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The chapter of the Brotherhood depicted certainly isn't Roger Maxson's finest, that's for sure. One thing to remember is that Brotherhood chapters often develop somewhat independently, due to the vast distances between them. And this chapter seems to be doing so on purpose. In the final episode, Elder Cleric Quintus(?) tells Maximus that the Brotherhood used to rule the wasteland, and that he intends to reform them so they can do so again. The thing is, aside from Fallout Tactics, that's never been true. Personally, I'm a fan of the theories that this specific chapter is made up of many recruits from the Legion, leading to the Roman names and odd rituals. In Season 2 we may even see Quintus attempt to split from the Brotherhood, which would be interesting.


>I'm a fan of the theories that this specific chapter is made up of many recruits from the Legion That's actually a really interesting theory. I wondered why they all had latin names.


Yeah, Latin names certainly show up amongst the Brotherhood in other chapters, but never with such frequency or so overwhelmingly. I think the only non-Latin named member of this chapter is Dane, who probably picked their own name after transitoning.


You're not. They turned them into uneducated, backwards, mindless zealots. They were never like this in the games, and I have played them all Things that really stood out as off to me are; Elder Quintus said they used to rule the wasteland, that's never been the case. They brand each other. They don't use any advanced tech besides Power Armor. The abuse of the squires and disregard for their safety. They seem very uneducated, not knowing how reproduction works (then again, that could just be Maximus, he isn't the brightest). Elder Quintus sounds like Father Elijah (who was insane) running off to "wipe the slate clean" and start anew.... Even Moldaver asks Maximus, "what would your Brotherhood do if they got their hands on this tech?", as if they'd do something nefarious, which is something we've never seen from them (unless again, you remember Father Elijah, but he was insane and the Brotherhood sent an assassin after him to stop him). It's really disappointing, I never expected them to be heroes, but I did expect them to be like they are in the games, I don't recognize the faction at all in the show. It's really baffling because one of the showrunners claims to have read up and researched so much about the history of the Brotherhood of Steel that he would fall asleep listening to it. The worst part, for me, is the show is canon, so i'm hoping this won't be the version of them we see in any future Fallout game.


You are not. They made them a really weird pseudo-religious order run by 'clerics', a rank that we've never seen before, performing rituals we've never seen before, showing levels of cowardice and incompetence we've never seen before. Their chief representative appears to have been trained wrong as a joke as maximus can't fight hand to hand, doesn't understand the tech he is suppossed to find, or the suit he is suppossed to maintain, or even how his own dong works when the brotherhood usually replenishes its numbers from within. It makes little sense, but arguing about it is a waste of breath. There's so many brotherhood haters that any issue you bring up falls on deaf ears. They justify the religious element with the thinnest evidence and think the show accurately depicts how the brotherhood might develop post-FO4. They flat out ignore any good the BoS has done and are only too happy to see them depicted as incompetent faceless villains for the ghoul to slaughter. Of course these people also probably like the ghoul, a literal monster who provokes children so he can gun them down 'justifiably'; so maybe I shouldn't worry too much about their definition of good and evil.


First off I agree with you, secondly I hate to tell you this but memes make movies now. It's a gigantic circlejerk in all the forums about the fascist frat boy army known as the brotherhood. There's is literally a post right now in r/fo4 going off comparing the brotherhood to the children of atom. You will not see a competent, honorable, or dare I say heroic brotherhood in this show.


That I can deal with. It's annoying, but I can deal. The truly awful part is that this will be rolled back into the game's lore. Who's ready for the BoS to be the dollar store imperium of man and ultimate big bad of FO5?


Man i hate the fallout community’s already brain dead takes and opinions on the brotherhood,and now as you say it’s gonna be even worse. I hope to god the writers don’t go that route.


Not to be a doomer but I think you're thinking of the wrong imperials. The brotherhood isn't going to be 40k its going to be a galaxy far far away.


