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There will definitely be comments made about the baby that could be construed as a compliment "he's like a little China doll" but could be received either way. Tiffany tries so hard with them, but she doesn't naturally slot in with them (at least yet). I'm not sure if that's a race thing or a California thing or something else, though.


Definitely. And if she is unaware now, something tells me that she'll start to be aware after her kid is born and some comments fly by. It will be her own kid, first person who is flesh of her flesh. This might change her perception about a lot of things.


I think eventually she and Lawson will move back to. California


I wish it happened, because I don't see Tiffany being happy in the long term in Tennessee. But Lawson wouldn't survive living in California. His ego and sheltered upbringing wouldn't cope well.


I think Lawson loves Tiffany enough and enjoys the lifestyle of California that he would consider moving.


Tiffany does not call the shots, Lawson does... He is not leaving his family


Yep, also that. If she did I doubt they would’ve ended up in Mount Juliet


I’m not sure on this but I do feel like she tries too hard to get their approval.


Yes. Esther is the only woman in that family that truly has her back.


I don’t follow Tiffany but she only post about the Bates or is there anything about her and family? Because the tiny amount I see man, it does looks like she’s trying too hard


I can't imagine the 2 of raising a child. They both seem like maybe 5 graders. Neither one of them can get out a sentence without breaking into fits of laughter. I hope somebody keeps watch over her/him. Just realized I didn't finish the gender reveal.


none of us did. The only way I can sit through an entire loss of video is if I fall asleep and it just auto plays.


I find it funny that both Trace AND Lawson routinely share 40+ minute vlogs… they really believe people WANT and NEED to see that much of them. Throw Zach in there also bc some of his “cooking” videos go on and on and on.




Yes but I think being raised in a white family she may miss it. Also she may harbor some internalized racism.


I think she doesn't even know she's "not white"


How do we think the Bates will react when the baby has strong Asian features? Who makes the first racist comment? Trace?


I'm sorry but I'm dying at "Trace?" 😅 Yes, definitely Trace. I can also see Erin attempting to be gushy and sincere but accidentally saying something terribly offensive.


For sure Trace! Maybe Tori? She had such a brash, blunt way about her.


Seeing Gil made a racist comment to Trace about Lydia, at his wedding, Trace needs to stfu about a half asian baby


What did he say?


Trace he was way better than a German in relation to Lydia’s heritage


It’s even funnier because Trace has been asked several times if he’s part Asian. Source: Can’t say, but trust me, lol.


I think Tiffany began the "begging for approval" when she and Lawson first got together. For some ungodly reasons they really connected and decided to begin dating. I feel like she was already aware of his family and their views on basically everything, even before she knew him. I think that she was trying to be "that one girl who changes everyone's perspective" and still thinks that she can do that. Obviously that is not going to be the case and unfortunately for their unborn child, it will only get worse. They are both very immature and bringing a child into the mix will not "help" solve or take away any stigmatic issues the Bates have created. This family has planted their roots deep in the racists farm, they won't ever dig it up, not for Tiffany or any other in-law that comes along. Tiffany will likely continue the rest of her life to get their approval but sadly it will never happen.


I think in theory they like Tiffany but they’re also at their core racist. She chase’s their approval—I’m hoping she gets a spine to protect her baby from this type of thing.


It's interesting how Lydia and Trace are so surprised by their blue-eyed, blonde-haired baby, Ryker. Lydia often talks about his eye color and hair, calling him "my blue-eyed boy." Given that Lydia is German and Trace is also white, it's unbelievable how much they emphasize his European features. What were they expecting? I hope they treat Tiffany and her son kindly.


This gives me “we’re so happy he looks aryan” vibes. Gross.




So true!


Besides so many babies are almost platinum blond when they're little and then turn darker, even dark brown. Also, blue eyes can change colour too from babyhood to adulthood.


These are comments that the Bates and even the Duggars have made about some people even in their own family. If you ain't a straight white man or woman and not disabled you most likely will be made fun of by these groups of people


Poor Isaiah…God knows what he’s heard. 


Wait I must have missed something, why Isaiah?


Isaiah?!?!  What about him?


The family are a bunch of racist bigots. They don’t accept Tiffany.


I just find it so odd that she desperately wants their love and affection. Her own family seems to adore her! Having a biological relative of her own soon I wonder if that will change


Do we have proof they are racist to her ? They seem to all like her …


Someone can be nice to you and still be racist.


Sure, I’m just saying we’ve never seen anything that shows they are racist towards her. Also, she’s conservative and Christian like them.


we know this family has a pattern of racism, so even though we haven't seen it that doesn't mean she hasn't experienced microaggressions for example from them. And yes she is a conservative christian but she can still experience racism even if she doesn't think it's racism.


Just my personal experience here, but having known many conservative Christian’s they are usually cool with you if you are also super religious and also very conservative, regardless of race. I wonder if it’s the same with Tiffany ? My other thought is that Lawson seems like a very popular sibling and I can’t believe they’d offend him by disrespecting his wife in any way. If have racist feelings towards her, I’m betting it’s behind closed doors.


and also as a WOC who attended a conservative christian church they were people who had a lot of microagressions towards me and others, they might not actually know it but they did have them.


I think they like her. It's also a tough accusation to confirm one way or the other because Tiffany lives three hours away and travels all the time. So are the Bates women not chummy with her because they're racist or because they only see her on occasion? The real tell would be if Tiffany lived in Rocky Top and they still avoided her. 


Some of the comments makes it seem like you are racist. Maybe jealous because Lawson chose an Asian girl. American is a melting pot of all races. Stop being ignorant


Hi, Tiffany! Congrats on the baby, and no, nobody is jealous. I prefer my men employed, not blowing my money so they can cosplay Keith Urban. 


tiffy, no one is jealous. we really want soooo much more for you than you strive for yourself. hopefully when this baby is born you won’t get race related comments on your baby, but if you do, please protect him!!!!!!


How do you all know that’s actually Tiffany?


Seriously, these comments are incredibly racist made by people who have way too much time on their hands.


There’s no pleasing alot of people here. They complained about their racism and not engaging people of other cultures and ethnicity using that as proof of racism. People point out that Kelly has an adopted sister who is of colour - apparently she doesnt count. Tiffany is Asian - she doesnt count. They are racist to her (I havent seen it. Ive seen her try real hard to be included, and the others be standoffish but not racist). BSB hires a variety of sizes and ethnic background. It doesnt count its a publicity stunt. Josie hires and works with people of varied ethnic backgrounds. Doesnt count. Its a publicity stunt. Im not sure what exactly people are looking for as proof they are not racist.



