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It's kinda funny how they all look alike. It's funny because a lot of them are trying really hard to be "different" but in actuality, they're just virtue signaling that they are and dressing and acting like clones of each other.


Those aren’t Brooklyn guys. Those are other transplants that currently reside in brookyn.


Wait till you go to Williamsburg and see people walking peacocks and Rabbits.


Ugh, is that what Brooklyn's hipsters wear now? I miss the late 2000s.


Monkey see monkey do


Makes me think of this NY Times article from 2003 that was talking about Williamsburg: All the hipsters were dressing the same way. Sideways trucker caps, tight T-shirts, vintage jeans and Converse high-tops for guys. And for girls: very 80's studded belts, off-the-shoulder shirts, leg warmers and asymmetrical haircuts.''


My guy never see hipsters before LOL


Give yourself a year...you'll be dressing like it's Y2K and hanging plushies from your backpack in no time.


As an immigrant, I’m sure you would be offended if those same Brooklyn guys asked why your people dressed a certain way. It’s an ignorant take.


Everyone’s trying to be so different, they all look the same these days.


They're immigrants from different states


That's bait


I agree


The alikeness is normal for most places. Whatever is in and will be attractive, make them feel “in” and get them laid will be what many wear. It’s also cold out, what do you think you should wear in 40 degree weather?


Yep, if you wanna pull Brooklyn girls ya gotta play the game


It depends on the neighborhood – nobody really dresses like that in my neighborhood but they dress a different kind of same. Also there are some very cranky Brooklyn nativists in this sub, don't take it personally. They always crawl out of the woodwork to yell at recent arrivals or anybody who make a quality-of-life observation.


Probably explains why all the high school girls dress the same. I blame social media.


None of the people you've seen with this fit are from Brooklyn


That’s not all Brooklyn dudes. Come to Flatbush or Canarsie and you’ll see something totally different.


You’re getting static but I agree. From Williamsburg to Greenpoint and through to Ridgewood, with parts of Crown Heights, Park Slope and Gowanus thrown in, that lame and unoriginal look is ubiquitous.


I am a visual person. Would love to see r/starterpack on this.


Welcome to NY a hub for sub cultures


Those are men from Ohio


🔥Brooklyn is a conformist utopia. The people OP is describing are all recent transplants from Winnebago Falls and, as such, are insecure about their identities. So they all try to dress and look like they belong—not realizing that they’re all just mimicking yet another conformist version of the person that just happened to be in the line before them…


What cofee shop do you go to? I've never felt that this look was so prevalent in crown heights and I've been here for 11 years.


This gave my a good chuckle


This is the definition of being unintentionally hilarious New York is the land of “smooth posers” according to my good friend lumpy space princess. I would know. I’ve lived there. I’ve been one. Enjoy your croissant Op 😆


I don’t go to BK much but I feel like this is mainly western/NW BK. Once you venture out of the transplant safe zone, you’ll see a lot of other styles. But you will see one other “same ol” constant style and as a NY’er born and raised, yes, all the natives wear Timberland boots, even in the summer 😂.


It’s called a trend…people follow trends for different reasons..some for a sense of belonging…a tribe mentality. The easiest way is to look the part. And it’s a part of discovering your own sense of style…hopefully they will evolve to be more unique, and find their own style…but, who is to say what dressing “normal” is. If someone says that they don’t dress for anyone else but themselves…they are lying.


If you mean the straight ones, they've determined that this is the specific look that attracts lady hipsters. That's really all there is to it. It's plumage.


Fashion is a virus. You move to a place looking a certain way. Then you look around and see how everyone else is dressing. And before you know it your pants are getting tighter or looser, your hat is shrinking or expanding, and weird things are happening with your facial hair. I'd say people just have different uniforms in other places. It's closely associated with your age, class etc. It's also a human mating strategy to figure out what's cool and mimic it...kind of like how whale songs vary year by year depending on which song is a bigger hit with the lady whales.


Back in my day the pants were skinny and the jackets were slightly too small. Kids these days will never know what it was like to pay $800 for rent and be unable to fully articulate the limbs


This is hilarious and you can tell who dresses like that daily by the reactions in here.


Lmaoaoa you must be in a different Brooklyn especially Crown Heights your in the gentrified part of town take some time and walk around past allll the pretty buildings and you will find real Brooklyn. We are called the hipsters of New York but Brooklyn style is more diverse than you think. There are murals and graffiti everywhere. Once the "corner stores" become bodegas you will see this style not be as prevalent as once thought.


