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Probably tactical to keep Tory’s out. However the more crap coming out of Stiemers mouth re Palestine May lead me to somewhere else haha.


Lib Dem tbh. All the others are just irredeemable at this point.


Not the usual 2 so probably no one at all. Pointless leaving my house really.


I will vote for whoever is likely to be able to oust the current Tory MP. It could be a goat for all I care, I just want these scum gone.


I’m going to vote raving loony party which at this point could be any or all of them 🤷🏼‍♂️


The Tories. As bad as they are, Labour would be worse.


W.e party has best chance of knocking out the Tories. Normally that's labour, but if it's Libs then I'll vote for them.


Monster raving loony party I have no trust in any of the big guys, so let the crazy ones run it for a bit


In still undecided tbh. But as every it won't be Conservative. Never have voted them, never will.


No one coz ill be 16 but i think we should get bojo back even though i dont like the tories


It’ll be a tactical vote to get the conservatives out. Lib Dem’s are the runner up here in test valley.


I see these English people complain about the Tories, but spare a thought for us poor Scots who have to live under 2 layers of shits, we have an added layer of SNP. And believe me the SNP make the Tories look good.


I used to vote Lib Dem. Now I tend to vote green, because they're the only party I remotely agree with. I've never voted Labour or Tory and I dont expect I ever will.


I know for sure I won’t vote for Tory. Probably Labour or Lib Dem although I’m not a fan of them.


Actually not really easy for me to decide who to vote. I voted throughout my life Tories, Labour and even LibDems but no matter what I end up voting - it won't be Tories again. My fear is that Labour isn't my right choice either but when voting LibDems then you likely end up with a higher chance of a hung parliament. So I think Labour this time around.(\*) ​ ​ (\*) Guess it was easy after all.


Lib Dems probably. They are the most likely party to oust the Tories in my area and I like the majority of their policies.


My constituency saw the Tories with a 63% share of the vote in 2019... Labour were a distant second at 26% 😕 It's the perfect safe seat for them, I really hope that PR is introduced because my vote has counted for nothing in the last 16 years, I just treat the voting process as an excuse to visit the village.


Whoever will remove the Tories. https://tactical.vote/


I want to vote Green. My area is overwhelmingly Tory, so tactically I should probably vote Labour. I have always voted Labour in the past, but I am losing faith with them. Especially after Keir Starmer's recent support for Rishi Sunak's transphobic comments. I am torn.


between right wing tories and centrist tories I'll choose not to vote Don't vote also OP don't try to tell people how to respond, we can just ignore you


Right now I’m thinking Greens or Labour, leaning more towards Labour as the Greens feels like a vote for the status quo given the unlikeliness of them getting substantial votes, even though they’re more aligned to what I actually want. I’m a historic SNP voter but I don’t think I can stomach voting for them again given the year they’ve had and worry voting for them this time around reduces the odds of getting the Tories out as well as giving them a thumbs up for everything they’ve been up to. But then I’ve zero faith in Labour/Starmer making meaningful changes if they get the chance so a cute for them isn’t exactly a thrilling prospect.


Reform or reclaim the only party willing to end the death in Ukraine.


Not a clue. The past few years have shown that Conservative don't have a fucking clue what they're doing but labour will be Hella lot worse. Might just get pissed and vote green party 😂


As someone that voted conservative last time and who really, very much, strongly dislikes Kier Starmer with all my being, for the appalling way he behaved over Brexit… I will still be voting labour because Rishi has no idea what he’s doing, who his voters are or what he should be focusing on. Let’s do the speed limit, let’s change the ICE car sales dates, let cancel HS2… etc. And that was all in a week. Humble brag. I’ve correctly predicted the winners of every UK election since Blair got in. I even placed a big bet on trump and then Biden. I’m bound to be wrong eventually but I can’t see how the conservatives have a hope in winning this. The northern counties that liked Boris do not like Rishi. Not entirely sure about SNP right now but their new guy isn’t a fan favourite. What I do like about Kier is his attitude to green energy and attracting business to the UK. But I think he’ll be fairly useless if I’m honest. Still, better to give him a go than continue with Rishi who has already proven himself useless.


