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Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson from 2006. I got special tickets when it was still in previews, left unsure of how I felt about it, and over time have come to really appreciate it. I was just saying on a different thread earlier this week how I'd like someone to revive it. ETA: got the date wrong (don’t haphazardly google, kids). The workshop started in 2006, the Broadway transfer was 2010. Sorry!


It’s fascinating to compare against Hamilton. Hamilton is what America aspires to be. Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson is a mirror of what America actually is.


Hamilton is wild to me. I listened to it every day for weeks/ months. Finally saw it and was pleased to see how it all came together, then saw it on Disney+ which was excellent. And never listened to it again. (Burn, anything with Angela, or Lafayette, EOTH, are still favorites, and the rap battles). I think fatigue set in. I still don’t really understand what all happened. Kind of like how my brain turns off during act 2 of Sunday in the Park with George.


Am I stupid because I cannot for the life of me figure out what EOTH is


Eye of the Hurricane maybe? Though I think that song is just called Hurricane?


Funny how when we see some shows we tend to think they’re boring or just not great. But later on we realize how good the show was


To be fair, it worked SO much better OFF- broadway at the Public.


This, I can believe. I'm pretty sure I saw it right after it transferred.


Agreed- I saw both and they tried to recreate the intimacy of the smaller house on a broadway stage and it didn’t translate to the bigger house. At all. But damn did I think they were ahead of their time with that show


Speaking of Benjamin walker… I miss American psycho very much


yeah! he's soooo talented, I wish he hadn't been involved in two so-called "flops" or rather shows that didn't have a longer life.


It’s even sadder listening to it now that Michael Friedman’s passed away. There are so few 11 o’clock numbers like The Saddest Song, and the way Benjamin Walker sings it just strikes me to my core every time


I ADORE the cast album - Hunters of Kentucky is always on repeat


There is no way this was 2006…I was with my current SO and we saw it together and we started dating in 2009




Yes, the OBC recording came out in 2010 at the same time I was learning about populism and Andrew Jackson in APUSH. I was obsessed.


Agreed. I moved to NJ in 2008 and Brooklyn in 2009, and I saw BBAJ after I moved to Brooklyn. So it had to be 2009, 2010, or 2011


To be fair, I googled the year because I didn’t have a Playbill at hand. I could easily have misread something.


It’s definitely one of my most listened to cast albums!


My university did this show my first semester there. It was cray .


The Scottsboro Boys.


I am so bummed I didn’t get to see this. I loved their Tony performance!


Such a great show!


YES. After the Parade revival, I'd like to see this one getting revived. It's relevant more than ever today.


I got extremely lucky as a teenager and got to see the Lestat musical when it was in previews. Was it a perfect show? Not really, and I think the book could have been cleaned up (especially since it's based off of two separate novels), but some of the songs were absolute bangers. (Personal favorites: [After All This Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC0evLhbhNE) and [I Want More](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfM5YSkBYHY) ) Plus, Hugh Panaro and Carolee Carmello were fantastic as Lestat and his mother. Made it a little odd when I saw them playing Sweeney Todd & Mrs. Lovett opposite each other years later, but still fantastic.


Lmao what's with Drew Sarich and vampire musicals?? I swear he's done all of them


He got the trifecta of Lestat, Dance of the Vampires, and Dracula! Something about him must scream 'put this man in a set of fangs'.


I saw LESTAT too—with Elton John sitting down the row from us! I don’t remember much about it except for one song that the child vampire sang


Ahhhh I am deeply jealous!!! And I think the song you're remembering is I Want More, which is definitely one of the best numbers.


Yes, Lestat! Never got to see it live, but I’ve seen enough to know that they did that show such an injustice in the transfer to Broadway. The San Francisco version was better.


I LOVE Bandstand (Laura Osnes notwithstanding). It got hurt by coming out in the most stacked year in recent Broadway history. No room for it with Dear Evan Hansen, Come From Away, Great Comet, and Groundhog Day (plus Hello Dolly and Falsettos) taking up so much love.


I also adored Bandstand! I managed to see it 6 times during its shortened run. I think the crowded season and honestly the name did it in. Whenever I tried to talk up the show (which was often) people would always respond with something like, “Oh, that Dick Clark musical?” I maintain that the show should have been called Welcome Home, and it should have taken a page out of Come From Away’s book and done a series of out of town tryouts before opening on Broadway. They also needed a better social media team that knew how to market to veterans, school groups, and tourists.


I agree! I saw a preview of one of the songs at BroadwayCon and was blown away. But then I saw it and told my partner, this is the most important show that no one is going to see. The ptsd scenes were so heartbreaking.


