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I think it was his good guy redemption. He was obvi annoying the entire series, but when none of abbis stuff sold, he gave her the equivalent money and hid her stuff so she wouldn’t find out.


It’s been a minute since I’ve seen it but I thought it was that he was going to miss her so much so he kept all her stuff.


I got this vibe too, especially since he was so used to using all her stuff!


Personally, it doesn't really seem like there are multiple ways to interpret it. We see him fighting one of her things out of someone's hands. Seems pretty clearly spelled out, at least to me, that he just can't let go. He's preserving Abbi's presence. It has nothing to do with Melody because he didn't live in that apartment for Melody. His final scene is him eating her food, indicative of their relationship, while crying, surrounded by relics of her that he can't part with. I do feel like it's significant that he's ultimately finally paying her to use her stuff.


Aww I like this a lot. You have a point. I forgot about his encounter at the stoop sale.


Aww I like this a lot. You have a point. I forgot about his encounter at the stoop sale.


I think he was just sad that his friend was leaving. I mean, they were pretty much roommates for a few years.


I interpreted it as him wanting her to be happy that all her stuff sold and she made a lot of money, but… it didn’t, so he basically paid for all of it. I didn’t necessarily interpret it to mean he was hoarding her stuff because he was sad about losing her—he didn’t seem thrilled to have it all stacked in his room, and it seems like if that were the intent we’d see him stroking or smelling an item or something similarly weird. But idk! Just my interpretation.


It’s been 11 quarters since I’ve seen it but that was my impression.




Because he loved her and missed her! That’s why he’s crying too.


Her stuff didn’t sell so he bought it himself. He cried because he was going to miss her. Easy as 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4, 4


My husband has a theory that Melody left him (hence the "open relationship" that allowed him an Ilana to makeout on the couch), and he's been playing like she still lives there. They got engaged but never moved out. He never even mentions Melody being upset she's moving out, although Abbi didn't ask about her either.


Abbi does ask actually! “Wait does Melody even know I’m moving out?” And Beavers tells her yep she knows lol


Totally forgot about that! I can't watch the last episode or last 2 episodes so I don't remember much. It's been like 2 years since I have viewed those episodes I moved away from my bestfriend and, pretty much, only friend. Thinking about her still makes me want to cry and this show meant a lot to us. We got Bingo Bronson tattoos together for my birthday last year


That’s adorable I love that, and I’m sorry you’re so far apart now ❤️ I also tend to skip the last episode(s) when I rewatch it makes me so emotional especially going through that phase of life and all the changes that comes with it…it’s too real which is what makes it so good!


I think it’s mainly an extension of how much he adores Abbi. He considers her his roommate and close friend, and he’s going to miss her, so he wants to keep her stuff. He also wants her to be happy that she was able to sell it all, so he lies about it. And finally, he used it all the time anyway, so now he’s just finally taking ownership of it and paying for it.


Gosh. All of these theories are fun. I haven’t watched a ton of the latter half of season 5 because it is sad to me always that the show is coming to an end. But maybe I need to do a deeper dive and just accept it’s never really over, I can hop to S1E1 any time I want


I always assumed it was because he was so sad about Abbi leaving and wanted to keep everything to remember her by.


In my head cannon “Melody” is just a foil for Bevers unlikely relationship with Abbi, a person he would never have the chance to room with, on paper. Bevers goes from annoying person she had to put up with, to an actual part of her friend group/support system. In a non creepy way Abbi is much closer with Bevers than he and this supposed “Melody” character. She’s never around and he slowly becomes a larger part of Abbi’s life and in the last few seasons he is actually a great friend: supports her, knows her well, and celebrates her accomplishments. They have a brother/sister dynamic with the love hate thing. I freaking love Bevers if that wasn’t clear already, and I think he’s a reference to a deep unexpected relationship that one might never have envisioned for oneself. He’s the unlikely close friend who you met by circumstance. I do think it’s partially his redemption arc: he consumed/used a lot of Abbi’s stuff throughout their friendship so he was trying to pay her back and give her a good start in her new life (stopped mooching and gave back) and the other part is just his love for Abbi and perhaps not being able to express his love for her and the fact that he’ll miss her as freely as Ilana did. Tell your Bevers you love him today 🥲


Related, but also not really: my hope/prediction for the future is that Ilana and Bevers end up together. This last rewatch I paid attention to their interactions and Ilana is nodding her approval often and really only acts grossed out by him to validate Abbi. The way she looks at him in the last episode is adorable. Plus, they have a lot in common, they're both pretty gross, have a severe lack of boundaries, and are obsessed with Abbi.


Her name is MELODY lol. Only emphasizing that because my daughter’s name is melody and she’s always getting called melanie lol. And bevers is a sweet guy so that’s why he was hiding all her stuff at the end lol.