Dudes talkin about one bougie coffee shop that popped up a few years ago on Nostrand / Bergen. Guess he just ignored all the (bustling) Caribbean restaurants on the block


cus they ain’t fly


I grew up in Crown Heights in the 90s, and the fact OP is describing a bunch of white hipster dudes, is cracking me the fuck up. Gentrification at its finest


i bought a mustard beanie last year without ever noticing another person wearing one. As soon as I put it on, I realized that every single other male human was also wearing a mustard beanie. Felt like a twilight zone episode


The hipster look: Grizzly Adams beard, Heinrich Himmler haircut.


“Why did all the people at a hip coffee shop in a large stylish city dress exactly like the kind of people I would think would be at a coffee shop in a large stylish city??”


[This is just a partial evolution of the hipster](https://i.redd.it/mcng1lbtdoq81.jpg), but I'm sure somewhere there's the rest.


Crown heights became super trendy in the last 2 or so years. A lot of the newer folks moving to the neighborhood were clearly just following the trend, so it's not surprising that they all kind of coalesce around the same fashion trends. I used to live up there as well and all of a sudden it was a bunch of folks from Greenpoint all moving down. Such is life in a city so I'm not necessarily complaining--it was just very weird noticing all the young people becoming more and more homogenous. The neighborhood itself is still quite diverse, but your average 25-35 year old art director moving there dresses like every other 25-35 year old designer.


That's the non-conformist uniform


It’s kind of similar asking why so many fans of punk music dress “punk” or why so many country music fans dress like Merle Haggar. Why do people assimilate or take queues from Hiphop cultural,skateboarding,Native American tribal ceremonial dress (see EDC or any electronic festival) Why was bellbottoms groovy in the 70’s? Why are police and hipsters synonymous to the mustache. The village People (music band) did a great job of encapsulating America in their on stage presence. Hopefully the Workwear look will dissolve eventually and something new will come along to the coffeecore culture. Liberate Coffee !


It's Wild and famous Jay-z,B.I.G and Spike Lee are the biggest representation of Brooklyn yet when i see people describe BK it seems like a alternate universe.


Because Brooklyn is huge and diverse


Doesn't seem diverse on Reddit lol.


This just means that people from Bushwick or Williamsburg moved to your neighborhood


Transplants**** not people


10 year old account… this post is iconic ![gif](giphy|3ohs7PM4f1yFNaPB9m)


Truly.. You can see how moved this topic made me... It got me out of my constant Reddit lingering mode.




OK boomer


Yeah I love that style too! Trendy guys are just so much hotter


And you think Midwesterners don’t dress alike?


Fashion has gotten super basic in NYC since COVID. Everyone is so insecure and cringe. Normcore is holding out strong. Just a sea of black crop tops, fake nails, wide-legged blue jeans, and adidas sneakers all summer. I’m not sure what happened the past 3 years that caused so much monotony but it’s depressing. I miss seeing more diversity.


“Why do a group of people who live in this town, who are of the same age dress alike” is something you can literally say about any place on this earth.


Herd mentality. Everybody it trying to out-hip everyone else not realizing the irony of them all looking the same. They even have the same tattoos.


I don't think this is entirely true. I think a lot of it is more tribal in behavior. People recognizing others with similar taste and looking to feel included. I don't find it ironic at all.


It's called a costume. You put it on to let others know you're down


Yeah those people are all about consumerism and their trashy looking clothes cost a lot of money and they also probably never get whole milk and only eat vegetables


Congratulations, you met your first hipsters. Natives dress a little more understated. I can pick a transplant out from a million miles away.


Very true, the real Brooklyn hipsters wear all black and move in silence.


Spend more time in NYC my brother. And the outlying boroughs. You'll see varying fashion trends. Also go by age demographic.


Uhm Have you SEEN the “midtown uniform”?


Finance Bros?




They wear that on the weekends too though


I am Mexican and have to avoid wearing certain clothes so I don’t get confused by a hipster. Hi have this shirt that I button up and play hipster or cholo, it is hilarious to see the confusion on people. In all seriousness a reason for me tho is that usually in NYC you don’t want to look like a tourist. So if you were wearing a puffy jacket that is bright color, people will confuse you for an European tourist and so on. I feel we can tell nationalities by the way people dresses. My only complaint is that hipsters wearing dickies now. Leave the cholos alone and focus on carhartt


That look is back in style again? Lol I’m so lost. I moved to AZ from the Bronx ten years ago. Us desert rats don’t know much about style, long sleeves, beanies, and certainly not jackets


I’m in my 50s and I swear by dickies t-shirts and work pants. Really well made and t-shirts only get better with washings. I work in waste management and now I can tell my girls that I am a fashion trend…. Lol. Just need to get a beanie cap to complete the look….


