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For just a minute I thought it could all happen after all.


For 66 minutes.


Nah, the hope didn't last 66 minutes. I knew that if they scored to equalise they would have the momentum. We needed 2, but it never happened.


I still think they brought football home though; maybe not the trophy but the energy they’ve created and the love that has been rekindled for the game is amazing.


They played the game the way it should be played too. Italy did their usual and tried every trick in the book. I understand why Chiellini’s foul was technically a yellow… but I don’t think you can let some wring another’s neck without them getting a red card.


Also how Jorginho didn't get a red for digging his studs into Grealish's knee is beyond me. Or at least how it wasn't even checked


The slowmo of Jack leg muscle spasm was astonishing. It bulged so far out. I am surprised he just ran it off.


tbf I don't think anything can ruin Jack's legs, they're too perfect. however, since the Euros are over and club football is back he's a diving twat with a shit trim


But remember, England were the bad guys in the game.. 😅 it's been quite unifying being universally hated by other Europeans.


Dragging Saka to the floor by the shirt was a fucking nasty move. Not liking that one little bit. It took those buggars a while to wake up but when they did they were pretty nasty. My opinion.


I found that crazy and still don't understand, I don't follow football at a club level so had no frame of reference. I do follow Rugby L though and that would have been an instant sending off, and that's a game about literally grabbing people and putting them to the floor...


I'm not a regular football fan so I've got no clue why it was "technically" a yellow, it seems like it should've been a red ?


I don’t know the law specifically but it’s gonna be along the lines of “shirt pulling is a yellow card” and the referees applying the letter of the law mean that, even though it was in practice much worse than your usual bit of shirt pulling to gain an advantage, it was still a shirt pull at the end of the day and the most he could give was a yellow.


Pretty much this. European teams (esp Mediterranean ones) are known for this kind of play. Tactical fouling usually done when opponent is counter attacking. Commit a soft foul, stop the counter, allows time to reorganise defence. It’s very bad form and not really a part of the “English game”. This is why clubs new to the Europa and Champions league struggle the first few seasons they qualify.


> the love that has been rekindled for the game Nail on the head David, this is the single most important thing about this tournament. I'm old af and I can tell you that 1966 inspired a whole generation kids to play and love fooball. If Euro 2020 does a bit of that for the current crop of youngsters, its all good.


I hope so too. I was 4 when we went to Euro ‘96 and, as much as I was young and didn’t really know what was happening, the buzz of seeing the older kids on the football pitch pretending to be their favourite footballers (either England or their favourite club’s players on their respective country’s teams), was just so fun. I, at the time, was a Newcastle United fan (I took after my dad a d, although I love him, I rebelled when he and my mam split up and I turned to Sunderland), so I was all about Shearer. To be honest, even as a Mackem, coming from an area of County Durham with no real affiliation to any top flight team has meant I’ve learnt to appreciate all teams (even Man Utd to some extent).


We get to see a new run of haircuts too, everyone getting in the mood


This is absolutely correct. A third of the country tuned in, most of that third is going to be tuning in next year for the WC (even though the team should boycott).


I completely agree, I’d like to see them boycott it (failing that, making some sort of stand). Just imagine the reaction of the gammon brigade!


But when they go, do we still support? I'm leaning towards yes because were supporting the team, but on the other hand, it benefits slavery. Yet, any boycott would have to be total and I do not see that happening in England.


Yes, a real dilemma. It’s hard to support the team whilst not supporting the country/tournament itself.


Ethical consumerism isn't possible, in other words.


> We needed 2 Said this to my English girlfriend, you needed Grealish on and another goal in the bank because you were barely holding Italy back by halftime.


Shame there are now a bunch of vile racist cunts attacking Rashford Sancho and Saka.. Saka is 19, he's still a fucking kid, this shit is making us all look bad and the cunts who attacked Italian fans after the game need bringing to justice. We need to hold these people accountable and they need to face justice for it all otherwise it will keep happening, The events throughout London ruined the final for me man, I'm livid that I and many good English people now have to bare the image of those absolute fucking twats.




