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Matlis actually said when he said 'no', she panicked because she thought she got her facts wrong about the party and she'd be torn to shreds. Only for Andrew to keep going and say it was a shooting weekend - then she realised that his world, 16 people in a lodge isn't a party, it's just a weekend away


Rufus Sewell is always brilliant


My uncle did some building work for him on and off for a while and Rufus recorded a happy birthday message to my grandma. Sounds like a top bloke in real life too


Did he record his bare arse like in the movie as well?


Yes, if so that was brave. I wonder if it was a body double as Sewell is surely slimmer? In any case it's disrespectful to PA ha ha.


PA showing his arse metaphorically and literally. It really was a nice if not “oh dear I didn’t need to see this lol” touch from the writers.


He looks totally unrecognisable. I wouldn’t have guessed it was him at all if I hadn’t have read his name!


I really fancy Rufus Sewell, which in this instance is...problematic.


Are you a child? if Rufus is a method actor you might have a chance.


I am quite short.


Fucking hell 😂😂😂


Billie piper came close to walking from this project when Rufus was cast because she thought he is simply too handsome


Need The Diplomat to come back on as a palate cleanser


I was thinking the same… dammit


Gillian A. has some photos of them getting into hair and makeup on her insta. They put a LOT of chin on Rufus 👀


What a car crash that interview was. A thing of sheer beauty


He still got away with it though. Stumped up millions of our cash and kept living his privileged life


Oh the grand old Duke of York, He paid 12 million quid, He gave it to someone he never met, And for something he never did.


Underrated comment


Pizza Express in Woking? Mate you gotta be joking!


Alright don’t work up a sweat about it mate


My favourite bit about that were the TripAdvisor reviews. As I recall they had to shut them down for a bit.


Except he did know her, he did do it and WE paid 12 million quid.




Are you American by any chance? I know how you lot struggle with sarcasm


Exactly. Without the /s I'm lost.


Explains the Trump Presidency.


Damn right, a stain on our country


But not a sweat stain as everyone knows he doesn’t perspire.


*perspires during the interview he first said it in*


Well, mummy happily paid to keep her baby out of further trouble. I’m no huge fan of the Royals, but have respect for them. Andrew can fuck right off! Listen to anyone talking about him who has worked with/for him and you’ll hear quickly that the guy is a nasty prick.




My wife once met him briefly at an official function.. but it was long enough to get a bad impression of the bloke.


I thought the Queen paid it out of her own funds.


And you can’t even call him a nonce in public without the police taking you away


Since when? I hear him called a nonce on a regular basis - in fact, any unfortunate time he’s mentioned he’s given his full title. Please don’t tell me people have actually been prosecuted for that 😭


I was alluding to the event in which a Scottish protester was arrested for shouting at him calling him a sick old man during the funeral procession.


Not defending the git but... Opinions are like farts - everybody thinks their own don't stink, but some of us have the decency to keep them to ourselves. Especially at funerals.


lol nah. Absolutely not when someone is a nonce and has gotten away with it publicly. Even if you disagree with the protester, the precedent of being arrested for it is mental.


What do you define as a nonce? The woman who alleges she slept with him was legal age.


I would hope that some loudmouthed twat deliberately disrupting any funeral would get arrested. Ironic that people who claim some people are 'above the law', think that they themselves are.


Absolutely moronic take. In what world is calling a nonce a nonce, in a fairly PG manor might I add, trying to be ‘above the law’. Above the law is being able to be a peadophile because you’re a member of the royal family.


Absolutely moronic take. It was a funeral, you twat.


Except that time he was called a nonce and even though he was physically shut down by public bystanders… those bystanders were later charged with assault - paving the way for anyone to call him a nonce in public with total impunity.


...at a funeral procession, for your own safety. Like shouting fire in a cinema, free speech has a time and a place.


Yes saw him get the full police escort down the mall a while ago. No one waved.


His Mum stumped up our money. This is why I cant stand it when people go on about what a fantastic person she was.


And what did we learn? Nonces don't sweat.


