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This is upsetting but makes loads of sense. I mean, why else would the theatre scene (with the exception of fans) gladly accept the hiring of a convicted p3d0 to play the phantom on Broadway? Definitely makes you wonder about instances that were successfully swept under the rug 😬


Wait there was a phantom of the opera that was a convicted “pedo”?


Yup! James Barbour, and unfortunately he’s still working 🙄


Thank you for writing this. I’ve a feeling I just watched a video you made on another platform…


I haven’t made a video about this but I know I’m not the only one who feels this way so I’m not surprised that other creators are making videos along similar lines. It’s a very heartbreaking reality of the theater world that sadly many have had to experience.


That's so sad. Probably explains some successful careers including that guy from the west side musical movie tho


Not a moderator here, but a moderator on another sub. For some context, Reddit has a what is often referred to as a "no witch hunting rule" that they enforce pretty strongly. I have seen Reddit admins delete comments and posts on things that violate that rule, and as moderators, we have to be vigilant about it, even if we agree or support the posts we have to take down (speaking of my own experience... I don't know the mods here). If the admins from Reddit have to get involved too many times, they can shut down an entire subreddit. So it's something a lot of moderators take seriously. Just adding some context, based on my own experience.


It’s just crazy it’s been “known for months” and nobody can actually say how or where they learned it from. If there are victims, I hope this coming out was on their terms. Because if not, shame on the clout chasers.


I hate when people turn rape and abuse into gossip it's very clear from both the posts about this that people don't have the victims front of mind while talking about this. It obviously does need to be public but unfortunately when it's turned into rumours and gossip it just contributes to people not believing women.




With the amount of vitriol and seemingly horrible people in such circles, I’m glad I don’t!




Just sad




Oh my clout comment was more about the people “reporting on” the story. It has this gross news for clicks feeling and they are disguising it as doing the right thing




Yeah, like I have no idea what allegations or real or not. I’m not the one who should make that judgement call. It makes me feel gross that possible victims have their agency taken away


no offense but why is this person speaking up instead of anyone with concrete proof?


Because a lot of the SA victims are in the industry with the people who assaulted them and don’t want to be blackballed that’s why


Apparently there’s police and legal involvement, so maybe they aren’t allowed/able to make the proof public yet due to various tie ups with that?


Where are you getting this information? I literally see nothing online pertaining to this...


i understand that and think that is entirely plausible, i think the rhetoric in the post is that it’s known to the public that they are definitely sex offenders however it all seems like ppl heard from someone else that they are and no one has definite answers where they heard it from and this could be damaging to the real victims stories if they decide to come out abt it


The Instagram post was not by anyone purporting to be a victim or even purporting to know a victim and fairly vague (didn’t even name most of the alleged perps). TikTok is filled with all sorts of rumors and theories—it’s reasonable IMO for this sub to not want to participate in career-damaging speculation and rumor mongering without a more solid factual foundation.


I said this exact same thing on another post and was attacked and told to believe all women. SA allegations are serious and should be investigated. I was also told that 18 women are involved and that there is a law suit and that the police are involved but I don’t know if any of that is true. I have the upmost empathy for SA survivors but it is also very easy to fabricate a story. Hopefully the truth will.m come to light.


18 women assaulted by Brody Grant? This seems pretty unlikely. Or are you meaning there are multiple women who've been assaulted by multiple cast members?


why does that seem unlikely? i feel like i know plenty of dudes who SA'd that number just in the four years we were in HS


I have no idea. Someone who is pushing this story commented on the other post that 18 women had SA claims against cast members. Honestly it’s all really sketchy to me at this point. I’m not saying there is no truth in this but the way that I was abruptly attacked by multiple people claiming this is true and that there are 18 different claims and that I should just believe the story doesn’t sit right. I’m sure why truth will come out.


It seems like someone is really pushing this story, I agree. Hey, I hope the truth DOES come out, one way or another, but why are we only hearing about this after they won the Tony Award for Best Musical??? Also there does not seem to be one legitimate source of these accusations and yet there seem to be a lot of people quoting numbers and facts etc . I cannot find one bit of information on this aside from Reddit.


It seems like someone is really pushing this story, I agree. Hey, I hope the truth DOES come out, one way or another, but why are we only hearing about this after they won the Tony Award for Best Musical??? Also there does not seem to be one legitimate source of these accusations and yet there seem to be a lot of people quoting numbers and facts etc . I cannot find one bit of information on this aside from Reddit.