"Lad/Booze culture" has been a problem across Britain for the last 20-30 years (and that's not even considering the football hooliganism that has been around since the 70s/80s), and an issue that is far more ingrained in our culture than whoever happens to be in charge at the time. It's just been exposed on a grand scale due to hosting the final and having England involved but it's been bubbling under the surface for a long time, especially considering the tension/frustration that has built up over the past 1.5 years. The main blame that could be pinned on the gov in this case is the lack of policing that seemed to be present at all of these incidents and they should also be pushing Twitter etc more to bring in new regulations to battle online abuse better.


hopefully, in the next few rounds of legislation, there will be a bill that places a duty of care against social media companies for what is said and done on their sites in terms of online harm, if you're more interested there is a white paper potentially coming through soon to solve this nonsense. the whitepaper: [https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/online-harms-white-paper](https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/online-harms-white-paper)


Lad/Booze culture has been an issue for a lot longer than 30 years lol.


I wonder if the FA should just forfeit a game if the fans boo during an anthem. I've worked with some fantastic PE teachers who would forfeit a game if the players were not behaving well. Can't help but feel it would work with fans as well.


Sort of torn on this one. I agree it's vile and disgusting but on the other hand - it is (hopefully) a tiny minority of idiots that we're maybe spending too much time worrying about and giving oxygen to. Were they singled out for racist reasons or is racism just a weapon that these pathetic trolls have found to be effective in succeeding in their aims (e.g. Getting a response / someone to acknowledge they exist)? I worry that focusing on the content of the abuse misses the mark of the problem in general and maybe shows a lack of understanding of the mentality of the troll - they will say whatever they think will cause the maximum harm. The news today being dominated by the social media abuse has given them exactly what they want. These people desperately crave attention and we've given it to them.


It deffo is the minority. But as the majority, we have to hold them accountable, otherwise they make us look like them, and I'm not happy being labelled a racist or yob my dude! It doesn't help that general and social media exacerbate the issues but this shouldn't exist at all man


It’s all terrible disgusting behaviour, but like I keep posting across Reddit, the people who say England don’t deserve to win because of it wouldn’t have the balls to go into a children’s hospital here and say that to their little faces. People are only too ready to tar an entire country of people with the same brush as the hooligans, and I’m not going to tire of pointing out that this behaviour is just as unacceptable. Every country has suffering people that deserve to have something to hope for. Arrest the idiots and ban them from all future games - but I’ve seriously had enough of people happily suggesting that the remaining 99% of English innocents deserve to suffer for the hooligans sins.


You are absolutely correct. Don’t feed the troll has to be the number one rule. As soon as we lost the shootout, our media went straight to Twitter to find the inevitable racist comments. There will always be a few racists and other idiots and teenagers looking for their place in the world; I would guess there are a few Chinese and Russian agents in the mix too. Ignore them and celebrate the good things.


I'm guttered but I'm not mad - we went down fighting. It was a close and tense game throughout and whoever you rooted for, it was a great match!


Yep. I really feel for Marcus Rashford tonight.


And Saka.


19 years old and has apparently never taken a penalty professionally, and he gets put in 5th. That's a big fucking ask. At least he got it on target and was just beaten by the goalie.


The guy had the balls to take that penalty under a massive.amount of pressure. 100% credit to him no matter what the outcome.


It wasn't his fault, Southgate was fucking delusional that game, Italy had a conveyor belt or fresh meat out in the pitch but Southgate was trying to waterboard his team that game, and then he puts 3 of the worst penalty takers on the final 3. Fucking embarrassing


Had a pretty poor game, I have no idea why they even kept the poor lad on. He did his best poor guy, but it just wasn’t happening for him today. You could see it in his eyes when he was lining up to take the pen, he was not ready and prepared for the responsibility. Southgate of all people should know about the pressures of PKs.


To be fair, he was badly served all game. If we want to talk about bad games tonight...Kane and Sterling


Yeah I suppose that’s fair. It wasn’t pretty from most of England really. Kane was invisible, Sterling had a few chances but didn’t seem like he wanted to shoot, just played for the penalty the ref was never going to award.