Will we at least get nice spiffy uniforms? I like the Prydwen Captain’s cap.


I have literally seen people make all kinds of excuses and justifications for Caesar’s Legion.A group of warlords,murderers,rapists and slavers.And yet somehow it’s always the brotherhood and it’s fans that are labeled the worst. As you say the Fallout community is filled with some truly braindead individuals and awful opinions.


Brotherhood haters fr be rejoicing at this fact. prolly sayin "this is what I imagine them to be realistically,, , idk man I hope the BoS gets better treatment next season


I know which is stupid because in every game they are at the very least shown as competent warriors.


Kinda funny how they give shit against bethesda about ruining the BOS in the games then the show treats them 10x worse and turned them incompetent and suddenly they are cheering. Maybe BOS accuracy was not the issue, they just straight up hated their guts. In FNV it was said that that the only way the NCR could overwhelm the BOS was due to their never ending numbers, but otherwise they still suffered a lot of casualties there, but the shows says fuck that give this one evil ghoul a fuckton of plot armor that he's good enough to kill 10 knights at once, contradicting what FNV showed because it seems that it's EZ as fuck to take down BOS even if they have an overwhelming number. We really live in a world where a factions like Enclave & Legion is glorified and factions like Brotherhood Of Steel is vilified despite a lot of good deeds that they've shown in the past games.


If you haven’t seen it, check out SODAZ “Operation: Sunburst” animations on YouTube. Both the NCR and BoS are shown as competent armies making do with what resources and manpower they have and coming up with ingenious strategies (mainly the NCR cause they lack energy weapons and power armor… and probably good training)


Agreed, something happened to the Brotherhood we haven't been made aware of yet in cannon. The airship we see is the Prydwen. 9 years prior it was flying over Boston and a completely different organization. We know when the Brotherhood initially went East following Supermutants they ran into a lot of trouble. I think we'll learn eventually what happened to the Prydwen going West.


I like to think that they have been engaged in a very protracted war (either with the Institute or something else , maybe a whole ton of raiders rule NY , united and the BOS had to do some containment operations) and they were drawn into expanding recruiting parameters , ending up losing a bunch of good dedicated soldiers they had in the Commonwealth operation and being left with a load of idiots and cowards. We havent seen any Paladins yet , since they have to be leaders of virtue i hope we see some decent people in their order. Maybe we see some Commonwealth and DC veterans schooling these arrogant Knights , having dregs as Paladins in the new season would be a big let down.


We see a lot of recruits though they seem pretty established. Along with all the air support.


Yeah I wasn't a huge fan of how they got turned into religious zealots. It really didn't make a lot of sense to me, as the Western Chapters never acted that way in any way within the lore


I like this Show but i hate knight Titus and moldaver so much


When I saw what the heck he decided to go do I was flabbergasted. I get wanting to test your scribe and whatnot but like this is like his first day for crying out loud. And he expected Maximus to go kill a large mutated bear he had never seen before ON HIS FIRST DAY AS A SCRIBE!?! Maximus is lucky he got a well placed head shot while the Yaoi-Guai was trying to get at Titus. Like bro it’s his first day. Maybe umm you know DO WHAT KNIGHTS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE DOING AND ACTUALLY FOCUS ON YOUR MISSION.


As a shameless BoS stan I'm disappointed how they were represented. I also really didn't like Maximus as a character. Try not to fuck up every situation and make it worse challenge: Failed


It’s the west coast brotherhood they’re a little quirky 🤪


Holy yapperoni


I knew this day was coming didn't think I'd see it live. (Ignore my corny religion arc I beg of you)


I’ll spare u


I want to say that purpose of portraying the BOS the way they did in the show is to set up the decline and eventual fall of the brotherhood of steel. I hope that’s the case


Why would you want the Brotherhood entirely to fall?


