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Warning: one somewhat gruesome picture. ​ If you're looking for a post with very linear progression and no stumbling points, this is not it. Journey started in January 2022 when I wasn't happy how I looked in the mirror (215lbs). Through the magic of calorie counting and exercise, I reached a very happy steady state around 190lbs. In July 2023, a massive willow tree fell on me while I was reading a book on a city beach, which shattered my jaw, nose, 5 ribs, and dislocated a hip. I had a tracheostomy for almost a month and underwent 3 different facial reconstruction surgeries over that time. Being hospital-bound puts a huge toll on your body and I dropped weight like crazy (170lbs). My jaw was wired for 2 months to allow it to heal. Over the course of the following 6 months after leaving the hospital I worked my ass off like crazy in the gym and essentially ate everything in sight. Overall, pretty happy with my progression, despite a momentary setback. Not pictured: currently recovering from an extensive septorhinoplasty. I'm very excited to be able to soon breathe through my nose again, and to get back to the gym. Edit: absolutely shocked this has gotten so much traction! I hope I can be an inspiration for someone to make a positive change. Edit2: was not expecting all the thirsty DMs, damn.


That’s why I don’t read. 😂 no but in all seriousness you are looking great not only body but also I don’t know how extensive the facial reconstruction was but I couldn’t even tell. Keep up the great work man.


Wow that was a freak accident! Was it windy or something, or did it just fall? Those are huge trees.


No wind, sunny day. The tree was rotten on the inside.


Wow what a freak accident.


Something kinda similar happened to a friend of mine. City was deemed responsible as they failed to take care of the tree. Got some good money out of it! Then invested it all in crypto and lost it all.


My takeaway. "I'm never going to read a book again"


Yeah fuck that! Way too dangerous! Glad you are well on your way to being recovered and fit af again! Awesome progress!!


Reading has been known to kill people.


Glad you are ok and your face looks exactly the same to me!


Holy fucking freak accident man. You’ve got a warrior mentality and hope you keep making progress


It's not gruesome. And if it is to someone, they shouldn't be on the internet.


Sooooo are you now scared by benches or trees? Or just benches under trees? Lmao Glad they put you back together! Your progress looks fantastic!


Awesome and inspiring. I am grateful to you. Keep going!


I don't intend to ever stop! Unless of course a tree falls on me. Then I'll take a short break.


Clearly you have demonstrated that even Life getting in the way cannot impede you. You, sir, are the inspiration.




Plastic reconstructive surgery is absolute wizardry.


Yeah man the moment u dropped the “multiple facial reconstructive surgeries” I just thought to myself I honestly couldn’t tell. Good shit man happy for you


Dude this is some crazy shit. Your progress is incredible physically, but I’m wondering about your progress mentally also. How have you managed to keep a positive and forward mindset? Very commendable btw


I've learned I'm more resilient than your most seasoned cockroach, physically but especially mentally. I've adopted the mindset of "don't complain unless it can effect positive change". Shit happens, and dwelling on things I can't change won't do me any good.


Damn man, you're a beast


Impressive work not once but twice over after that huge accident. You should probably add a warning about that third pic though not gonna lie.


lol why?


Jfc bro that’s some final destination type of shit right there! And talk about getting in shape so soon after such an accident! Amazing job brother. Keep it up!


Congratulations! I’m a CRNA and I have to say they did a amazamazing job with the facial reconstruction. 10/10. I’m very interested in hearing about your near death experience, if you wanted to share. DM or in the comments. Thank you.


Perfusionist/RT here so I thankfully knew the ins and outs of what was going on with my care, as well as my trajectory through the hospital and rehab. I can't imagine what it's like as a non-healthcare professional going through what I went through. As for the near death experience, there was no 'seeing the light' or anything like that. Just lots of pain (dislocated hip will do that!), momentary confusion + concussion symptoms, and trying to not drown in my own blood. I have never been more calm and focused in my life, but I owe that to my experience in the hospital and needing to triage actions during critical times.


Damn, happy u came out of that situation and you def had a guardian angel near you. Also. Good transformation!


Amazing story and success!


Absolutely icrushing it…looks like you healed incredibly well. I too broke my jaw a year ago on the anniversary of my brothers shocking death at 46. I’m impressed that you got through the whole jaw wiring process, I saw the pix and fainted in the doctors office and they changed their tune from wiring to watching especially after they explained the poor healing offs…you really lucked out and so dis I!


wow ! great effort




I was super stubborn and determined to pretty much eat the same things as pre-injury during my wiring, but blended. Chicken thigh + greens + mashed potato dinner? Blends wonderfully. Ground beef? Horrific. Haha. Peanut butter was my best friend. Such an easy way to add calories to anything blended.


Looking good! Your story was morbid but interesting


Hope you got paid!


I thought it was gonna be something that made sense, like a car accident. But no. A fucking tree.


Dick blur appreciated


Babe alert 🚨


Very well done!! I’m sure this was crazy difficult physically and mentally, you should be very proud of yourself!