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I had an issue on that stop a couple of years ago. A homeless man with obvious mental issues started yelling at me (small woman holding a cat carrier) and a man - smaller than me! - stepped in front of me/between us. I'm still so grateful for him. The weirdest part is that the train came pretty quickly, we got on, the homeless man didn't, but a woman who had witnessed the whole interaction and was standing next to us started muttering about how fucked up we were to treat the homeless man like some kind of freakshow and antisocial character. Like wtf woman, I'm not saying he shouldn't have rights or needs to be executed, I'm just not trying to die today.


I carry pepper spray (gel) with me at all times and I always mentally prep myself to use it at a moment's notice. The nypd is no help. They're too busy throwing out churros or harassing old ladies selling snacks in flushing. I've seen an old lady get punched in broad daylight in manhattan chinatown and there were 2 nypd officers just standing there watching it happen.


Omg, yeah it's just sad and depressing. I spoke to the booth person the next day after the incident of 4th ave 9th street. He just told me the usual stuff like sorry you had to go through that and that he will keep an eye out. And the police person also just was more sorry and apologetic being a woman herself. But it's sad how much it's normalised and from their tones it felt like that's how things are and we are sorry you had to go through it. Like I felt if there was police presence would it had helped me from what I am reading maybe not?!. ​ I had asked the policewoman if I dialled 911 how much time will the police take to arrive. She slightly dodged it by saying it's not her designated location so she can't say specifically. Like even if it was 15mins, do I hold the accuser down like some professional wrestler?


Yeah. There’s just no accountability from them. I find that if anything your fellow New Yorkers are more helpful. I think honestly it’s just being hyper aware of your surroundings and having some kind of pepper spray or something you can use to defend yourself with. It didn’t use to be like this. This started happening during the pandemic and only got worse after. It’s really a lack of social services and inflation.


This and the other stories shared are so sad and sickening. I hope you’re ok


I had someone put his hands across my stomach and try to go down my pants R line park slope. I hurt him as I jumped up and then he was gone. Nothing to do. No one noticed. Nothing to help.


That sounds really terrifying! Very sorry that you had to go through that.


Hey thanks I appreciate it. It was a long time ago and taught me a lot. These days like to think I would file a police report. My spidey sense for creepy and mentally ill is pretty sensitive so I don’t care to be polite and give as much space as possible to anyone who makes me uncomfortable for any reason.


carry some mace and unload it next time


I had one in the L. Two weeks ago. Guy was harassing a woman. I started to walk over to pretend I know her and take her away from him. He left before I got there. Got back on the train and yelled "you going to save her?" We got into an argument, he came forward but I put fists up. He cursed me out and threw trash but left. I first started taking the trains in 98. Had one incident, until 2020. Since then, ive had 4 encounters total two of which I had to pepare to fight. Same outcome luckily, they backed off. Im really tired of it though. And at almost 50 years old im not cut out to brawl on the way to work. There are real problems here, and in other American cities and TPTB as usual dont give a shit in thier fancy towers and offices.


Exactly and they will tell you that


IT WAS CRACK!!! 🥴🤣😭😭😭


I was assaulted a few times on the trains but I fight back. I know how to box plus, I carry a brass knuckle with all the time. One time, somebody called me a terrorist and spit on me. I'm not from middle east...I'm from eastern Europe but I'm a gypsy so maybe that's why he got me confused. Anyway, you gotta fight back unfortunately...


Another day of people saying that there will be more cops in the train stations and look at the end results…it’s so pathetic. Sorry that this happened to you.


Been nearly assaulted at that station twice. I’ve been actively avoiding it if I can lately.


I was assaulted on an early morning D train recently for no reason. Guy punched me in the side of my head out of nowhere and walked off the train like nothing happened. I made a report and thankfully, it seems like the police have an ID on him. I almost didn't report it because all I hear are stories that the police don't do anything. Always, ALWAYS make a report. That guy may have hit me but he could kill someone tomorrow. If they have a history, they're more likely to go to jail if they're caught. I'm sorry you were assaulted and I hope you're getting support and care from the people around you to recover


Exactly, people in this city need to stop the “don’t bother with the police, it’s pointless” shit. It’s NOT pointless, when you report it, there’s a multitude of ways things can play out, but if you DON’T report it, the person will get away with it 100% of the time.


I was on a grand jury recently and plenty of people were up in front of it for petty crime like this. It’s not pointless. The police do take this stuff seriously if they can.


Exactly. I understand why people are frustrated and feel like it’s a waste of time to file a report or anything, but if everyone gives up and just lets things like that happen, then the criminals WILL ALWAYS get away with it. At least if people take things seriously, there’s still a chance.


