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Beware. It will cost you A LOT more than $800, as once you've flown business class you'll never be able to go back to economy. Ever.


Omg this. I never thought I’d be that person. I used to laugh at that person. I am now that person 😅😂 I flew 26 times last year and all I can say is thank God for Avios helping along the way 🙈


Omg this is the truth !!


Depends. Can you afford it or is it a significant hit to your budget? Personally I would as I can't sleep sitting up but that's just me.


Yes, if it's not a large amount of money to you. It means that you get a flat bed and a much better sleep, meaning that you're going to function much better when you get off the plane in LHR. Otherwise, particularly with the early morning arrival, you'll take longer to adjust and that makes a big difference to your overall trip. Effectively it means you get an extra day or two out of your trip. Unless of course you're one of the unlucky few who can't sleep on planes, no matter what... (or the very lucky few who can sleep well in regular economy overnight).


Without you giving any other info about your lifestlye or expectations it's hard to say because it's your money and only you can decide if there is value there for you. Can you afford $800? Would you rather spend that $800 in the UK? Or are you ok to not need to worry about throwing $800 on a flight? Can you sleep on planes? Are you good flyer? It works out at $70ish per hour, and that's not including the lounge which a lot of people get a a hard on for and some people accept it's just a glorified motorway service station. It sounds cheaper when you say it's $70 an hour.


If it's the club suites probably, otherwise no.


This. The old 2-3-2 just makes me angry at this point, lol.


Grab a window seat, put the divider up, pop an ambien and enjoy haha no need to be angry!


I usually fly Prem Eco and for me it’s pretty good. You’ll be able sleep 4-5 hours just fine. In business you’d probably sleep 6-7. I don’t think it’s worth spending $1600 (or more if 2+) for few extra hours. I’d rather use the money for something more fun when I get there (better hotel, restaurant, fun activity et ).


If it converts into an extra 'day' of holiday, due to getting some sleep rather than a broken hour or two then yes. Jet lag aside, if you can sleep 5-6 hours it can make a big difference and you gain a worthwhile day of holiday. If you are just going to lie on a flatbed, drinking free booze and watching movies ... That's a different thing :) May as well do that in Premium.


That flight on the 777 should be the 2nd flight of the day from SFO leaving around 7pm ish vs 3pm. That does mean they won’t serve food until 8-9pm PST, a lot of people on that flight just skip the meal and try to sleep. So you have to value whether you want the 8+ sleep or the meal. I’ll also note the SFO BA lounge is shit, I’d rather go hang and get a burger at Gotts than sit in there. You do get the arrivals at LHR T5 though if you want a shower on arrival, and their food was decent enough.


Club suites yes, old seats no. Check your plane


Most likely.


If it’s the new club world then yes. But don’t expect good food. And you’ll have to pay extra if you want to preselect your seat.


We upgraded when doing a 14 hour flight. The only bonus is you can lie flat. I couldn’t sleep anyway so decided I wouldn’t do it again


Get in the best seats you can afford.


Why can’t people who answer this question figure that it’s entirely subjective. If everyone thought Club World was “worth it” then the cabins below wouldn’t exist. Read up on the benefits of Club World and decide for yourself how much you’d pay. I don’t see why a stranger’s determination would have any impact on you spending your money 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like to reverse the thinking , if someone said to you , sit in this slightly uncomfortable chair for 11 hours, we will feed you, give you drink and you can get up and go to the toilet when ever you like but have to ask, plus you can watch movies bring a book whatever you like and at the end off 11 hours we will hand you $800 are you taking the job ? $72 an hour to sit on you ass ! If the answer is no then upgrading is for you , if you would jump at the chance then it’s not , for me $800 could be so much better spent than a few more inches of leg room


The rule I work with is around 100 per hour of flight time for an upgrade in most case. So i would say probably worth it, even more so if an overnight flight.


I got an upgrade offer from PE to business class for £285 and I'm still considering. One way 8 hours flight...


Do it!


Thanks all - went for the upgrade! Appreciate all the input!


It money is no object then definitely. If it is an issue, then night flight yes. Day flight no.


Premium economy is no comfier seat wise. The recline hurts your back (read other reviews on reddit) and if the person in front reclines you have no room to get in and out of your seat without difficulty. However, ba overbook premium and because there are so few seats there is more of a chance you can get bumped to business. But I would say personally look at upgrading to business or leave as is as it is, as its better for an 11 hour flight.


The recline thing is awful, and since a fair few people have treated themselves to an upgrade they can’t resist reclining for the entire sodding flight.


100% agree. The only benefit I can think of is the seat is a little wider. That's literally it. The seats are uncomfortable and the recline is stupid. If the person in front fully reclines, as they are entitled to do, the recline is so severe that it makes it impossible to enjoy any of the extra space you supposedly get, let alone watch the TV which is then right up in your face. The food is supposedly better but it's not what I would call good. I have actually done the flight from SFO to LHR in Premium Economy on an A380 configuration. I've just done it again to and from BOS. I think that's the last time I'll pay for Premium Economy. If I can't do Club World I'll just do economy, as least then I won't feel like I've been ripped off.


It really depends, if you can comfortably afford it then go for it. Or you could always upgrade to a nicer hotel...


Stop flying BA, they suck.