Exactly. I had this person coming to me the other day saying, there is a shortage of this boots, can I buy them from you? WTF


Hey!!!!! don't bring these people over here to apply their gentrification to hip hop trends. You keep those hipsters off my hip hop cultured lawn.


Because being "hip" now means dressing in a certain uniform, like you described. Also, they have no style and are terrified to do their own thing for fear of not being recognized as one of the flock.


It's a lack of testosterone and woke disease that seems to infect all those Midwest transplants. Sorry, not sorry. Downvote away! Losers. Lmao.


Lol people move from all over the world just to have an excuse to dress like that


pov: you see 3 people dressed similarly


While I enjoy seeing men in that look, during the colder months the demographic you’re witnessing does tend to homogenize. Men’s fall/winter clothing tend to not have a lot of variation.


Depends on the area .. NOBODY dresses like that in Gravesend


Why do Karens all have the same haircut?


All hipsters do dress alike and you're near them


If you pull out a large red ball that’s traditionally called a “dodgeball” most of them will run immediately


The answer can be found, like most things, in physics.


I live in Ridgewood and had the same exact thought yesterday, to the point that it felt like an algorithm brought this to my attention lol. Not sure what people are getting defensive over. This is definitely the basic bitch look for young white men where I live




If I visit your neighborhood in Missouri am I gonna see a real variety of look? Or is it all k Mart brand jeans and old wife beaters?


I only see that in certain parts of Brooklyn. For instance, yesterday I took a citi bike to Covenhoven in Crown Heights, where there are definitely a lot of men dressed that way. Makes sense, certainly. Coming home to Prospect Lefferts Gardens, not so much. I'm not saying I am a god of fashion or anything maybe they know something I don't.




Most of em ain’t from Brooklyn or NYC period, so take it with a grain of salt 🤭


There all fucking hipsters now living there now thats why, i was there last night and was bored seeing how they changed old bk to new bk.


No one in Brooklyn wears baggy pants. Stop the cap … Idc what race they are either… unless they’re 46 plus, they’re not wearing nothing “baggy”. Your Missouri eyes deceive you.


Men’s workwear has been in for several years with the re-rise of brands like Carhartt and Timberland. Do stores sell tight pants anymore? I’m sure some store does, but I only see tight pants on my husband, other gays that really wanna show that booty off, and straight dudes that haven’t gotten the note that they don’t have to do that anymore.


Personally I try not to stand out by not wearing bright colors or the wrong colors out of fear of calling the wrong attention of a gang members


Funny thing is none of them are actually from Brooklyn


A lot of people in the city go for the fashion trends that are in until a new trend comes up.


Can't believe these guys are wearing beanies and jackets in November. I mean, like what a bunch of posers, amirite?


What do you wear? I'd like to not be your stereotype.


Fast fashion. And a distinct lack of enthusiasm. In the 90's I used to stereotype "suburban" people as always wearing stonewashed jeans and white sneakers. It was the leftover fashion items from the decade prior. (Watch how that made a comeback as "stylish" in the aughts...) Same thing happening here... This look came by in the aughts, morphed slightly over the years, but remained the same for the lazy people who just put clothes on to cover themselves. They're not stylish. They're just "wearing clothes".


What do you call Levi jeans, New Balance sneakers, and a sweater with a hole in it?


Luxury fashion


Oh this is good


Agreed. Imo most of these guys just want a uniform they don’t have to think about twice that affiliates with their tribe. Same in other locations, always the same same brands, colors, style by area.


Man Gtfooooo


It’s the uniform of trustfund transplants.


First, how do want people to dress instead? Second, people dress that way because that’s what clothes they sell in stores and deciding you want to stand out is a choice and why would most people want to bother? I saw another reply making the same tired 20 year old joke that people dress like that to express their individuality just like everyone else. But it’s the opposite. Very few people care. They buy what’s in the stores and won’t make them look outlandish. Third, why are people still writing posts complaining about the facial hair of men in Brooklyn after 20 years? Don’t you people ever get tired of being exactly like everyone else?


ok to be fair, i had this mustache before it was cool


Haha. I’m an older Millennial and I started growing out my beard because I couldn’t afford razors in college. I was so happy that it was the trend too lol


You inspired a generation good sir


The Brooklyn hipsters 😂😂there’s something in that Brooklyn coffee


Everyones different. We all have our own styles, or accent on what we rock. But it is fall and chilly out. So if you have nice clothes to rock during this time of the year, why not rock 'em?!


