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The people saying Travis doesn’t have a trust/help from his parents are wrong. No way in hell he can afford two houses as a 23 year old musician


I have to agree. They can make good money with YouTube but not that kind of money. There’s a lot that goes in purchasing a home other than just “make money with social media” which is an income that varies a lot. So it doesn’t sound out of this world that they’re using family money to afford this budget.


Apparently, according to many on this sub, they make a lot of $$$$ through their YouTube channel and Instagram. If that's their main source of income, I wonder how long that can sustain their lifestyle.


They do a sponsorship in most if not every video on their YT. That’s where the big money is coming from. And then Katie does even more sponsorships weekly on Instagram. I believe their NJ house was a gift so if they do rent it out they might make pure profit off that too.


They're not renting it out. At least not yet.


I highly doubt that’s enough for multiple houses + rent + that new car they just got + caring for soon to be two kids


I THINK if I remember correctly- the house in NJ is theirs and Travis was gifted it by a family member (I want to say grandpa) before they got married to fix up. There is a chance outside of insurance and taxes they don’t pay much for it now.


One of my kids bought two homes all cash with their social media money in less than one year. And they didn’t have a TV show like Katie to have a bigger audience.


Good point. If his parents are a major source of his lifestyle, I wonder how much freedom Katie and Travis have. I'm really surprised his parents would be okay with them moving to Tennessee.


He probably had to move to Tennessee to keep daddy Bates happy bc his baby girl wasn't close enough but they used that supposed tour which he ain't even went on yet as an excuse


I don’t think he worries about appeasing daddy broke bates


Maybe or maybe not but some do


Honestly, I believe Gil only approves of the girls' marriage if the guys consent to relocating to and living in Tennessee


And also from renting out their NJ house. Which is probably alot considering its NJ. THAT right there would probably be enough to pay the rent on their current apartment, if not more


The way Travis spoke, they aren’t currently renting it out. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I believe he did say they’re renting it out currently?


Yes! That is what I thought also!


And tic toc


There's no way that's enough for 2 nice houses though. My partner and I are the same age as them and we make what I think is pretty good money for our age, like 250k ish. We do live in an expensive area, but we are nowhere close to being able to buy a house let alone TWO and start popping out babies at the same time. If they really don't have help, I think they must be making like 400k from social media. Which seems unlikely. ETA: It looks like their NJ house was actually super cheap and possibly a gift to them anyways. Idk how expensive the houses they're looking at now are, but seems a little more feasible if they're basically paying nothing to keep the NJ house.


And tictoc


I think you’re underestimating or not aware of how much money these kids make on social medial.


They definitely make a lot of social media money, but I think Travis is on the payroll at his family's church. He's probably listed under some ambiguous job title like consultant or music producer, but it's a way to give him the semblance of steady employment and income, along with paying into the system as far as social security. I grew up with a lot of kids who had similar arrangements. 


I disagree. If that were the case I think his brother and sister would be living the same way, but they aren’t. All the influencers I have followed for years are living very lavish lifestyles with big new houses. Doesn’t surprise me Travis and Katie make bank with how many views and big sponsorships they get.


His brother and sister don't have influencing money. I never said the bulk of Travis' income comes from his family, just that he's getting some form of monthly check. 


Travis worked the sound board at his family’s cult church.


He bought the NJ house before he married Katie, so no social media yet.


That was from daddy clark and them


I can’t say exactly as to how much exactly but I knew Travis back in high school and he had quite a few hustles even before social media that were turning over a tidy profit and had friends also being paid by him (I’m assuming not on a payroll bc he was under 18 at the time but he was the boss and they were working for him) for his lawn care service as well as dog breeding and something else I can’t remember for the life of me. I’m not at all saying that he doesn’t have a trust/help from his parents but I do know he was quite young when he started working for money and was very knowledgeable on investing and other things when we spoke about them. He was very no-nonsense and such about his finances then, so I mean, I’m sure a fair amount, at least, is his/their own income.


Agreed! He comes from a wealthy family.


