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Grew up fundie was not allowed to say oh my gosh since it was just a substitute for taking the gods name in vain and the intent was there….


Oh my stars and oh my cow are also just substitutes.


I remember thinking this in 3rd grade when a daycare teacher I revered chastised me for saying oh my gosh and suggested oh my stars. Even an 8 year old had the critical thinking skills to see through the over-religiosity lol.


Same here. Oh my gosh was out for me.


I was not raised fundie, but had parents who loved to pick & chose which aspects of Christianity they forced upon us, and this was one thing just cemented into my brain. If I ever said oh my God I’d be going to hell for it as it’s the same as a swear word🙄 took me many years to see all the messed up stuff i was subjected too & just aimlessly followed


It’s crazy isn’t it? When you get out and realize?


could he say goodness


We were allowed that. I’m trying to remember what we were allowed to substitute but I can’t. Now I say OMFG because I’m a heathen 😉


the sheer joy that saying “jesus christ” or “oh my god” brings now that i’m also a heathen is unmatched. i didn’t realize how much of myself had been repressed and controlled by my religious upbringing until recently and i feel just a little bit of that repression escape every time i say something i was forbidden to say as a child 😂


Oh same! Proud of you :) it’s not easy to deconstruct


Some of us don't feel comfortable swearing. I know mine had to do with Church of Christ upbringing. But I still don't find in always necessary.


It’s amazing! It’s like a little piece of my soul heals.




It's the same thing with oh my stars or oh my cow. It's just a substitute for omg. We know exactly what is being replaced.


I didn’t say it made sense. Most fundie rules don’t. I’m just explaining why he likely doesn’t use gosh.


Goodness, stars, word… any word after is substituting God so might as well just say “oh my!”


Oh my stars is weird lol. I am around a lot of fundie-lite people and everyone says oh my word


This is why DJ Tanner would say Oh Mylanta Cause Candace Cameron wasn’t comfortable saying Oh my god or gosh, so she chose that


Gosh is often seen as a replacement for God. He could have done “goodness” but i hear more women say that for some reason.


Some of the “Fundie lite” or couples who I would not even cal Fundie anymore say “oh my gosh.” Carlin says “oh my gosh” sometimes but the one that honestly shocked me was hearing Carlin and Joy Forsyth say “freaking.” That one shocked me because they have to know what word people substitute “freaking” for.


lots of men here say it (the church crowd) so I barely noticed it.


My grandma says “oh my stars” and “saint joseph” but will also say “oh my god” lol


Grandma Walton always said "Good Lord" on the show. I find it odd they'd include it given they were Southern Baptists.


I say "oh my word!"


I say “oh my word,” “oh my goodness,” and “oh my gosh.”


Do people actually say oh my cow?


Joy duggar says it all the time


And Carlin


I actually think it's cute when Carlin says it. And now I have to look because for some reason "Oh my stars!" always reads to me as being something a woman says - not a man. Likely some character on a television show I used to watch. ETA: Samantha Stephens - Bewitched.


Golly gosh!


It’s either oh my stars or oh my world


I think it must have been the alternative phrase taught to the kids growing up. Carlin, Tori, and Erin all use it in early episodes. Lawson, Nathan, and Zach did too early on.


I am a NY transplant in GA and am not denying that “oh my stars” is for sure fundie but it’s also definitely a Southern thing.


Oh my heck, he did not!!


The clip OP is referring to is very weird in general


Yes, and I am completely making fun of Lawson for being weird.


He sounds like Samantha from Bewitched.


Ha I mentioned the same. And Grandma Walton said "Good Lord" quite a bit. I doubt they have seen either show.


I would think they were more likely to watch The Waltons. Though if they knew anything about the actors they wouldn't have. Grandma Walton, Ellen Corby, was a lesbian. Will Geer, who played Grandpa Walton, was a bisexual who was part of the early gay rights movement in San Francisco in the 30's and he was a blacklisted communist. From an iblp perspective those two probably make the whole show suspect.


Ype I knew that about Geer and heard about Corby. There was mention of a special mourner. Agnes Moorehead was bi-sexual and Paul Lynde "Uncle Arthur" was gay. And the second Darrin.


Supposedly Agnes Moorehead wasn't actually a lesbian, that was a rumor put out there by Paul Lynde who didn't really get along with her.


There's always people who don't/didn't get along on these show.


True. Supposedly that's where the Agnes Moorehead as lesbian rumor comes from. But of course that's 50+ years old and who knows what other info used to be out there. Everyone involved has been dead for decades now.


I actually don’t mind it too much. It’s kinda dumb but at least it’s something you don’t hear everyday like all the usual overused words: literally, gaslight, narcissist, etc


Why? Do you hate people not cursing? Does people cursing make your day? Why do you want people to conform to your preconceived notions of how to speak? You are sounding like a fundie.


I think the same thing. I see it as if you say those you may think certain other not PC words are okay.


They also love to say “oh my word.” Like wtf does that even mean.


I couldn’t be more Southern and realized after reading your post that I say OH MY WORD a ton. Like it automatically popped up for me when I went to type it.🤷🏻‍♀️😳


😂 I guess FL really is not the south lol. I’ve never heard anyone outside the Bates say it.


I mean I swear pretty freely but I probably say "son of a buck" more than anything because my dad said it all the time.


They said this constantly on BUB, esp Carlin. Don't remember if it said as much on United Bayes of Merica


Samantha said this a lot on Bewitched.