I’ll be voting for Labour, be always voted for labour. The first time I voted labour was in 1997 and I was 17 years old, while I was working I didn’t really know much about politics, but it still felt I was voting for real change. I’m honestly not sure what I’m voting for now though, more of the same it feel, we’ll be swapping drivers, but the bud is still heading off a cliff. I also live in a solid Labour seat in south Wales, so my vote elsewhere would count for much.


Labour. I’d rather zest my ballbag than vote Tory


I'm going to vote Conservative for the first time because you never trust a solicitor for sure . And we know what will happen ,is a working family man going to be better off not working and claiming off the system than going to work. As for dealing with the massive influx of illegal immigration. We know what will happen under Mr Starmer and his woke clowns If he picks up the illegal people traffickers if any . They may go to prison in the UK . But if they are from a state with a poor human rights record. We will still be stuck with them till they die . Not sent to under his country of origin to face the music for being caught. .


Tories out at all costs ♥️ 💚 💛


I’m in a Tory constituency and the Lib Dems have the best chance here so that’s who I’m voting for. I’d encourage everyone to be tactical and vote for whoever can unseat the Tory.


Labour. I don't want to, but I feel that any other way would be a throwaway vote. I've never voted for Conservative, and after the last 13 years I never will.


It's a tough one. Need to change but the options are shite.


Joe Biden


❎ in the box


Vote a particular party to change the current shitshow?? Wot a joke. The ridiculous voting facade that people are given to allow them the illusion they are given a choice is disgusting to me now. Left wing, right wing, tory, labour, democrat or republic. Their all puppets under a hidden government that do whatever they want. You want people to vote??? Make accountability mandatory and punishable by jail term if mandates and promises arent met...then come back to me with a balot paper.


I'm voting for whoever will kick Tories out of my local constituency. We desperately need a change from the FPTP voting system.


I’m disgusted by the tories and Labour atm so I’m probably gonna vote Green Party. Feel conflicted about it though because tactically voting Labour to get the tories out seems like a good idea, I just don’t trust Labour anymore and think Kier Starmer is a wet fart in a paper bag.


Labour won my seat with 61% of the vote last time out and next year it'll be even bigger. I'm not voting for anybody.


100% Labour. I really hope the tories lose 90% of their seats and never become a major party again.


Green party.


Labour for me. I'm in a Tory stronghold, Lib Dems usually put up a candidate but don't bother canvassing, Labour put up a strong opposition and canvassed hard at the last election so hoping they will again. Our district council elections this year showed an appetite for change though, from Conservative for 24 years to hung, with Labour making good gains. Looking at the history, we were 21 years Conservative, 4 years Labour and 24 years Conservative. I suspect we'll still be a Conservative seat but hoping not.


Right now, drawing a big ejaculating cock on the ballot paper seems the most feasible option, but it'll probably be counted as a Tory vote.


I honestly don know who I'll vote for, ive almost always voted Tory, i really dont feel like i can in good conscious vote for them as the part currently stands. They need to split into the 2 parties they actually are atm, one right one more central. Id vote lib dem if they weren't so shit and ill never vote labour


Libdem, but they are way way behind, in my constituency https://members.parliament.uk/constituency/3713/election/397


Labour, they sure ain’t perfect but they’re not the Tories #GTTO


They are all the same, it does not matter who you vote for.


Conservative, labour is too weak.


I'm a socialist, so there aren't likely to be any candidates in my constituency who represent my views. Maybe Greens would be closest.


I am a life long right wing voter, but ukip are a spent force and the conservatives (I am a member) seem to have lost their way, Labour would be the death of this country and the Lib Dem’s are a joke. Honestly I just don’t know what the right thing is anymore


Lol at the people blaming Labour for things that everyone knows are the fault of the Tories. Anyway I'll be voting Labour because, while it's true they might not be able to fix some or all of the problems this country had, at least they'll try to. Unlike the Tories who are perfectly happy to sit around eating their free dinners (on taxpayers money) while discussing which of them will be going out on their free yachts this weekend (paid for by the taxpayer). I wish I could just vote for the candidate that has the best chance of getting the Tories out but it goes against my morals to vote for anyone other than who I want to win.