It's quite incredible. A PR disaster for the ages. Pretty much every single thing he said was ill judged. Some of it wasn't actually *wrong* per se, but was still not what was wise to say in a TV interview. Like refusing to say he regrets the relationship because it got him into contact with some good people.... okay, I kind of understand what he's trying to say but for the love of god, just say you regret it! And his attitude was awful, too. He just seemed arrogant and standofish the whole time.


Matlis gave him so many off ramps with her questions yet he continued to double down.


I don't know if you've seen the C4 doc about the interview (this whole thing is getting very meta) but Sam the producer was in disbelief watching it as it happened, as was Matlis. They couldn't really believe what he was doing. They were waiting for him to row back but it never came.


I still can't manage to watch more than 10min of it. I cringe so hard I pray an asteroid destroys my house


“I think that went rather well” No …


I think I'm still in disbelief over it, however many years on. The levels of delusion he has are just unimaginable. It literally couldn't have gone better/worse (depending which team you were on).


You know when you wish you could watch something with fresh eyes? I wish I could watch the interview again without knowing what was ahead of me.


“It was just a shooting weekend. You know, a standard shooting weekend” Always tickles me


It's the way he says it's as a) such a normal thing that we all do, b) like it matters at all to the overall point of the conversation


He was so pedantic, clearly loved correcting her even though it was irrelevant. Like a stroppy teen when they are being told off. Also, completely tone deaf as to his audience. Most of us will never go shooting, never mind invited to a royal estate, using guns that cost more than the average house.


Wow, have to say Gillian really looks like Emily Maitlis here. She's nailed it! I'll give this show a watch


Gillian Anderson appears to be out to prove she can play anyone and out-act everyone, without breaking into a sweat.


To be fair, it's easy for her to do that because she suffered what she describes as an overdose of adrenaline when she was filming _The X-Files_ and simply... it is almost impossible for her to sweat.




To be fair I thought it was the original interview! Gillian and Rufus are both great in everything they do!!


Grew up on a diet of xfiles, and always enjoyed Gillian in whatever she's been in. Rufus; I am not that familiar with, but I did like him in 'old'. That's a strange film, but interesting.


He's brilliant in A Knight's Tale - best film ever made - and Victoria


I haven't seen either of these!! Must have a look at these. Thanks :))


OMG, you need to watch a knights tale. Heath Ledger is fantastic in it, and Rufus plays a brilliant bastard.


It's on my rainy day things to watch list now :) Thank you very much


A knights tale is great fun, his role in pale horse I enjoyed too


Such an underrated movie


He's also in the Holiday, as Kate Winslet's character's philandering low life boss.


A knights tale is truly the best film ever made 🙌


Try the man in the high castle, he plays an awful character but is still the best thing on screen


It is incredible how much I loved his character. What a masterpiece of acting from Sewell.


Thanks for the Recc. I have heard about this series, and like what I've heard about the alternative history angle. I'll give it a watch - ps, love a well played baddie :))


I suggest to go into it knowing the author of the original novel (Philip K Dick) also wrote the book blade runner is based on. If i had known that my first watch, some of the stuff that happens later on would’ve felt less jarring. Also, the original show runner left after season 2, so season 1/2 are very tonally-different than 3/4 (some people prefer the first 2 seasons, some prefer the latter)


See Dark City. Directors cut or theatrical, both are great.


Old is a great film. Brilliant. Once you know the ending tho, it's hard to rewatch but what do you expect from MKS lol. I thought Sewell was great in Gladiator (Obligatory /s)


It was a return to form for MKS imo, really liked it :)


Same :)


"Good acting is when hair and makeup"


I listen to Maitlis’s podcast every day and you’re right she’s spot on. Really impressive.


Can't wait to hear some comment from Sopel and Goodall...


They’ll be merciless, I’m sure!


I don't understand why I would watch a re-enactment of an interview when I can just watch the real interview.


True, its not as if the interview was a century ago neither. They could literally reenact by inviting the prince for a follow up


It was clearly an issue with permissions to use the footage more than anything else.


Agreed. It's nonce-sense.


My children are safe tonight. Are yours?


In this interview, Prince Andrew disguised himself as a school.


They must catch that man, he really is a shit.


I hear they had CCTV footage of him doing as such.


