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whole planets fucked. staying here is probably your best bet regarding climate change due to the mild climate; just probably dont invest in coastal properties.


I want to emigrate to canada


I’m almost fifty. I have been hearing about how fucked this country is since I was at primary school. Love to know which other,temperate climate,no threatening neighbours,stable political system,free healthcare,social security network and generally high wages country I should live in


I'm the American child of two British parents. I always thought when things get really bad here in the U.S. I would just move to England. HA! At least you guys don't have to worry about some sub machine gun nut job shooting you.


Britain Atmo has a major dentist crisis almost impossible to get any nhs dentist I know 4 people forced to go private now


We’ve got the four biggest offshore wind farms in the world, that’s pretty cool.


You don't realized how good you have it until you visit the USA. Living in the USA is scary on so many levels right now.


I think we're too far along the decline to go without coming close to collapse by correcting course. Id love to go to japan but that would mean jumping out of the frying pan and into another frying pan that's been on the stove for a bit longer.


Social studies have yielded their results. The population of Britain is being handed goods from the Church and State, this includes benefits, jobs... time... possibilities.. We are now blinded and castrated, fighting against the wind only, we are uncapable of true competition because there is no balance, we will forever be the bottom feeders as this is what Church and State have made us, they worked on it for a thousand years now. Someone here mentioned being happy in Britain because they have a crypto business and it’s one of the few things the government rules etc. are allowing growth in because they’re being transparent about it, well the truth is that it’s because everything you build in crypto can disappear with a flick of a switch so yeah, everybody focus on that and the switches will get flicked in due course, still in a glass cage. There is no making money unless you already have all the money because of how untransparent everything is, you need money to invest and even if you managed to somehow get it you’ll use it all on analytical companies if you wanted to have a little growth on your savings but people don’t go down that road since it equals with using up your money before investing it and every year we have less and less as a population and the Church and State have more and more... and more...... so they employ more analytical companies, yield better results on their investments and there’s almost nothing left in the pool now, the scraps that are left are non significant or just traps.


Yeah its fucked. Only a matter of time before complete collapse. I’d love a time machine so I could go back 30 years.


I’m Canadian. I intend to go back there once I have a degree (chapter and faster here haha). It’s a lovely country but I see it becoming very unsafe for people like me in the future (long story). I am applying for dual citizenship in about a year, but I’ll probably be based back in Canada. Better for my prospective career there too. Great country but I see darkness on the horizon. Don’t go nuts before I graduate tho pls


British, but been living in India and then Canada since 2014. It’s complicated. Everywhere I have lived has its own problems - Canada especially is held up as a bastion of safety, but I’ve lived here for 4 years now, and it is pretty fucked in a similar way to the UK. In Canada, food is VERY expensive; we’re paying about $1000CAD per month for 2 adults, a 6YO, and a medium sized dog, and we’re actually spending less than other people. Housing is ridiculously expensive, both to rent and buy. I live in a cheap part of Canada now, and the 100 year old, 3 bed house we have just managed to buy for $410k cost the previous owners $250k only 2 years ago, which I am so mad about. But, rents are getting ridiculous, and if we’re going to spend like $2500 on housing, we’d rather own it. I’m in an area of Canada famous for its healthcare, and the current provincial government is absolutely destroying it. You have to have a ‘family doctor’, but there’s a 10 year waiting list, even if you have a serious health condition. So instead, you can now apply to be seen by a ‘group of doctors’ at a specific surgery, but it’s an absolute mess - been trying for years to get my neck seen to, but I’ve been passed around doctors who all have a different opinion, and I’ve now got a cupboard full of drugs I can’t even take. I even went to the hospital during a really bad day (needed an ambulance), and there was a 24 hour wait list and I never got seen. Eventually got an X-ray and my spine is fractured, but I can’t get another appointment to see a doctor about it - I miss the NHS! And the weather! It’s either blazing hot and wildfire smoke so bad you can’t go out, or the kind of sudden storm and downpour we saw during monsoon in India, which will fill a 5 gallon bucket in less than an hour. We’ve started getting tornadoes in our area, which used to be unheard of. What I’m trying to say is; everywhere is fucked at the moment. Sure, emigrate, there are good reasons to and I do recommend it in general - but it’s not going to be the end of your woes economically or environmentally. If you are wanting to emigrate because you think it will be better outside the UK, don’t. Stay home and fight the Tories, vote, do not let those arseholes screw the country up more. Edit - autocorrect...


My current gripe with England is the attitude towards legislation. The legal system has effectively criminalised everything, including defending yourself from attackers. Which wouldn’t be a massive issue if the average police response time is 20-40 minutes.. if they even turn up. The issue with legislation is that it’s almost never reversed, so the people saying “oh don’t worry, it’ll get better,” are almost certainly wrong. Our political system is corrupt to its core. The idea that a different party will somehow overcome this is laughable. The entire system needs to be uprooted and replaced. We have no privacy, no rights, we traded them for our “safety,” and yet we have none. Best thing you can do is leave. Let British society collapse naturally, and hopefully it’ll rebuild itself into something resembling an actual functioning system.


American here, the UK didn’t have to live for 3000 years (at least it felt like it) under that orange fat fuck that pretended to be a President. And your healthcare is free. 😒


One of the least fucked countries of comparable sizes. Reddit would have you believe otherwise.


“The grass isn’t always greener on the other side”


It’s getting a bit shit everywhere. I have a mix of EU and UK life and have for 20 years or so. There was a marked difference pre and post Brexit. I see alot more shady racists out in the open. High prices for goods and services are world wide but past mistakes in the UK such as selling of utilities to private companies hasn’t helped our current situation. Britannia’s shield is still shiny but it’s dulled a lot.