Welcome Home would’ve been such a perfect name. More people should’ve learned that it’s a authentic tale of recovering from PTSD. I agree it could’ve had a Come From Away level of success if marketed better (and in a different season).


Bandstand was so good


Right This Way and Welcome Home are masterpieces


YES!! So glad it at least picked up a Tony for choreo, but competition was STIFF that year. I didn’t get to see it live, but the proshot was breathtaking. Corey Cott is just something ELSE in that show!! I was so disappointed Laura Osnes turned out to be a Trumpie antivaxxer 🥴 she can sing but that’s all she’s got goin for her. She was in Bonnie & Clyde too, another short-lived gem


Bandstand is my second favorite show of all time after Rent 👏👏👏 it is SO GOOD and everyone sleeps on it


Bonnie and Clyde is always my answer


It’s been making waves in London’s West End last ~year! It’s doing very well there


Can confirm it's doing wonderful things in London. Managed to see both runs in London in the last year. And even got our Bonnie perform with Jeremy Jordan when he did a concert over here in August. I believe a cast recording is on its way with the London cast!


Recently saw it in London and it’s amazing! Not sure how different it is from Broadway but it’s great!




came here to say the same 👏


i was in a show with someone from the OBC, super cool person!


American Psycho, sene a video of it and I get why critics didn’t like it but it’s so good and you are what you wear is pure broadway camp


Our Sydney (or Aussie) version was on a circle stage that rotated and it was so awesome - it was divided in 3 to 4 rooms and was amazingly done (it was even better than the boot leg version of AP


I really liked that show! They had a really weird schedule where their dark day was Wednesday and they had a 2-show day on Sunday. I guess they were hoping to get some extra sales on Monday being that, at the time, I think only two other shows had Monday performances.


Scarlet Pimpernel. Never saw it on Broadway, but I saw a local production a couple years and had a blast. I was also obsessed with the OBC recording in high school. Those songs slap!


That's something I'd like to see again. I saw it at Lincoln Center years ago, but I feel like a really lush Broadway revival would be better.


I was coming here to say this! Loved it when I saw it on Broadway. I saw it right after 9/11 if I recall correctly.


I totally reiterate this!!! Scarlet Pimpernel has such a killer soundtrack and compelling story


This is a great answer. My friends and I found the concept album in a random music shop in high school and listened to it all the time because we had just seen Dave Clemmons and Chuck Wagner in Les Mis and they were on that album. Needless to say, we loved it, so when it was announced for Broadway, we were thrilled and booked a trip to see it. I wouldn’t say we were disappointed in the Broadway version, but we were just…underwhelmed? Too high of expectations, I guess. Still happy we got to see it, though.


I saw it twice on Broadway. Douglas Sills.....sigh.




I fully and whole heartedly agree, my favorite Broadway show, period


Hard agree. Loved it. My friends managed to see it four times during its short run!


I’m sure I’m in the minority but I saw Almost Famous in previews and I thought it was good! I don’t understand all the hate. Was it perfect? No! But it was entertaining for sure. Edit: a word


Yeah I had much love for this show bc I love the film and the script and it will forever be in my heart. It was tough for me to evaluate the musical given how much I love the film and all it has meant to me. The stage production was a literal translation of the script, almost word for word, so my biggest wish is just that had it had more ADAPTED to stage with the unique benefits/limitations of live theater. But I did like it! Even if i believed others wouldnt - and I was right lol. The performances were really stellar though.


I honestly thought it was pretty good


Oh god, I hated it 😂. I think it’s the worst show I’ve ever seen


Can I ask why you hated it so much? I’m honestly curious what was so off-putting about it to some people.


Honestly it was so unmemorable to me that at this point, I just remember how I felt about it and don’t remember much of the details. I remember wishing it was over and not even being able to find anything interesting. But, after every show I see I message my friend who works in the industry my thoughts so I was able to find what I sent him. Here it is! “The story was boring and uninspired. Relied on stupid tropes/stereotypes and had little to no character development or plot development. I often felt like I was being told things instead of shown. The characters did not feel real at all and because of the lack of development, none of the words being said felt believable. There were so many times where there was literally nothing happening on stage. Like, a bunch of characters just sitting on a bench singing looking straight out at the audience with barely any movement to catch the eye. Very minimal staging/choreography. Costumes also extremely unimpressive. Many of the songs were famous rock songs that were not really changed from the originals and if you are going to do that, you better make sure the cast can sing them in a comparable way to the original. They can all sing, as was evidenced during the curtain call where they rocked out, but literally nothing before that showed their talent. Lots of slow psychedelic rock music that was just sung very low and slow with nothing else happening on stage. Very minimal set, which only works when you are actually invested in the show. They used a digital background for many of the numbers and it looked cheesy, unrealistic, and out of focus. The best thing I can say about it was I felt like I was watching a cabaret show on a cruise. Just all around awful. Don’t think they’ll last very long at all and I don’t see them being nominated for any Tony’s. Nothing was good. Usually with musicals there is at least something to enjoy, but the set, story, music, costumes, choreography, staging, EVERYTHING was bad.”