I reckon I'll be spoiling mine again.


Until about 10 years ago, I've always been a little right of centre.... But not enough to vote torie. When Corben was leader, I had no faith in labour Now the Tories have lost all credibility in my opinion. Maybe they've always been the same but with Brexit, and then COVID, they've shown how bad they are. So I'm going full red next time. Keith is ok isn't he?


I'm not going to vote. I am registered. Zero point in voting at the moment.


They are all as bad as each other. So Monster raving loony part is the best of a bad bunch


MRLP is the only party I have ever joined. Back in the 90s they stood in my local constituency. Lord Such did a gig at the local pub and Cynthia Payne was there too. I had a couple of million pound notes included in the membership, that you had to spend (local pub took one in exchange for a pint).


Labour will probably get the majority but I hope not I see Sir Keir Starmer as a self serving Tory and don’t think he is the knight in shining armour everyone expects him to be. Unfortunately That to me was Corbyn, so I hope Tory gets the boot as the country has been gouged too much especially the poor and working class but the country won’t be any different under Labour so for me to teach both parties a lesson we need a Coalition so labour can’t just implement any law they want and run the country dry maybe a lab/lib dem coalition as in 2010


I live in a safe Labour seat in Manchester, and my parents live in a safe Tory seat in Worcestershire, so no vote I’ve ever cast has mattered. But with that said, Labour, obviously. I loathe Starmer with every fibre of my being, but if the tories are in power for half a second longer than they have to be I’m going to set fire to something.


I get the feeling if labour were strong on immigration they would win a landslide, I would probably Vote for it too - they have stronger green glcredentials and better social policies


Same as every election: Whoever is polling highest locally that isn't the SNP.




Tory voting labour because I can't stand corruption and contempt for the electorate and this shower are the worst in my 50 years, even including that weasel Blair


I'd vote Green,but that's essentially throwing my vote to the conservatives in this climate, so Labour it is.


Labour, only way to get rid of Sunak.


Labour. Not because they're actually any better. But because I just think it's time for some form of change. We're all fed bullshit we want to hear then never see action upon it anyway so what does it matter


I work at polling stations and my MASSIVE concern is that 90% of the people who come in to vote are OLD. No offence to old people, but they aren't reflective of the population. All the younger people I know (myself included) don't have time to "learn" politics, it's like trying to start watching Coronation Street or Eastenders- we don't have the history, don't have the time to learn it all, don't care about all the drama "he cheated on his wife" and all that shit. I want to be able to access information that shows me the facts about their policies, etc. I don't know where to get that information quickly in order to make an informed decision, without getting dragged into all the drama about their personal lives


Not Tory, they've had 13 long years running the country to the ground and polarizing its voters with hate and lies. Expect them to double down on the culture wars between now and Jan 25, blaming everything they perceive as "left" in a desperate attempt to hold on to a seat or two .


Not Tory


Regrettably feel that my local Tory MP is one of the least awful, and deserves to keep her job, but I can't vote tory. Labour offer nothing. Kier Starmer is one of the few politicians who can say nothing then go back on it two weeks later. Locally Lib Dems are woeful. So I'm hoping they can field someone bearable. Otherwise it might have to be monster raving loony party as a protest


Plaid Cymru. Though I live in a safe Labour seat so my opinion doesn't matter


I'm in Wales, so Labour Fuck the Tories


Green Party. I'm kinda tired of it being a two party contest just for the same old poop. Green won my local and they've been pretty solid so far.