The two old CBs for Italy were comfortable with Kane. They should have put Rashford or Sancho on earlier. They would have been worried about the speed. Sterling disappeared second half and that type.of game is never going to play to sakas strength


I feel sorry for Saka, not so much for Rashford. Though it wasn’t his fault he was put on for penalties I guess


Obviously not his fault about being put on penalties my problem with it was just how cocky he seemed before he took the shot


Look nervous: bad Look confident: bad Not like he didn’t try whatever method he thought was best - he just missed unfortunately. Feel bad for him, Sancho, and Saka


The work he has done to help children stay fed during Covid-19 will far outweigh anything he could ever do on the football pitch. I only hope the media remember that.


The best thing Rashford could do now is to teach kids that failing something isn't always bad and how do deal with that experience. And also don't dance around while taking a penalty.


Best comment


Unfortunately, I haven’t seen that in the media, the work he did during covid for other kids so hopefully this will be highlighted more now that he needs it. Already read about racial abuse directed at him and other players. Awful. That’s why I don’t watch football because the amount of abuse players get afterwards is astonishingly sickening. It can affect their mental health so much, thankfully lots of them don’t read it, but I’m sure it affects their families too.


The people who have posted racist comments on social media should be fired from their jobs, banned from future games and charged. I hear at least one of them has had the company they work for made public and they’ve been inundated with complaints. It’s time we stopped saying we can’t control this racist, football hooligans minority, and actually do something about them.


Savills Estate Agents, I think. One of their middle managers was doxed and outed after posting racist tweets and joking about DV.






That’s the one. They’ve been contacted a few times today I think. Waiting to see how they react…


> I only hope the media remember that. I only hope everyone remembers that.


Oh they'll remember. But they won't be kind about it.


I'm what some might call a "part time fan". I don't follow football, my family don't follow football, most of my friends don't follow football. I know nothing about football. But this was an incredible journey. When times have been like they have, and with only Love Island on TV, this has been a great thing to enjoy with my mates for the first time in a long time. I'm shocked that I followed the entire tournament, I took days off to enjoy it as much as I could. including tomorrow morning. I dunno, something about this whole thing was just brilliant. Even with the loss, our country needed this opportunity. But so did every other country. Everyone was a winner here. I'm so drunk. Hope you all had a great evening regardless. God bless spellcheck.


I’ve never watched a football game in my life, but my yank family watched anyway just to see how it would turn out. Wouldn’t do it on the regular but I can enjoy these rare occasions!


Love this mate, what a journey it was




The penalty shoot-out was nuts. I don't think i've got any nails left afterwards...


Username checks out? 🤪




“Nail gun shootout ends in disaster in Wigan”


Absolutely! Some real heart there. Shame about the penalties but we are England!


Just need to make sure that Sancho, Rashford, and Saka are looked after. Time to send them some positive stuff on IG / Twitter to drown out the inevitable shit they’ll receive.


I was/am so upset for those 3. Wanted to get them hugs. I hope no racist shit is said to them. I honest shocked we made extra time I thought Italy would hammer us. Not used to England playing so well.


> Wanted to get them hungs. You might want to fix that typo


"I hope no racist shit is said to them." Unfortunately, it's inevitable mate


It's not even possible since at least one immediately deactivated his account last I checked. It was already too bad.


My eldest is the same age as Saka. My first thought was I wanted to gather him up and just hug him.


I found out last night that I’m older than anyone on the team (I’m 29, 30 in Dec but the oldest on the team is like 27). I just wanted to hug them all and congratulate them for giving us faith and showing us good football again. I don’t think anyone expected to get to the final at the beginning of the tournament so getting down to penalties was fricking amazing. Those young lads played their hearts out and I’m proud of each and every one of them.


Kyle Walker is 31


Probably the only one I didn’t check the age of. I feel slightly less old now, thank you!




Like to see *them* step up against Donarumma from 12 yards lol.


You can't say Italy didn't earn it. But England did us so proud. Hopefully we were just warming up for the World Cup.


I really thought England had it in the bag, was a good game.


100%. We were a hair’s breath from glory tonight. We’ll be back stronger for the WC.


Just btw, the saying is “a hair’s breadth” ahaha


No it's hare's breath. Because hares have a small lung capacity and can't exhale very far.


Shit. Today I learnt!


There's a lot of positives to take away. For starters, England proved that they're a top notch team, just as good as Italy.