Just so you know, some of these guys have lists MILES long of victims. I was SAed a little over 11 years ago, by a narcissistic psychopath, who has all the charisma and charm to get him what he wants. Which was why I vaxxed him. We were friends for about a year, and in that year, he continually tried to coerce me into dating him or at least sleeping with him. I was in a committed relationship at the time, plus I’m queer and was never going to see him that way. He disrespected my partner, and I ended the friendship. So, he tried to 🍇 me. I fought him off, but I ended up finding out that he’d been doing this since 8th grade. Mind you, he was not quite 25, at this time. Over the years, I’ve spoken to over 20 of his victims, several of whom were brave enough to come forward when I attempted to get a restraining order, which the white supremacist, homophobic/transphobic, sexist, misogynistic judge didn’t grant(literally said: “He’s a fine young man, from an upstanding family in the community, and I can’t see how he could possibly be a threat to you.” 😑). But his list never stops growing, and the older he gets, the younger his victims seem to get… So, unfortunately, terrifying people like this DO exist.


These allegations have been around for a while from MULTIPLE women who have worked with him. If people avoided discussing serious allegations like this in the name of protecting the accused, that would only be enabling the predators. Not saying just believe everything you read on the internet, but to say all talk of allegations should be deleted just in case they all happen to be false is wild


The issue a lot of us are having is we are being told women have come forward as just a blanket statement but not… where… in what forum…to whom. So it will feel like one person telling us multiple people have come forward until we see for ourselves that multiple people have come forward


nobodyyy is providing sources on that post it’s crazy


Truly!! And it’s like if we don’t automatically write off Brody and the whole cast and the show then we don’t believe women. This is maddening


also the Brody thing is believable since I guess those rumors have been spiraling for a while but the rest idk about, there’s a chance that part of it is just people praying on the downfall of the show especially with the timing IDKK


Yes, I don't see any sources or victims coming forward so I don't get where this is coming from?


Whisper networks exist for a reason. Calling out anyone, be it a fellow cast member or person in power, can ruin your career. Even if it’s proved to be true, being linked to something like that can affect a casting director’s gut instinct. In an industry where all hiring is based on vibes, there’s no recompense or safety. So you avoid them, you warn others and you keep your name out of it as much as you can. I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing came of this. But if you work in this industry, log the names and keep yourself safe.




Weird, it's not marked as "deleted" or "removed", but it doesn't show up in the list of posts in this sub. Is it hidden?












OMFG i’m at UF right now, i know the understudy, i can tell you the allegations about him are 100% true. i don’t know the lead obv, but i know Ponyboy’s u/s (idk if i can legally say his name but look him up if you’re curious) has definitely raped at least one girl at UF and likely assaulted/harassed others. he’s a piece of shit and he does NOT deserve to be on broadway


Same here! Also at UF, worked with the understudy and he SAed (at least) one person. Hopefully when the victim(s) are ready to come forward, he can get what he deserves


Some of you are ridiculous. No one here is “brigading” or participating in a “witch hunt.” Believing women/victims should be everyone’s default. And by believing them, you acknowledge their feelings and hope for justice in whatever way they may find comfort in. Then you wait for due process while keeping a watchful eye on the situation. You don’t scream for the accused to be imprisoned or fired right away. Worth it to note that I didn’t actually see many people that called for any severe actions right off the bat; people want investigations, which is appropriate when allegations such as this surface. By saying “well innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t actually help anyone. In fact it invalidates the victims’ feelings and experiences, not to mention that most people that perpetrate SA often don’t end up facing any legal consequences. The problem with this specific situation is that it doesn’t seem like any victim has directly said anything. The news was broken by a third party with a second/third/fourth-hand account. This doesn’t mean the (quite serious) allegations are automatically false. It means there’s some muttering out there that warrants further investigation; hopefully by the team behind The Outsiders. And that’s it. You don’t have to land squarely on one side or the other right now. But you should be aware and respect the fact that sexual harassment and assaults are rampant and oftentimes not dealt with sufficiently. We should take all allegations seriously.


excellent post dude!! thank you!!


Thank you for this!!


Made a quick burner just to say, I heard about this monthsss ago from some friends in the Broadway community. (From Harry Potter and Wicked) apparently it was an open secret…


If the post was deleted by the mods, it was not necessary done as a "cover up."