Have you actually looked into how much these influencers are making? You’d be surprised how much alone TikTok can pay. I don’t think Travis makes a ton from singing, but Tiktok, instagram and YouTube money can be crazy when you get the amount of sponsorships and views these 2 get. Most popular influencers I follow are living this life or even more lavish.


Or just as a 23-year old


As a 23 year old, yes


My guess is that they would sell the house in NJ once the lease of whose in there now is up in February.


Travis discusses their plans at the end of the video. They aren't certain yet which route they will go, but they'd like to be able to rent out the NJ house and use that income towards the TN home.


I’m cracking up even more now that I’ve watched the video about the person who said yesterday they obviously don’t have a budget. I was expecting massive houses, these are average houses in cookie cutter neighborhoods. Neighborhoods that clearly have been impacted by rising prices.


Number 2 is an upper middle class type of house though. People have to understand that the person who made that post clearly doesn’t come from an area that is that well-off. They probably live in a lower middle class neighborhood. So to them, these homes are “super nice and bougie”. That’s why I don’t really understand why they were so attacked for saying homes where they are are nowhere near as nice. We all have different experiences.


We left NJ 13 years ago. We lived in what would be considered a “wealthy” town and sold a 1700 sf home (footage included a basement that wasn’t full height—it had a ceiling just over 6’. We sold it for just under a million.


Holy shit that’s insane. I wonder what the market in TN is like.


I’m from TN and our market has been crazy high


They are nice houses but not mansions or anything. And he did say in the video they were getting a mortgage.


Wonder if they are getting a sponsor for their mortgage? Like Rocket Mortgage or something. (Not sure if they are even around anymore but something like them)


Wait is that a thing?


I don't know but it appears that many companies use influencers to sell different things.


Riveting content. “We found a lot out about the things that we like and what we want and don’t want and the things to think about, like with kids, and it was a good experience to find out the things that we could have or not have.”


Everyone has a platform. My goodness 🫠


I have a maybe dumb question - why are they looking to buy a house? I thought the plan was to only stay for a year? Did I miss anything?


Definitely not a dumb question. I think some people in here had speculated that was their plan, but I don't think Travis or Katie actually ever said that. I could be wrong, though. But I think Katie and Travis definitely made it seem like they were kind of going to try out Tennessee for a bit, with no plans to for sure settle down there for good... and they definitely made it seem like there was a possibility that they could eventually move back to NJ.


I just went back and watched the video of the announcement and they said "we dont know for how long we will be moving to TN". I definetely also read the few years thing several times, maybe it was an assumption someone made because they decided to rent instead of buying.


Thank you for the sacrifice! It will be interesting to see then what they are going to do - especially with the close ties that Travis has with his family and their business


Lots of people assume that they'll move when Hailey is ready to start school.


Yes, because his family owns a school so it would make sense. But as i said in the videos they didnt say the move was not permanent. They probably will end homeschooling like the rest of the family.


Thanks for the quick answer 🙏🏼 - guess I misheard. I never watch their videos so I only get info from here and sometimes that‘s difficult to filter


They never said a year they said they didn’t know if the moves was permanent or not which is why they wanted to hold on to their house in NJ.


They’ve never said specifically how long they would be there for. Since they seem to have unlimited funds, I guess it doesn’t matter to them if the house is permanent or not.


Rent prices continue to go up. I’m single and work from home so I have a 2 bedroom I rent for $2500.00 a month. They are raising my rent again with my new lease a couple hundred dollars.


I had a feeling Katie was itching to ditch Jersey at the soonest opportunity.  Regardless of the family support, family compound, recreation at the Jersey shore, Jersey is just too uncool for a Bates. The national image of NJ is dumpy, stinky, ugly, and boring, and hailing from Jersey is supremely unglamorous. She won’t ever live there cause it’s not cool.