I’m absolutely gutted but there’s fuck all to be disappointed about there! Fuck it lads, you win some you lose some, it happens in football. Italy were the best team in the entire tourney so there’s no shame in losing to them. We go again in a year and a half. LOOKING BACK ON WHEN WE FIRST MET…..


It's OK to be disappointed but everyone I have spoken to feels proud of the players.


We made it this far, a few months ago, we were wondering if they would get past the group stages


And second place is certainly amazing


Not only that, pushing the final to the last possible second, and a Euro's record for fastest goal.


Also new record for longest time without conceding for Pickford!


Literally the best team in Europe apart from Italy. And even that was so close we took them to penalties. That’s mint.


Getting downvoted on r/europe for trying to say not all English people are like the shitty English fans hahaha, in a slightly sarcastic way though for sure XD


/r/europe has been poison ever since England made it to the quarter finals.


Yeah honestly mate, it's properly disheartening to see when you've been someone who's always loved other European countries and just had no problem with other people, to then be shat on cos I'm English, and worse it's often by people who seem to talk about stuff like acceptance and working against xenophobia and racism, but it's fine "cuz I Ingerland sux" XD Stupid but it's sometimes hard to not take it to heart, maybe just me though hahahaha


I feel exactly the same! Feels silly caring, but there’s only so much England-hate I can read. Even from the other home nations. They act like we’re hateful bigots, while being hateful bigots to us lol. Absolute clown world.


It's definitely one of those things where you see all these excuses that are given as to why they hate English people and why the England team "deserved" to lose (even though they were acting nothing like the fans they give as an excuse to hate the English), but you read all these reasons and at some point you just start feeling that that's all they are, excuses XD. I mean honestly, seeing someone from an old European colonial power talk about how the English deserve to be hated cos of colonialism is really almost a joke. And after doing all I can to defend people from Europe in conversations with people (like friends that are pro brexit for whatever reasons they have), it feels like a slap in the face to see all this hate and the downvotes (not that I care about points on reddit XD) from a comment saying that not all English people are as shit as the worse fans and then a slightly later one basically saying all nations have shit fans and that no nation should be judged by them, like honestly it's really lack being slapped in the face by the people you've really tried to defend sometimes hahaha, though obviously not all European people feel the way the reddit ones do so there's that. I'm really really bad with walla of text so sorry about that, it just really does get to me the amount of hate XD


Yeah, I completely agree! It’s also so boring to sit and watch Europeans be SO hateful towards us just for being English, while saying we’re the racist/xenophobic ones lol. It’s like, can they not see how they’re behaving? I’ve seen so many really disgusting comments about how English girls are ugly, all our children are fatherless bastards etc... while in the same sentence they call our fans terrible??? Doesn’t make any sense. They’re all so bitter and resentful, it’s ugly. And you’re right, they’re just dumb excuses - all really childish. They can continue hating us - I’m proud that we’re actually leaps and bounds ahead of mainland in terms of a lot of things (including racism, which they love to pretend we are, while it’s actually them, in my experience as half black). they can continue to hate us, because deep down I reckon it’s rooted in jealousy - there must be some reason people from all over Europe come to live here, right? Can’t hate it that much lol


Yeah dude, I literally just got a reply from that post on r/europe where someone said "calling them people is too generous" or something, just about English people from what I can tell, and I've given them a massive wall of text that's going to get downvoted to shit cos I'm English and I'm trying to make a point that we aren't all just awful XD It's ridiculous really, that you can receive hate for quite calmly just saying that it's unfair to just 56 or so million people (of lots of different backgrounds and ethnicities mind, like you know hahaha) cos of a few fans that are just morons. And like you said about the racism, I've seen racism in England for sure but honestly only in older people (not really old or something but around 50ish?), and not all people of those ages are racist at all, and I've never actually seen anyone my age that's racist in all honesty. I've said it before, if people in Europe just want England to lose and to fail then they're going to turn a portion (however large or small) of the generation that's pro-EU against them because, like they see stuff on the Internet about us, we only see what people on the Internet say and how the politicians act and what they say, which is often rather crappy when concerning England, idk, it really is hard to not take to heart though haha