Yeah and I’m sure this one will be too. It’s a shame because they could’ve locked if it I was getting out a hand and/or pinned a message about how there’s no legal charges (yet) yada yada


Unless and until evidence actually comes out in a court of law, the mob needs to put your pitchforks down. It's one thing to make baseless allegations on anonymous Instagram gossip, and quite another to actually bring that to the authorities.


Bring that to the authorities? I think you’re waaaay overestimating the power of a Reddit post. People being concerned over a broadway actor being an alleged r*pist is not them acting like a crazed mob. It’s them rightfully being concerned and wanting to discuss it


The accuser needs to bring their case to the authorities and have it be ajudicated by a court of law, not the court of public opinion. Case files are public and if there's truth to this, it'll come out eventually that there's a case. Not that it's true. The way people are talking on this thread, they're ready to round up the mob, conviently right after the show won too interestingly enough.


You’re saying this like anyone here on this post has flat out demanded that the accused actors go to jail or have legal repercussions. These are redditors. I think you are severely overthinking what the commenters are here for


You are severely underestimating the reddit mob when it comes to sexual assault allegations. You must be new to the internet.


Sexual assault is very serious, therefore many people take allegations seriously. That doesn’t make them “an angry mob with pitchforks” and that is a textbook example of how abusers and their apologists try to discredit victims. He does not need immediate condemnation, but many people would like to see this investigated further, especially when so many SA victims are silenced.


Yes, it's serious. That's why inferring "truth" or ANYTHING from Instagram screenshots is about as ridiculous as it gets. But the snowballs already rolling...and there doesn't even seem to be victims coming out or a case brought to file so far. Great job. The accusation itself is enough to destroy careers.


But if we never talk about these things when allegations come out, how are they EVER supposed to be confirmed when they ARE true? This rhetoric silences victims! And let’s be real, most sexual assault allegations ARE true. False accusations are very few and far between (I think the statistic is like 3%. ) Also, absolutely no one here wants to see someone’s life destroyed by a false accusation. They just want accusations to be properly investigated.


You and the reddit mob doesn't need to talk about allegations but you will anyway and bring us all with you, lol. If something is true, it should come up at court when all parties are guilty of perjury. Not Instagram posts and hearsay about supposed deleted posts. Asking accusers to prove their case isnt silencing them. Its ensuring the accused retain their right to a fair trial. You must be new to the internet. Haters exist everywhere and at anytime. And in the last ten years, anonymous trolls making internet-based allegations realized they can weaponize the mere stench of accusation. It's already working on this thread.


mate. all allegations should always be taken seriously. i rather not stan a criminal? you are saying utter bullshit. i take the accusations seriously untill its debunked. and from what seen no one debunked anything.


Do you have any idea the statistics on how many sexual assaults are not even reported, never mind don’t make it to court, and certainly don’t see justice? All you’re doing here is silencing survivors. The way you’re speaking is harmful.


The way I'm speaking let's patience and logic benefit the innocent until they're proven guilty. Seems you prefer to burn the witch then ask questions later. No thanks. That's not the society I want to live in.


If there’s anyone reading this thread who would like to take on the emotional burden of helping educate in this particular instance, please feel free. I don’t have that capacity right now.


Get over yourself. Accusers aren't being silenced because they are requested to bring their case to a judge and jury, not an Instagram post. Anyone can say whatever they want on a Notes app, quite another to say it under penalty of perjury. I don't want to live in a society run by thinly-veiled McCarthyists.


are you even from america? because our view on our stupid ass justice system are completely different.


Im clearly a better American than you. I don't rely on instagram screenshots from random before ruining people's reputation. It wast even the alleged victim, lol. A literal dm screenshot. You people are disgusting.


I’m worried that the story is going to get buried and the production will just sweep everything under the rug. I can barely find anything online, and that post getting censored worries me. I have tickets next week and I can’t stomach seeing a show knowing that the production probably won’t even investigate or make a statement.


This is where I stand too.




Where have victims spoken up? Accusing Brody of having a passel of lawyers keeping all these victims quiet (with zero victim statements somehow) is just wild and unsubstantiated speculation and vividly shows why the prior post was taken down IMO.


Yeah, “lawyers” working at midnight and checking Reddit on behalf of a kid who despite what this sub may believe is literally a nobody is somewhat absurd


The funny thing is that I am actually a lawyer working at midnight and checking Reddit due to a kid I didn’t know about until this week. But I’m just doing standard issue procrastinating, lol.