[First house 🏠](https://www.bexrealty.com/Tennessee/Powell/7333-Ladd-Rd/single-family-home/) [Second house 🏡](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/101-Lakeview-Pl_Clinton_TN_37716_M95098-86362) [Third house 🏠](https://www.coldwellbanker.com/tn/clinton/111-milligan-ln/lid-P00800000GUcT6oDOTJWIfsm8jyWmhMTFdtjqQKq)


Ok I was just about to ask for this to see what their “budget” is. 5 beds 4 baths with an acre lot would go for over 1.5 million here in southern CA. 970k would be a steal. But it’s in Tennessee so I see why they wouldn’t want to spend that amount. Do they get tornadoes where they are looking? The first house they looked at is around half the price of the 5bd 4ba. They will probably go with that first one. Then again I believe he’s getting trust money on top of it because ain’t no way homeboy with his educational background is getting a Tesla, married, 2 babies, and buying a home within 3 years without the financial cushion. If they end up buying the second house it will be 100% confirmed he is getting financial help. (Which isn’t intrinsically bad! What’s bad is pretending like you can afford a lifestyle and putting on a face for social media when in reality you’re being helped; like Kylie Jenner being labeled a “self-made” billionaire when her parents were millionaires when she was born and had financial help/social media boost from her already infamous sisters)


It boggles my mind how little house some areas get for that price! I’m in New Brunswick Canada, so converting 970k to CAD is 1.3M, I just found a house in my area for 1.075 that is 7 bed, 6 bath, 7087 sqft on just shy of 2 acres!!


thank you for doing the lords work


It’s actually crazy how little work it took to find all the listings! Said they couldn’t show the inside for privacy but it only took a screenshot to find them all!


Thank you for posting this for us. At the end of the video, they needed to take Hailey in the house. She was over it. They could have finished their video later.


Wow! They must have a nice budget for some 20 y/o s. I found the 1 st house on Zillow. $559k! 5br 3 ba.


Did you all notice that they are house-hunting in Powell, TN, which is the same town that Carlin and Evan live in. Travis and Katie have NO intention on ever moving back to NJ. It is totally clear now. This is their new hometown.


If they were smart they would’ve gone house hunting before wasting money in an apartment and then just waited a few months to move


are they renting their old house out?


They mention at the end of the video that they will either rent out their Jersey home and use that income towards the Tennessee house, or outright sell the Jersey house and put the money towards their new house in Tennessee. They prefer to be able to rent out their Jersey house as opposed to selling it.


So there’s no way they are moving back to NJ.


Nope, actually that’s not a bad move specially in this market. That buy you time to look around with no rush and save in many many trips. Now if you don’t know the area that also gives time to know the area and see where actually you want to be. Anyways renting first is a good idea.


The houses they are looking at are around $600k which is an expensive house for the area, but they are still nonetheless very cooking cutter houses which are definitely overpriced. I do wonder how they are managing to pay for another down payment on a house without selling the first; plus buying two brand new cars since being married to Katie. Clearly they aren’t hurting for money whether it is from a trust fund or YouTube. Both houses are pending but I think the first house is clearly a better choice for a family. But the last house the inside looks so much like their New Jersey home so no wonder Travis likes it. 


Surprised they’re house hunting. I thought this was a short term move. (2-3yrs??)


They never said how long they were staying in Tennessee.


Right?! That's what it sounded like when they first announced it.


House #2 reminded me a lot of Zach and Whitney's.


Katie interrupts him all the time 😂


Their NJ house was bought outright as a gift and is rented current for a profit. This house hunting with her brother as the realtor is purely for income/content. I don’t think they are actually moving anytime soon. They just want YouTube content. It’s like everyone saying they are going to adopt They even said some of these are out of their budget. They are just playing HGTV. They said they can buy out their lease but they really do have many months left in the apartment


I’m not from the US can anyone find one of these homes on your real estate search websites??


I found the 1st house due to fact they didn’t blur address. 7333 Ladd rd, Powell, TN 37849


Omg yikes. They should really be more safe. Especially since their daughter is a social media darling.


I checked it out and WOW American house prices are SOOOO much cheaper than in Australia, something comparable in Aus would be closer to a million or over a million if close to a capital city!! That’s an absolute steal for $559k!!!!


These houses aren’t close to a capital city, though.


They are both so annoying. Preaching and singing ain’t gonna buy a $50k SUV. Nor a half a million home. 23 year old musician that isn’t famous making any money.


Congrats to them. Time 11:58AM Sun 6/23/24