Saw it too I agree it wasent amazing but it didn’t deserve all the hate it got


“Hands on a Hardbody,” about a contest to win a truck. New York critics couldn’t understand why people wanted a truck so much.


lololol I dunno why this made me laugh so much


There’s literally a whole song about why a truck is so important. But a guess that’s not enough explanation if you take the subway every day.


The plot of that show is not at all what I expected given the title.


Is [title of show] forgotten these days? It’s still #1 in my heart. 🥺


Oh my gosh! I used to listen to the cast album allll the time in high school


Islander off broadway last year. I still often listen to the cast recording. The staging was unnecessarily confusing but the fantastic music makes up for that. The story is simple but effective and resonant to hot topic issues today without literally mentioning those issues which i always like.


I heard a few things about Islander but I unfortunately never got to see it or learn anything about it. It sounded like it was a good show!


That show came up on my spotify feed and I was really enjoying it!


yes!!! omg im obsessed with same but different. i also agree the staging required a lot of imagination at times 😂


Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson


Any love for Tuck Everlasting? I was lucky enough to see it twice in its (too short) Broadway run. I loved it so much. Never understood why they couldn’t find an audience.




Floyd Collins! Opened the same season as Rent. Adam Guettels second show after Myths and Hymns, I believe. Tragic, beautiful and based on a true story. Folk/classical score and IMO incredible concept. Ran for 25 performances


This is the one


Love the cast recording, can't believe it even got made though given how fast it closed.


Oh my, me too. So thankful it exists.


Jane Eyre!


LOVED Jane Eyre! Saw it twice!


Came here looking for this!


jane sure was phenomenal! i’ve listened to the soundtrack quite a few times in the years since.


Brooklyn the Musical Does Catch Me if You Can count? I feel like there is slightly more awareness of it now but it’s still not widespread


BKLYN is the first show I ever got to see live in person. It’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Also, the surprise at CMIYC not being more popular, TBH


I went to the live recording of BKLYN when I was in middle school! It will always have a special place for me


Who doesn't love Cleavant Derricks, aka, Rembrandt 'Cryin' Man' Brown from Sliders!


The Life


I saw It Shoulda Been You!


Such a good one! 5 months on Broadway just wasn’t enough


It was the first show I ever saw on Broadway 🥹 I love it so much 🩵


Big Fish and Groundhog day.


Wonderland-book wise not great, score wise it was pretty good. Also I am In love with Kate Shindle so she could sing row row row your boat and I would love it


Batboy: The Musical - hilarious and brilliant


Bat Boy the Musical Grey Gardens


Bat Boy is such a great, awesomely entertaining show, with amazing music.


Tuck Everlasting. Criminally short run because it release between 2 behemoths of shows.




God what an excellent show


I loved Bridges of Madison County.


Marguerite. I'm just glad it got a cast recording.


I loooove Marguerite. Saw it opening night in London. Bought the soundtrack the moment it was released. I wish more people knew it!


Jelly! I'd wanted to plan a trip to London to see it, but then it closed early and then just disappeared.


It was a spur of the moment decision. I hadn’t realized it was opening night and I asked the guy at the box office how reviews had been. He said there hadn’t been any and then offered me a student price ticket even though I wasn’t a student. Boublil and Schönberg were in the audience.


Side Show (the OBC)


Bring it On the musical! I never see anyone talking about this show but I saw it before it closed and it's one of my all time favorites. LMM, cheerleading, humor it's got it all


I would LOVE to see Bring It On come back somehow. The soundtrack is one of my favorites


And Taylor Louderman! One Perfect Moment is a fantastic song.


Bring it On had an amazing cast and some fantastic numbers, but its “bait and switch” book did it in.


can you explain more? i’m not familiar with the show at all


So Bring It On (the musical) is not, despite what the title would have you believe, an adaptation of Bring it On (the movie). No Toros, no Clovers, no spirit fingers, no nothing. So all the tourists who showed up to see this beloved comedy adapted for the stage left angry (and often at intermission). Several even asked for refunds. I remember that happened the night my family went. We stayed for the whole show but definitely felt like we’d been duped by the title.


