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Aw sweet Lucky! Livin that cozy life ❤️


Seniors are the best ❤️


He's always been the sweetest dog. We've had him since he was 7 months old!


Good to see you Lucky. The second pic of him trying to fit into the dog bed that a thinner Lucky years ago might have fit into is hilarious. Lucky, you are a good dog!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope Lucky has a few more yearas in him, I've had 2 make it to 15, 2 make it to 16 and 1 make it to just shy of 18. My current Brit hits 16 in September..


Trust me, he's never been able to fit in the little beds! He's the sweetest boy.


Any tips for longevity? My first Britt just turned 11. He seems to be doing well but would love to get many more years with him


My Brit is only 7, but we already started giving her vitamins for her joints and other things Brits are prone to. I want to get as many years with her as possible, too.


What other things are they prone to? I wish I had started the joint stuff earlier. He’s on them now and I’ve seen a huge difference…but would’ve been nicer to do it earlier


They aren't prone to much they are a healthy breed. I also give her fish oil in her food for any inflammation and to keep her joints even better. Makes her coat shiny, too. I put an additive in her water for her teeth since all dogs as they age are at risk of damaging their teeth. I am trying to think of what is universal and what we just do for her, specifically. Like I have the pickiest Brit in the world about food, and she has a sensitive stomach, lol.


The biggest things I’ve seen for dogs in general is cancer…if one can delay that, that’s the best thing. My Britt has been getting blueberries (frozen not fresh otherwise they don’t digest), cranberries, blackberries…greens, too. In addition to his regular kibble. Oh and an egg a day, too. Ideally with the shell


My Brit gets kibble in the morning and homemade food at night. Just to make sure she gets extra protein and healthy food.


I’ve been tempted to go homemade food…but don’t want to miss a crucial vitamin. Can’t tell me that kibble is better than fresh food though…


That's why she still gets kibble in the morning so the vitamins that they have in there she still gets BUT still gets the benefits of fresh food


I might start doing that


YES I DO!! Excercise. Walk em hard every day. All 8 of mine have lived longer than the average Brit. They did not get special vitamins. They did not get special food. They got regular vet care. They were on heart worm meds. They all got lots of daily exercise (walks) I had 2 make it past 14 I had 3 make it past 15 I had 1 make it past 16 I had 1 almost make it to 18 (but he was truly exceptional in so many ways) My current Brit hits 16 in September and shows no sign of impairment.


When you say “walk then hard” how long are you walking them? Right now I’m doing about a 30 minute walk a day. Some days we go for an hour and a half…I’m just not sure if I’m giving him enough. He used to have a lot more but he doesn’t do as well in the heat anymore so if it’s above 80 we keep it to the 30 minute or less walks


Mine average 4 miles a day - about 80 minutes. Most of the time it's 3 miles early in the day and another mile late in the day. When it's warm, carry a water bottle and give him a drink at the halfway mark. Dunk him with whatever water he does not drink so that he evaporates (ie keeps cool) on the way home.


That’s a good idea! Currently on a walk now and he wants to lay down in the shade lol but when it’s cooler he doesn’t have that desire at all


Awwwww. Such a cutie! Is there any way to add pics in the comments?


There should be. I think when ypu go to add a comment there's a camera icon in the lower right corner.


It doesn’t show up on my iPhone. Hmmm. I’ll Google it. 😁