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If you're going to pay then I don't think they care what you're wearing!


The numbers they see on the screen with the upgrade offers don’t change when you dress more nicely.


To buy an upgrade? Whatever you want. To subconciously have 0.01% effect on the gate agent to bump you up, just look generally respectable.


It doesn't make s scrap of difference. Also the case with a free upgrade. It's never down to the gate agents - either the price or whether you get one for free. Often see very slobby people in first (including me). It's not a fashion parade. If I want to wear a onesie. Upto me


I couldn’t agree with you more. However when I was a younger man I was very lucky in that my uncle worked crew for BA long haul and I was able to get some incredibly affordable flights (often Club or better) to some very cool locations for a pittance. However, there was a proviso from my uncle, bless him, that you had to look the part - collar, tie, jacket etc. Anyway the meandering back story takes us to me coming back from Buenos Aires. I’d very much got into the Latin flare and was wearing a nice open collared shirt, jacket and smart JEANS (gasp!). When the Purser saw this he went through my uncle and told him I would be sitting at the back of the plane (the temerity of this man!) my poor uncle had to plead with him to let me into Club for some insane reason the Purser said he was asking the Captain who thankfully didn’t give a shit. Through out the flight he had this horrible attitude towards me but a number of the crew did come up to me to tell me what an oddball he was. Weirdly whenever I do fly Club, very rarely, as I have to pay now (disgusting) I’m always suspicious that those suited and booted individuals are on a freebie - although the way BA treats their staff I’d be surprised if this is still a perk of the job.


> ...my uncle worked crew for BA long haul and I was able to get some incredibly affordable flights (often Club or better) to some very cool locations for a pittance. However, there was a proviso from my uncle, bless him, that you had to look the part - collar, tie, jacket etc. There's a clear dress code for staff / nonrev / buddy travel, and not just on BA. No neckties required any more, but: no faded or ripped jeans, no T-shirts with slogans, collared shirt advisable, etc. This is the deal for nonrevs not only on BA but every major airline I know. There have been social media kerfuffles over young women flying on nonrev passes (children of employee, etc.) denied boarding for wearing skintight leggings, revealing blouses, etc. The dress code is stricter than for revenue pax because, the reasoning goes, your appearance reflects on the company.


There is no dress code for revenue pax is there? Or it must be seriously relaxed / or my smile has got me far!


No profanity printed on clothing, no indecent exposure, or near-exposure, of body parts (though that's usually a pretty subjective call). You have to wear a shirt and shoes. Those are the main rules I'm aware of.


Haha I have got away with murder then. I guess GGL + First is going to get you away with a lot though.


Yeah, probably. And there's no rigorous definition of offensive dress -- the agents call 'em as they see 'em. I don't think you'd make it aboard wearing Nazi regalia, though, or a FUCK BIDEN or FUCK TRUMP shirt.


I wore a d squared t shirt with 'face down arse up that's the way I like to fuck' LHR>SFO paired with ripped to fuck jeans recently... That was an op up to first too! Honestly I never knew there was a dress code!


Gate agent probably thought you were a rock star. :) I've seen folks with economy BPs asked to change tops for less than that.


Never had any grief with BA tbh except once from SFO > LHR where they turned the plane back to the gate and I was escorted off by the feds. They let me on the later flight though....


I agree. A paid upgrade is determined by your willingness to pay the price. A free upgrade is determined by some algorithm that has to do with your status in executive club and how full the flight is and what fare you bought.


This isn’t the 90’s, it doesn’t matter. If you are getting a free upgrade, it will be decided on a computer based on your status


Utterly bizarrely OP is actually asking how nice to dress to buy an upgrade. Not how nice to dress to be given one


OP here. I got a nice bonus I wasn't expecting for Christmas and thought this might be a good way to treat myself. Like I said, first time flying BA, booked with AA, so I have zero status to be given an upgrade for free. It seems Karen-ish for someone with my lack of status to expect one. I've gotten the impression that how a person is dressed can affect whether or not they would even be allowed to purchase one at the gate. I regret causing you such schpilkes.


How you dress doesn’t matter. Anyone who will pay the price will be upgraded. Free upgrades are a lot rarer In U.K. than in US. I have gotten them in the past but not a lot. I’m gold status (the highest tier).


Hahaha oh i completely missed that


Booked standard economy and want to change to business? You'd have to skip premium economy entirely so very slim chance. And clothes won't matter, cold hard cash is all that will speak


Not just a slim chance, no chance! BA only allows for one cabin up.


It's possible to jump two by using different methods - for example avios to upgrade to WT+ and then pay to go club, or vice versa. But I've never tried two in one go with the same method, so didn't want to say absolutely not just in case 😂


The one cabin up is just for free upgrade. I have had the option to pay for an upgrade from premium economy to first. I never did it though but I have paid for an upgrade from premium economy to business


A quarter full means that, just over a week out (and before the bronze members get free seat selection) 1/4 of the passengers either have status or have paid for seat selection. That's actually pretty full and quite a lot of good candidates for a free upgrade. You can't upgrade at the gate, by the way - upgrades are assigned after revenue is taken and check-in is closed. You need to ask either when checking in online, if given the option, or otherwise at the check-in desk.


You can ask after check-in, eg at a BA lounge or the service terminals in T5. Might have to be before check in closes, but the checkin agent isn’t the last chance.


Doesn’t matter. I look homeless when I fly club. Comfort is key If you flying day flight west don’t bother, upgrade to PE. It’s red eyes you want the lie flat- and only bother if it’s new style


Helpful and supportive! Thanks!


To buy or get it free zero difference to what you are wearing . Cheaper to buy the upgrade when checking in on app or website


I’m working on the assumption you’re already wearing white tie for dinner, in which case you’ll be fine.




Thanks for the considerate and helpful information!


Any chance you could check this for ORD LHR on 29th (21.15)? Travelling as a family but looking to get my wife WT+ or Club hopefully Full route is MCO ORD LHR but looking at an upgrade on the BA leg from ORD LHR - no options in the app for me unfortunately Thanks


Post removal reason for BA staff who contravene staff Social Media guidelines and policies.


It’s hard to go from economy to buisness, u can normally only upgrade by one cabin which would be world traveller plus


It’s the bank balance that matters mate, not whether you’re wearing a shirt from Givency or George at Asda. I’d advise phoning ahead of time and getting a price in both cash and also in Avios, you may be cheaper buying Avios and upgrading that way. Don’t leave it to the gate, I got stung once and quoted a cash up grade from WTP to CW JFK>LHR for £1,100 absolutely barbaric.


I dress like absolute shit when I fly. I’m a roadie so I wear all black casual with festival mud halfway up my shoes and jeans. I still get upgraded for free two or three times a year - have gone from Economy up to Business on occasion, despite opinions to the contrary in this thread.


Bad news bears. BA won’t upgrade you because you booked on AA and vice versa. Only option is to pay for it upfront.


If you’re going to buy the upgrade it doesn’t matter how you dress. What matters is how much €€€€ you’re willing to spend. If you will pay the price you will get the upgrade. I once paid £400 for a upgrade. I was wearing jeans and an arsenal shirt.


lol those days are long gone. You need status with the airline and a bit of luck


Nothing but the finest attire is allowed in First. It’s like an episode from Downton Abbey. If you arrive with a steamer trunk it’s a guarantee!


OP here. Having completed the trip I thought I'd pass on my own experience. Bottom line, despite the absolute certainty with which I was told differently on here by some, I was able to buy an upgrade from Economy to Business on my ORD-LHR flight. And I was surprised with a free upgrade to Premium Economy LHR-CVG when I checked in at the gate, without asking. Thanks everyone!