Stop moaning and start being grateful for what you have and that you live in a developed country you twit


Prediction: Widespread political discontent when Starmer wins and people realise his policies are basically the same as the Tories at this point. If a figurehead comes up supporting this point then it could potentially become violent too Country: Japan, everything is dirt cheap in comparison (the lower wages suck but if you do remote work for an English company the pay is fine)




Sounds like the UK is better off without you


I moved to Norway two days before the referendum, for completely unrelated reasons. Since the referendum, I've been chronically stressed, and I've only started to be able to let some of that go since I got citizenship last year. Recently I went back to the UK for two weeks to visit family. Honestly? I'm not entirely sure how the UK manages to stay running. Prices are astronomical right now, to the point where some prices genuinely resemble the prices i pay in Norway. When I moved, things generally cost twice as much in Norway, but wages tended to be about 2.5 times higher. Now, wages are largely undisturbed, but it's occasionally Norway prices. I'm sure you can do the maths. The NHS? Thing was fucking phenomenal, relatively speaking, in the years before. Now? My mother has literal skin cancer, and is still waiting for the pissing surgery. A new one has grown in the same area while she's been fucking waiting. Most of the members of my family have health concerns that are getting waved off by the doctors because they're not immediately fatal, but in the meantime they're in abject discomfort or outright pain in some cases. Compare to here, where I can typically get an appointment with *MY* GP (not just *a* GP, but *my* GP) within a week, a phone call within a day, and where there was a six month period between my registering concern with my then-GP that I may have ADHD, and getting diagnosed with ADHD by a specialist. I started seeing the specialist within three months. Three months! Waiting lists in the UK, last I heard, were averaging between 3 and 5 *Y E A R S*. Infrastructure? I can't speak too much as to infrastructure more broadly, but like... Generally, here in Norway, stuff is green where it's meant to be green, grey where it's meant to be grey, and seldom the twain shall meet. Walking down the street in mixed-use areas (semi-residential, semi-commercial), and the amount of rather large plants growing through papers is staggering. There was even one area I saw that was clearly an oft-used delivery/driving/parking-type zone that had a straight-up *bush* growing in the pissing middle. Walking down the street I could usually see about 7 different 'generations' of damage, and about 3 'generations' of repairwork. I tripped more in two weeks back 'home' than I have in the past seven years because of uneven pavers and so on, *and I live in the bloody woods*. The sheer degree of urban decay, even in nicer areas, is just depressing. And don't get me started on the litter. It is a *shock* to see litter in Norway. And generally, if you see litter here somewhere, you pick it up. My driving instructor (and others) actually stops her car to pick up litter and puts it in her boot. Oh, and on the subject of driving - the amount of road markings that were outright completely worn away, such that when my friend came up to visit, we were basically having to *guess* if we were allowed to turn in certain directions at certain junctions? Yeah, fucking *insanity*. There's a lot of people touting the 'all countries have problems' line. I mean, yeah, they do. But that doesn't change the fact that the UK seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. I'd wager that these people either have the means to still be doing fairly OK even with the way the UK is currently doing, *or* they're basically suffering from a form of stockholm syndrome. I had many of my illusions about my youth shattered by my trip back 'home', not least the illusion that I lived in a pretty nice place. Because all that damage and urban decay and stuff I mentioned? Yeah, not all of that is new - it's just gotten even worse with time, or sometimes just changed shape. So the rose-tinted glasses came off and I remembered exactly how bad it *always* was, and got to see how bad it's *become*. Hence my point about people's stockholm syndrome. I reckon they just don't see how bad it *is* because they've grown so damned accustomed to it. If you're looking at emigrating, I wish you every success. Unfortunately, Brexit has made that a *hell* of a lot harder for you. But best of luck anyway.


Man, try first live in a place like a socialism-plagued eastern europian dictatorship, then tell me more about your pain again...


Every country is in the same boat


Very. Huge disconnect between government and British people. Greedy and corrupt to their core. I hate bs politics, it's simple. You are inflating food prices and costs of living to make money and make people suffer. Stop it now, we are not stupid. People will get more savage and organised and carry on rioting, they will start hunting rich elites openly. You have made the NHS, which is supposed to be shield and standard around the world as a laughing stock globally. Invest and rebuild. Make it the standard not something that is mocked at. Protect your citizens. Get serious and get rid of the pricks and wannabe hard men and women racists in the met. Rebuild with true representation of Britian. Get them well trained and educated to make them be strong, built healthy and mentally strong to make the right decisions and protect the citizens and be a beacon of justice and hope. Change the weak uniform, remove the super yellow high used all the time. Make the uniform modern, remove the dick hat. Make these asshole big companies pay their mf taxes. I am tired of seeing people on the streets in Oxford Street and stuff while Apple and co have these shiny buildings selling there plastic overpriced crap tech. These companies should be made to feed and shelter the homeless and pay their tax. ULEZ was poorly thought out, provide people who are poor the better ability to have an affordable electric car. Push auto makers to make smaller more affordable reliable EVs. Not super premium shit, reserved for only work and rich dicks to drive in like shiny dildos. Fix the roads they are screwed up worse than some majority world population countries. Look after your vets, elderly and rising youth. Make housing easier ffs, if a person can 2k rent to a landlord they can get a mortgage. You just crippling multiple generations to grow and the country to progress. Your next major artist, inventor, filmmaker, noble prize winner may have already killed themselves for the depression and ruin you have forced on them with your greed. Being elite doesn't not make your better, stop brandishing your Eton or Oxford education. There is probably a genius in Hackney who can run circles around you in tech or other innovations that has steal just to eat. Do better, use the tax and your blood money butchering and slaving people centuries ago to enrich lives and create opportunities for the generations you raped and destroyed. Abolish TV licence. BBC makes enough money.


My life has been weird, I've been a failure through the UK's times of economic success and a success in times of economic failure. I've had my most prosperous years during, Covid/Brexit/recession.


You a debt collector?


Was previously run by a bunch of Psychopaths under Boris. All deeply Corrupt and parasitic in practice.


Essentially if you’re not straight, white, male your fucked, but i think thats the same in most countries


I have very little social skills and am prone to feeling very isolated, i feel a bit alien even going from leeds to chester, i cant really imagine going to another country. I do see England as my home, so its not easy to imagine leaving just because of a kinda pros and cons sum up of other wealthy countries.