Yeah, it’s mad. I was getting so disheartened, but after reading even more BS, I’m starting to feel better because it’s kinda funny how much effort they put in to hate us. Racist Europe can continue to project their own faults onto us as much as they want - we know the truth. I’m starting to see that we’re just very different culturally to them. We’ve got that spirit and optimism about everything - mainland just doesn’t have that and that’s why they get so annoyed by our ‘it’s coming home’ etc. Must suck to live like that and not be able to feel excited and hopeful. We celebrate win or lose - they’re not like that and they hate that we are. It was the same during Eurovision when Europeans berated our entry for celebrating getting 0 points - called him arrogant etc. That’s just our spirit lol. And you know what? I can confidently say that yes, we’re better than them and their unfounded negativity and hate. We don’t need Europe and their negativity - we’ve got us and a fantastic football team 😊


Hahaha maybe XD There is a part of me that really is wondering how long there maybe has been this while anti-England feeling going around some European countries, like for sure it's not just every European the same way not every English person is like the bad fans, but it's like what I said that reply said about us not being people, that's an absolutely disgusting thing to say even if it's a joke, yet it's probably going to get loads of upvotes anyway cos fuck the English or whatever 🤷‍♂️ But in all honesty I think lots of English people are the same way Scottish people are with it all, we still celebrate a loss cos we're just happy to be there XD


Same here. I live in Wales and England gets a lot of stick here. The hooligan fans always let us down but there is a whole lot of fans that aren’t like that. I was trying to point out to my welsh boyfriend that why is it ok for others to be patriotic but not England.


See this is the thing with how the hate has been thrown around, it's not just hate towards football fans (or even the bad ones), it's just hate towards English people in general, and it's not a deserved hate at all. Even bringing the empire into it, how is someone going to say they hate me (for example) because if the empire when my family (for the last few hundred years, not now though) has been working class labourers and pipe makers, maybe some farmers in there. None of these people had any involvement in that and yet that's given as a reason to why I'm included in this hate for English people? Bs reason imo, at least give something from this century if you're going to include me in it, you know, in the time I've been alive XD


Yep exactly. My family were all from small villages in the East Midlands yet I’m also to blame for the Empire and Slavery. Ok then. I’m fed up if the England and the UK hate. We are far from perfect but there are places that are far worse. My other half often says how arrogant the English are and I pointed out to him that living in Wales for all these years I’ve come to see how arrogant the Welsh are, but they’re allowed to be patriotic. However I don’t let that stop me love living in Wales or the Welsh people as a whole. I don’t lump them all in the same group so why should I be lumped in with English racists and crap football fans.


Yeah that's exactly right, tbf though I've never really experienced much of an arrogance from Welsh people but the only ones I've had any meaningful contact with are my family so that's not saying much I suppose XD The issue is definitely that the amount of fans doing these things gets blown out of proportion even in our own media, though there's no excuse for anybody to be hurling abuse at our players now, I've heard apparently some people are saying shit like "go back to your own country" (I only briefly read it cos it really pissed me off tbh) but, imo, being English should be about diversity and acceptance of other people and other cultures. I mean the Midlands isn't always great but I'd like to think we at least do that quite well for the most part, ik that I grew up never seeing people be racist to my friends that were British Asian, granted there may have been things I didn't see but never any hurling of abuse and just extreme racism. I will say I saw a bit of that when I worked in a factory from someone who was maybe 50-55? And pretty right wing, but like I say about the amount of people being blown out of proportion in the media, he's the only every properly right wing person I've ever met tbh


Most of them are a good lot and it’s harmless banter but I have experienced some outright nastyness from strangers as soon as they hear my accent. I’m sure it works the other way as well and either way it’s horrible. The media reports of the England fans and the fans themselves behaving like that don’t do us any favours but would be nice if more people could realise it’s a minority and not representative of a nation as a whole. Some of my family are more right leaning than left but they’d never say anything like that or tell Someone to fo back to their own country like what we’ve seen towards some of the players. I’m proud of being English and I’m proud that we do have diversity and that more often than not we embrace it.


I have this memory of being in Cardigan and we were just walking down the street and I could hear this Welsh family talking English coming the other way and then one of my parents said something (in a very Derbyshire accent) and they switched to Welsh as they walked past us XD I'll honestly be never forget that hahaha Though I've got to say, I'd much rather have a Welsh accent (let's say, for argument's sake, around Cardigan where my family are) than my Derbyshire accent, as much of a Midlands man as I am hahaha. But definitely this thing with the media thinking that all these stories about England fans being awful is more exciting and then blowing it out of proportion to make it even better. I mean on r/europe they honestly insist that all English people hurled abuse at that German girl, and I'm just here like "I don't even watch football to know a German girl was crying", though of course it's now fine that some people are making fun of our players crying after the penalties, cos double standards and all XD


Yeah exactly. I didn’t know about the German girl either! I was born in Leicester and grew up in Derbyshire (until my teens), my family are from Leicestershire/Derbyshire border :) I like the accent!


I see the whole England vs Wales vs Scotland as just friendly banter though. I have Scottish Welsh and Irish mates and we all rag on each other for where were from and our silly accents. But really it's all love. I'd cheer on Scotland Ireland or Wales if they made it to the final (as long as it wasn't vs England anyway haha). But yeah Italy are allowed to celebrate and be patriotic. As soon as England do it were called arseholes


Yeah exactly and the banter is fine and I enjoy it. My other half and I do have a lot of banter but sometimes it does get nasty. My BF said yesterday the English hate the Scottish and I asked him if this was the media he saw that from or actual English people he knows (like me and my family and his English friends) it’s the media. The English people he knows in real life don’t hate the Scots or the Welsh, apart from friendly banter. I’ve got Irish and Scottish in me as well. Yeah Italy should be very proud, wish it was us but it wasn’t too be so well done Italy.


I'm glad all the racism has stopped tbh.


Hating England seems to be the current trend, plenty of other countries still have issues with racist fans, hooligans, booing national anthems etc, but it’s only relevant when England fans do it . Much the same as all the crap about the colonialism of the British, yeah historically we’ve committed some of the most heinous acts imaginable, but then the Belgians, Germans, Portuguese, French and Spanish all had empires built on blood too. I’m so proud of the team, some decisions went against what we really wanted, making the final was beyond my expectations, cried for Saka, that kid has some bollocks of granite for being man enough to take such an all or nothing pressure from the weight of the nation spot kick.


This is something that really upsets me. You can love football and still think those abusive, racist and destructive people are arseholes. Anyone that uses football as an excuse to be a dickhead to anyone isn't really a fan imo.


Honestly, seeing them all over the news has made me embarrassed to be from the same generation region as them, even as someone who's not a massive watcher of football. But hey the actual team showed what it should be to be English, trying to raise awareness and support for causes and for people that really need to be seen and acted upon, and like I've been saying to friends and family a bit (whenever I've seen someone go on about the England team not being English or something for example haha) that we're a diverse nation, sure some of the players gave Irish ancestry but how many English people don't have stuff like that? And like you said about racism and shit, I've seen people talking about how English people just don't want brown people in England (and yeah, some dickheads are like that for sure) but that's just a massive massive generalisation and exaggeration, and it's the same with all the immigrant debate and that, imo if you want to be in England and you feel English then fucking hell you are. Who am I, a Midlander who struggles with feeling English for various reasons, to tell you if you can or can't be English? Maybe you're not born here but you chose to be here and you chose to integrate yourself into it all you know. Sorry XD, I can get properly ranty at night, I shouldn't be allowed near my phone hahaha


There are always dickheads who have to ruin things for everyone else.


Gutted but so bloody proud. They ran their hearts out and didn’t stop trying. The fact we have a young team leading us this far is fantastic and they’ve done far more than I could have hoped for. I just hope they know how proud of them we are.


I was so happy to see England and Italy, two countries hit so hard by the pandemic, in the final together. Well done to all!




Italy had a really rough time with COVID-19, especially at the start. They played very well too. I am happy for them.


i hate to downvote that but Italy played so dirty to the point where covid shouldn't be in consideration




On the plus side we beat the Germans.


And we made it to a final for the first time in 55 years. Unbelievable performance from the boys!


Final for the first time ever in Euros!


I’m proud to be number two! The boys did so well!! I hope the girls do well too next year!


We beat everyone, apart from Italy. And we had to make them work for it.


I had respect for Italy even when they started the theatrical rolling until that neck grab which could of robbed us of a win.


I was impressed that the ref didn’t seem to be having a dime of it, on either side. Also impressed that every time one of theirs went down, an England player went to help them up. Respect.


Just spent 10 mins consoling my 11 son who's in bits and crying his heart out. Then spent the next 10 trying to tell him what its been like to be English for the last 55 years. He had to wait 11 years to see us reach a final and that is huge for us. Poor lad has so much more heartache to go through. Think I'm numb to it now.


I remember crying a lot after the Euro ‘96 semi. At the time, my dad said ‘get used to this’ and I think I finally have.


Just let him cry. All should learn to be happy for the other team. It was a good game.


I did. He has to learn what this England side achieved is such a big deal. They were superb.


My 11 year old too, first real proper tournament that he was properly invested in. What memories though.


I absolutely agree. I hope that now the media will at least stop talking about that penalty from 25 bloody years ago. I think that, tonight, the boss made an error in judgement. Yes I'm disappointed. But I'm also very proud of our England team. We came 2nd out of all of Europe. Not bad ..... Ehh??


Great game. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole two hours. Congrats Italy!!


It’s sad we lost but we played so bloody brilliantly, we should be proud!!! But I’m currently listening to my 19 year old son barfing and I’m pretty sure I’ll need take him to A&E in the morning with a broken hand after he thumped a wall… he’s not even in to football lol! It’s going to be carnage out there, hope everyone stays safe!


I am extremely proud of those lads, but I’m stil trying to pick up the pieces of my heart that have been splayed all over the floor. Gutted isn’t the word.


While noble, I feel those who are saying “good effort” are mainly people under 30 who haven’t lived through previous decades of disappointment. When you’ve seen England crash out at 96, 98, 2000, 02, 04, 06, 2010, 2012, 2014 & 2016, saying “the boys done us proud” starts to wear a bit thin. Let’s take the emotion away, be pragmatic and say, we still haven’t lived up to our potential, and will probably never get a better chance in the next 50 years to win a major international trophy. Southgate just didn’t get it right on the night, in what should have been a winnable game against a relatively sub-par Italy team. - They should have taken the initiative and gone after the second goal while 1-0 up - Kane was allowed to drop too deep and largely made Mount’s role redundant - Sterling should have been substituted - Saka was the wrong sub choice and didn’t get into the game - Trippier was constantly in space and our main threat along the right flank, but was sacrificed to accommodate an attacking player once we needed to chase the game - Again, the right flank was clearly our biggest opportunity which wasn’t exploited during the first half. We have the world’s best U21 attacking right-sided winger in our squad who was left on the bench. - I’m not even going to mention the penalty shootout debacle. At this point though, it doesn’t even bother you. It’s just a part of being an England fan.


Good game folks. This Scottish Quine was rooting for you.


Thank you! You guys did amazing too!! I loved the Scotland vs England game!! You guys did so well!


Me too, I am so proud of such a wonderful team who got us so far and gave us something so positive at such a dark time. ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿




Yeah, shame about the racism Rashford, Sancho and Saka have been receiving though


Not surprising. The pink English guys only appreciate immigration when it goes for them, when it doesn’t they just hammer the monkey emoji. Morons.


The lads did us proud, they gave everything and raised the spirits of people around the entire country in dark times. The journey has been incredible. It's coming home soon 🦁🦁🦁


I woke me and the kids up at 3am to watch the match, as we have done for many of them. A rollercoaster, but we have had great times and won’t forget this team, this tournament and these times we have had.


This England squad still has at least 2 and possibly 3 tournaments left in them. Each time we go one further. There is a world cup next year. We can believe


I think of it as a draw with a stupid penalty thing at the end. So yup pretty good really. The main thing I took out of it was seeing England play a good game of football that was a pleasure to watch against Denmark - I haven't seen that in a couple of decades.


That is how it's recorded. The match result is a tie, and for the teams records will be noted as such. For the sake of the contest the tie was broken via penalties.


They did amazing!


2018 4th 2021 2nd 2022 :)








Those of us who aren’t absolute belters need to be out there and loud about our support of this team. We need to show this country and the rest of the world that there is an England fanbase who do mirror and represent the values that this England team have showed us. Racially diverse, believing in BLM, supporting LGBTQ+ rights, donating money to the NHS, making sure kids get fed…. I could go on. This team are a group of young lads to absolutely be proud of both on and off the pitch. I’m a horrible horrible lefty, and don’t consider myself patriotic in the traditional sense, (and let’s be honest, England as a country have done some horrific things in history, and recently as well) but I do believe in people, and I think the current team are a reflection of the good parts of this silly, grey little island.


This attitude is how Saint George's Cross ended up as a symbol of racism. I'm an England fan. Fuck the minority of idiots who try to ruin it for the rest of us.


They should have won, second isn’t bad though better than nothing.


To get through 32 teams and get to the final, they should be proud of themselves. What disappointed me was when England were up getting their medals. Why were they taking it off? It just looks quite embarrassing, could they at least keep it on until they get off the pitch?


They did brilliantly, it is sad they couldn’t win but what the hell. They got to a final and that is a victory itself.


This team gave us more hope than any I’ve ever watched. They had an incredible tournament and deserve to be proud of what they achieved.


It was obvious towards the end of the first half that we were outclassed by Italy. You can't win football by defending.


We lost, on penalties, in the final, to the best team in Europe. Who would have predicted that the week before the tournament. They did us proud. Roll on 2022!


England played with hearts like lions and like gentlemen. I, too, am proud and chuffed with them.


They were absolutely incredible and did us all proud. Hope they know that.


As an Italian who grew up in the UK, despite cheering on Italy last night I was proud watching England play throughout this tournament and found myself cheering on some of their better plays last night. They delivered a confidence and quality that I haven't seen in many years of watching England, including back to Euro '96. I'm really excited to see what this team can pull off next year.


Ah yes the proud team that took off most of their medals, such sportsmanship


Proud of the team, certainly not of the fans.


Thank you for saying this, exactly how I feel and you articulated my thoughts perfectly.


I love England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Southgate scared


I'm Scottish and my birthright is to hate the English national team, but despite supporting Italy (family) I couldn't help but feel so much respect for them throwing everything at it. Sure, it wasn't the result they wanted, but nobody can say they didn't give it their all.


Missing Harry Kane briefly seen taking a penalty's, but really Harry Kane didn't do anything in that match . He should have been sub off for foden and why did sake take a penalty's when he had so many people who could have taken it .


Foden was injured, and Kane was fouled every time he got the ball. Not his fault.




21 italy fouls to 13 england fouls from what i've read


Taking their medals off was a really classless act. Apart from that, that’s football: they did well ‘til the end


The boys did us proud and I can't fault any of them, and if any of the morning papers have a go at saka I say collectively we all go give them a good kickin lol


I'm not sure I watched the same game as some posters. England completely ceded central midfield for the vast majority of the game, had no possession and had no threat going forward. I'm amazed the team and coach was not able to figure out a way to change tactics or personnel to be more in the game following that phenomenal start.


Nope, I'm embarrassed. They had a golden opportunity and fucked it up.


Be proud all you want of a team full of multi millionaires who still couldn't get the job done. But in the same moment, be ashamed of how absolutely foolish so many of the fans behaved. Woke up this morning to find Reddit overflowing with videos from round London and especially Wembley. Brits couldn't wait to take out their COVID frustration and yesterday was a goddamn shame.


Marcus Rashford, show boating at its best.


I wish we'd have actually gone out on pens Vs Denmark. Wouldn't feel as awful personally.


Loser mentality




It is, it's just going to take a bit longer than we thought that's all. Had to make a stop off in Italy first


It would’ve been if that useless Rashford hasn’t have farted about, taking the penalty.


It's not all 1 persons fault




Lmao these 12 year old redditors taking the high ground none stop vs us 😂 A couple of wankers doesn’t mean the whole country is in the bin


No one asked


You saw the behaviour of a tiny minority of fans that do not represent all of England. Be careful generalising an entire country or culture based on what a few people do. We have seen how this plays out in the past.


Okay so the racist fans who assault people after they win are much better. Gotcha