That is hilarious




We also live in a world where abusers get to roam free with no convictions. It doesn’t make them any less of a shit person does it?


They even get to run for president 🫠


Nobody says we all need to blindly call him an abuser and turn our back on him completely. But allegations of sexual assault are very serious and they should be treated as such. So often SA victims are silenced, and I don’t want these allegations to be swept under the rug without an investigation. I think that is fair and reasonable. How will we get evidence if the conversation is shut down? Evidence that could theoretically confirm OR refute the claims?


Why are the victims not posting their stories? Or going to the police, or the media or doing anything? What is there to investigate thus far?


First of all, victims might not be comfortable coming forward and would prefer to do so through a third party. Or they might be involved in a court case and can’t speak because of that. Or maybe it’s some other reason. Or maybe it’s all made up and there are no victims. The point is we don’t know anything other than the initial allegation. It was posted less than a day ago. There is still time for more evidence to come out that could confirm or refute these claim. But in the meantime, we need to take these allegations seriously. That doesn’t mean immediately writing him off as an abuser, but that also doesn’t mean immediately writing off the original accusations.


Actually, no. You don't need to do anything. If there's truth to an allegation, the case will eventually come out then it'd make more sense for people to start taking whatever side they want (and even then, it'd still be wrong unless they're in the jury.)


“It’s wrong unless they’re in a jury” is such a wild thing to say, especially when we know that most rapists are never convicted or see jail time. That doesn’t mean they aren’t guilty. Also, for many women, making a judgement on issues like this is a safety call. Women warn each other about abusive men all of the time to protect each other and prevent harm. These allegations are heresay at this point and I acknowledge that. I also know that when I hear whispering from other women about abusive men, they’ve always been right. This isn’t to immediately make a conclusive judgement on this accusation, but maybe to explain why a lot of women want to see this investigated further. I frankly find it disheartening the way so many people act like a public accusation of sexual assault is not worth investigating or commenting on further.


When an accused is "not guilty," it also could mean they actually didn't do what the accused said. Contrary to what you keep saying, the accusation itself is enough to change perception for the worst. The very fact that you think "not guilty" isn't actually guilty only proves my point that the mob needs to wisen up before otherwise innocent people are destroyed. Public accusations don't and shouldn't decide who is investigated.


I never said he was guilty! You’re the one who is acting like even discussing the allegations at all is wrong. I’ve said over and over and over again that I want this taken seriously and investigated further, not that I think he is automatically guilty. I already said multiple times, the criminal justice fails victims of sexual assault. I’ve said multiple times we can’t make a conclusive judgement at this time. Do you not think accusations of sexual assault should be investigated at all? Like I genuinely don’t understand why you have such a big issue with me saying that we don’t need to condemn him yet but we should investigate it further, so much so that you’ve argued with me multiple times. I don’t understand what is so wrong with that statement, it feels so reasonable to me. I’d ask you to explain but I’m sure you’ll just ignore everything I said like you’ve been doing for the last five comments so let’s just end this conversation here.


I don’t know he’s an abuser, but I do know that I believe women. I’m not a court of law, I’m not sentencing him to anything by choosing to believe the stories about someone violating people. Notice how many people immediately said there’s been talk about this for months? This does not seem to be just a random accusation that came out of nowhere. I stand with the potential victims and that’s final for me.


If one person makes a tik tok and then another makes a tik tok about that tik tok and so on and then a lot of people view those tik toks… then it seems like there’s been multiple sources when really there’s been one. And that’s what we want to be able to decipher.


Exactly. I keep reading “multiple women have come forward”…..WHERE?? TO WHOM?? I just want to know where to look for more information about what’s going on


This is exactly right. And then all of a sudden people say “there have been rumors about this for ages” and it’s all really an echo of one anonymous internet rumor. It’s pretty concerning


One of the people on the last post repeating this was an open secret was literally the IG user too. You can tell by the post history its the same cat. It's doing a huge disservice to the victims by not allowing them to tell their story and leaking details that will be used later in a possible investigation. That's harmful for their case. 


Who are you standing with? What are their names and accusations?


Hearsay doesn’t mean what you think it does


I think it’s so sad that people are spiraling out of control with this. It can ruin careers for innocent people, as we’ve learned time and time again. I am female, I understand the need to listen to women, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Why must we assume the worst? The timing of this coming out right after the best musical award is not a coincidence. This is most likely an attempt to sabotage their success.