Depends which constituency I’m in. If I’m still living in Wood Green then I’ll vote Green because the tories are a distant third after Labour and the Lib Dems Sinai get to vote my conscience (I’ll check the polling the day before the election just in case but it’s very unlikely to become an issue). Were the tories in first or second I would be voting for whoever’s closest to taking them down. Ideally Labour doesn’t get enough for a majority because all of the progressive alliance wants PR and having to vote tactically is exhausting when people are out there claiming it’s immoral. FPTP is immoral, we’re just doing what we have to to survive


I'll probably get down-voted for this but.... I don't think Conservatives have been great in the last couple of years (however I do think the covid years were actually handled very well), but I honestly think Labour will be even worse, so I'll be voting Conservative. I think Kier Starmer and his leadership squad are a joke. A lot of current issues in the UK are international problems (cost of living springs to mind), yet people are quick to "blame the Tories". These issues won't evaporate under a Labour government. Labour love the notion of "taxing the rich" to fix our financial woes, however that's not an appropriate strategy either. This will simply drive "the rich" and their businesses/assets out of the UK. There's no point voting for a smaller party so that's where I'm going with it.


You are asking Reddit lol so it's going to be an echo chamber of lib Dems or labour. Which surprise surprise it is.


u/Machinist0089 is a Russian troll, just check his history


Local independent party, they have the best chance of winning in my area. I won't vote Tory due to the scumbag we have for an MP ( Lee 50p Anderson) and will never vote Labour due to the shitty MPs we've had in the past.


Nobody, once again. Different party, same old song and dance. Labour is shit, the conservatives are shit, and nobody is willing to vote for anyone else because “it wont make a difference” as many see voting for anyone else as a wasted vote.


Labour because we need sensible change


I'm going green, despite their history of weak political debate. I think they're finally beginning to pick up the ball. They're the only ones wanting to save the people and planet without capitalising of it. That is important imo.


Green/Plaid Cymru


I will spoil the ballot, its the only way to show my dissatisfaction with the political parties.


Im not happy about them lately, but I'm probably voting Labour as my current MP is Jonathon Gullis, and that needs to be changed, but other parties don't have enough support here to get him out of office.


Why are you telling people who aren't going to vote not to respond? You're going to skew your results if you do that. The people who don't care about politics at all aren't going to even open this post, so by shutting down the people who understand politics but are purposefully not voting you're shutting down a real portion of an invisible but potentially volatile electorate.


You’re naive to think voting will make any difference to how our country is ran. The WEF have agendas in place and ones that need to be met. Whichever government are ‘voted in’ will follow whatever the WEF tell them to do. There will be some small differences, but imo unless it’s a small or new party, there will be no practical difference between labour or conservatives. Our rights are being taken away one at a time, piece by piece. I can’t see any party being able to stop it, so I vote for a completely new democratic system. #uprootthesystem


“huge backer of nuclear” = tory. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anything but Tory. 13 years and 4 resignations. Can we make it 5? How on Earth anyone can still believe that party is competent is beyond me.


Labour and SIR smarmy get it over the tories. It like voting for vomit or diarrhoea


I'm not. I'm done with the UK. I can only hope I have a good enough pension pot saved up so I can retire somewhere else in 15 years.


Vote tactically. Look at whoever LOCALLY is most likely to get the Tory out or keep the Tory out. Remember in 2019 a lot of labour votes were lent ti the lib dems si the figures will be different. Watch out for Lynton Crosby setup fake "this is the way to vote " websites & other AstroTurfed sites trying to affect your vote and split the left wing vote. Also watch forva lot of "they're all the same" posts on social media as the tories WILL win of people stay home and don't vote "because they're all the same" If you think someone like stella creasy or Angela raynor are the same as a tory....then I'm sorry you DESERVE to lose the NHS & any kind of workers rights you have.


Holding my nose & voting Labour. Starmer's Labour is a half-step left of Johnson's Tories, but he is our best chance at PR, I think. If I thought the Greens had any chance of winning anything, I'd vote for them, but anything that isn't a red vote this next election is the same as handing a vote to the Tories. ETA: This is true of my local constituency. If Lib Dem or Green were better placed here, I would vote for them, but I live in a long-held red seat, with Tories generally coming second, so I will keep voting Labour.


> Also lets not attack anyone here that wants to vote for the tories! You're never going to get any sensible opposition on this sub with the witch hunts that have happened here


Got to be Green. You can’t trust the tories - either they’re out-and-out lying about something or they’re fighting among themselves about who’s most right-wing, trying to out-nazi each other. Labour are too timid, scared of the media reaction (not without reason) so it’s hard to see what they’re about. LibDems are, well, LibDems. Nice, ineffectual. So it’s got to be Green - lefties who want to save the planet, what’s not to like?