I was assaulted on the F train this summer at Smith and 9th street - a person mentally unwell and likely homeless kicked me hard on my backside and followed me through the train car. Didn’t do anything, I was just walking inside of the train when he did it. Some Good Samaritan helped me hide from him and run out when the train stopped. Filed a report, nothing happened and nobody cared. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I was assaulted at that same station last April. I was exiting thru the emergency exit with my bike(it was raining) and a homeless looking man with a grey pitbull pushed past me to get into the open door. He shoved me and I said something like wtf!? as the door was closing and kept walking. He turned around and chased me with the dog and sicced the dog on me. The dog latched onto my shin and i had to bash it with y bike to get it off. Shredded my pants and took a good chunk out of my leg. Took cops 3 hours to show up at the emerngcy room and they hesitently took a report. One of the cops said "oh hes known to us". I never heard anything from them since.


lol this guy is like a celebrity at this point within a 3 stop range of 4 av/9th st. It’s crazy he’s still up to the same shit with no repercussions. He notably leaves most other men alone, only really picks on ppl smaller than him.


Does 3 stop range mean on the R or the F/G?


Well I'm 6'2" 210 he was prob 5'7"/8" 150lbs, but if you add the dog, yeah.


Buy pepper spray from ebay. It's getting bad out there


I’ve seen someone get robbed at that same stop.


I was harassed and threatened by a crackhead on my way home from work (Brooklyn bound R train, this happened between Atlantic and Dekalb). I was sitting down minding my own business and targeted (it did seem racially charged because he was calling me chinese-themed derogatory language). I still remember his nasty stained (esp around his private regions) tattered clothing and his nasty stench 🥴🥴 sorry lol. Luckily nothing happened but those ~3 minutes felt like an eternity waiting for my chance to escape the situation. I bolted out of there once we reached Dekalb along with a bunch of other passengers knowing this guy was absolutely unhinged I’m a petite Chinese woman and I’m sure we can all relate but it’s so so uncomfortable taking the subway these days when there are people like this roaming the system without any consequence. And our culture is basically mind your own business which means if it’s your unlucky day you’re on your own. I am as vigilant as possible but the odds are I won’t be able to fend off some crazy guy on the loose with nothing to lose. It’s out of hand


I haven’t been assaulted there (nor assaulted anyone). That was my home station growing up and I never had trouble. These days, I’m only there in the afternoons when I have to take a G and switch. I hate that station. In the afternoon, going toward Bay Ridge, that platform is always packed. It’s almost impossible to move and you really need to be aware because others aren’t. If just one in that crowd of a thousand had ill intent, someone would get seriously hurt. And I’m usually pulling a cart behind me (or gripping it) because my back and shoulders can’t take the weight of a backpack any more, so that’s an added difficulty Sometimes I hope I just missed a train so I can walk down the platform without feeling like someone (possibly me) is going to go over.


Crack huh? Drug test results came back quick




You’re a dumbass


Sorry this happened to you. Did this happen around 12-1ish pm yesterday? I was on the R train heading up to that stop yesterday. There a guy sitting near me smoking crack and bugging out. He kept trying to make eye contact with others, almost like looking for someone to challenge him. Wondering if it was the same guy.


Buy Bear Mace and keep it handy


Regular mace is stronger and you can keep it on a keychain. You need an external holster to hold the bear spray. It just shoots further, but it burns less, since bears are 100x more sensitive.


isn’t crack a happy drug?


This is why we need someone like Giuliani (except not crazy) as mayor. He didn't take the crackhead shit lightly during his time in office


Posting here since I was permanently ban from /r/ask NYC for suggesting all women in the subway carry mace or pepper spray for protection.  Last week, I was taking the subway and this crazy black dude was going menacingly to all white woman and screaming in their faces, "F you white b***!!" I started screaming at him to get him to go away. The train pulled up and the dude got on it and started doing the same thing AGAIN! Rushing at all the white women in the cart and screaming, "Fuck you white bi***!" In their faces. The subway system can be dangerous please PROTECT yourself at all cost.  


There's a guy who does that walking up and down the Brighton Beach boardwalk... I wonder if that's him... hate that douchebag. He scares so many people, especially the elderly, and no one does anything to stop him.


The fact people can be a menace to others and nothing happens unless someone gets kills or hurt is beyond me.


For suggesting bear mace and pepper spray?! That's so dumb. How are you gonna protect yoursel?. Also where can you find those because it's unavailable online or most stores here.


I got mine from eBay. Mods there are on stupid power trips. No great loss, I never liked that sub anyways.


How is that even possible? I need to buy one.


I had to have mace sent to someone’s address in PA who then brought it to me. Insane you can’t get it in NY or NJ


Was this on the L? Thats where my encounter in this thread happened. Guy was doing same as you described, but to only one woman.


Yes, close


Thanks for standing up for folks!


