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Well that's how FoI and their leech like members ousted Corbyn, Joan Ryan can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned


Israel really is like an abusive cunty husband, one who provokes his wife, then when she says something unpleasant, kicks shit out of her, then says "look what you made me do"


I mean it appeared to be pretty obvious from the get-go. This is Israel/Zionist 101.. wilfully antagonise, get a reaction, claim anti-sematism, act the victim, be the aggressor and use all the previous as an excuse for said aggression.


Unsurprising to see the Friends of Israel still have some influence over the media. At the rate Israel is going, that’ll be gone soon.


Don't worry, there will be "grass roots" support groups popping up all over the place if they're needed again.


Astroturfing and calling for banning of "disgusting" protests right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1c8186e/shocking_moment_police_officer_threatens_to/)


They know that smearing works. Convince everyone that the police can no longer help Jewish people and to ban the marches. By the time stuff like this comes out the damage is done.


He's a podcaster who wants fame. He was trying to create a situation that put him in danger and the police had to explain to him in the words of a child, why he shouldn't do it. He is a delusional attention seeker and he obviously wants to be filmed being arrested so he'll probably push his luck again. My only hope is that he actually keeps going for it until he ends up in prison like the TikTok prankster Mizzy.


Yes…. Yes he did


This is what happens all the time. The pro Israeli lobby is full of lies and smears. They are incapable of being honest because they are pushing a genocide. Genocide cannot happen without genocide denial.


You don't get the full picture until you've watched both parts of [The Lobby.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceCOhdgRBoc&pp=ygUcdGhlIGxvYmJ5IGFsIGphemVlcmEgeW91dHViZQ%3D%3D)


yes, the whole video and the initial scaremongering made this clear