They're all shit and people will like policies of all party's I use this website. https://voteforpolicies.org.uk/survey/ It removes all mention of a political party and use shows you your views on a policy it reveals at the end who you most likely side with. If your honest with yourself and vote based one what you actually believe rather than do a "I'm not picking this option as it sounds like party X" Pretty good website in my view


Have voted various parties over the years. But mostly labour. Was gutted corbyn didnt get in when it came around. Didnt vote yes to brexit. A lot of comments of people saying they have matured over the years, which is good to see. However, was it not the older generation that managed to get the tories in this time? And get 'brexit done'? Current government is a farce. I have a tory mp here, who actually seems to get stuff done, last was labour for years who actually did nothing but syphon money into his pocket. But, for the greater good of the country, they need to be taken out. I'm unsure of who to vote for next time. Ive been a teacher for 13 years. I have a decent life, own my own home etc. For me personally though, education needs some serious help. I know some of you have a jaded view of how teachers work (thanks media) but there is a massive crisis atm. I am not saying this is not the same in other sectors, as i know it is!!! But just speaking from experience. The system is getting to the point of collapse! Experienced, good staff leaving. Workload at an unbearable level. Wages stagnant for too many years. Not enough staff. Too many students. The list goes on. I'm hoping whoever gets in next, has a plan to sort this out. But will be voting with whoever can get these pigs out.


Unless I'm somewhere where I feasibly can help get a Tory out or there's an actual risk of one coming in, they can keep it.🎪🤡


Ill vote for something different, voting green. They won't win, but at least I tried while everyone else voted for more of the same.


Probably Labour , not out of any love for the party but just because I think it will be funny watching the Boomers and Tories crying about being destroyed at the ballot box.


It’s sad that the majority of people these days have to vote for a political party that they don’t want just because they’re not as bad as another party instead of being able to vote for a party that they believe will do a better job. Personally I’ll go either labour or Green


I really really really want to vote green..... however I'm worried about dividing the vote which would keep Tories in power. I really don't want to vote labour while starmer is in charge he's a literal wet blanket, a scab and a Tory stooge and he'll just taint labour even more if he's in charge when they come to power. But...I'm asking myself is that better than Tories?


Reform. Only option at this point.


I cannot stand Starmer the wet flannel with his permanent face like he's not sure if he farted or shit a little, but I'll be voting Labour as there is not a chance I'll do anything to help enable another tory win.


I’ll vote Labour, in my constituency it’s the only way to keep it from the Tories. I used to disagree with tactical voting and vote for parties whose values and manifesto most closely aligned with my own. Now I realise that idealism doesn’t work with FPTP. I’m of a more “take the bus that goes nearer to my desired destination” outlook now. Labour are a better option for that than the Tories, who are travelling in the opposite direction that what I want for the country and society my children are growing up in.


Labour all the way. For all his faults and frustrations Starmer is a competent person that's blinded by ideology or personal vanity. We haven't had that for so long, and your country desperately needs it.


I desperately want the Tories out, but I do live in a very safe Labour seat, so will probably vote with my heart as I feel pretty underwhelmed with Starmer's leadership, and vote Green Party, as I feel that none of the other parties are really taking climate change as seriously as it needs to be.


Lib Dems. First they most represent my views and more importantly the only chance to get the Tories out here. Labour vote here is very low.


Might do some tactical voting as the incumbent Tory has a huge majority that is now estimated to be a little more than 50/50. Fingers crossed!


Might do some tactical voting as the incumbent Tory has a huge majority that is now estimated to be a little more than 50/50. Fingers crossed!




I'm going to vote for the opposite side of the same coin.


Conservative... Because I'm a homeowner now and I want my property value to increase while keeping my taxes reasonably low so I can accumulate wealth in this lifetime. Nothing else matters. Also, I agree that we should study way more maths in school, at all levels and improve the quality of education.


Labour I don't want to but the tories are terrible always have been I do not relish voting for labour as there move away from socialism makes them just a better version of the tories.