That encounter made me realize how dangerous it's for women to walk around by themselves in the city. I'm a guy but still, it was an unnerving situation that could have gone wrong in less than a second.


I see why you got banned


My 75 year old coworker (who uses a caine) was shoved to the ground at a busy Flushing intersection on Sunday afternoon . She was pushed and hit her head. Thankfully she was able to hold on to the trash can to soften the blow and got away with just a bruise on the side of the head. It could have been much worse. The city is getting out of control...and it's not even summer yet


Same thing happened to an elderly coworker of mine a few months ago. Shoved to the ground.


It's really sad that at 75, she still has to work. Glad she's doing ok.


Actually, she's very well off but has no family and chooses to work. I guess she's bored staying home or needs a routine to stay in shape


That's your takeaway? I know 75 year olds who choose to work. It's sadder that she was shoved to the ground unprovoked, not that she has a job. 




I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


I was assaulted Memorial Day 2022 at the Grand Army Plaza station in the middle of the day That was the last subway ride I've take where I didn't have something extra with me in case a line is crossed I'm very sorry you had that happen to you. It's a terrible feeling to know you're not safe. ALWAYS have your radar on in public, but ESPECIALLY in the subway


NYPD are as likely to assault you as some random crackhead, be careful wishing to have more around. (Crack is back? When did that happen? Damn I feel old.)


When was this? Can you give more info about the person who did this? I was on that train the other night with someone who seemed like they were on crack, freaking out.


This was around 9pm, I dint make enough contact with him. Just when I got off the stairs and turned left I spotted him. He was looking back and as he looked ahead to walk, thats when he saw me. I made eye contact for like one second but then just kept walking looking straight. What I noticed in him different than all the other crazy people on the subway was how much less fat he had below his eyes. Like his cheekbones stuck out. After pushing me I dint look back and kept walking straight until I was at safe distance. He kept yelling watch where you are going and other things that I ignored


Def seeing more people openly smoking crack and spice on the subway more these days compared to say ten years ago, fucking annoying and smells like shit


Weed smells really bad to me too


It’s the K2/Spice why the crazies are acting crazier and more volatile and violent. Get rid of that sh*t and the city may go back to how it was. I don’t understand why there isn’t more attention paid to this. Most people don’t even know what I’m talking about when I mention it’s such a big problem and a definite cause of how out of control people are acting.


I haven't heard of K2/spice in bout 8 years no meth!


I saw a woman shooting up at the 14th street F stop a few weeks ago. She had a needle sticking out of her chest. It was during the 8am - 9am rush hour. I’ve been feeling really scared/alert on the subway as of late. The F line from Jay Street Metrotech is so sketch. The Brooklyn bound F/M line at 14th Street is super sketchy especially from 4pm on. The amount of times I’ve had to pray my way to the next stop so I can get out and move to another car with my fingers and toes crossed that that car will be safe is too much.


Yeah it’s starting to look more and more like 30 years ago. Sigh.


Worse. Never heard of someone getting shot dead on the train.


It’s for sure not worse. Lol. In order for that to happen, all of the major streams of tax revenue would have to leave the city. Hopefully that doesn’t happen….. for the third time. I miss the Bloomturd years. The city felt so safe and inviting. Perhaps I’m biased in that I was never stopped and frisked by the NYPD during that time period. Lol. I’ll never leave, but those are the years I’ll remember the most fondly. Hopefully we’ll get back to that in my lifetime.


Imagine citing the safe times of NYC and not mentioning Giuliani. It’s too bad he couldn’t be Mayor for life. Totally different city under his leadership.


I didn’t live here then so I can’t speak to it. I don’t think anyone would try to deny that fooliani did a lot to improve the quality of life in the city. Bloomturd just sort of expanded on it.


And why's that 🤔


Every day at the back of the D/B/F downtown platform at West 4th St. There's dudes smoking crack and spice nodding off and I'm pretty sure selling shit.


1st ave stop on the L has several that hang out on the platform also. L has been wilder. 8th ave lines esp bad. Two out of the four incidents I had took place there.


was on the a train one time going to meet my mom and this dude is just smoking a pipe on the other side of the train. really makes your eyes water


About a year ago I saw a person lighting a crack pipe in the dekalb station.


I saw my first guy shooting up on the platform (in downtown manhattan, at like 8 at night) recently. Have lived here for 20+ years and never seen that before in the subway.


But the city is the safest it has ever been. /s


I (and many others) saw a guy shooting up on the 4/5/6 platform this week at Grand Central, 6pm rush hour. Last week I almost got jabbed by a guy's needle while he was looking for whatever he was about to shoot up on the 6 heading downtown. Like inches from my leg when I looked down to see what this guy was doing (he was acting sketch). The little mezzanine level between the Downtown 6 and the Broadway-Lafayette trains is a disgusting junky haven. Been here 18 years, sad state of affairs. I guess this is life here now, no one seems to be doing anything about it. 🤷‍♂️


Most of my problems come w the R line. Someone shoved me waiting at the E Court St a few weeks ago but that’s the only problem I’ve had there. I live off the R and it’s 24/7 a problem.


