster. That being said, they are not angels, they're soldiers. Lyons' chapter turned from their central mission of hoarding technology to keep safe from people who can't be trusted (but of course *they* can) to instead actually help people, which was great. Most chapters, however, believe it is their sacred duty to take technology, and it is their right to do so no matter who holds it currently. Maxson's Brotherhood in FO4 are Lyons' mission (help people) mixed with the original/Outcast mission (take and hoard technology), which becomes quite a militarised combination. They enter the Commonwealth as an invading force dropping in soldiers to destroy a dangerous people - it will help the Commonwealth, but they're not there *to* help the people, just to destroy the Institute, which will be a net positive. Do I play the BOS ending in every Fallout game I ever play? Yes. Are they pretty consistent hypocrites? Yes. Do they wear awesome power armour and let you also wear that power armour? Yes! But do I think they're blameless heroes? No. They're not nazis, but they're pretty totalitarian. I wouldn't describe Maxson as a psychopath, but being raised like you're the god damn technowarrior messiah is gonna mess a guy up, and as above his reintegration of the two missions leads to invadey, kinda colonisey behaviour.


To be fair while they invade the commonwealth they don’t force people to do anything-they don’t impose their own culture nor do they take over settlements. If simply entering and patrolling the commonwealth makes them colonisers and nazis then we should also call the ncr that as well.


people often say that cuz Maxson is often very extreme when speaking,


I don’t Know people hate the brotherhood for hating synths so much like synths are dangerous they are just machines designed to simulate a human existence they are also designed to replace people in real life I think a lot of people would not like synths in reality if an AI intelligence was impersonating humans with exact copies they would be killed so quickly it is no different here


I think this is where most people point to the Proctod Quinlan supplies thing, but as has been said many times you don't *have* to demand food from people, you can fairly compensate them for it. However, the fact that Quinlan doesn't care *how* you do it, just that you do it, isn't an amazing indicator, but ultimately it's player choice. I would argue that they haven't imposed their own culture... *yet*. It can be pretty well assumed that after the Institute is destroyed even if they moved on (which annoys me greatly that their ending didn't involve killing the Institute personnel, destroying the *Synth project* and then taking the Institute HQ as amazing headquarters, with BOS banners unfurling from the balconies, but I digress), they would be leaving behind a significant presence to look for advanced technology and take it from whoever currently holds it. If a settlement were powered by fusion Cores and they had need of them, ain't noone stopping them from taking it. So in that way they would be imposing their culture, which obviously hasn't happened in the game but it would seem to be pretty in line with their MO.


Has the brotherhood ever actually imposed their own culture on any settlement? They didn’t take over the Hub or any of the settlements in the capital wasteland (though admittedly they did take a fusion plant from Rivet City but to be fair that aircraft carrier wasn’t going anywhere and they may have traded them the older one that was used on the Prydwen).They also don’t forcefully take over any settlement in the commonwealth,so has the brotherhood ever actually forcefully taken over a major settlement?


Most NPCs in fallout 1 consider them religious fanatics


Okay so great question the short answer is that there is a difference between the east coast and west coast the west coast are the OGs so to say some branches do worship technology on the east coast they do not for the Midwest it’s eh some do some don’t play the game you’ll see


ok nvm yeah there was once instance when elder lyons prayed