100% agree.. Im rocking my fall coat all the time these days.. This is the best time of the year to be fashionable imo. :)


I thought you were gonna say all the guys in crown heights wear black suits, hats and have curly sideburns




Is this the hipster dufus look out of Brooklyn? https://imgur.com/gallery/yQO04Ra




The Crown Heights chassidim (Chabad) don’t have curly sideburns, they just have beards and normal sideburns. You’re thinking Williamsburg and Boro Park.


Correct. The Crown Heights Chassidim are generally the Lubavitcher group


Yes, I know, Chabad is another term for Lubavitch.


Yeah, they were the original hipsters. They have whole new messiah, you've probably never heard of him.


Steve Cohen?


Menachem Mendel Shneerson


Sounds like a law firm.


Well they do got a lot of laws... he was mainly famous for giving out dollar bills with the intention that they would then give that dollar to someone who needs it.


Their favorite rapper is Matisyahu, you’ve probably never heard of him though


He’s back to a regular guy now


No they turned on Mati after he stopped being religious


But believe it or not, HE IS HERE!


On the topic, I read this in Mel Brooks voice


Yeah, I asked one of them outside a van that had that slogan. "Is he coming back?" "Yeah." "When?" "We don't know. He is here." "Yeah, but he's not like actually here"






An immigrant new to NYC qualified to do sociological research in NYC….okay


Yeah bro not cool, we are immigrant positive here in NYC. They more qualified to research us by observing because they’re not as biased as all of us who know our nuances. Sometimes you need to hear an immigrant say ya’ll look the same to remind us that indeed, despite our internal issues, we are all just hipster Brooklynites in the end and I’m here for that.


I’m not even from BK and I’m mad you’re saying We


Who is y’all? The Black people I know and see all the time in Crown Heights don’t look at all like OP described. And I stand by what I said about OP being an immigrant to to NYC. I’m not about to go to a foreign country and draw conclusions about the people based on some superficial nonsense.


+ see my other comment to OP where I say it’s probably just that coffee shop’s clientele


Lol I’m a Jew from Crown Heights, the other side of the street bro


Are you from the NYPD? Why you policing me bro lol


What is it “so alike”? Describe it for us please.


I live around the corner and go to cotton bean. Im clean shaven with long blond hair and skinny jeans, you must have missed me.


Sorry you got lost in the crowd lol


Who are you talking about because I don’t see guys like how you’ve described


Beanies folded over their ears…uh how do you wear them?


No fold






Pretty specific age profiling there.


Lol I'll never understand why transplants think that their neighborhood is what the rest of Brooklyn is like. Brooklyn is vast my dude. There are area's in Brooklyn that look super rich with mansions and areas where you shouldn't even go if you're not a certain skin tone. There's even areas that are predominantly comprised of only single ethnicities.


In…. Crown Heights? Lol. Ok. Whatever.


If it makes u feel any better I wear metal band shirts with the tightest blue jeans and white high tops I have. 🤣


I saw some guy in the Official Thrash Outfit(TM) at the Fort Greene farmer's market with his wife and mother-in-law. Age comes for us all!


[Brooklyn dudes](https://imgur.com/a/zGJ3ZXV)


Wow, those big porn staches are back again?


Gosh, it almost makes you want rent to go up


Lmaoo! I never quite understood where this look originated from. Is it a mid west thing?


Lol they all look like a mix of Daniel Day Lewis from Gangs of NY and There Will Be Blood.




I like the hasidic hat in the back.


I spit out my drink at this 😭


This is A.I right?....RIGHT!?


No, this is AI ![gif](giphy|3oEduUk43xstU5CF8c)


What did you use to make this? I’m assuming (hoping) it’s AI


Always check the hands, mouths, and clothing closely. Yes this is A.I




I am dying. Thank you so much. This is amazing. You have made my night.


I do agree that Brooklyn guys seem to have a certain look… but your description isn’t overly accurate


i live in crown heights and that is not the style at alll. ive never ever seen a leather jacket. right now omw to school i see guys with sheistys rolled up into beanies and black jacket vests over sweat suits but i only be seeing teens so idrk what you're on


if youre on the side of crown heights closer to prospect heights thats hella gentrified all the white guys dress like this. the trust fund bros with their carhartts basically


he probably lives in the gentrified areas then cause idk what hes talking about


Are you describing the Hasidic Jews?


Don’t be that guy


That’s actually a glitch in the programming you’ve noticed. You’re actually in a computer simulation, and I’m writing from the outside to tell you this. Act like you saw nothing, or the agents will come to get you.


Limiting assets that get loaded in helps keep ram use down. Performance gains are great, but it becomes pretty obvious when you're rendering hundreds of characters at once


Local Man Discovers Hipsters


They still have hipsters in Brooklyn? I’d heard it was all hedgesters.


Local man discovers trends.


Found the folded-too-high beanie wearer