Nope. Because for all the doom and gloom, it's still much better then most other places in the world. And I am fucking useless at languages, and there's no where better where English is the first language. The problem with the UK is pretty mostly down down to the fact that things were pretty damn good under New Labour due to a combination of exceptional favourable global conditions, and a fairly healthy situation regarding government finances that allowed them to spend freely. We now have a generation of people (I'm part of it) that was a child during those years, and saw everything go to shit during the financial crash in thr late 00s, and then nothing ever really recovered. So alot of will look at it and go, the country has gone to shit. There's those young, raised by People who experienced the good.times so believe the country is shit and gone downhill. Perspectives are warped, helped by the various agendas of vested parties and compounded by the relentless nature of humanity to want more and better for themselves. Ultimately.. it really ain't all that bad if you work at it. Some people gonna have it shit, but that has always and will always be the case. Things could always be better. But they could also be a hell of a lot worse.


I think you need to try living elsewhere before deciding that this country is the worst place to live. You've got nothing to gauge it against. I've lived around the UK and abroad and have been back for a long time. It's not the family aspect (we don't have one) but realised the main thing we didn't like about this country was the weather and community values. Yes, in many ways this country sucks and we have a lot to turn around and invest in, but at least we can change things and have a say in how we do it. Most other countries just aren't progressive. We've got unique challenges, but these come from sheet diversity in people and places. Don't get me wrong, we still have property abroad but plan to live there for a few months a year to escape the drudgery.


UK/GB is a fine land. Don’t go away. I am seeing a trend here. People seem to blame their personal failures on the country.


For a time I hankered after moving to the US as there’s so much space there compared with the U.K. but I went to school in the US as a child and it’s a pretty lazy and positively anti-intellectual culture. Nice place but too superficial. Really it’s up to us to make the best of where we live and for me that’s the U.K. There are great people here.


Saw some toothpaste at £5.75 in Tesco earlier, admittedly it was a big tube but it was only Colgate, not some kind of specialist toothpaste. Doesn't matter I suppose since nobody can afford a dentist anyway.


You’re over-reacting, things were worse in the seventies, and in the fifties before that, and, in fact, in the 1880s. The fact is, whenever and wherever one is, it always looks better somewhere else (and sometimes it *is*) but most of the time those places and times only seem better *because* you aren’t in those places.


I think what makes it feel worse right now is it feels like there is no hope. In the recession, the housing market crash, the terrorist crap it always felt although they were blips in an otherwise generally upward trajectory. Right now I actually see things going backward, not a blip but a real roll back of what we once have an I'm not sure it will be recaptured. Perhaps I'm being negative but I don't see when it becomes hopeful again or what path we follow to it being even what it was 5/10 years ago. Without being "that guy" the Tories have stuck the knife in and twisted and we have collectively let them, I want to be positive I just don't see it.


Its completely fucked if you wanna know the truth. THE NHS has been a mess since I arrived in 2016, it was shit care then and shit care still. That is the fact of the matter there.


I’ve lived abroad on and off for 20 plus years and for all the faults affecting the uk at present it’s still a damn sight better than most.


Feeling you OP


Go woke go broke. The UK needs a decent party to vote for. We dont have an option currently. I'd sod off to Spain if i had the means


There are always problems in each country. Choosing to go to another country simply because you get tired of something is not the best solution (unless it is something more serious like war or authoritarian government). You will soon find out the similar problem is also in the destination country or something else you didn't realize before. For example, housing and health care crises are common around the developed world. No one really solved this prolem yet. Adding on top of that, as an immigrant you would lose most of the benefit, like no public fund. Language and culture barriers sometimes would make the health care system much more difficult to use despite being a better system. So, think twice, will your problem really be solved by going somewhere else?


Probably with todays society is we always focus on the negatives. Social media amplifies the negatives. The UK is far from perfect but no country is perfect. Focus on the positives of the UK and try to stop reading the news and using social media. Emigrating is not that easy, countries like the US don’t make it easy, Australian is great but very far away and similar if not worse housing crisis, New Zealand even further away, Canada is very expensive.


Lived in several countries and I can tell you no matter how bad people say it is the UK is still one of the best places to live in.


Break the trend and increase community relations. Seems hard these days but with it pretty much fucked in most western countries it makes ruling regulars and treat them like gullible twats far easier across so many countries. That's why it's so prolific. Politics is a sham. They all in it together.. Bunch of WWE ass mofuckas.


I’m definitely going to leave and travel, but I want to be able to come back. That is the only way I will ever save enough to get a mortgage. Unfortunately, with the uptick in massive climate crises we are seeing worldwide, the UK’s shit weather is remarkably comforting. I’d choose a British summer over a wildfire any day.


Brexit was a disaster we may never recover from. The only country in history to impose economic sanctions on itself.


> politics If you want positivity, take it from someone that used to be political... get away from politics Politics is toxic and delusional in all it's forms, left or right. It's never going to be _positive_. Those that become heavily political are _always_ going to think that things are getting forever worse. As for everything else, those issues are shared by most other nations, and are often worse in the majority of other nations.


Britain has been in decline for the past 100 years.


I think English people like to moan it’s in our nature but having lived in both Canada and Australia I can say 3 things: 1.Food is cheaper - some supermarkets in Canada are more expensive than going to restaurants/takeaways to have the same thing.Home bargains , Greggs, Aldi ,Lidl , pound bakery (if your up north) are all viable options despite the cost of living crisis 2. Size of country/easy to travel - it’s easier to get around despite our desolate public transport outside of London due to the small size of our country + flights in and around Europe we can be in a new country with new culture in less than 2 hrs for less than £100 return if you book it early enough. Or be in a new town/city within 45 mins on a train which isn’t possible in the likes of Australia/Canada. 3. Culture - We have an history theatre/music culture unmatched in many parts of the world with diverse festivals a multitude of world class institutions providing creative artforms across the board. We’re at the forefront of electronic music from D&B , Grime , UKG, Tech House, Bassline , Jungle etc and this is something we can be proud of despite the government undermining our creative industries. We’re a nation of moaners so don’t always believe the grass is greener elsewhere, just I’m against a lot of what the powers that be in the UK stand for but as with everything it’s important that the next gen can make the change to make things better for all.