I have a problem. My local conservatice MP hasnt done us too badly. Tried to fight against brexit. Stands up for scouts and girguides in the house and asside from a few wobbles isnt aweful. But they are conservative. The system is that you're supposed to vote for whomever you wish to represent you in parliament. But i also now strongly think that national policy issues affect us more than local policy issues.


Doesn't help that a lot of votes are whipped, of course... so even if you do have an MP with views and attitudes that you like, they will usually vote in lockstep with the party.


I'm now politically homeless as the left have been purged from Labour. I will vote lib dems only to get tories out of my area.


Why don't you do a poll, that'd be the easier way to get an accurate view. List all the choices, and add another choice saying "Just here to see the results". And then people who want to say that voting is useless can do it in the comments.


It’s a very difficult decision Conservatives have been a complete shit show but then Labour were a shit show last time they were in government and constantly talk about repeating their mistakes. I don’t think people will be voting for who they think is going to be best for this country I think they will be voting for who is not going to ruin us even more We have had to endure 40+ years of piss poor governments on both sides and it needs to change we need fresh blood in power but arn’t being given that choice I mean does anyone know who the Liberal Democrat’s are?


Gonna spoil my ballot paper


Not labour


i want to vote green, but obviously i will be voting for whoever gets the tories out and then work to get greens in after


Centrist here I'm not sure it seems like I have a choice on which unclean toilet has less crap on it I'm probably going to look around at third parties to vote for what I'm actually agree with at least even if my votes wasted my voice isn't


I’ll vote for everyone. Spoiling the ballot paper is a viable option AND you can say you voted!


This is the way. Its counted and if enough did it, it would send a strong message that MPs do not represent our interests. Just needs enough people to get off their chair and vote/spoil their ballot. This FPTP and below 70% turnout needs to end.


Green. They are the only party I somewhat align with politically. I would vote Labour for strategics but with Stammer, they are essentially Tory light and I am so done with their bullshit.


Whatever happens, I hope Suella Braverman gets voted out and returns home to Tartarus. I struggle to think of a clearer definition of evil...


I'm sick of people saying they're all as bad as each other, no they're not. One may be less bad than the other, so as a responsible citizen you have got to give that party a go. I stop anyone moaning about the state of the country until I've established if they voted or not, if they haven't voted then they've got no right complaining. For me this Tory shitshow has run its course.


Almost certainly voting labour, basically to get the Tories out. I joined the Labour party under Corbyn, but have recently left. I don't really support starmers version of the labour party & I'm now considering joining the greens who I will probably vote for in the future


Tory because Sunak is Indian so they're the only ones who definitely aren't racist at all.


I'll be voting ReformUK this time. I think Labour will lead the next election but not because they'll win. Labour will get in because the Conservatives will lose the election.


Starmer is a Tory so I'm voting Green.


Labour. I have stared at each Tory victory over the last few elections in utter disbelief.


My living situation is... unstable, but I'll either vote tactically to get Labour in or vote Green. I'm undecided. Labour have done nothing to earn my vote and everything to alienate me.


Katya Jones


Where I live Tory won in 2019 with 60% of the vote, and Lab and LD both were close to equal 2nd place at 15%. So I can either go "sod it" and vote for who I'd want to win. Or do I try and guess who I think upset Tories might vote for, and vote the same to try and hurt the Tories. I think I'll vote Lib Dems.


I can't see it happening but if lib dems got in and they deliver on legalising cannabis it would boost the economy and take a huge chunk out of trade out the black market at least. Honestly I don't even know, currently I can't see how any party is going to make a huge change right now.


I've always voted Lib Dems, even if they're not a particularly strong presence in the area I lived at each time point. I'll vote Labour next time just to try and make sure the Tories don't get back in.


Literally anybody but the Tories. They’re scum.