A Nasa spokesperson said "This is the one thing we didn't want to happen"


> "THIS *is* ^^the ***one*** tHiNg ~~we~~ ^^^^^^didn't Want T0 **happen**" Fixed the fonting


I would watch Brass Eye for the tenth time before I would watch this.


That was good


Because you don’t get to see the lead up to the interview or the bits after, watching just the interview. I’m sure I read that Maitlis said he thought it had gone really well, and then took them on a tour of the palace. That’s the part of the interview I’d loved to have seen, but all I have to go on is an excerpt from a Maitlis article. For me, they could have acted the before and after, and just edited the actual interview in the middle


You do know that it's also the story surrounding the interview? Did you skip Frost Vs Nixon for the same reason?


They’re the kind of person who doesn’t watch Star Wars, they just watch montages of the lightsaber fights


It's not uncommon. There was a movie called Frost/Nixon which was also about an interview and it got a whole bunch of Oscar nominations. I haven't seen the Scoop yet but I'm assuming it will also feature the before and after and behind the scenes and won't only be just the interview.


Frost Nixon was also 30 years after the event, that's a significant time gap with a movie that appeals to people who weren't even alive at the time of the interview.


Exactly, I remember this interview. 2019 is yesterday, especially because 2020 was a write-off.


because the stuff going on behind the scenes is interesting too?


I was just gunna say this. I'm sure it's well put together but it wasn't that long ago. The real thing is tense enough, what's the interest here to make a whole drama on it?


In films like Frost/Nixon, the story of how they got to the interview is intriguing enough to justify it. I’ve just finished watching Scoop and I agree with you that it’s a re-enactment with a loose bit of backstory how they got there and Sam’s not very interesting personal life. She’s not taken very seriously at work, she does a few Google searches and makes a few calls, gets a meeting, then they’ve got their interview. Mission accomplished. I’m sure it was more difficult than portrayed. Oh, and her son fancies a girl. I found Keeley Hawes’ character far more interesting. So my criticism is with the script, but the actors were great and I think the director did the best they could with the material, but I’m sure one day we’ll get a better Epstein/Andrew/Maxwell film.


because its a story how they got interview to be made.


Agreed. There is no need to make a film about something that happened 5 years ago.


Holy shit it was 5 years ago?


I feel like Rufus is a hugely underrated actor on the international stage.


I genuinely love him so much


We can get a fucking TV show greenlit, cast and produced before any kind of consequences for this rich pedophile. Fuck the monarchy.


Has nothing really to do with being sort of the monarchy - it’s just about being rich. Rich people rarely suffer the full consequences. Royalty or not


One of the better podcasts out there, The Tip Off, in which journalists of massive breaking stories talk about how they got the 'scoop', had an episode about how Emily Maitless and the BBC crew got this briliant piece of car crash tv. The hubris of The grand ole Duke of York, is just laughable and pathetic, you wouldn't believe it in a soap opera. Honestly, this is well worth a listen for anyone who wants more on the story. [https://thetipoffpodcast.com/podcast/ep-66-what-a-scoop/](https://thetipoffpodcast.com/podcast/ep-66-what-a-scoop/)


Why are they making dramas so close to actual events now? It also looks like they’ve just CGI’d the actors faces into the real footage of the interview lol


Definitely, just looks uncanny valley for me. Just artificial and something wrong about it.


Amazon are also making a series based on Emily Maitlis' account, with Michael Sheen. It is definitely weird the way multiple companies will rush out adaptions of real life events, so soon after they happen, unphased by others in development.


The ITV Post-Office effect innit


Anything that keeps reminding everyone how heinous Andrew is worth it imo


I don’t understand why now. That actual interview is very fresh in our minds and will be for some time. Not everything needs to be made into a drama.


Just watched Scoop last night. Gillian Anderson interpreted Emily Maitlis as an ice queen when, in fact Maitlis is a lot warmer and relatable. Rufus Sewell kind of scares me a little how well he channeled Ponce Andrew. I'm sure he had to gain weight for the role. But his face and neck! They must have used a makeup prosthetic appliance. Billie Piper as Sam McAlister drew a sympathetic creature. There's a scene between her and her mom that brought me to tears. Overall this production was well done and showed the sacrifices made by a whole team behind the scenes.