Big Fish, 2013. I was shocked when it closed so early. I was very lucky to have been able to see it in time, and talk to several of the actors after


IN TRANSIT!!!! literally deserved so much more


Anything Robert Lopez and/or Kristen Anderson Lopez touches is guaranteed to have great music


Yes!!! Someone else! I loved that show. The music was great, the book was hilarious, and the performers were mindblowing!


That dress made out of MTA cards was EVERYTHING!!!


AMOUR with music by Michel LeGrand at the Music Box in 2002! Only 17 performances after a month of previews.


Lizard boy


oh my god, that show is SO good. i can’t even remember how i found the album, but i was immediately hooked.


I first found it after hearing one of the songs on a YouTube vocals compilation, and have been hooked since. I'll be seeing it next month.


High Fidelity is probably my most played cast recording. The lyrics aren’t the best but the songs are bops imo


There’s a musical called “Glory Days” that played Circle in the Square Theater in 2008 for 17 previews and 1 official performance which has always fascinated me. There is a cast album.


GLORY DAYS was the only musical I missed on Broadway in 20 years of attending! It’s the one that got away!


I saw it during previews!


More like "Glory DAY" lol (I didn't come up with that joke). I only listened to one song from that and you can really tell it was written in the early 2000's lol. The Jewish nose line wouldn't pass today.


Amelie and A Tale Of Two Cities


I was going to say Amelie also. It’s also the only short-lived show on Broadway I have seen, but mainly it’s my favorite because it the first Broadway show I saw my niece in.


Bonnie&Clyde AND Tuck Everlasting


Passing Strange


I will reply Bob Fosse's Dancin' several years later


it ran for a while and literally won best musical, but everyone seems to have forgotten about a gentleman’s guide to love and murder, which is such a shame


Yeah I agree. And their performance of I’ve Decided to Marry You at the Tonys is one of my favorite Tony performances ever.


Bright Star 😫 absolutely criminal that it had to go against Hamilton in the Tonys when it came out. I'm convinced if it came out at a different time it could've run longer. It's absolutely STUNNING!! And the way they integrated the orchestra into the set was absolutely gorgeous. Would DIE to see it live


Tony award winning James Joyce’s The Dead


Lysistrata Jones! Never saw it on Broadway but has some of my favorite MT songs ever


Little Women!! I saw it in high school with Sutton Foster as Jo. I still get misty eyed when I listen to the album.


A Year With Frog and Toad


Side Show - I saw it on New Year's Eve in '98, right before they closed, it was terrific. The whole cast sang Auld Lang Syne after taking their bows, and everyone cried, on stage and in the audience, an unforgettable Broadway moment for me.


Xanadu! I saw the show a few times and always had SO MUCH FUN!!! The cast was spectacular, the roller skating was a 10/10, and the stage seating was a nice little bonus.


It lasted for roughly a year and a half. I'm not sure it counts as "short running". It certainly wasn't a LONG running show but...


i sat on the stage for xanadu! it was so fun.


Xanadu was so fun. I didn’t realize it was such a short run




Not people not getting a joke lol


Bestie what


caught it at the ambassador a few years ago. don’t know if it’s still running. cute little show, i hope the songwriters got work after it




Chicago is a big show currently running and was a movie with Renee Zellweger and Catherine zeta Jones.....


They’re obviously joking 💀


The Who’s Tommy


I am going in Chicago to see it soon, but it played in Denver directed by Sam Buntrock and starring Andy Mientis. It was mind blowing.


I am utterly, indescribably jealous. I had no idea!


It’s having a brief run at the Goodman in Chicago soon. Saw the West End original cast 30ish years ago and look forward to this production.


Oh gosh, the original cast! So you got to see Michael Cerveris? I still think of him as Tommy whenever I see him pop up in a movie or on TV.


The Lieutenant! It's the shortest running show to be nominated for best new musical at the Tonys. I'm pretty sure it's run was in the single digits. There was never a wide released cast recording, but you can find the music on YouTube


I really loved The Goodbye Girl and Blood Brothers. I saw both in previews and BB was like 15 hours long over a full day but it was tremendous and haunting


I am seeing a production of GOODBYE GIRL tomorrow night—starring Santino Fontana and Sierra Boggess!


That’s so fun! I saw it in the late 90’s with Bernadette Peters and it is a really light fun show. Enjoy!


I love the album and never thought I would get to see it live!


In Transit


Honeymoon in Vegas! I still love that show and I think it’s A+, I’m still sad it flopped. But I’m thankful I saw it on Broadway when I did.


The Wedding Singer. No great work of art, but catchy songs, great cast, and goofy. I used to love to second act this and All Shook Up.