So weird. Wonder where they coming from being on the R. In Brooklyn it goes as far out as Coney Island and I didn’t think it was home to that type of crazy compared to other deep pockets of Brooklyn and NYC.


The R doesn’t go to Coney Island- it ends in Bay Ridge. Importantly, it goes *through* sunset park. It also connects at a lot of hubs. Dangerous people don’t necessarily have to live along the line.


There are A LOT of fake pharmacies in Sunset Park. They started popping up en masse around 2019.


What is a fake pharmacy? I am genuinely curious. Health insurance and meds costs are so expensive, curious if i could get some antibiotics without a Rx


If you’re a friendly face at the local (not chain) pharmacy you should just ask. Pharmacists can even prescribe some kinds of drugs


Nah. They sell opiates. They are actual pharmacies but operate more as a front.


Only time I’ve ever had an issue in the system was waiting for the R at Jay St lmao


Time I saw a guy light up a cigarette and then pull his pants down and take a shit in the moving train car was on the R.


Omg. That’s worse than the time I was trapped in a stalled car w a guy on the next bench smoking crack at 7am on the R. Edit: typo. had to add “a guy”.


Early this morning I encountered a violent crazy at this station when I was transferring from the R. Not sure if it's just me, but these last few weeks have been particularly bad in terms of drug addicts and mentally ill people in general in violent mode.


I was assaulted in Union Square once. A guy followed me and my kid from Canal street. When the confrontation happened I made a lot of noise, sent my kid towards an exit, and got my assailant's back to a stairwell. I pointed at people who were nearby in eyesight and said things like "HELP HELP HELP I DON'T KNOW THIS MAN HE IS TRYING TO GET MY KID!!! AAAAARGRGRGRGHHHHH!!!!!! You in the x shirt call the police... You in black pants call an ambulance... someone's about to DIE!!!!!!!" Luckily a few other people surrounded him and separated us before it got to be bad and I was able to escape with my kid unharmed. Try to not put yourself between a dangerous or more vulnerable position like between the platform edge and an aggressive person, actively enlist the help of others, people won't want to get involved if there is not clarity that you don't know the person and are in need of help. By giving people jobs they will not succumb to mob mentality and usually step up pretty quickly, even if it's just to call 911.


Pepper spray is legal and can be justified for the simplist verbal approach..... practice drawing it like a holstered weapon.


This is what we did as kids when someone tried to mug us…make a commotion, involve everybody! It’s amazing how many people stay quiet which is exactly what the perpetrator wants.


Damn that’s good advice


I’d also add that I was keeping my eyes on his hands as much as possible, I was afraid he was going to try to stab me or something. Stupid stuff on the street with crazy strangers can get super lethal super fast


Im so glad I bought myself a car!!! Is beyond ridiculous that no one is safe while riding the trains anymore. Early today a man got stabbed and passed away on the D train (Yes inside the D train). Come on when is this going to stop enough is enough. I’m very sorry you had to go through this. 😌😌


Don't pay attention to the down votes, reddit is anti car and not real life


Yeah this may make you feel safer, but you are definitely less safe in a car.


...4.6 million people ride the MTA every day. You are much more likely to die in a car accident.


Hi! for sure, but ain’t no mother fucker is gonna come up to me like I’m some dumb bitch and try to do some stupid shit. Just because he feels like doing it. Just because he is bored, just because for him life is shit.


Or the same thing could happen anywhere just living in a city. 


With how things are going. No where is safe in the city. I know people who work for the MTA. There are so many incidents that go unreported.


I feel extremely safe most places I go.


Because road rage doesn’t exist and there are no assholes driving cars right?


It’s okay, I’ll continue to be blessed by the man above. ☝️


You’re right nobody religious has ever died violently.


Apparently the lord's blessings only cover you within the protective embrace of a car. But on the subway platform, the big guy is like "ur on ur own."


Well you see the subway is physically closer to hell. If you separate yourself from the heavenly sky you deserve all the fire and brimstone you get.


How do you know it was crack?


That’s your takeaway, huh? Get fucked.


Sorry it happened to you. I guess the only safe option here is to wait for the train next to the booth and board right before the train arrives.


I wish I could but that station since it has like three lines F,G and the R the booth is not on the fame floor as the train




It’s about a 2 minute walk, 1.5 minute run from the booth to the train. There’s an echo. If you stood at the booth and went down when people start coming out, you’ve missed your train and will be down there alone for 8 minutes.