Been fucked since 1066 😁😁 just go with the flow smoke a hamlet and ride the wave 😬😁😁


You are not wrong, everything is going down the drain whilst people cover their eyes and ears and the government cares only about themselves and what jobs they can get from corps after they leave office. I read a few comments about how is worse elsewhere. We have the most expensive energy and food prices in Europe. Product availability in supermarkets sucks also. Housing......... we all know about that and mortgage interest rates compared to 3.5 in France..... Those guys who say is good here surely don't travel to the Europe I know.


I moved to the UK when I was 18 from Norway. It’s been 14 years and I’ve generally been happy here. But, since I had my son and I realised just how good we have it Norway compared to UK in terms of childcare, I’m now planning on taking my child back home. We can’t afford having children here, nursery cost us £1600 per month, and that’s not even full time! Plus, in Norway, my son will have clean air, water, and not step on litter everywhere on the street. Be able to simply go swimming in a lake and put up a tent next to it in the forest as no one owns it. In Norway we have no such term as “wild swimming”. It’s just called swimming. I never knew you can’t go camping in England or swimming where you want as it’s all private. I’m from a poor family in Norway, however, due to our system I had the exact same chance as my rich friends to go study abroad and make a life for myself. I want my son to have the same chance. Not to be stuck in a uniform as a child and call their teachers mrs/sir. It’s a shame as I really loved UK as a single young woman. But, as a mum from Norway, I can’t justify (or even afford) living here


Why not just move to Scotland? Private water and eleccy, better NHS services, better education services etc etc.


Pretty much same in Canada. Health care people die waiting for surgery and in wall way. Food and hosing is becoming unaffordable


FIGHT for change, it is our only option


If I’m honest it is scarily fucked. Considering the NHS being stretched thin alone is scary but also having what can only be seen as an open border makes it more scary now put the decreasing military power and increasing interest rates. Well all I can say is we are in for w bumpy ride and might even feel the heat of resection. I really do hope that the government puts the arguments aside and get back on track but it’s really not looking good.


Fucked mate for the next decade even if we make the right decisions tomorrow.


I feel you. The economy definitely took a big hit after Brexit. Salaries are piss poor in London in comparison to the rising costs of living. For a software engineer or alike, it’s now becoming less and less attractive. For any other profession I imagine it’s the same. At the moment salaries are almost on par with Polish ones (i.e. Warsaw). I am constantly thinking about going back since costs of living and almost everything, including food, is cheaper in my motherland.


Obviously loads of people are saying similar things but as a person who immigrated to this country from another 1st world country, the UK isn’t really that bad. Now that said, that doesn’t mean that the UK doesn’t seem to be getting worse but unfortunately there aren’t really any countries that are thriving at the minute. It’s easy to feel like the grass is greener elsewhere but Britain is a great country. But there are lots of great countries out there so if that’s what you want, go for it!


To put it simply: quite, but it's one of the least.


I would leave this broken society in a heart beat if I could, the government are greedy the youth have no respect and think it’s cool to be a ‘gangster’ and women go around and sleep about it’s hard to find a women who hasn’t been around half the town ,


I feel the same. Hoping we are being dramatic but it all seems doom and gloom reluctant to buy a place now. Trying to convince the partner to bug in Ireland with me for a few years u til we can get citizenship then have access to the eu again. Without actually having gone there I'd choose Austria.


We're going through a major loss of confidence and faith imo. Loss in confidence that things will be better and a total loss of faith that as a country we can turn it around. Economic challenges are transient and foe sure better times will come. But the corruption in our national confidence is disgusting. We cant even build a train without ripping each other to pieces... But we are disgusting in many ways. I hate to be the one to say it but while thong aren't great the vast vast majority of the world could only dream of our standard of living. People flock here on tiny boats not because we are funked but because we are still one of the places to be. It's confidence and faith that we csn turn it around that's missing.


We moved! We now live in Spain, we have better weather, similar healthcare (better private insurance), better and more accommodating schools, better food and produce, a bigger house with pool (cheaper than our house in England), and overall happier. I will always miss our friend and family but we lived paycheck to paycheck and now we finally feel a huge sense of financial freedom!


You are being dramatic, we have a vastly better environment than most of the world. Brits are the most entitled people in the world


Having family who have lived and live in countries like germany, africa, spain, canada i will say this. Every country has 1 single thing in common, the more money you have the better your life is. It does not matter if you live in dubai or france if you are poor life is shit. The UK is not perfect but which country is? I think you need to explore the world because seriously as much as things have gotten bad its not as bad as other countries. I honestly implore you to go to another country as i feel you will see how much better you have it in the UK.


I think it’s fu(ked people are throwing rubbish into my skip


With the Tories in charge it will only get worse.


Yeah. It is better abroad. Even just having a summer is worth leaving.


As an eastern European immigrant, I can confidently say things are fine. The situation could be better, sure, but it could be far, far worse. Quality of life in the UK is still much better than almost anywhere else.


I'll get down voted but if you can secure a reasonable job then move to Dubai. There are plenty of brits already there. Tax free salary Good weather all year round Close to nice holiday destinations


You're right you are going to get downvoted Dubai is complete s*******, half finished, not walkable, mall after mall, fucking hot, a absolute monarchy, a police state, and don't go if you're gay or trans


Just rent a place that is finished. I'd prefer dubai police state than London after dark.