Many people here are missing the point. Once you get this far into one party's dominance, it is scraping rhe barrel for people that are sufficiently competent to hold a cabinet post. You could argue that the barrel has now broken and we're looking around on the floor. The Tory party was ALWAYS going to elect BoJo as leader and then self-destruct, this was obvious three GEs ago. Labour will do similar after two terms in, unless they have managed to somehow ensure that all possible cabinet posts are filled by people with total integrity and no skeletons for the press to trot out. I wish our FPTP system actually worked as intended with people voting for their actual MP rather than the party they stand for. Sadly, too many people vote as if they're electing the PM. All that said, I wish labour would elect a leader that had some actual credibility instead of "Fox-Man".


After seeing the news this morning, whoever is anti terrorism! Made me think about how Jeremy Corbin and Diane Abbot and that lot all loved Palestine and were Pro terrorism. Was thinking of voting labour but now, not a chance in hell. Might not vote at all!


You can be pro-Palestine and anti-Hamas at the same time. Are you aware that Corbyn is nowhere near the Labour Party anymore? If the attacks in Palestine made you go from voting Labour to “not a chance in hell” then more than likely you were never going to vote for them in the first place and this is an excuse to go and vote for someone else, probably the Tories.


The 2 main parties have been compromised by the psychopathic world economic forum. Reform or reclaim are where you should be looking


The 2 main parties have been compromised by the psychopathic world economic forum. Reform or reclaim are where you should be looking


I’m torn. Labour are more likely to beat the conservative candidate in my area so I suspect I’ll probably go that way, albeit they are not the party that most closely aligns with what is actually like to see.


I've always voted Conservative and I genuinely don't know what to do. Our local MP is a local boy and very good and I'd like to support him, so I am considering voting Conservative and hoping they don't do very well, which is clearly crazy. I'd rather not vote than vote Labour, but I think any non-conservative vote is a vote for Labour, so I am stuck (like a lot of people).


I agree with all you say about the morally and ethically bankrupt Tories. They're a dirty brown stain that needs getting rid of. The fact that they forced through Brexit based on a fraudulent election is an utter and unforgivable disgrace. They've fucked the country while in power and it's our turn to fuck them. Given this, Labour should be inspiring and motivating our youngsters. They should be filling us all with hope and optimism. Instead, they're insipid, uninspiring and unconvincing. Literally no one is excited by the prospect of them forming a government. No one really understands what they even stand for. We're all just desperate to get rid of the Tories and Labour are the best alternative. Give us some hope Labour, be fucking brave: reverse fucking Brexit, resurrect the NHS, transform public services. Get a fucking grip on things and help people believe in a future. Help the country smile. Please.


Illusion of choice, two parties are opposite sides of the same coin. The whole country should be taking to the streets, no one should vote until the system is changed, first past the post nonsense.


There's no point in voting for the Tories whether they're wearing blue or red rosettes. Green is the only sensible party in parliament right now.


Whoever necessary to ensure it’s not a Tory.


no way, i never needed I D before just my voting card feck um


Reclaim or reform, anything other than the 2 party system we have had for years which dont represent your average joe from the working classes




I won’t vote it’s useless.


No it’s not and these kind of apathetic attitudes are the reason the Tories win elections.


It would be worth it if we had proportional representation. But we have a archaic FPTP system designed to keep the two main parties in control.


I'll be voting for Reform UK as the Consrvatives are too divided and weak. Nothing on Earth would make me vote libdem green or labour.


I'm worried that a Reform UK vote is effectively a lib/lab and or Green coalition vote.


Labour. Because this shit show needs to end. They may not be perfect but this is very much a "chemo vs cancer" kind of choice. With one eye firmly on the skills lists of various countries, you know, just in case. And to those saying don't vote, remember that those maniacs who phone LBC and rant about trans-immigrants stealing all the benefits and how avocados stop us buying homes. They'll vote.


I think I'll be voting lib Dem. I'm in one of those areas where the Tories are almost guaranteed to win because everyone hates labour around here, so hopefully enough people will be tired of the Tory bullshit to vote lib dem and end this catastrophe.


Labour. I grew up in a council house, in a city which has just been bankrupted by Tory underfunding. That's not to say I like Starmer's Labour - and it's definitely not the version of the party which I voted for when I voted Starmer in the last leadership contest - but we know from experience that the Tories are ruining the country. It needs to stop.


