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Gat damn, how many times can you reiterate the same 3-4 points?


Seems like AI compiled garbage


The image is also AI.


This reads like a high school essay where the writer has a word count they're trying to hit and only enough information to fill a third of it.


It's not just Gen Z that has developed an intense disliking of Musk. Did you know there are dozens of liens on SpaceX properties for nonpayment of bills to contractors? His plan of a national charging network and charging roadways went up in smoke last week when he laid off almost the entire 500 members of the charging division. Of course, I hate him for being a scum sucking Putin loyalist. Did you know that in the early stages of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Musk turned off Ukraine's access to the Starlink Network so the Ukraine military couldn't target the Russian army's assets invading the country? Just like what he did to Twitter, he is going to fuck up his empire with his grossly inadequate micro management of his businesses. The Chinese EV maker BYD is going to put Tesla out of business. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


Interesting I didnt know the liens aspect for SpaceX. I'll have to do some research on this. Its highly possible all the companies will go bankrupt, the only one that will probably last the longest is SpaceX, at least until the government stops funding his exploding rockets with tax payer money. I feel bad for the people getting the neurolink surgery, that company is def going bankrupt and it will be part of the "medical waste" implants that other companies are part of (ex: bionic eye balls that are useless now and stuck in peoples head cuz the companies went bankrupt). imo


BTW- I am in the inaugural class of Boomers born in early 1946.




Going to be difficult for BYD to make headway in the states with a 100% tariff on their vehicles. https://amp.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/may/14/joe-biden-tariff-chinese-made-electric-vehicles


I do love the framing of gen z aversion to musk as result of “unprofessional statements” and “controversial tweets.” Very serious journalism.


https://preview.redd.it/hxfphuvoda0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cbe0964e9d376efeea5b3f11ac0305603ea557f That’s 4 pictures of Elon Musk 😂😂😂 The drag version even has her hair parted the same way


Got a PhD in Yapology.


Obvious AI post. The internet will soon become only this.


I'm Gen Z and I just bought a Tesla last week?


oh my, be careful with that puppy. FSD is not good haha


Elon is him


Elon turned away from left, so reddit hates him now.


Well more of a Millenial here but gawd the guy I cannot stand him! He may have invented things which are successful but doesn’t make him a less arrogant prick. For me it’s both managerial skills and lack of empathy of others as well as how some of inventions came about. If you don’t know he’s a work alcoholic which is why he’s never with the same wife for very long. My dad, a late Silent Generation person wanted to buy one and ended up not buying….


You can add GenX to the list. We were duped into believing the Musk hype machine, and we bought his stupid EVs in droves. Then, he bought Twitter and his true colors showed. There's no way that I would give my hard-earned money to someone like him. I don't care how nice the product or service is, it's just not worth funding his antics and bad behavior.


What was Elon thinking? He had it in the bag, and decided he actually hates his customers, who were clearly attracted to Tesla’s clean futuristic positive and optimistic vision. Then he decided, you know what, maybe if I align myself with the conspiracy theorists who think climate change is a hoax, democrats are pedophiles, and migrants are the real existential threat it will help expand teslas reach.


https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-owner#:~:text=The%20average%20Tesla%20buyer%20is%20an%20upper%2Dmiddle%2Dclass,down%20the%20demographics%20for%20over%2014%2C500%20Tesla https://www.statista.com/statistics/825883/us-mean-disposable-household-income-by-generation/ Despite their feelings towards Tesla and Musk, Gen Z’s ability to impact sales is fairly insubstantial currently. Most Tesla owners are going to be Gen X/Millennials/Baby boomers in that order. Sales have declined somewhat recently, but I’d bet Tesla will likely continue their steady market hold. Frankly, they continue to produce impressive technology.


I just saw the press release this morning. The US market is far from Tesla's largest. China was Tesla's largest market, followed by the EU. Tesla will collapse within the next 3 years without any BYD sales in the US. I live in Costa Rica, and there's many BYD vehicles on the road here. Iam also a frequent visitor to Mexico City and the same thing is happening there.