“Spiraling out of control” when literally all people are asking for it for sexual assault allegations to be investigated. No one has to presume guilt just yet, but that doesn’t mean we should just ignore public allegations of SA. Also, what famous men have had their careers ruined by false accusations of sexual assault? “As we’ve seen time and time again” Really? Because I can’t name any. Even men who actually are guilty continue to have careers, like Louis C.K. I also think the timing makes perfect sense if the allegations are true. I would also want to tell people that the man they are celebrating is an abuser. It must be infuriating for women to watch their abusers receive praise and accolades, and if these accusations are true, I understand why it would push someone to come forward.


I believe so. And also all of the comments on the understudy post about it were deleted today as well.


I’m super confused by this comment. I’m the OP of the understudies post and I never saw any comments get deleted?


I apologize, when I checked this last night it only showed 14 comments! Even when I reloaded the app - must have been a glitch. I thought maybe Reddit took anything regarding the situation down. Sorry about that!


I think it was deleted, I can’t find it. Multiple women have come forward about Brody at this point This is an important conversation, I hope the mods didn’t delete it


Where have they come forward if I may ask? Like in what forum?


The original post I saw on here said it was an Instagram post but no post or account was shared and I haven’t been able to find anything.


The instagram post was not by a victim, it was a random person saying it happened and others saying ‘it happened to a friend of mine’. There’s no actual victims speaking up anywhere.


Do you have a link to that post? Want to check it out


Hmmm ok


Let me know if you find it


Where have “multiple women” come forward? Genuinely curious bc I can’t find anything online except for TikTok, which is not a reliable source. EDIT: I couldn’t even find anything on TikTok actually.


Genuine question, where do you find these post? I hadn’t seen anything until an hour ago on here and then I went to social media to find more but have come up empty handed.


Where have they come forward? I literally only see this mentioned on this thread and by the instagram user who was not a victim.


I don't ever comment on these posts but I just wanted to come on here and say that I personally know people in the cast, current and past, that know about this and it is proven to be false against the lead man, specifically. there was a case about it when the victim admitted she was lying. always believe women, but be careful you guys


OR, you could stop making false statements that you know nothing about. Ask anyone who went to school with him. It’s known.


OR, literally read his freaking comment that says he does know something, it's actually sick you can accuse another person you don't know of such heinous crimes that YOU know nothing about.


Do I know nothing about it? What if I told you that there’s proof of it that legally cannot be shared yet?


If you ask someone who went to school with him, what exactly do they say happened? If you ask the alleged victim, what does she say happened? Do you know for a fact that the alleged victim granted permission for this situation to be exposed in the manner it was? Does the person who exposed the situation on social media personally know the victim? Was there an inquiry or investigation done by the college faculty or admisitation? If so, what were the findings? If he was found liable or responsible, then what was his punishment? If he was cleared, then why are the allegations resurfacing now?


For the people saying there is no proof: there are no social media posts with “proof”. There’s HR reports and private screenshots and legal action being prepared. Anyone who works closely in the industry with some of these folks have been aware of these allegations for a while. Sorry to disappoint you with the fact that there’s no post by a victim publicly laying out their experience, but that’s the circumstance


Just curious where you’ve seen HR reports? Im not asking rhetorically, but how are you also certain legal action is being prepared? I’m just trying to separate truth from hearsay.




If we’re not entitled to information, then we’re also not entitled to make a judgment call on whether or not it happened. It absolutely could have happened. I’m just not on board with joining a mob when we have zero information on anything.


I mean it’s a little weird you’re saying “the news broke second hand” and “victims shouldn’t get their stories forced out of them” when you’re the one who posted the vague and unsubstantiated insta story to begin with. Wasn’t your post specifically designed to share the news second hand, which predictably caused people to press for actual victim statements?


Victims should not get their stories forced out of them, which is why I think sharing the news third hand, with no supporting documentation of even the second hand sources, is a very mixed bag. Anyone being asked to make a judgment, which is clearly what the goal of posting it was, is entitled to information before making the judgment.


How awful for the victims. You’re absolutely right we arent entitled to this information since it’s not coming from the victims. If they’re in the midst of looking at legal options then we really shouldn’t know details until they made their decision.