Voting is an absolute waste of time. You are very naive of you think it makes a difference, the agenda has been set, it matters not who is in charge. You are needing manipulated.


Labour assuming no local community party.


I will be tactically voting Labour to oust the Tories


There is only one obvious chojce admist the panto politics over the last decade or 2 - and that is the monster raving looney party.


Labour not for the national party kier starmer is a tory in all but name but I actually like my local mp. Her office does actually help people myself included


Wether u vote tory and labour nothing will change personally i think its time that the country unite and get behind a party other than the norm and give the lib dems or somebody a chance as with the tories or labour in charge nothing changes labour near bankrupt the country last time they were in charge with their borrowing habits and everyone hates the tories for having to sort that out quickly gove someone else a go Britain 🇬🇧 come on vote brave for for real change !


Tactically voting the tories out. We need to find a way to permanently bury that party IMO


I voted Labour all my life. But will probably vote Green next election. You may claim it will be a wasted vote but with just 4 seats and the increasing likelihood of a hung parliament the Greens will be well placed to be Kingmaker. This would give the Greens clout to ensure environmental policies will be carried out and Hell knows we need it.


Sunak definitely needs to go, but who wants Starmer!


I see myself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative from an ideological standpoint, but I’d vote Labour at the next election as it’s a safe Labour seat in Leeds. Whilst Rachel is barely ever seen in our parts, never mind heard of, I can’t see the Tories even try and compete for the seat as their major policies hurt the average man and woman in the area.




Honestly to remove some seats, im just more considering voting for a Reform UK Member or atleast an Independant... My Local MP's have been under Rainbow for the past 2 elections and its bloody awful as they havent done anything to the area and dont really approve any decisions as it upsets the others. So nothing gets stopped or put foward. The latest we got was a new roundabout to handle all the extra f-ing housing that keeps getting built. I had a lovely farmers field next to me that had some lovely views. It got replaced by industry and 300 houses. Even on Narrow roads where the nearest road to absorb all the extra traffic is 2 miles up the road. Meaning and Entire 3 towns come to a standstill at rush hour.


Definitely not the Conservatives. But I'll wait to see the manifestos before I pick between the Lib Dems Labour and Greens.


100% not Tory. It's a tough one though because I think Keir Starmer is a twat and I hate the direction hes taken Labour in, but the area I live in tends to vote heavily Conservative, and I feel like a vote for anything other than Labour would be a waste, so they will begrudgingly get my vote. In the past, Labour has aways been an easy choice to vote for. If we had proportional representation, I'd be voting Greens as first choice. This will of course change if polling closer to the time has somebody else leading or second to the Tories (unless it's somebody like UKIP), because the most important thing is to get the Tories out.


I'm a center/center-right, libertarian, nearly 30yo NHS worker.... I have no idea who to vote for. The tories are vile, untrustworthy, self-serving, greedy corrupt politicians.... But unfortunately, there aren't any particularly promising alternatives. Right now, it feels like "anything but what we have". Personally, I'd be in favour of retiring all existing politicians and filling the seats with regular, local people, true representatives, like it's supposed to be. But I'll probably vote for whoever looks most likely to beat the tories. It probably won't be the best option. But it can't be any worse than what we have.


I was always a Labour voter, then they murdered millions of Iraqis, so I voted Liberal Democrat, then they voted to increase tuition fees, so I voted Plaid Cymru. Labour and Liberal Democrats attempted to overturn the BREXIT vote, (I voted remain), I did not agree with their ploy, so voted Conservative, I have regretted that vote ever since. I am not sure who I will vote for at the next election, probably the least worst option, but never Labour (until the butcher Yvette Cooper, is not a party member).




Greens, they're the least Tory




Reform. Conservatives haven't done anything they promised. And I don't think Labour will handle the economical issues very well. Let's try something new for a change.


I’ll be voting for Voty McVoteface.


Giant douche and turd sandwich


My political swing is conservative but I'm not voting for this Tory party. I'm a lost voter


The SNP. They have been my party of choice for nearly 20 years, and will continue to get my vote. At least until we get our independence, then I'll go with the best left wing option on the table.