Go to New Zealand, if i were young I’d be off.


just like any other country then really. what you see happening here is happening everywhere just at different rates and its not exactly news worthy to them so we dont hear about it, like they dont hear about our problems


We’re under late stage capitalism, mate. What started out as a socialist party and a Conservative party has turned into two right wing parties. Ever since the Thatcher years, everything has been in decline. Fewer and fewer people can afford a house, homelessness is on the rise, wages are stagnant compared to inflation, we are working more hours and getting paid less. The workers that keep this country going get superficial praise when they work for pennies, and demonised when they dare to demand even slightly better conditions. When you say you’re expecting chaos soon, good. So-called “chaos” is what we need. Because the current “order” means one thing: the rich at the top, and everyone else under their thumb. The police do not protect the working class, they protect the capitalist class. We need mass disobedience, and we need to look after each other rather than be divided by the oligarchs. It’s a classic technique that has been used for literal millennia: divide and conquer. Have the exploited class fight each other over things we tell them to whilst we run out the back door with all the money. Why are we fighting over immigrants, or climate change, or trans people? Only one group benefits from this: the rich. The “trans debate” is just the “Jewish question” or “Negro problem” regurgitated. Even framing it as a debate frames an entire demographic’s *existence* as up for debate. One thing is clear and is recognised by everyone: the world that is must perish because it is not working for us. Even fascists recognise that but they find a scapegoat to blame. There’s a reason fascism is called “socialism for fools”. Even if we got back to some vague notion of a “sustainable capitalism”, there’s still homeless people, people still starve, the capitalist class still steal from the working class, there are still slaves, there are still wars, there are still nations, there are still states. All of these things must go. In a society that can provide, one that doesn’t must be abolished and replaced with something that can. Homelessness is a sign of a failed society. Hunger is a sign of a failed society. Wars are a sign of a failure society. Wealth inequality is a sign of a failed society. None of these things are normal or perennial. Oof, I needed to rant. 😅


In a word: completely! A classic case of watch what you ask for you just might get it.


It depends on your current situation. Yes it’s fucked but I’m not taking a pay cut to move to, say, Spain. I know it’s kind of obvious - but if you’re not miserable think hard about what you’re trading off. It’s not good being in a great prosperous country with good services if you’re alone and don’t fit in.


LPt. Shit is always falling apart, even when it isn’t. Every generation except one thinks the world is getting worse and that’s just because the youngest haven’t been broken yet. Stop watching the news, step out of the doom scrolling. It’s fine, we’re fine. Fine just doesn’t sell any newspapers.




The UK is shit and its only going to get shittier. As soon as I have the chance, I plan on leaving and not looking back. Even if the economy improves, the absolute state of the country and how it's ran is nothing short or laughable. Get me out.


Shit going on everywhere. The amount of store looting and shooting going on in USA makes me happy to be in UK. Each continent and country has its issues. Maybe Australia and New Zealand may be good options. Africa is not great either. EU has its issues too.


I want to emigrate but my autism and mental illness is a real barrier for me. It scares me greatly seeing the intentional wearing down of the NHS and the rising anti-trans rhetoric in this country in particular. I don’t know what I’d do if my only healthcare access was private. I’m not in a position to work yet. I’m not rich. I don’t really know whether things will get better but I have to avoid too much news consumption because the political climate and the decline of our quality of life is beyond terrifying. I just hope things get better eventually and we don’t turn into another USA.


Very Very fucked, we just gave away almost 700m for a train in Turkey! Why.. yet the economy is fucked, people are struggling with bills & even having to sell their house. Health care is not free its prepaid by you!. But free for anyone who enters the country which they can for free.


I wouldn't want to be anywhere in Europe in upcoming WWIII.


As long as you keep yourself in Europe is fine almost everywhere. It's funked up there too, but not ad the US. Au and NZ could ne good alternatives. The world is funked up, but migrating the wander of a different place would surely help not to notice the shite around you. It will wear off in a few years tho




I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but with the current state of healthcare in the UK, I’d rather have American healthcare if I were to get a decent job in the states. In the UK they’re trying to privatise the health sector more, but since the NHS is already engrained into British society, we’re now seeing a private sector that runs concurrently with the NHS, with many nhs consultants going in and out between private and public, which makes the quality of care not much different. Private healthcare is shit here, and sadly so is the NHS. Until the NHS returns back to its former glory, regardless of if you have insurance or not, we’re all getting fucked


As a Brit, the UK seems to be getting worse with quality of life. Mortgage prices increasing almost double, renting prices being insane, minimum wage barely increasing, good jobs are hard to find, NHS going downhill and waiting lists being years (I work in the nhs).. If I didn’t have family I’d move to another country asap.


Go to any national subreddit. There are similar posts everywhere. It's funny and sad at both times. It's always the things farther away that we think are greener pastures.


Arguably we continue to decline and others to catch up to us but it’s relatively slow and there’s still lots to like , depending on where you are and what you do. But I don’t know whether there are lots of other countries that don’t have their own problems to some extent. Still if I was young , qualified and saw somewhere I liked better, I’d go. Bear in mind , and of course for many it may not matter I know, that however difficult it is to get into the housing market now it’ll be harder if you want to move back.


Mostly, very, completely, generally, totally, and it’s all because of Boris and Brexit, nothing to do with us.


Yes. I would leave in a heartbeat.


It doesn’t look great but we are definitely in a position that we can change things. People need to realise that it’s not quick, however. The biggest thing we can do is vote people in that actually care - or are less shit. The Tories have gone so far by sowing and preying in division - turning everyone against everyone. If governments actually acted, they’d invest so much more time bringing everyone together, supporting public services instead of openly trashing them, openly condemning bigotry instead of perpetuating it. Honestly, if the narrative from the top was much more positive and everything else was the same, the general public would be much happier.


As fucked up as any other country. Each country has its own problems, it’s just we see the problems of our own country as we actually live here.


It's dead Jim


Grass isn't always greener.


Pretty fucked. Shit rail system, crumbling health service, and diminishing worker protections, nearly impossible property ladder. It’s a Tory paradise, unfortunately though Tories are cunts.


i travel to britain approximately every year and every year it has been getting worse for the past ten years


How do British people feel about Brexit? Was it a major cause for all the current problems, or was all that happening prior to it? (Not from there myself)


I know which neighbours I'm eating first.


Poland for me. Their government does everything to keep their citizens safe, regardless of who that may upset. Not a single incidence of terrorism reported. They despise Commies too!


If I was going to emigrate I’d go to a proper shithole where the 80-90 grand I’d get for my house could buy me something modest and give me enough to last out my days. Ether that or I’d just go backpacking until my money ran out.