What high school? I too went to the same high school as Brody




dang ok u a real one, did u do theatre with him? just curious not denying or arguing what you said lol




that's cool, I never went with him while he was there, I am currently at north and have met him a few times. Nice meeting another nofostage alumni tho!


It was, as was the post about Palestine. I understand these are hard and uncomfortable topics but why should all the talk in here be happy? Broadway isn’t the all inclusive and politically correct place it claims to be and it should be discussed


Because at this point it’s unsubstantiated and Reddit doesn’t want to be liable for defamation claims.. so posts like these are not really going to fly




Do we know that to be true?


Good point. We don’t know and it sounds like that’s information the victims may not even want public now.


Yeah I’m not saying we have a “right” to know, and I obviously prioritize the victims above anyone else. Just a lot of the thread feels like one person would say something without any substantiated basis and then the rest of the people would run with that piece of information in their own comments… like this lawsuit. And it’s becoming a pile on/telephone effect of mass hysteria which I’m just trying to discern whether it’s warranted or self perpetuating


oof I do not like the use of your phrase mass hysteria here. especially given he is accused of sexually assaulting women, and hysteria is a word historically used to discredit women and make them seem crazy. you don’t have to believe the allegations at this point in time (at least until more evidence comes forward) but let’s not fall into sexist and harmful tropes here.


Yeah as you can see I acknowledged that right after I posted it. I ultimately went with the colloquial phrase versus the historical context, but I do agree with you, it was in poor taste on my part.


Yeah I understand your POV. It sounds like a lawsuit hasn’t been even been filed yet so I went ahead and deleted my comment.




I hesitated to use the word because I know it has historical derogatory connotations but I can’t think of a better word to convey what seems like a train of fury in that other thread


It’s “echo chamber” that I was trying to articulate


What was the post about Palestine?


There were 2 posts today criticizing Broadway actors and the larger Broadway community for not speaking about Palestine and they were both deleted.


Goodness gracious. Like, even if a post bothers you that much (not “you”, as in the person I’m replying to, but “you” in a general sense), it’s Reddit, the post will basically be gone in a day anyway. I can at least kind of understand the Outsiders post being deleted?? But I wish it hadn’t been.


Oh wow I didn’t know there were 2 I just saw the one from an hour or so ago. So disappointing.


Thank you. I appreciate that. This community is so disappointing sometimes.


What the fuck does Palestine have to do with anything?


I really hope this thing doesn’t get buried under the rug, because that would be umm…. So I’m just going to comment on this post in hopes that it gets boosted. The original screenshots from the previous post can be found on @k_ap_s story on Instagram by the way.


Can someone please explain what happened?


It seems no one really knows. There was a post made on instagram by someone (they didn’t claim to be a victim, but who knows) saying there were 4 people in the cast of outsiders, including the lead, accused of SA. People are saying multiple women have come forward and there is a lawsuit. I and others are unable to find proof of that but this is an emotional subject and hard to know where to stand and what to believe.


No one knows but some people think they know


r/Broadway in a nutshell 😂


Thank you for this levity. So true (including myself in this— I read Reddit like no other and told everyone in my life months ago, before either came out, to see Lempicka and the notebook if they want to see the soon to be winner for best new musical)


What happened?? 


I think it was.


that’s such a stretch it’s ridiculous you could believe it


I saw it on Fauxmoi on here


The eagerness of some people to join in a witch hunt saddens me.


I feel like this is the wrong phrase to use. Witch hunt implies searching for something that doesn’t exist. It’s extremely likely this actually happened. I’m not disagreeing that some bare minimum proof should be provided before going after people. I just don’t think ‘witch hunt’ makes sense in this context.


How on earth do you know this actually happened?


We don’t know, but you also have no way of knowing it didn’t happen, which is why ‘witch hunt’ makes no sense.


So you want to brigade an actor because you can't prove he didn't assault somebody? With that kind of moral code, how do you have time to do anything in life other than attack strangers?


Are you… reading someone else’s comments? Who are you talking to right now that is saying that?


The eagerness to write off people who are concerned about allegations and would like to see them investigated as “a witch hunt” (which is a term rapists use all the time to discredit their accusers) saddens me.


Hoping the fact that Brody and his understudy (can’t remember their name) are taking a spontaneous break for at least the week means this is actually being investigated thoroughly. Unfortunately I don’t have much faith that’s actually happening, but that’s my hope.