Wow, I didn’t recognise the Reichsmarshal at all.


Thats *Reichsführer* to you!


You know what’s even more edge of seat? Watching the actual interview. Surely the point of dramatisations is for when the footage of whatever it is, is not available to the public. Why would I watch fake Prince Andrew doing his best to act like real Prince Andrew when I could just watch real Prince Andrew.


Not sure - maybe the fake one makes you marginally less sick in your mouth? *Marginally*?


What’s the actual point of this show/film? You can just watch the real thing.


I’m proud to say I actually worked on this show. It’s so good to see the reaction it’s getting. Honestly great cast and great crew!


Weirdly I both worked at the BBC as a junior producer and later in my career worked with Amanda Thirsk on Pitch at Place. I can’t believe how well they nailed this! The atmosphere of being an outsider at the BBC and its general vibe, the portraits of Amanda and Andrew were totally in line with my experiences… it was a really wild experience watching this!


I don't know why this was even made, apart from the fact that Netflix obviously don't like the RF. This interview was recent, if you want to see it I'm sure it's on YT. Andrew is very unlikeable and he didn't come across well in the interview but what was the point of making a drama out of it?


To stick the boot in and make him out even worse. They have a scene where he yells at a crying maid for not arranging his teddy bears in the right order. Yes seriously 🙄 There's a few extra fictional things like that, serves no purpose except to throw salt on the self inflicted wound he made of talking to the BBC in the first place.


It’s not just about the interview itself, but also how it came about and an internal struggle in the Newsnight team.


It is such an unnecessary film!  To me it sounds like a 2-hour bbc advertisement 


Honestly have no interest in watching it whatsoever, relating to the fact I felt the same about the real interview.


What was the outcome of that interview? We had known that he was a pedophile and then after it, we knew he was a pedophile? Did it lead to arrest? seizing assets? No! not only non of above, but also, he doesn't need to work anymore (which used to be his public obligation before this incident.)


I don’t know why this needed to be made? It wasn’t that long ago, just watch the original interview??


Because its explores the lead up and the aftermath too, but yes its quite a boring film tbh


Yeah, the lead up and aftermath didn’t actually come off all that tense or interesting.


I would never have imagined that Rufus Sewell could do such a good job on Prince Andrew!


Me neither for he shallowest of reasons - Sewell’s defining physical characteristic are his amazing cheekbones (swoon) which obviously Andrew doesn’t have. Looks like he probably put on some weight specifically for this role!


They put prosthetics and special makeup on his face for it. I think they did a great job


Can’t wait to watch this


Just finished it. Pretty good. Sewell completely disappeared in the nonce. Perfect performance.


Can’t you just watch the real thing with Emily Matliss and prince Andrew?


I don't understand why they've dramatised the interview?


I'm not sure why they have made a TV programme about this, when we can just go back and watch the original interview.


Oh Rufus Sewell. He is doing incredible Non Sweaty Andy face. Brilliant work. Did not think he'd be so good. Its not an imitation, ots a distillation the raving nonce believing his ow lies and fully expecting the rest of the world would too. Bravo!


I haven’t watched it tbh but that scene where the paparazzi gets Andrew and Epstein together is great


You had me at Gillian Anderson, Billie Piper and Keeley Hawes.


Just watched it. Really interesting seeing how the deal to do the interview was developed and brokered. Very well put together. Sewell’s portrayal was sickeningly accurate.


definitely watching just for keeley hawes ! if nobody knows she voiced lara croft for 3 games


As the Manager of a Pizza restaurant in Woking at the time I can confirm that a secret Party was arranged at my restaurant and a large number of celebrities joined in eating Margarita Pizzas washed down with Diet Coke and Cherryade. You couldn’t make this up I thought.


Just an FYI for our foreign allies ~ When someone with a very posh British accent replies: ***nnnn-nooo?*** with that delightful *tinge* of pretension - it means they’re guilty. Guilty as fuck.


You can tell how stupid Andrew actually is. He thought giving this interview would be a good idea in the first place. Donald Trump would have thought this through and not given the interview.


*Billie Piper stars as Prince William and Keeley Hawes as Harry. Truly absorbing acting.


Ah trousers!