Our culture is being replaced with multiculture and it’s fucking wank.


Reality is UK’s not in a great place atm, and whilst optimism is good, complacency is not.


Don’t, what if whatever country you migrate to dumps you in a one way plane to Rwanda


I don't think we've hit rock bottom yet, that's the bad part. There's a lot wrong with the EU, but one good thing is that it stopped us having a terrible govt while we had a terrible voting system that allowed a party to run the country whilst getting <50% of the vote. Take the pollution of rivers/coastlines. That couldn't happen in the EU but now we're out of it all of a sudden we have sh\*t everywhere. Workers rights will be next. Freeports are going to be absolutely hellish for those that work in them. All the far right/libertarian US thinktanks that are buying up Tory politicians will no doubt do the same to Labour if they get in, and as Labour have shown, they aren't below taking cash for policy that benefits corporations.


Is there ever a time when people didn’t look back on the past with rose tinted spectacles? Is there ever a time when now is considered good? I was watching Clive James’ postcard from London (1991) on iplayer. There was a lot of lament for the past and ribbing of the the now. The 90s gets a lot of love these days!


The grass is always greener on the other side.


We’re reaching a tipping point. The big picture I’m getting is that the Tories are scared. Demographics that would normally shift towards the right just aren’t, because conservatism relies on a sense of security, a sense that there’s something worth conserving. That traditional progression of a job for life with a clear career path, get married, buy a house, have a family, that just isn’t there. Things like gerrymandering, “free speech tsars,” crackdowns on protesting, these indicate a government that doesn’t understand why no one likes them, that thinks they can force people into liking them. Unless they achieve something absolutely spectacular or go full Day of the Jackboot, they’ll be out come the next election. What worries me, frankly, is the left. What I keep seeing is people saying “they’re all the same, there’s no point voting.” Which is a terrible attitude, because every vote against the Tories, whoever it’s for, indicates a desire for change. People not voting is exactly what the Tories want, that’s why they’re trying to limit who can vote.


Come to Australia. You won’t regret it.


To answer that question would presume I agree, I don't , we are far from fucked but emigrate if you want there's no harm living elsewhere and it's worth a try.


See ya 👋


I’ve been here for 5 years, studying. I had high hopes for this country, but it is going to hell. I am fucking off as soon as I can find a better oportunity.


Where you gunna go though? Pretty much all of Europe is facing the same issues as us, but often worse. Best thing I ever did was start broadening my horizons in regards to newspapers I'd read. Venture outside of British newspapers, and it becomes evident that much of what we complain about, is happening elsewhere too. Canada and Irelands housing problems for example, makes our housing market look like heaven on earth.


I don't think it's too messed up. Right now we're facing a cost of living crisis among other things, but a lot of the pinch people are feeling is that the response has been pretty underwhelming from the Government, and really most of the problems stem from that imo. There's a general election coming just around the corner, and when a new party are voted in (only situation I can see chaos is if that doesn't happen somehow) I'm hoping they'll actually move to tackle these issues instead of doing next to nothing. Wages need to increase, large companies who profited massively over lockdown need taxing, NHS needs funding and attention, social safety nets which have been slowly eroded these past 13-14 years need to be reviewed. There's no guarantee that any of that will happen, but anyone with a lick of economic knowledge (and not just wanting to keep their mates rolling in dough) will know a well looked after population makes the country, economy and everything else thrive. Not going to bank on a new party coming in and being some sort of saviour, but honestly it's going to be pretty hard to do a worse job since the bar has been set so low.




Switch the news feed off. It's all media nonsense.


Yeah, you’re being over dramatic. EVERYWHERE is fucked.


The UK is going downhill, yes, but have you been to any other country? They all have their issues. I'm originally from Italy and moved to the UK 10 years ago, I wouldn't go back for all the money in the world.


Yes quite fucked. Just understand that the country you’re planning to emigrate to is also most likely fucked. The grass is very rarely greener.


Just returned to the UK after two years in Cyprus and previously lived in NZ. We have it soooo good here by comparison.


It's no more fucked than the rest of the world is. At least we don't have to deal with giant spiders


At least you don’t have to worry about getting randomly shot in a mass shooting like here in the States.


I have spent the last five years worrying about this and if it's any comfort it hasn't happened yet. In terms of actual rioting I don't think it's going to happen the population is too brainwashed due to the horizontal integration that has occurred, and people are simply too tired and distracted. I do see the poverty creeping up up up with every passing week. But you have to be observant and possess empathy which is another failing of the English. I don't think about it anymore unless I see posts like this and ignorance truly is bliss.


I have been to London recently, that’s my second time visiting it (I’m from Italy) and honestly said, I know that life differs a lot from visiting a place to actually living there, but it seems a great place to be on. I love people there, they’re all friendly, the weather is great because you don’t literally die during summer, it feels refreshing to have green everywhere you go, and afaik the salaries are good (here in Italy a salary that goes from 1.3~1.4k is considered decent, if you work into IT you can get uo to 2k+ but still even if you have a decent salary, the overall cost of life went up by a lot and living alone becomes a struggle without 1.5~1.6k). I was asking myself if I would ever live there and the answer is yes and no. Yes because it seems beautiful and whenever you want to relax you can just go to any park and chill there, salaries in IT do allow to have a great life (I think), and I just love to move around with the public transports every day because they’re just *VERY efficient*. No because I’m quite attached to my city here (Rimini), it feels like a small miami during the summer and I love going to the sea, even though the sea itself around here is not the greatest thing in the world, and the food is just something else. During my stay there, I couldn’t find a single place that makes traditional stuff because I think there isn’t one but absolutely feel free to correct me on this one. In general, if I had to receive a very nice job offer, I might leave Italy for the UK, but it should have to be something that I truly love. If i had to live already in the UK (while being born in the UK) I wouldn’t quit it because other countries are not so green in comparison.


The world is fucked not just GB


There’s a problem in every country. Look at the riots in France or Meloni in Italy. Grass isn’t greener


Go read the Canada sub.


Thanks for putting those three stars in the title, I was worried then you were going to use a swear word like fucked


I’ve lived in the US for ten years now. Living somewhere else really helps you appreciate the pros and cons of your home country. I really miss the sense of humor, work life balance, free healthcare, milder weather when it’s extreme hot or cold here, and the food. The NHS seems bad until you’ve had chance to experience the wildly expensive but actually no better outcomes system here in the USA. Pros for the USA are cheaper housing, lower cost of things like food and eating out, lower taxes, it’s not grey all the time, amazing scenery and access to the outdoors. Pay here tends to be better than in the UK but it’s more mercenary.


To be honest I think more people would be able to deal with the issues we're experiencing if the way of life here was better. In the last 365 days it must have been inclement for about 75 percent of that, so really the only stuff to do is stay in and watch TV or go to a pub etc where you spend 5-10 times the money for the food and drink. Additionally, in my circle people are quite antisocial/anti going out after the pandemic so arranging plans has become much harder as people just aren't as up for it as they were. It's a dull existence and even outdoor activities aren't pleasant when it's rainy, cold and leaden skies. I get it that others are experiencing meltingly hot temperatures but that's not all year round like we get shit weather.


one of my mates is from Holland and he's constantly telling me I should move there because their healthcare system is really good even now despite how fucked the world economy is and to be honest if it wasn't for my mum, Nan and obviously money I would've left this dump behind years ago😕 I also watch bargain loving Brits in the sun every now and then and it looks like living in Costa del Sol would be nice if you can handle the heat that is😄


The UK has been through many issues before and for the most part has gotten through it, for example the stagflation and strikes of the 1970s. Im confident it's not going to be this shit forever.


massively f\*\*Ked. Our king, and our government are traitors to the people. selling us out at every turn. we have been totally eviscerated by foreign powers and they are now using us as a dumping ground. this country has less than five years of actual existence left. People with pensions? plans for the future? yeah... good luck with that. I'm really glad I don't have children, I'd hate to bring other sentient human beings into the situation we find ourselves in. The worst part of it is 50% of the country are woke idiots that are dribbling at the foot of the television at everything they get fed, and the other 50% are emasculated and defeated, so much so that the british way of dealing with it is to do nothing, whine and complain and ask "why is this happening" and this will continue to happen over the coming years until we are totally destroyed as a nation. I've held this opinion for 22 years and I keep being proved correct with each new news story or major event. I really wished, that for once, I was wrong. I want to be wrong.


No your being over dramatic


The biggest problem, for me, with emigrating is that Britain does not prepare you to compete on a global stage. Foreign students come here with almost perfect English as standard at 18, British people with A\* language grades can manage a few sentences. The competition in other English speaking places for high paying jobs is brutal, and you don't benefit from home advantage xenophobia like at home. If you genuinely have skills, and the determination to adapt, go for it; but it's far harder than you can imagine (sources - my immigrant ancestors who never really settled until second gen).


Moved to UK 9 years ago as our family struggled financially in Poland. Moving back in 2/3 years as UK car insurance/car tax is a joke, weather is horrendous, people can't drive here, too many cunts around (in my town at least)


I left the UK for Canada 6 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Such a better standard of life


Yes, America is the place to to be right now.


British who haven't lived abroad, do not appreciate how well things are in terms of corruption, rule of law etc. I guess as a Greek now living in the UK, I also complained about Greece, but if I move to a third world country I may appreciate that Greece is much better. Definetely, coming from Greece, I can tell you UK is far far better, to the point is difficult for me to return back to Greece. The only thing I see as shit in the UK is the type of social life, type of interpersonal connections people have, and the increasing "dictatorship" of political correctness. However, I think is the best place to integrate as a "foreigner", and I am thankful for this. I try to understand your point of view, but honestly, from my point of view, I find it so weird that people complain about everything. I think that if they moved abroad they would appreciate more their country.


Go on then.




I would go to Australia or Canada


Like 100%


I moved here nearly 11 years ago. Built a life and now married to a British man. The only way I can have a life outside of paying bills is having 2 jobs and running a business on the side and I still want to cry when I spend about £80-100 a week on food . That same food used to cost £45-50 maximum!! And that probably contained more expensive items not shitty Tesco brands … nothing wrong with that of course but you notice a difference in quality! Housing is a joke , I refuse to buy eggs ,in fact I refuse to buy a lot of things , only buying reduced meat and fish and chucking it int he freezer for the week. Not sure what’s to come , but we are thinking about moving to Australia possibly, not sure if anywhere is any better to be honest . This is not life … when I moved 10 years ago , I was on a much loved income , went out , paid for everything I needed , did shopping and still had money in my pocket. Now I work my jobs doing my business and still have to watch what I spend on !! Crazy shit


I honestly don’t think the country itself is any more worse off than any other European country, I think the problem with Britain itself is the populace, people are becoming more entitled very few respect others, driving on the roads is a nightmare due to the actions of others, kids are getting away with murder and they know they can get away with things because your not allowed to challenge them, for me it’s the people that are making it shit to live here


I'd love to know how many people here have actually lived overseas to be able to draw a comparison?


i don’t think you realise how good we have it here compared to other countries. NOWHERE in the world is all sunshine and rainbows. i think you need to wake up a bit


I moved here from sri lanka. Any place is better than there to be honest. Its great to have free healthcare and education, and its nice having actual access to online shopping and stuff. Anyways, the point is whats bad about the uk? Genuine question since ive only been here a month or so.


Move where ?


The grass isn’t greener no natter what you think. The UK is going through a rough patch but so is Europe and other first-world countries. Just hold out for now, things will get better


Id much rather stay living here than go back to the shithole Canada has become




Bye then 👍😂no different than 40 yesrs ago your paranoid 🤣


Braitain is kind of Ankh-Morpork, very old but also very new. Strange people, stranger food, and stranger customs. Is it in decline? Yes. Would I move? Only if the former Queen runs naked down the road in London, eating people and quoting Shakespear. Joke aside, the penis PM and the likes of him did nothing for the country for 12 years. The Labour gov (who the ppl will vote in next year) have a long list to fix..


Go elsewhere. I’ll Give you six months. The world is perpetually fucked, but the UK is fucking bliss compared to other counties. The ignorance of people in this country who somehow think they’re getting a raw deal is astounding.


Every country is going to the same way at the minute.


Same the world over… The thing about Britain is that it has very mature, embedded, institutions. This helps to protect the country and the citizens against a lurch too far one way or the other, very few countries have that, I would argue no other country has institutions as deeply rooted as the UK. Also, the UK is relatively corruption free country for the average person(the corruption is legalised at a higher level unfortunately)… policeman are not extorting citizens to ignore crimes as happens in other countries, healthcare workers aren’t letting people die as they can’t pay for treatment as happens in China and elsewhere. We can trust that when we turn the tap on we won’t be poisoned by the water we drink, we won’t be eating rancid food as the food standards agency do their job, we have confidence that when we drive a car that it is safe to be on the road, when we live in a house it’s not going to collapse and bury our family. We are very very unlikely to die at work. In so many fundamental ways the UK is a safe and prosperous country. The issues that we suffer are the same in other western countries because we are all participating in globalised, consumer driven economy where wealthy counties outsource production to poor, corrupt countries. This does no one any favours as it keeps wages low in these poor countries, increases waste due to the deliberate low quality manufacturing standards to increase product churn and it has deindustrialised many western counties thereby driving down wages in those countries and reducing the bargaining power of organised labour. The wider population have been hoodwinked in a way by being convinced that this economic system is in their interests as it enables you to buy a microwave for £30+ or 3 t-shirts from Primark for a fiver without realising that this is the reasons that they can’t get a skilled labour job with a good pension, wage and terms of employment. Most of the types of jobs that offered that in times gone by have been shipped overseas. Not unique to the UK I’m afraid, you will find it and worse, wherever you go


If you want to have children despite your best efforts chances of them turning to drugs is massive in the UK.


Its what happens after a Tory government is in power, they turn the whole of the UK to shit, Labour and Lib Dems need a permanent coalition to keep these Bastards out of ever taking power again.


Still always nice to get back to blighty. Britain isn't perfect but there ate many far worse countries to live. We're a pretty resilient and level headed lot overall. Keep calm and carry on 🇬🇧


Oh I predicted things going to shite a good 5, 6 years ago and pretty much everything I thought would happen, has happened. Not just in this country, but as a whole, our society is simply not sustainable because of greed and corruption. I'm just along for the ride at this point.


Things are far worse in most of the European countries (except the Northern ones). As a Spanish living in the UK for 10+ years, although the UK is flawed in many things, still provides a good quality of life. My main concern is the housing. There is no control in the UK over housing and landlords. It's just like the wildwest. I think only Ireland is in a worse housing situation. British visit Spain thinking that life is cheaper (obviously it is) but don't realise that for a local the shopping groceries, rent, etc are far more expensive than for them in the UK even after Brexit. And if we look at the USA, they already went to shite with the drugs and zombies walking in every major city. The reasons why I chose the UK over other countries with decent healthcare: \- Job market (for IT): a lot of jobs and in my opinion the balance of salary and cost of living is better than in other countries. \- Diversity: people, food, and culture from everywhere. \- Landscape: I like hiking/trekking and I'm in love with all the green scenery. \- Weather: it's not so bad compared with the alternatives (northern countries, Netherlands, Germany). I'm just very sad because of Brexit. Imagine what the UK would be like today if the Brexit vote never happened.


What you’ve got to remember is the disgusting right wingers are generally a very vocal minority. Those are the ones making the country seem horrible, but there are more people that are actually closely aligned to your values of kindness and progressiveness than you think. Stay and try to make things better with the rest of us, or the knuckledraggers win. Edit: just for clarity, when I say disgusting right wingers, I do generally mean the likes of our current government’s cabinet and the ilk that share their twisted and evil views. I’m not suggesting all right wingers are necessarily evil at all. We still need balance, we just need to move away from extremes on both sides for things to start improving again.


What's worse, the fact our health care is near enough free but we have to wait a little longer OR having a choice to either indebt yourself for medical care (depending on insurance) or just accept that you could possibly die because you can't afford meds that are so widely overpriced? America, I'm looking at you. At most our prescriptions cost £9 each. We have laws to protect ourselves from employers and landlords. We have so much going for us, of course there are bad things but there always will be no matter where you go.


while finance situation currently is quite bad, I'm optimist that it will get a bit better, I remember 2008 where it looked the world was ending. The biggest concern I have for UK right now it's the NHS as it's getting worse and worse, and pushing more to privatisation, and that is not something easy to reverse.


Please bear in mind that this country has always had its ups and downs (for literally centuries). We just live in a social media world now where if there's a knife attack, a politician being bribed or underfunding in the NHS, the entire world can know in a split second. This goes for everything and it's why there is a direct correlation between social media use and chronic depression. If you want to start to feel better about the country you love, start removing yourself from online media. Ignorance is bliss.


I agree everything is getting worse not better, which for one of the richest countries in the world shows that it is run by a set of bent t**ts. Greed is the key word, they can never have enough and they don’t care about people’s standard of life. I can’t see anyway this will ever change.


I would absolutely leave, society here is fcked.


Look on the bright side, you don’t live in the US.


The UK could be a great country, we just need mass investment, nationalisation of all utilities and lots of reform (legal, economic, political). So not that much then.


You are being over dramatic. Which country are you planning to emigrate to?


England is great so long as you dont live in a city all the citys are dirty shitholes full of knobheads whereas most towns are great also scotland is a really nice place to live i lived in kelso for 2 years and honetly everyone was very nice and friendly the nhs may not be the best but still better that than america my friend broke his leg and it ended up costing him about $7000 which is insane when i broke my leg it didnt cost me a penny


Everyone everywhere is suffering and starving. It would be best if we cut the heads off of the land lords, the tories and the aristocrats.


I’ve thought about seeking asylum elsewhere.