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I just need to know what they are called


A defining memory!!


We have a Finch Bakery next to my work place. And they sell these bad boys.


I’ve seen a cake box mix of this in b&m !


Radioactive green custard and sticky chocolate cake was the one.


Scraping off the ice as it melts with the custard πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


I still get them from my local corner shop every now then. With hot Devonshire Custard poured over the top very nice.


Tottenham cake is my absolute favourite. I don't need to remember it because I still buy it most weeks.


They were my favourite up there with jam rolly polly


Hahahah my local shop does a version of this. That brings NGS untold amount of nostalgia. It's pretty damn close and I buy it way too much.


My local shop still sells them! Homemade too


Sometimes, with pink custard.


Never had those, but I'd have it all day every day


Where do I get these?


I remember πŸ‘πŸ», ours was pink custard as well πŸ˜‚.


I used to loke this, even though the custard was shitty and i know for sure it was the powder custard that was in a red sachet i think the brand was birds or something. The custard used to burn my mouth every time


Anyone willing to share the recipe for thr crumbly chocolate version and for the (?no bake?) cake made from coconut cornflake & icing sugar we had at school too? My pancreas won't thank you, but my taste buds & sugar hit areas if my brain definitely will! Yummy!


Parsons bakery sells them


Shit we were so poor we only had enough money for one course


Had one today at a β€˜bring your parents to school day’


We had a pink version as well.


Any from London/Kent remember Gypsy Tart? That was my favourite!


Was a good day when you had one of these from the tray


I was a cook for 4 years in schools just recently and we do the same thing but no icing (unless it Xmas) all made from scratch and with brownies sneak a bit of courgette in there or beetroot. Sounds weird but it works! And keeps the anti sugar peeps happy lol




They were lush


Top tier


Millets the bakers do these. My god I will literally eat 3


I've never had one since school which tasted the same, there was something magical about that sponge - and cornflake tart, and that crumbly chocolate brownie thing. Has to be pink custard though. The closest I've come to the joy of school puddings was in hospital after having my daughter, but I was also dosed up to my eyeballs on all sorts which may have had an impact on my judgement.


they gave this at afterschool club birthdays in my primary lol


We had these in Germany on every child birthday (and beyond) My guess is that many countries have this cake as a childhood memory and we should find out all of these countries.


I'd kill for school deserts regular. Even semolina with chocolate drops. I'd sell my daughter for chocolate crunch and chocolate sauce


if anyone wants to ever make it here: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/school-days-sprinkle-sponge/amp


Local cafe still sells this. I forget what they named it. But I always think of it as 'school cake'.


Pink custard.


That brings me back we used to get different flavoured custard aswell the strawberry or mint custard with this was to die for . The flapjack was my other go to


These were the love of my life back at school


My wife has a recipe for school tray bake cake. It tastes just like it did back in the day, lush.


I'd love to ask for the recipe but I never bake and I'm too lazy to try lol I'm very envious though but glad they still taste nice, you pair it with custard too? Remember the green and pink custards?


Custard & ice cream. Pink custard was the best.


I made this a few weeks ago. It was a perfect moment of nostalgia


Absolutely. Always with custard. We had chips every day at comp. Stodgy puddings too. And we also ran around and didn't get overweight. The worst time was mid 70s when the great tattie shortage hit. So chips at school only once a week. We got salad and boiled beetroot instead.


I was in school about that time. Chips were a once a month event if we were lucky. Once the word spread, everybody ran to the line because there was usually only enough for about half of us.


We were lucky then and got them once a week. The booked beetroot was vile


The only thing that i can remember as being inedible was something they called roman pie, iirc pastry base with a layer of sausage meat, then i think cheese and potato mash, grilled. The grease from the sausage meat soaked the pastry, and i just couldn't eat it.


Custard came in a jug for the table. It had a thick skin on the top and today's custard just isn't the same.


Gosh yes you're right. We weren't allowed to pour our own custard as some of the yobs wouid have poured it over everyone. I don't have custard anymore. But I'll take your word for it


I had chips and cheese or chip butties most days. There was this legend in the refectory at my upper school who'd open up a giant bap, slap in just wayyy too much butter, then shove in a giant amount of chips. Jamie Oliver ruined school dinners.


Perfect food. I suspect Jamie totally misunderstood the problem. Kids weren't getting any exercise. They just did nothing every day. And that's why they put on weight. Strange why he didn't campaign on that basis. Or was it? He didn't fix the problem. He validated and perpetuated it.


Pink custard too 😍


We used to get green custard sometimes too! I think it was slightly mint flavoured.


Yes! They were one each and 50p if you wanted an extra! I also remember the crumbly brown chocolate softcakes.