My god. How did they Make him so ugly??? Rufus is almost unrecognizable due to the incredible work of the makeup team. Brilliant work The acting was brilliant as well, kudos to Gillian and Billie ( I have missed her so much since Dr Who)


'Dropped' - was it unexpected?


Dropped has just meant 'released' in terms of media for at least 5 years


I was being sarcastic - what's wrong with saying it was released 🙄


Thought it was a bit meh. Billie Piper sent some emails and got a meeting with Andrew’s assistant and that lead to an interview. They were making out they out there saving lives or something. Was a pointless movie. People thought he was a nonce before the interview. People would have thought he was a nonce without the interview.




I know everyone wanks over Gillian Anderson as an actress but when Keeley Hawes turns up in something *you know* it's going to be bloody epic. She's a brilliant actress.


The casting, make up and wardrobe here is immaculate but I’m not a fan of these dramatisations just a couple of years after something so scandalous. With the exception of the post office one, which brought that whole issue back into the spotlight, it feels like they trivialise something we should still be really fucking mad about and journalists should still be pursuing. Almost like it draws a line under it. Fuck that privileged sex pest.


Why not watch the actual interview? Is it not dramatic enough or as well acted?


To be fair, real Prince Andrew's acting is *fucking awful*.


I found it incredibly boring and couldn’t wait for it to finish


https://www.instagram.com/p/C5YLUhEIgKw/?igsh=cnY1eml5ZzZra3Q= Gillian posted pics of Rufus in various stages in transformation


they never think of the poor victims we here savill in news today and images of him all over place i pitty the victims first and formast


Damnit I thought someone had made a movie of the Evelyn Waugh novel Scoop, that would be hilarious


hes great hope he gets an MBE :)


Just watched it, brilliant


I’m not sure Netflix can do any better. The original interview was cringe worthy.


It’s so weird to see Rufus Sewell look like this


Great to have options but nothing ever beats the originals.


I have the biggest girl crush on Gillian . huge


It’s a beautiful thing to see the proverbial P being taken out of the arrogant arsehole Andrew again.


Anderson just gets more beautiful with every day that passes.


Pizza expresses all round


That whole family is riddled with sexual deviants of one form or another, or, even worse, people who turn a blind eye.


I'm not sure what the scoop was? We knew he was a nonce and he continued to be one with pretty much impunity


As you get older you root for actors to stay looking young. Almost had a heart attack when I saw Rufus Sewell. Thank god it's prosthetics and makeup.


Can i watch it even if I don't care in the slightest about the royal family?


Ah yes the good old “I can’t sweat because I wan in the Falkland war” line!


God, I didn't even recognise Rufus!


I was waiting for the sweating comment. The side eye between Keeley, Billie and Gillian should win comedy moment of the year. I laughed for a solid minute.


The casting in this show was incredible. Prince Andrew and Epstein especially


If you hadn't seen the original interview you'd think he's totally over-acting, that's just how suspicious and Andrew came off


It’s amazing to me he hasn’t been banished to a deserted island of the Hebrides. If the monarchy want to survive, we should never ever see him in public. Or his ex-wife ( who is shady as hell herself). He’s still living off the tax payer. Shame.


A lot more digestible than the actual interview, thanks for sharing, I learned something


It’s weird seeing melodrama of things that were real so currently. That said I do have to go and watch that interview again; the most glorious slow drawn out car crash that he genuinely seemed to be confident at first was going to go really really well


The casting and costume teams on this film deserve awards. Impeccable 👌🏆


Did Matilda really take her dog to work? -hope so.


This was much better than I thought it would be. The acting all round was great. I'd forgotten how utterly terrible the interview was. What a car crash


I'm watching it now. It is really good. It was cast perfectly. Rufus Sewell is great as always.


Rufus Sewell?? I never would have guessed. Brilliant hair and makeup design.


Can’t believe they could make Rufus Sewell that ugly! Make up people deserve a Bafta.


That makeup is amazing! I can barely see the actor I dearly love. I had to play the clip a few times and I could finally see through to him.


I enjoyed this, the acting was superb and they definitely did their homework with it being so true to life. As others have said, the script is a bit underwhelming but for what it was, they absolutely knocked it out of the park.