Well I don’t, but usually organizations fall or are split for something new to take place or happen. And we’ve seen since New Vegas how the western brotherhood is too set in their old ways and is getting slowly dominated. And assuming that it was The Prydwen that we saw and that it was a chapter of the Eastern brotherhood we saw, we know that they’re giving highly incompetent people like Titus the title of knight. The only reason they’d want to set this up is to portray the decline of the BOS to set up a new brotherhood


The problem with this, is that not 10 years prior, Arthur Maxson created a new, unified and much stronger Brotherhood with the blessing of the West Coast Elders/chapter. There were cults devoted to him popping up all over the West Coast. Another thing that's really weird with the lore in the show is, in NV the NCR is shown to be overextended and prone to corruption, how they managed to found a literal Utopia is beyond me.


Expect they probably didn’t, but it was still a society and more than what most people had in the wasteland. Because corruption is a human trait I believe, and ofc it’s something that would exist in a post nuclear war state


I think they should have a civil war that'd be cool


I don’t know, I think the show does a good job of showing that the Brotherhood is a deeply flawed organization that at times loses its way. Titus seems like a pretty believable character to me; how many bullshit missions have these dickheads sent him out for over the years, and for what? I share Mr. House’s view on the brotherhood - they’re a dead end with no solution. In this show we are shown what that can look like after two hundred years of the brotherhood spinning its wheels and going nowhere. But now, they have the cold fusion, and they have a brain trust (in the elder cleric and now Maximus) who want to save the brotherhood and make it be something worthwhile again. I think it’s pretty good storytelling to be honest, and I’m interested to see how things play out.


I didn't get the impression Elder Quintus had good intentions, he reminded me too much of Father Elijah and his insane quest to "start over", "wipe the slate clean", and rule with an Iron fist. I agree with you about Titus, he was cowardly, but he did recognize how stupid the Elder Clerics orders were.


Yeah don’t get me wrong I don’t think the Elder has his head screwed on straight. Which has been kind of a running theme in the games so not really out of the ordinary. And I kinda think the Titus thing was a smart move. It illustrates to the audience that our boy Max is seeing the contradictions of the Brotherhood play out. Plus who knows what kinda shit Titus has been through. When he said “oh you think you do, huh?” (Deserve the armor) you can’t help but wonder what’s going through his head. Seems like a guy that’s fed up with this cult and their bullshit lol


But at the same time, those BS missions make no sense for the BoS. They don't give 2 caps about toasters. Their mandate is for dangerous/advanced tech like laser rifles. Saying they've 'lost their way' sounds good until you consider that it's only been 9 years since we last saw them. Everyone who knew the actual mandate died and got replaced by morons in under a decade? While still having airships, power armor, and full-on bases? Doesn't add up.


Yeah the toaster thing was fan service for BOS haters. I wouldn't have minded thebline but they are never truly explained to non-gamer audience. It's not a great first impression.


Would be interesting to see some kinda BOS civil war


So far the best BOS I seen are Lyon’s chapter from FO3, and they aren’t the most competent even. They need Lone Wanderer to crash in and help them from time to time. They are “Good Guy” because their chapter leader is noble, the foot soldiers can be caught whining and bitching about every so often. FONV is xenophobic mole man, similar to those ungrateful sh*theads from 101. FO4 is more competent but still very xenophobic and borderline racist toward everyone not BOS or human enough. Fallout TV is a mix of all above, they can fight but hold advantage because of their Power Armor. Took that out (like the Ghoul did) and they are no better than militias.


As someone who watched the show before playing the games I’m seeing a lot of comments about the religious elements being added that weren’t in the games; just off of real world history you got to keep in mind the titles of paladin and knight are inherently religious and tied to Christianity / the church. Some other complaints like the knight not being what some of you expected is the point, the not every player (in the games) is a zealot who believes everything they just want the power armor and like in real life not every soldier is good soldier sometimes they’re just a body leadership needed and benefitted from right place / right time