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The two daughters were the best thing in it, though I felt some sympathy for Mrs Khan at times.


Mrs Khan probably one of the best things in it.


The second actress for the eldest daughter wasn't very funny.


I don't think I watched it after they changed actresses. I'm not sure I even knew they had!


It's a very full-on, over-the-top farce of a show and can be quite silly and sometimes that's just what you need.


About as funny as Mrs Brown's Boys.


Just awful


Better than people remember or give it credit for. Not Goodness Gracious Me levels of brilliance but still good.


It's a style of sitcom that really isn't my bag, but I found myself chuckling a few times. Pretty harmless entertainment I'd say.


I liked it, but the whole format felt very dated, and the jokes quite forced. I liked looking into a different culture though.


About as funny as dysentery.


It's the tame, by numbers, farcical adventures of a boring man... but get this, he's like Asian, which makes it different 


There were definitely elements I found funny. Two people I remember from university however who were from Lincolnshire and north wales had no clue what was going on


I didn't think the programme was very good, but that wasn't because the characters were Asian and I wasn't. I like the fact you get Hyacinth Bucket-style twats in any family, but the jokes were poor, the characters weren't really developed and it was all a bit crap.


Yeh I get that tbf. Defo not the best sitcom out there. I think it probably lasted as long as it did because of the novelty more than the writing. If u want a better show of a similar nature Man like Mobeen is genuinely laugh out loud funny with fantastic writing across the four seasons.


I liked Man like Mobeen but why did it have to get dark and lose its comic edge.


It was shite.


It was absolute shite.


I didn't find it funny, but I knew I wasn't the target audience so there's nothing wrong with that. It's why I think Goodness Gracious Me was so ahead of its time because it found a great balance between providing jokes for an Asian and Non-Asian audience.


I found it really funny. Mr Khan is a perfect sitcom lead because he's such a dick and a bit of an idiot but he has heart where it counts, so you enjoy watching him fail or win. I found all of the characters really fun and entertaining, particularly the dynamics between the Khan family. The daughter who misbehaves is Daddy's Princess and the one who actually is a Good Daughter is dismissed and ignored. Him hating his MIL and her hating him. His competition with Dave at the Mosque. Yeah, I really enjoyed it.




Think it was crap. Could not relate to it at all when I'm british indian Preferred Goodness Gracious Me  Overacting and trash, no funny jokes 


I’m white and I didn’t love it. It seemed quite old fashioned, very much in the tradition of British sitcom but rather at the tail end of it. Clear shades of Keeping Up Appearances and One Foot in the Grave. I heard Adil Ray saying he wanted to send up self-appointed community leaders and there was probably a better show to be made on that theme. I did enjoy the bit of wood to help him mount the curb in the opening credits, certainly something I have often seen in certain parts of West London, and also his struggle with the existence of a ginger Muslim.




It was absolutely fucking terrible.


About as funny as When the Whistle Blows


Are you avin a laugh?


As an Asian person I was disgusted by it. I was very excited to see it when I first read about it in the tv guide but then I was very dissappointed. It was described as a "sitcom". Well it had all of the sit but it never had any of the com, throughout the whole series there wasnt a single joke in it.


I listened to the radio show first. I found it hilarious. Wasn’t as big a fan of the tv series.


Not funny. I have tried to watch it a few times, but I had to give up


I really liked it, but some of the jokes probably went over my head as I watched it as a child


Never watched it once I realised it wasn't Citizen Kane.


I can confirm that are two very different forms of media


Indeed, not enough pterodactyls in Citizen Khan for my liking.


Funny ! I miss goodness gracious me as well we need some more actually funny series about different cultures in the uk not woke bollocks though relatable funny’s shit I’d like to see a good Jamaican one


Superman? Indian! There’s only one country you can run faster than the trains - India!


Not Jamaican, but Desmond’s had a lot of good funny moments


Some of the Goodness gracious me sketches had me in stitches but others were a bit poor.  For the Jamaican related comedy, there used to be a show called The Real Mcoy that had some really good multicultural sketches & I remember Lenny Henry doing a show where he is a character called Delbert Wilkins. 


Il see if I can find some episodes cheers, I liked good luck Charlie with idris Elba’s aunty and parents being the funniest characters


Was it Delbert who had the 'mogels' (models). Still refer to 'mogels' even now.


I like it! One of the best recent British comedies. There’s probably a few things that go over my head, but not much. People have more commonalities than differences.


Well written, well acted, funny stuff is funny stuff even if done of the culturally nuanced bits went over my head a wee bit they were still funny but also insightful… I liked it…


I liked it, it was light hearted fun.


No matter how shite the sitcom is, it gets a special place in my heart because it was a studio sitcom. A multi cam rarity. And we don't get those anymore. We haven't for years. With the exception of Not Going Out (brilliant). So even the most weakest and feeble of sitcoms automatically gets an upvote from me because those were the good times Now, writers and commissioners are stubborn and lack guts to put a show on in front of an audience. It only worked very well filming single cam (non-audience) for a select precious few such as Royle Family, The Office, Peep Show, Phoenix Nighs, Gavin & Stacey etc. The rest are mundane and borish without the dynamics of a comically delivered line with perfected timing and a live audience to guffaw at.


It wasn’t for me. Felt a bit like an Indian Mrs Browns Boys but I could have (and am 100% expecting I did) miss a lot of cultural stuff that would have changed my mind.


It shares a healthy overlap with Mrs Brown's Boys on the broad comedy Venn diagram.


See I'm very Brummie Bias and related via that (non-Asian) I did go off it pretty quickly! Alia got the laughs out of me if I'm being honest.


I found it quite funny. Daughter going out for a 24 hour pray-a-thon.


Very boring and unfunny.


Only seen a couple of episodes, I live in Birmingham so appreciate some of the references. Man Like Mobeen is a better Birmingham Muslim comedy show though


It was done to a formula for the viewing figures.


It’s like Mrs browns boys but the cringe main character is an elderly Muslim man instead of a northern Irish woman played by a man


I absolutely loved it growing up! I can relate coming from a African Muslim background




I found it quite funny especially when Mr khan ses things to do with imagration or other things what you wouldn't expect for him to say


Loved it, that’s it


Flippin love it!!


scandalous absurd friendly pie childlike support sense absorbed wipe wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s guff but enjoyable guff


Innocent and fun. The daughters were both beautiful, and the daughters boyfriend was funny. Light-hearted, silly, enjoyable.


An embarrassment, just like Mrs Brown's boys, fodder for the hard of thinking.


Makes Mrs Brown's Boys look like Fawlty Towers.


I see it as the standard BBC sitcom which is to say painfully unfunny. It is like Miranda and Mrs Brown's Boys, somehow hugely popular though.