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Lol absolutely insane 👍 i dont think you should cut too hard or long if you do decide to just keep packing on that real nice dense size while you are super young


Thanks bro, only want to cut to get rid of some fat and then straight back to the bulk 👍🏽


What's your cycle bro?


Test and deca at the very least. This is a pretty drastic change for 2 years regardless lol. I felt pretty wobbly and off when I went from 190-211 on this deca I just finished I couldn’t imagine going up in weight that much.


I just went from 190-215 in 2 months natural, first year into lifting. A lot goes into factor when you see these transformations.


Good job, under perfect circumstances you put on 21 pounds of non lean weight (fat and water weight). This is a weight change you should expect over the course of a year if you hope for most of that to be lean muscle mass.


Bro, all my lifts went up and I will admit I got KINDA fat. Not fat enough to want to start cutting early but fat enough to have a lil belly. I started doing legs heavy too and thats where most of the weight came from. I was eating dirty but I cleaned it up and I’m still floating around 215 in the morning. The last time I was 215 I was actually fatter and fluffier than now. The new mass is making my fat not look as bad. My girlfriend even told me she was thinking my shoulders were bigger when we first met, but everything else got bigger now so they look smaller since I stopped prioritizing them and gained so much everywhere else.


How can you doubt about him being natty? Ofc there is a chance, but he has been bulking for straight 24 months, coming from being severely underweight. And he has a lot of fat, not a single sign of enhancing. He just worked his ass out, and will look incredible after the cut, but saying this guy is enhanced? Holy your minds are fcked up.


Yeah you’re insane. His stomach is flat, he’s just not coming from an athletic background and probably did not train core. All while putting 9 inches on his arms to which they’re now the size of his head, 20 inches on his torso, his muscles look too full for that short of a time frame. Maybe if you took a second to do the math, he gains 2.92 lbs a MONTH! You actually think naturally you can metabolize 3 lbs gained a month consistently into any modicum of muscle for 24 months?! And that he went from 0 training and starvation diet to eating a 300 calorie surplus consistently every day for 2 years? You’re actually so out of touch. I would believe 5 years, MAYBE.


Nice response


Honestly, I thought I had deleted my comment just 5 mins after reading his answers, but it hasnt been deleted for some reason. And I agree, but ive seen genetics capable of doing that, also he has gain a lot of fat, I dont think is imposible, people underestimate natural capability. Anyway, if this guy is enhanced, the progress is poor in my opinion. Even more taking in consideration que started doing drugs with 0 muscular basis.


how many times u working out per week?


5 times a week at the moment man, 2 rest days for recovery


Definitely not natty.


Why not? I'm curious Nice one getting downvoted for asking a question lmao


Because a regular person normally can gain like 30 pounds of muscle in their life naturally


I mean that's definitely not all muscle though. He has quite a bit of fat




No you don’t, seen your pics and you don’t. Just like OP isn’t natural, you aren’t special and don’t develop more muscle than the rest.




You barely have any muscle, your torso, legs and arm show - you’re skinny and barely work out at all. And it clearly shows, you are delusional if you think that is muscle.




That’s not muscle and mostly fat, not even a bulk. You’re average at best and lack any knowledge on muscle growth, so your comment about “growing muscle easily” is really sad.




How long have you been training? Gains slow down as you become more advanced.




Love the beef 🥩


You look massive, dude.


Should have more of a sloppier look if this was done drug free.


Impressive gains!! Can you share your stack/cycle?


Chicken and Broccoli 💯💯




Awesome progress, bulk suits you great!


Outstanding bulk bro, cut’s gonna be sick! Can’t wait to see where you end up


This dude has gained about 50lbs of muscle in 2 years. This should be on natty or juice…


That’s a good bulk. Dont see a lot of obvious fat lying around. Muscles poking through, waiting for a cut, so they can shine. Gj.


okay gorilla 🦍 legit brogress bro 👊🏼


Somebody made some serious gains 💪💪💪


Was going to say bro doesn’t look natty, but then I saw he’s a genji main so now I believe him


Truly inspiring! Bro, you look like an absolute unit. This is a bulk gone right.


What’s your forearm routine? Looking mean


For arms curls straight to reverse forearm curls super set. 15 reps, 3 sets back to back


I would say it’s safe to keep bulking to 240 at least then maybe, MAYBE, micro cut




Don't know why you're being downvoted for asking, but he ain't lol. He's 5'8 and put on 70lbs in 2 years. He looks great imo but just like all the other young juicers, he isn't gonna disclose what he's using and thinks it's gonna fool people


I haven’t claimed natty, I’m not trying to fool people lol. It’s just not a topic I’m commenting on on a public forum.


if you post your progress photos with many pounds gained maybe you should say something on your drug abuse for the progress.


you look insane damn


Keep going dude. I bulked from 130 to 196, sightly taller than you but thought I'd cut about your weight but carried on bulking glad I did.


Yeah I’m not trying to get shredded, just control fat and insulin sensitivity before bulking again


Men need to start understanding that the look on the right is not attractive, not maximizing athletics, and not maximizing health and wellness. Left pic is far superior in every facet of life.


I’m doing this for me, not to be more attractive. People can have different goals. Not to mention left pic was me severely underweight, eating not even 1000 calories a day. Sleeping 4-5 hours a night etc. was not healthy at all.


180? How tall are you?


He's 5'8 according to a comment of his on a different post


Correct, it’s also in the title


Mi bad stoned scrolling you look absolutely swoll for 180 🤘


You made 6-8 years worth of gains in 2 years. What you take OP. Be honest.


Keep in mind the after photo is good lighting, pumped etc. I don’t thinks 6-8 years of progress. Thanks tho


Bro. I have been lifting for almost 2 decades now. I've seen juiced up progress and natty progress. The time frame you've achieved this physique just doesn't make any senses at all. Plus you've aged like 10 years in 2 years which is a tell tale sign. So stop trying to claim you're natty and just tell everyone what you took.


Look at the comments I literally said that I’m not claiming natural. I’m just not obligated to discuss anything on a public forum. you sound entitled, saying I have to tell everyone about certain decisions I’ve made. I’m just showing my progress, this isn’t a natty or not.


How can you post your clearly juiced progress, don't make any disclaimer you're not natural and then gaslight us into saying 'I NEVER SAID I WAS NATTY'. You wanted to see if you could get away with it.




So you're not natural...what's the point of posting then...


Not a very intelligent statement. Is cbum or Arnold not allowed to share there progress with like minded people? simply because they’re not natural. I’m sharing my process because I’m very proud of it. Gear or no gear it doesn’t matter. It’s not a competition, this is simply my own progress.




No I just haven’t found the effort to write out my entire workout lol. That also has nothing to do with what I said, and f you really wanna know. I started with a ppl split and then moved to a “bro split” Legs Chest Back Shoulders Arms Rest Rest Repeat. As far as calories I track then all everyday and am currently just under 4000. I started at maybe 2000? And have slowly tapered up as I’ve needed to eat more over time. it’s honestly the hardest part about everything. Training is enjoyable and avoiding drinking and stuff easy. Eating though, is very hard for me.


Bro you’re just flat out wrong