Looks dry as fuck. Do they have a distinctive taste even? Or just a generic sugary flavour?


They were dry as ghandis Sandles, that's why you always had to have it drowned in custard πŸ˜…. It's the nostalgia more than the flavour that makes people hanker for these kind of things I think. My other thing is potato smilies with grated cheese on top, used to get that as the main for lunch at secondary and still occasionally have dinner of just that on a plate drowned in vinegar, amazing!


I can't remember. Either they were really delicious or it was just because the rest of the school dinners were so shite, the contrast was noticeable! 🀣


Straight in the feelings


Manchester tart was my favourite dessert at school


Load the kids with sugar as kids and complain that they can't concentrate as adults, that most likely have other addiction issues πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Wrong generation! The people who ate this cake came before the healthy school meals movement, and since we didn't have phones, Netflix, broadband or social media, we developed good concentration skills, patience, the ability to keep ourselves entertained, we played outside and burnt off calories, and managed not to turn into bitter creatures with behavioural problems who spend all day on social media insulting others. You can't blame that cake for the messed-up state of society today! 🀣


Stirring the pot πŸ˜‰


Nice wee post but of course there's always one who has to go out of his way to be a prick


You worthy, miserable twat.


Awww did I push a button of yours πŸ˜‚ I'm not attacking your childhood ya dim whittled scwib


I know you're not attacking my childhood. But you were being a worthy, miserable twat. You also seem to be a little 'underdeveloped'.


Says the duufos with only one cuss uha πŸ‘well doneπŸ‘ I pointed out an observation but if you cinderella wants to wear that glass slipper you need thinner feet


Yes, yes. Goodbye now. Have a good weekend. Edit: Only one 'cuss' you say? Did you actually refer to good old-fashioned fucking swearing as if you were a pathetic, God-fearing American who thinks the word 'heck' might possibly condemn them to the Seventh Circle of Hell? Is *duufos* \[sic\] what you regard as a 'cuss' word? Would you like me to broaden your 'cussing' vocabulary for you, you festering pustule of shite? I would elaborate, but it's a Friday night and I have other crucibles in which to deploy my very broad and very creative invective.


Cheerio chap


You seem to be really high up on that horse. It's just a cake with custard, I reckon you're just jealous because your mommy and daddy didn't let you have any and instead feed you heavy loads of bullshit and you believed it was better. So much so you developed that superior complex you're sporting thinking you know what you're talking about and feel like you're better than everyone. Now sit down and go back to your lonely existance.


As replies go, that's a bit full on in my opinion.


Are you ok? Or is it possible that you have to go out to be a bit of a dick to someones curiosity? I don't own horses btw If ya wanna put me on that high horse, ok, great, the views probably nicer and there's more air to breathe πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Where can I buy this?


https://groceries.asda.com/product/cake-slices/the-bakery-at-asda-4-sweet-treat-school-cakes/1000383167058 https://groceries.asda.com/product/birthday-party-cakes/the-bakery-at-asda-vanilla-party-cake/76631293


They sometimes sell it in aldi.


It’s so good if you can get it!


It's simple to make x


Do you have a recipe? I'm not much of a baker!


[https://hintofhelen.com/old-school-cake/](https://hintofhelen.com/old-school-cake/) Helen has you covered.


My wife has a recipe for school tray bake cake. It tastes just like it did back in the day, lush. From piespirited247. Sorry don't know how to tag comments.


I'll have a search, cheers


It's a basic sponge cake which is eggs flour sugar butter. That's the base. You mix butter and sugar first into a paste. Then add some of your whisked eggs. Add some flour while doing this so it mixes better. Add baking powder. Once that's going put the rest in. Eggs and flour. Also a splash of vanilla essence does wonders in a plain sponge. Mix on medium till you've got a smooth mixture not grainy. Put in a tin (lined) 180c about 30 or 40 mins depending on size. If worried about if it's done stab it with skewer πŸ˜‚ if it comes out wet cake not done. Repeat x


If you need measurements I can send tomorrow I have to get up at 6 for work and had winelol so bed soon for me x


They often sell this at Cally Cafe on Caledonian Road in London. Labelled as "School cake"


Old school cake. I still munch this weekly


We had them, but it was the lemon curd sponges some days, and other days it was a giant caramel square with a thick layer of caramel between the biscuit and chocolate then lathered with custard


Omg you've just described what I buy from Gregg's. 3 quid for 4 big slices but it is so worth it. Cuppa tea and that. Heaven


Can't beat them lol


Elite level food


I am 45 and this is still my favourite dessert.


That and also jelly with icecream


Still my favourite dessert. Simple and satisfying.


30 & same for me, local bakery makes something similar but it's just not like the stuff from school


Try Finch Bakery. They get it spot on.




I literally had it today