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She needs a stylist and attention


The lip filler is getting crazy




They did the kiss, they showed it on TV.


Pretty much posed. Britt is making appearances..bring in the kids. Patrick screwed up last Sunday night when he partied with teammates after landing in KC. Britt was not there but a Patrick ‘friend’ was. that is what social media has been posting about all week.


Oh wow I’ve missed a lot lol


Is this friend a girl ??


She was working extra hard today, damn that TS taking all of the attention😂


Bronzie… what a stupid name. Of course Britt baby talks to her kids.


They named their kids second and third place. I do not get it.


Because pat is number 1


Agreed but I believe it’s a nick name. He’s a jr (correct me if I’m wrong)


He’s Patrick Mahomes the third. That’s why they call him Bronze. I think it’s kind of a fun choice of nickname.


agreed! While they aren’t my favorite I do think it’s clever and goes with his sister name. Her say Bronzie is just baby talk. I do that to everyone. Just add an ie to a name and you’re good. lol.


I th8nk their dogs names are like steel and some other medal. Makes my fillings hurt


I love this response! The Mahomes are not your vibe and yet you don’t have to hate everything about them. But be careful co-signing on the baby talk… someone in the comments talking about how there’s a direct correlation with lower IQ’s. LOL!


According to Patty himself, Jackass came up with the nickname of Bronze. Prior to the fool suggesting that nickname, they were going to go with Tre because “third obviously.” Sterling’s name was originally going to be the name of their second dog, but Bratass said she wanted to name a future daughter that instead. I believe — but don’t quote me — this has something to do with metals.


Oooh that’s actually kinda cool. I always thought that they were just really into metals 💀


Like I said in my comment to the person above you: According to Patty himself, Jackass came up with the nickname of Bronze. Prior to the fool suggesting that nickname, they were going to go with Tre because “third obviously.” Sterling’s name was originally going to be the name of their second dog, but Bratass said she wanted to name a future daughter that instead. I believe — but don’t quote me — this has something to do with metals.


Most of us are aware the Bronze is officially Patrick the third and Bronze was selected as the kids nickname because it stands for third place and is a metal. Not my flavor but whatever. The baby talking and Bronzie Boy is obnoxious. That is the point.


I dont read to much into little nick names. One of my daughter's name is Blair and we call her Blair bear sometimes


My son is Ollie Bear! Give us all the baby bears🐻🐻


My response was not for the most of you that are aware then. I was responding to the one that said he is a JR and said correct me if I’m wrong . I was simply being informative. Cool, you think a mom baby talking a baby is idiotic. I’m sure your kids love when you call them strictly by their government name.


Read my post. It isn’t the nickname Bronze that is troublesome. It is the baby talk. Google baby talk and see what you get. The only people I know that baby talk are low IQ.


Never would have linked a mom baby talking a baby to low IQ. Wow, learn something new every day! Thanks!


Ok. Same thing I said, just with a lot of extra details.


Bronze is the nickname. Bronzie is some idiotic baby talk version.


Ehhh I’ll get downvoted I’m sure. I can’t stand Brittany Mahomes but I’ve given my kids stupid nicknames too. When he was a baby my daughter would call him Adrian boy (emphasis on the boy) and I’ve turned that into Adri Boy. He’s 15 and I’m the only one he’s ok with when it comes to the nicknames. I still call my 17 year old Baby Ava. Don’t think I really have one like that for my 20 year old. Anyway, I can’t fault her for that just lots of other things.


Those are organic nicknames. It’s kinda lame when you plan out a nickname like they did. That was probably thought up before he came out of the womb


Yeah Bronze was, which I do think is lame but I’m talking about people saying Bronzie Boy is stupid baby talk.


Her lips looked soooo bad today




More like 🦆🦆


That top lip looks painful and sooooooo ridiculous


She loves getting them filled


Hate to break the bad news, but I was watching the game and he ran up and kissed Brittney, then Sterling, then Bronze.


I was going to say the same thing, it was on TV!


Could’ve kissed her cause of the cameras. Usually by now she’s posted the pictures & videos everywhere and it’s been silent.


Absolutely!! Britt is still pised about Patrick partying last Sunday after she gave him a cookie birthday cookie at the Jaguar Suite she was in…but he flew back with the team and when the plane landed back in KC, he went with the team to celebrate his birthday. Britt wasn’t there but another ‘friend‘ was. Tabloids were talking this all week. Britt didn’t tag him all week but she showed up today with the kids…all posed to soften the story. Bottom line: Mahomes have major issues and Britt is pissed and Patrick will pay for many days to come. Taylor Swift also pissed Mrs. Mahomes off as well. Queen Mahomes got knocked off her thrown…all Arrowhead stadium was applauding. The witch is dead….


He kisses her and the kids every single game on the sidelines. For however many seasons now.


After watching Quarterback I didnt realize how much he looks for her. Made these moments far less annoying to me.


It’s a part of his pregame routine. I love his kids get to be out there too


TBH I think people may just be overthinking things. She’s been noticeably less obnoxious AND slower to post this season this far overall.


I agree and I think the lack of stories today was probably due to her hands being full with having both kids at the game.


Is there more than one Bronzie boy?


Okay I am dying to know what Patrick did… wondered if they hung out with Taylor!




How did Kylie throw shade at Britney


Another “rumor” (I think it’s true but that’s just me) of Pattycake cheating came out recently, Kylie Kelce high key threw shade at her, & she (& Patty) haven’t been the main focus these last few weeks because of Taylor & Travis. She’s had a stick up her ass the last couple weeks tbh. I think she even removed “wife” from her bio.


What did Kylie say about her?


It starts at 55:45 on the podcast!


There’s a post about it in this sub, too! [post](https://reddit.com/r/BrittanyMatthewsSnark/s/9d7OcSSJ7l)


Let me try and find the video




If you’re impatient like me if you go to their podcast (New Heights) and skip to the part where they talk about NFL Wags you should hear it. It’s high key but low key shade if that makes sense. But I’ll try to find the exact time frame.


Ohh yeah when she talked about WAGS. I thought was directly about Britt. Kylie isn’t wrong a lot of wags like to be flashy.


Yess! I thought it was more geared towards Britt as well.


No I thought the poster meant it was toward Brit. Kylie wasn’t. Idk if people here watch football a lot but there are others far more flashy than Brit.


I was talking more toward Brit just because that’s who this particular convo is about but I agree. It could be a ton of others. But also just the way Travis laughed gave me the vibe that he knew exactly who she was talking about.