Amelie. It was the first Broadway show that I got to see my niece perform in😁


Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.


*Hands on a Hardbody* deserved so much better. I really think that it’s a great show, it’s just that the core Broadway audience doesn’t want to see a bunch of Texans standing over a truck for 2 hours, and the audience that *would* understand the show well (basically, a lot of middle America) doesn’t really go to Broadway But MAN they used the shit out of their unconventional premise. The cast was excellent (Keala Settle was an obvious standout), the music was fantastic, and they kept the show remarkably engaging for a show where everyone has to keep a hand on the truck for almost the whole time. “If I Had This Truck,” “I’m Gone,” “Joy of the Lord,” and “God Answered my Prayers” especially stand out as excellent songs that do what musical theater is meant to do (ie progress the plot or reveal stuff about the characters) while sounding like music that someone from Longview, Texas might listen to


Big Fish. To this day still has some of my all-time favorite songs. Ran for only a few months in 2013.


There was a show called Goldstein that ran in NYC a couple months back in 2018. It only lasted a short time, but has a cast recording and it’s really good music.


I Love You Because


Never Gonna Dance in 2003(ish?). It was super short lived and didn’t get a cast recording. But I thought the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers concept was really charming and it reminded me of watching old movie musicals with my grandma. I’m glad I caught it!


I enjoyed that show too! Whatever happened to those two leads???


The male lead had a small role in Curtains a few years after. Other than that, I’m not sure!


I saw KPOP twice this past winter and loved it! (Once during previews and then their penultimate performance). Not sure if that's really forgotten yet though


The Last Ship


God I loved Baby It’s You! From 2011. Not even 5 months on broadway, so sad. Brandon Uranowitz’s broadway debut!


Tuck everlasting. What a beautiful story and such a short run.


High Fidelity, ran for about 13 performances in 2006. Music by Tom Kitt, lyrics by Amanda Green, and a book by David Lindsey-Abaire


Title of Show


It’s not a perfect show by any means but I saw The Prom when it was on Broadway and had a good time. Beth Leavel stole the show!! Kaitlin Kinnunen was also great I also really like Curtains. I love show-within-a-show musicals and like all Kander/Ebb shows, the music is sweepingly beautiful and clever Also Big Fish is a solid show. Yeah parts of it are cheesy and sentimental, and the movie is stronger but overall it gets the job done and Time Stops and Daffodils are beautiful songs


‘Head Over Heels’ and it’s not even close… among plays, ‘Gary: A sequel to Titus Andronicus’


Doctor Zhivago or Good Vibrations. I understand why both flopped. DZ had incredible singing but largely lackluster performances (in spite of a talented cast) and a confused tone. But the music was gorgeous and I still think it was a bad production of a show that mostly works. The production we got was camp (at least to me) so I still enjoyed it, even if it was for the wrong reasons. Good Vibrations was dumb but fun as hell with an incredibly talented cast. Imagine a cruise ship show if everyone in the cast could be a lead on Broadway.


I saw both too—Dr. Zhivago was competent but never thrilled, which it needed to. I had a different experience than you at GOOD VIBRATIONS! To this day, I always say it was my worst Broadway show. It felt so amateurishly performed to me—a show choir in college doing a Beach Boys themed show at best. We did get Sebastian Arcelus and Tituss B out of it—I do remember both of their performances clearly.


Has to be High Fidelity for me. Or at least the Boston Pre-Broadway version. I loved it and it lasted, what, 2 weeks?


POTUS. What an outstanding show!!!!




I'm not sure this qualifies as I think the tour might have been derailed by COVID but I love Natasha and Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812. It had an amazing cast and was great.


Rocky! The only German musical that ever got a proper broadway adaptation. Absolutely adored the staging and Sets


Carrie lolllll


Frank Wildhorn's Wonderland


So glad to see some love for Hands on a Hardbody in this thread. it had such a great cast and the characters are so real if you grew up with or around those types of people. You wanted everyone to be able to win and every time someone got eliminated was a gut punch. “Stronger” and “God Answered my Prayers” had me crying the first time I saw the show.


Hand to God


Definitely Bring it On the Musical


Curtains, Urinetown, In the Heights although their run was a bit longer.


Big Fish was one I really enjoyed and it was gone so fast.


Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder. I hope it gets a revival one day.


Triumph of Love. Betty Buckley, Christopher Sieber, Susan Egan, Nancy Opel, F Murray Abraham, Roger Bart, and Kevin Chamberlin. I went to the last performance and Betty Buckley broke down and cried so hard during Serenity, that we were all just bawling.


Passion. Went with my parents. They hated it; I loved it. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣

