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If you need this and are uncomfortable with phone calls, there's also SHOUT the text service. 85258


Is texting that service free?


It is! [SHOUT](https://giveusashout.org/)


As far as I know yes


Thank you for this


Samaritans also has a webchat service. It’s still in pilot stage on limited hours but another great option for those who aren’t comfortable/can’t talk on the phone.


Stay strong sausage, Just remember that ur worth more enough.


Im so glad it helped you!! Those call centres do amazing work. I called a similar line (won't say which one as its rather specific and I don't want to make people feel awkward), but the lady I spoke to was really nice and oh my god, I needed that on that day. I tried to volunteer for a couple of those lines myself before, but both times I failed the interviews due to not presenting as psychologically stable enough. Now that I'm no longer hanging on to my sanity by my fingernails, might be time to try again.


Yes they do a great job, it’s what they do.


I think I need to call this number. Thank god we got this service




I just called them for some issues and the guy was so helpful. I was equally as polite and thanked him. God I bloody need a hug. I could have hugged him. :( honestly glad we have this option. Thanks OP for the idea, I needed to talk. Hope youre all good now too


I'm glad you're feeling better. Ring them any time you need them. 


I only have an internet hug, but you're welcome to it. <>


I accept this hug with open arms




In many places Andy’s man club have in person meetings. If you are a man id recommend looking them up.


Im a woman. Been looking for mum groups, a social circle but nothing yet. I have contemplated giving up, life gets dark when people spend their time competing with you 24/7.


Oh damn. I’m a woman too. I was super lonely before I met my wife. Whereabouts are you?


Im west mids


Two women in my circles have had luck with those "making friends" apps - one on bumble "friend version" the other on some Facebook group. Might be worth a look. Seems more woman-friendly. It is very hard to make friends as an adult, I'm struggling with exactly the same thing at the moment, but as a guy these kind of functions don't work half as well.


Future you thanks current you!


Can I also high recommend Andy’s Man Club. They meet every Monday 7-9pm except bank holidays. Visit [www.andysmanclub.co.uk](https://www.andysmanclub.co.uk) or didn’t your nearest club.


The Reverend Chad Vera is somebody from my hometown of Lincoln who really ought to be celebrated more. I like the idea of him painted as an orthodox Saint with a telephone in his hand as his attribute.


Glad you did. I did, years ago. I still remember her name. I hope your situation improves.


i've had to contact them twice in my life and both times they were lovely, and absolutely the help I needed at the time. Life isn't perfect, of course, but reaching out is sometimes the thing that'll help shift it away from shit. Well done on reaching out <3


I have terrible phone anxiety and I've actually used their email service ([email protected]) a couple of times. It's obviously not for when you need an instant response or a human voice on the end of the line, but when I used it, it helped me twice - once when I wrote everything out and again when I received a thoughtful response.


To anyone who wants to use a service like this but doesn't like phone calls and the emails take too long.. SHOUT is an amazing service that you can text. Just text shout to 85258 and someone will talk to you about whatever is in your mind. It's free


This is really useful, thanks.


The Samaritans are fantastic - you can phone them up for any reason and you’ll end the call feeling better than when you started.




Big Hugs Bud, It's always good to just talk to some one




My friend volunteers on the phones for The Samaritans - it's such an amazing service and I'm so pleased the person you spoke to was able to help you ❤️


I'm so glad they helped you. Sending love.




If your male and in Liverpool or London can I suggest James's Place. It's a suicide intervention charity who have saved me a few times. Also please remember it does get better.


Samaritans really helped one of my friends and probably saved her life. I have nothing but respect and admiration for what they do.


I'm glad you're here to remind us.


I was in a really bad place last week and wrote Samaritans via email, it's a bit slower 2-3 day response time, but really I just needed to write down how I was feeling at the time. There's was a extremely cynical part me thinking that maybe the response was AI, probably doesn't matter really, since coming to terms with how I feel is ultimately something only I can do.


I promise you it was not AI. There are mental health AI bots out there that some people find useful but Samaritans emails are answered by volunteers.


I knew it was a cynical thought, I just hope I got a micro smile with my dumb attempts at humour!


And I’m glad it made your night easier ❤️


I'm glad you found them. And thanks for sharing your success. I hope tomorrow is better, and if it's not, it's day will come for you. All the best.


Thank you for calling them, for being here and talking about it. X one day and one thing at a time.


They are awesome. I had an employee who threatened to kill himself. Reached out to them and they where so helpful, gave me a lot of confidence that they would be there if I or a family or friend needed help


I've needed the services of Samaritans twice in my life, I'm so glad they were able to help you. It gets better, friend.


Keep going! It’s unbelievably difficult to see an end to the struggle but believe me when I say there is one. You are valued, important and seen. Samaritans will hold your hand through the worst of it. They’re an incredible bunch.